Jean Iii von SPONHEIM1398

Jean Iii von SPONHEIM
Given names
Jean Iii
MarriageMathilde de WITTELSBACHView this family

Death of a wifeMathilde de WITTELSBACH
January 2, 1358


_USTMathilde de WITTELSBACHView this family

Death 1398

  1. Generation 1
    1. Jean Iii von SPONHEIM. He died in 1398. He married Mathilde de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Rodolphe 1er de WITTELSBACH and Mathilde de NASSAU, in 1330. She was born in 1312 and died on January 2, 1358 at the age of 46.

      Children of Jean Iii von SPONHEIM and Mathilde de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Mathilde von SPONHEIM (1410)
      2. Lorette von SPONHEIM
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Mathilde von SPONHEIM, daughter of Jean Iii von SPONHEIM and Mathilde de WITTELSBACH. She died on November 10, 1410.

      Children of Mathilde von SPONHEIM and Rodolphe Vi de BADE:

      1. Bernard 1er de BADE (1431)
      2. Rodolphe Vii de BADE (1391)
      3. Catherine de BADE
      4. Mathilde de BADE (1425)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Bernard 1er de BADE, son of Rodolphe Vi de BADE and Mathilde von SPONHEIM. He died on May 14, 1431. He married 2 times. The first time he married Marguerite von HOHENBERG in August 1384. She died on March 7, 1419. The second time he married Anne von OETTINGEN, daughter of Louis Xi von OETTINGEN and Béatrice von HELFENSTEIN, in 1398. She died on November 18, 1436.

      Children of Bernard 1er de BADE and Anne von OETTINGEN:

      1. Anne de BADE (13991421)
      2. Béatrice de BADE (14001431)
      3. Mathilde de BADE (14011402)
      4. Marguerite de BADE (14041442)
      5. Jacques 1er de BADE (14071453)
      6. Agnès de BADE (14081434)
      7. Ursule de BADE (14091429)
      8. Bernard Ii de BADE (14121424)
      9. Brigitte de BADE (14161441)
      10. Rodolphe de BADE (14171424)
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