Constance de HAUTEVILLEAge: 44 years11541198

Constance de HAUTEVILLE
Given names
Birth 1154 59 19

Death of a fatherRoger Ii de HAUTEVILLE

Death of a half-brotherGuillaume 1er Le Mauvais de HAUTEVILLE
1166 (Age 12 years)

Death of a motherBéatrix de VITRY
1185 (Age 31 years)

Birth of a son
1194 (Age 40 years)

Death of a husbandHenri Vi de HOHENSTAUFEN
1197 (Age 43 years)

reine de Sicile


_USTHenri Vi de HOHENSTAUFENView this family

Death 1198 (Age 44 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1151
4 years
Father’s family with Sibylle de BOURGOGNE - View this family
Marriage: 1149
Father’s family with Elvire de CASTILLE - View this family
6 years
Family with Henri Vi de HOHENSTAUFEN - View this family

  1. Generation 1
    1. Constance de HAUTEVILLE, reine de Sicile, daughter of Roger Ii de HAUTEVILLE and Béatrix de VITRY, was born in 1154 and died in 1198 at the age of 44.

      Children of Constance de HAUTEVILLE and Henri Vi de HOHENSTAUFEN:

      1. Frédéric Ii de HOHENSTAUFEN (11941250)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Frédéric Ii de HOHENSTAUFEN, empereur, son of Henri Vi de HOHENSTAUFEN and Constance de HAUTEVILLE, was born in 1194 and died in 1250 at the age of 56. He married 3 times. The first time he married Constance de BARCELONE, daughter of Alphonse Ii de BARCELONE and Sancha de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE, in 1209. She was born in 1179 and died on June 30, 1222 at the age of 43. The second time he married Isabelle (Elisabeth) PLANTAGENÊT, daughter of Jean 1er Sans Terre PLANTAGENÊT and Isabelle d'ANGOULÊME, in 1235. She was born in 1214 and died on December 8, 1241 at the age of 27. The third time he married Isabelle Ii (Yolande) de BRIENNE, daughter of Jean Ier de BRIENNE and Marie de MONTFERRAT, in 1225. She was born in 1211 and died in 1228 at the age of 17.

      Children of Frédéric Ii de HOHENSTAUFEN:

      1. Manfred de HOHENSTAUFEN (12311266)

      Children of Frédéric Ii de HOHENSTAUFEN and Constance de BARCELONE:

      1. Henri Vii de HOHENSTAUFEN (12111242)

      Children of Frédéric Ii de HOHENSTAUFEN and Isabelle (Elisabeth) PLANTAGENÊT:

      1. Marguerite de HOHENSTAUFEN (12371270)

      Children of Frédéric Ii de HOHENSTAUFEN and Isabelle Ii (Yolande) de BRIENNE:

      1. Conrad Iv de HOHENSTAUFEN (12281254)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Manfred de HOHENSTAUFEN, bâtard, roi de Sicile, son of Frédéric Ii de HOHENSTAUFEN, was born in 1231 and died in 1266 at the age of 35. He married Béatrice de SAVOIE, daughter of Amédée Iv de SAVOIE and Anne (Marguerite) de BOURGOGNE, in 1248. She died about May 17, 1259.

      Children of Manfred de HOHENSTAUFEN and Béatrice de SAVOIE:

      1. Constance de HOHENSTAUFEN (1302)
    2. Henri Vii de HOHENSTAUFEN, son of Frédéric Ii de HOHENSTAUFEN and Constance de BARCELONE, was born in 1211 and died in 1242 at the age of 31. He married Marguerite de BABENBERG, daughter of Léopold Vi de BABENBERG and Théodora ANGELOS, in 1225. She died in 1267.

      Children of Henri Vii de HOHENSTAUFEN and Marguerite de BABENBERG:

      1. Henri de HOHENSTAUFEN (1245)
      2. Frédéric de HOHENSTAUFEN (1251)
    3. Marguerite de HOHENSTAUFEN, daughter of Frédéric Ii de HOHENSTAUFEN and Isabelle (Elisabeth) PLANTAGENÊT, was born in 1237 and died in 1270 at the age of 33. She married Albert de SAXE, son of Henri de SAXE and Constance de BABENBERG, in 1254. He was born in 1240 and died on November 21, 1314 at the age of 74.

      Children of Marguerite de HOHENSTAUFEN and Albert de SAXE:

      1. Henri de SAXE (12561282)
      2. Frédéric 1er de SAXE (12571323)
      3. Didier de SAXE (12601307)
      4. Marguerite de SAXE
      5. Agnès de SAXE (1332)
    4. Conrad Iv de HOHENSTAUFEN, son of Frédéric Ii de HOHENSTAUFEN and Isabelle Ii (Yolande) de BRIENNE, was born in 1228 and died in 1254 at the age of 26. He married Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Othon Ii de WITTELSBACH and Agnès de HANOVRE, in 1246. She was born in 1227 and died on October 16, 1273 at the age of 46.

      Children of Conrad Iv de HOHENSTAUFEN and Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Conrad V (Conradin) de HOHENSTAUFEN (12521268)
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