Raimond Ii de POITIERSAge: 30 years1169–1199
- Name
- Raimond Ii de POITIERS
- Given names
- Raimond Ii
- Surname
Birth | 1169 _FNA: NO |
Marriage of parents | Bohémond Iii de POITIERS — Orgueilleuse d'HARENC — View this family 1169 _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Alix d'ARMÉNIE — View this family 1195 (Age 26 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Raymond Rupen de POITIERS 1198 (Age 29 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Alix d'ARMÉNIE — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1199 (Age 30 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Bohémond Iii de POITIERS Death: 1201 |
mother | |
Marriage: 1169 — |
Divorce: 1175 — |
1 year himself |
Raimond Ii de POITIERS Birth: 1169 Death: 1199 |
brother |
Bohémond Iv Le Borgne de POITIERS Death: 1233 |
Father’s family with Théodora COMNENE |
father |
Bohémond Iii de POITIERS Death: 1201 |
step-mother | |
Marriage: — |
Divorce: — |
Family with Alix d'ARMÉNIE |
himself |
Raimond Ii de POITIERS Birth: 1169 Death: 1199 |
wife | |
Marriage: 1195 — |
4 years son |
Raymond Rupen de POITIERS Birth: 1198 29 Death: 1222 |
- Generation 1
Raimond Ii de POITIERS , son ofBohémond Iii de POITIERS andOrgueilleuse d'HARENC , was born in 1169 and died in 1199 at the age of 30. He marriedAlix d'ARMÉNIE , daughter ofRoupen Iii d'ARMÉNIE andIsabelle de TORON , in 1195.Children of
Raimond Ii de POITIERS andAlix d'ARMÉNIE :Raymond Rupen de POITIERS (1198–1222)
- Generation 2back to top
Raymond Rupen de POITIERS , prince d'Antioche, son ofRaimond Ii de POITIERS andAlix d'ARMÉNIE , was born in 1198 and died in 1222 at the age of 24. He marriedHelvis de LUSIGNAN , daughter ofAmaury Ii de LUSIGNAN andEchive IBELIN , in 1210. She died in 1216.Children of
Raymond Rupen de POITIERS andHelvis de LUSIGNAN :Marie de POITIERS (1215–)Echive de POITIERS (–1262)
- Generation 3back to top
Marie de POITIERS , daughter ofRaymond Rupen de POITIERS andHelvis de LUSIGNAN , was born in 1215. She marriedPhilippe 1er de MONTFORT , son ofGuy de MONTFORT andHelvis IBELIN , in 1240. He was born in 1204 and died in 1265 at the age of 61.Children of
Marie de POITIERS andPhilippe 1er de MONTFORT :Echive de POITIERS , daughter ofRaymond Rupen de POITIERS andHelvis de LUSIGNAN . She died in 1262.Children of
Echive de POITIERS andHethum de LAMPRON :Kyranna de LAMPRON (–1285)Alice de LAMPRON (–1312)