Richard FITZALLAN D'ARUNDELAge: 51 years13461397

Given names
Birth 1346 28

Birth of a sisterAlix FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL
1352 (Age 6 years)

MarriageElisabeth de BOHUNView this family
1359 (Age 13 years)

Birth of a daughter
1366 (Age 20 years)

Death of a fatherRichard Iii FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL
1375 (Age 29 years)

Death of a motherEléonore PLANTAGENÊT
1375 (Age 29 years)

Death of a wifeElisabeth de BOHUN
1385 (Age 39 years)

10ème comte d'Arundel


_USTElisabeth de BOHUNView this family

Death September 29, 1397 (Age 51 years)

Family with parents - View this family
7 years
younger sister
Mother’s family with John de BEAUMONT - View this family
Marriage: 1337
Family with Elisabeth de BOHUN - View this family
Marriage: 1359

  1. Generation 1
    1. Richard FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL, 10ème comte d'Arundel, son of Richard Iii FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL and Eléonore PLANTAGENÊT, was born in 1346 and died on September 29, 1397 at the age of 51. He married Elisabeth de BOHUN, daughter of William de BOHUN and Elisabeth de BADLESMERE, in 1359. She was born in 1350 and died in 1385 at the age of 35.

      Children of Richard FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL and Elisabeth de BOHUN:

      1. Thomas FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL (1415)
      2. Elisabeth FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL (13661425)
      3. Joan FITZALAN
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Thomas FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL, son of Richard FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL and Elisabeth de BOHUN. He died in 1415. He married Béatrice de PORTUGAL, daughter of Jean 1er de PORTUGAL, in 1411. She was born in 1386 and died in 1447 at the age of 61.

    2. Elisabeth FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL, daughter of Richard FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL and Elisabeth de BOHUN, was born in 1366 and died in 1425 at the age of 59.. She had a relationship with Thomas MOWBRAY, son of John MOWBRAY and Elisabeth SEGRAVE She married Robert GOUSHILL in 1401.

      Children of Elisabeth FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL and Thomas MOWBRAY:

      1. Thomas MOWBRAY
      2. John MOWBRAY (1432)
      3. Isabelle MOWBRAY (13961452)
      4. Marguerite MOWBRAY (1437)

      Children of Elisabeth FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL and Robert GOUSHILL:

      1. Elisabeth GOUSHILL
      2. Jeanne GOUSHILL
    3. Joan FITZALAN, daughter of Richard FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL and Elisabeth de BOHUN.

      Children of Joan FITZALAN and William de BEAUCHAMP:

      1. Richard de BEAUCHAMP (13971422)
      2. Elisabeth de BEAUCHAMP (1430)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Thomas MOWBRAY, 2ème duc de Norfolk, son of Thomas MOWBRAY and Elisabeth FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL. He married Constance HOLLAND, daughter of Jean HOLLAND and Elisabeth PLANTAGENÊT, on March 10, 1402. She was born in 1387 and died in 1437 at the age of 50.

    2. John MOWBRAY, 3ème duc de Norfolk, son of Thomas MOWBRAY and Elisabeth FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL. He died on October 28, 1432.

      Children of John MOWBRAY and Catherine NEVILLE:

      1. John MOWBRAY (1461)
    3. Isabelle MOWBRAY, daughter of Thomas MOWBRAY and Elisabeth FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL, was born in 1396 and died in 1452 at the age of 56.. She had a relationship with Henry FERRERS She married James Le Juste de BERKELEY in 1423. He was born in 1394 and died in November 1463 at the age of 69.

      Children of Isabelle MOWBRAY and Henry FERRERS:

      1. Elisabeth FERRERS (14191483)
    4. Marguerite MOWBRAY, daughter of Thomas MOWBRAY and Elisabeth FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL. She died in 1437.

      Children of Marguerite MOWBRAY and Robert HOWARD:

      1. John HOWARD (14301485)
    5. Elisabeth GOUSHILL, daughter of Robert GOUSHILL and Elisabeth FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL.

      Children of Elisabeth GOUSHILL and Robert WINGFIELD:

      1. Elisabeth WINGFIELD (1497)
    6. Jeanne GOUSHILL, daughter of Robert GOUSHILL and Elisabeth FITZALLAN D'ARUNDEL.

      Children of Jeanne GOUSHILL and Thomas STANLEY:

      1. William STANLEY (1436)
    7. Richard de BEAUCHAMP, comte de Worcester, son of William de BEAUCHAMP and Joan FITZALAN, was born in 1397 and died in 1422 at the age of 25.

      Children of Richard de BEAUCHAMP and Isabelle LE DESPENCER:

      1. Elisabeth de BEAUCHAMP
    8. Elisabeth de BEAUCHAMP, daughter of William de BEAUCHAMP and Joan FITZALAN. She died in 1430. She married James BUTLER in 1413. He was born in 1392 and died in 1452 at the age of 60.

      Children of Elisabeth de BEAUCHAMP and James BUTLER:

      1. Thomas BUTLER (1515)
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