Renaud 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉEAge: 67 years990–1057
- Name
- Renaud 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE
- Given names
- Renaud 1er
- Surname
Birth | 990 31 30 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Agnès de BOURGOGNE 990 _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Gerberge de MÂCON before 991 (Age 12 months) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Albérarde de LORRAINE 993 (Age 3 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Gerberge de BOURGOGNE about 995 (Age 5 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Irmentrude de ROUCY 1003 (Age 13 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Mathilde de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE 1005 (Age 15 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Adélaïde (Alice) de NORMANDIE — View this family 1016 (Age 26 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Guillaume 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE about 1017 (Age 27 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Gerberge de BOURGOGNE before 1024 (Age 34 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Othon-Guillaume de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE 1026 (Age 36 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a wife | Adélaïde (Alice) de NORMANDIE 1037 (Age 47 years) _FNA: NO |
Occupation | comte palatin de Bourgogne |
_UST | Adélaïde (Alice) de NORMANDIE — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1057 (Age 67 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Othon-Guillaume de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE Birth: 959 27 15 Death: 1026 |
mother |
Irmentrude de ROUCY Birth: 960 34 30 Death: 1003 |
Marriage: 975 — |
2 years elder sister |
Mathilde de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE Birth: 976 17 16 Death: 1005 |
15 years himself |
Renaud 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE Birth: 990 31 30 Death: 1057 |
1 year twin sister |
Agnès de BOURGOGNE Birth: 990 31 30 Death: November 16, 1068 |
6 years younger sister |
Gerberge de BOURGOGNE Birth: about 995 36 35 Death: before 1024 |
Family with Adélaïde (Alice) de NORMANDIE |
himself |
Renaud 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE Birth: 990 31 30 Death: 1057 |
wife |
Adélaïde (Alice) de NORMANDIE Death: 1037 |
Marriage: 1016 — |
2 years son |
Guillaume 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE Birth: about 1017 27 Death: November 18, 1087 |
- Generation 1
Renaud 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE , comte palatin de Bourgogne, son ofOthon-Guillaume de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andIrmentrude de ROUCY , was born in 990 and died in 1057 at the age of 67. He marriedAdélaïde (Alice) de NORMANDIE , daughter ofRichard Ii de NORMANDIE andJudith de RENNES , in 1016. She died in 1037.Children of
Renaud 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andAdélaïde (Alice) de NORMANDIE :Guillaume 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1017–1087)
- Generation 2back to top
Guillaume 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE , comte palatin de Bourgogne, comte de Vienne et de Mâcon, son ofRenaud 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andAdélaïde (Alice) de NORMANDIE , was born about 1017 and died on November 18, 1087.Children of
Guillaume 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andEtiennette (Stéphanie) de LONGWY :Eudes de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (–1087)Renaud Ii de BOURGOGNE-IVREE (–1097)Guillaume de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (–1090)Etienne 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (–1102)Hugues de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (–1103)Gui de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1060–1124)Sibylle de BOURGOGNE (1065–1103)Raymond de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1070–1107)Gisèle de BOURGOGNE (1075–1133)Clémence de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1071–1134)Etiennette de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE Berthe de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (–1095)Ermentrude de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1058–1106)
- Generation 3back to top
Etienne 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE , comte de Macon, son ofGuillaume 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andEtiennette (Stéphanie) de LONGWY . He died on June 3, 1102.Children of
Etienne 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andBéatrice de LORRAINE :Marguerite (Clémence) de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (–1164)Elisabeth de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (–1125)Renaud Iii de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (–1148)Guillaume Iv de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1110–1155)
Sibylle de BOURGOGNE , daughter ofGuillaume 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andEtiennette (Stéphanie) de LONGWY , was born about 1065 and died about 1103. She marriedEudes 1er de BOURGOGNE , son ofHenri de BOURGOGNE andSybille de BARCELONE , in 1080. He was born about 1058 and died in 1102.Children of
Sibylle de BOURGOGNE andEudes 1er de BOURGOGNE :Hélie de BOURGOGNE (1080–1141)Fleurine de BOURGOGNE (1083–1097)Hugues Ii de BOURGOGNE (1085–1143)Henri de BOURGOGNE (1087–1125)
Raymond de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE , son ofGuillaume 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andEtiennette (Stéphanie) de LONGWY , was born in 1070 and died on May 31, 1107 at the age of 37. He marriedUrraca 1ère JIMENA , daughter ofAlphonse Vi JIMENA andConstance de BOURGOGNE , in 1087. She was born in 1081 and died on March 15, 1126 at the age of 45.Children of
Raymond de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andUrraca 1ère JIMENA :Sancha de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1102–1159)Alphonse Vii de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1105–1157)
Gisèle de BOURGOGNE , daughter ofGuillaume 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andEtiennette (Stéphanie) de LONGWY , was born in 1075 and died in 1133 at the age of 58. She marriedHumbert Ii Le Renforcé de SAVOIE , son ofAmédée Ii de SAVOIE andJeanne de GENÈVE , in 1090. He was born in 1070 and died on September 25, 1103 at the age of 33. . She had a relationship withRainier Ii de MONTFERRAT Children of
Gisèle de BOURGOGNE andHumbert Ii Le Renforcé de SAVOIE :Amédée Iii de SAVOIE (1092–1149)Adélaide de SAVOIE (1100–1154)Agnès de SAVOIE (1103–1140)Guillaume de SAVOIE (–1114)Humbert de SAVOIE (–1114)Renaud de SAVOIE (–1150)
Children of
Gisèle de BOURGOGNE andRainier Ii de MONTFERRAT :Jeanne de MONTFERRAT (1107–1127)Guillaume V de MONTFERRAT (1110–1191)
Clémence de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE , daughter ofGuillaume 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andEtiennette (Stéphanie) de LONGWY , was born about 1071 and died after 1134. She marriedRobert Ii de FLANDRE , son ofRobert de FLANDRE andGertrude de SAXE , about 1090. He was born in 1065 and died in 1111 at the age of 46.Children of
Clémence de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andRobert Ii de FLANDRE :Baudouin Vii de FLANDRE (1093–1119)
Berthe de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE , daughter ofGuillaume 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andEtiennette (Stéphanie) de LONGWY . She died in 1095. She marriedAlphonse Vi JIMENA , son ofFerdinand 1er JIMENA andSancha de CANTABRIE , in 1093. He was born in 1039 and died on July 7, 1109 at the age of 70.Ermentrude de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE , daughter ofGuillaume 1er de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andEtiennette (Stéphanie) de LONGWY , was born in 1058 and died in 1106 at the age of 48. She marriedThierry de BAR , son ofLouis 1er de MOUSSON andSophie de LORRAINE , in 1076. He was born in 1046 and died in 1105 at the age of 59.Children of
Ermentrude de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andThierry de BAR :Renaud Le Borgne de BAR (1090–1149)