John HOWARDAge: 55 years14301485

Given names
Birth 1430 45

Death of a fatherRobert HOWARD
1436 (Age 6 years)

Death of a motherMarguerite MOWBRAY
1437 (Age 7 years)

Birth of a son
1443 (Age 13 years)

Death of a wifeCatherine MOLEYNS
November 12, 1465 (Age 35 years)

Marriage of a childThomas HOWARDElisabeth TILNEYView this family
1472 (Age 42 years)

1er duc de Norfolk


_USTCatherine MOLEYNSView this family

Death July 31, 1485 (Age 55 years)

  1. Generation 1
    1. John HOWARD, 1er duc de Norfolk, son of Robert HOWARD and Marguerite MOWBRAY, was born in 1430 and died on July 31, 1485 at the age of 55.

      Children of John HOWARD and Catherine MOLEYNS:

      1. Thomas HOWARD (14431524)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Thomas HOWARD, 2ème duc de Norfolk, son of John HOWARD and Catherine MOLEYNS, was born in 1443 and died in 1524 at the age of 81. He married Elisabeth TILNEY in 1472. She died on April 13, 1497.

      Children of Thomas HOWARD and Elisabeth TILNEY:

      1. Thomas HOWARD (14731524)
      2. Muriel HOWARD (14781515)
      3. Edmond HOWARD (14781539)
      4. Elisabeth HOWARD (14841538)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Thomas HOWARD, son of Thomas HOWARD and Elisabeth TILNEY, was born in 1473 and died in 1524 at the age of 51. He married 2 times. The first time he married Anne PLANTAGENÊT, daughter of Edouard Iv PLANTAGENÊT and Elisabeth WOODVILLE, in 1494. She was born on November 11, 1475 and died in 1510 at the age of 34. The second time he married Elisabeth STAFFORD, daughter of Edouard STAFFORD and Eléonore PERCY, in 1512. She died in 1558.

      Children of Thomas HOWARD and Elisabeth STAFFORD:

      1. Henri HOWARD (15171547)
    2. Muriel HOWARD, daughter of Thomas HOWARD and Elisabeth TILNEY, was born in 1478 and died in 1515 at the age of 37.

      Children of Muriel HOWARD and John GREY:

      1. Elisabeth GREY (15051519)

      Children of Muriel HOWARD and Thomas KNYVETT:

      1. Henri KNYVETT (1574)
    3. Edmond HOWARD, son of Thomas HOWARD and Elisabeth TILNEY, was born in 1478 and died on March 29, 1539 at the age of 61.

      Children of Edmond HOWARD and Joyce CULPEPPER:

      1. Catherine HOWARD (15211542)
    4. Elisabeth HOWARD, daughter of Thomas HOWARD and Elisabeth TILNEY, was born in 1484 and died in 1538 at the age of 54. She married Thomas de BOLEYN, son of William de BOLEYN and Marguerite BUTLER, in 1500. He was born in 1477 and died in 1539 at the age of 62.

      Children of Elisabeth HOWARD and Thomas de BOLEYN:

      1. Mary de BOLEYN (15051543)
      2. Anne de BOLEYN (15071536)
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