Roger Bernard Iii de FOIXAge: 59 years12431302

Roger Bernard Iii de FOIX
Given names
Roger Bernard Iii
Birth 1243 33

Birth of a sisterEsclarmonde de FOIX
1250 (Age 7 years)

MarriageMarguerite de BÉARNView this family
1252 (Age 9 years)

Birth of a daughter
Brunissende de FOIX
1270 (Age 27 years)

Birth of a son
Gaston Ier de FOIX
1280 (Age 37 years)

Death of a motherBrunissende de CARDONA
1289 (Age 46 years)

Marriage of a childJean de LÉVISConstance de FOIXView this family
1296 (Age 53 years)

Death of a sisterEsclarmonde de FOIX
1300 (Age 57 years)

Marriage of a childGaston Ier de FOIXJeanne d'ARTOISView this family
October 31, 1301 (Age 58 years)


_USTMarguerite de BÉARNView this family

Death 1302 (Age 59 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1231
13 years
8 years
younger sister
Family with Marguerite de BÉARN - View this family
Marriage: 1252
19 years
11 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Roger Bernard Iii de FOIX, son of Roger Iv de FOIX and Brunissende de CARDONA, was born in 1243 and died in 1302 at the age of 59. He married Marguerite de BÉARN, daughter of Gaston Vii de BÉARN and Mathe de BIGORRE, in 1252. She was born in 1245 and died in 1319 at the age of 74.

      Children of Roger Bernard Iii de FOIX and Marguerite de BÉARN:

      1. Brunissende de FOIX (12701316)
      2. Gaston Ier de FOIX (12801315)
      3. Constance de FOIX
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Brunissende de FOIX, daughter of Roger Bernard Iii de FOIX and Marguerite de BÉARN, was born in 1270 and died in 1316 at the age of 46.

      Children of Brunissende de FOIX and Hélie Ix de PÉRIGORD:

      1. Aremburge de PÉRIGORD (1310)
      2. Roger Bernard 1er de PÉRIGORD (1369)
    2. Gaston Ier de FOIX, son of Roger Bernard Iii de FOIX and Marguerite de BÉARN, was born in 1280 and died in 1315 at the age of 35. He married Jeanne d'ARTOIS, daughter of Philippe Ier d'ARTOIS and Blanche de BRETAGNE, on October 31, 1301. She died in 1348.

      Children of Gaston Ier de FOIX and Jeanne d'ARTOIS:

      1. Gaston Ii de FOIX (1343)
      2. Roger Bernard Ier de FOIX
      3. Jeanne de FOIX
      4. Blanche de FOIX (1363)
    3. Constance de FOIX, daughter of Roger Bernard Iii de FOIX and Marguerite de BÉARN. She married Jean de LÉVIS in 1296. He died in 1319.

      Children of Constance de FOIX and Jean de LÉVIS:

      1. Isabelle de LÉVIS
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Aremburge de PÉRIGORD, daughter of Hélie Ix de PÉRIGORD and Brunissende de FOIX, was born in 1310. She married Pierre de GRAILLY, son of Pierre de GRAILLY and Talèze de BEAUVILLE, in 1328. He was born in 1285 and died in 1356 at the age of 71.

      Children of Aremburge de PÉRIGORD and Pierre de GRAILLY:

      1. Archambaut de GRAILLY (13301413)
    2. Roger Bernard 1er de PÉRIGORD, son of Hélie Ix de PÉRIGORD and Brunissende de FOIX. He died in 1369.

      Children of Roger Bernard 1er de PÉRIGORD and Eleonore de VENDÔME:

      1. Jeanne de PÉRIGORD
      2. Archambault Iv de PÉRIGORD (1398)
    3. Gaston Ii de FOIX, son of Gaston Ier de FOIX and Jeanne d'ARTOIS. He died in 1343.

      Children of Gaston Ii de FOIX and Eléonore de COMMINGES:

      1. Gaston Iii Phoebus de FOIX (13311391)
    4. Roger Bernard Ier de FOIX, de Foix Castelbon, son of Gaston Ier de FOIX and Jeanne d'ARTOIS.

      Children of Roger Bernard Ier de FOIX and Constance de LUNA:

      1. Roger Bernard Ii de FOIX (1381)
      2. Marguerite de FOIX
    5. Jeanne de FOIX, daughter of Gaston Ier de FOIX and Jeanne d'ARTOIS.

      Children of Jeanne de FOIX and Pierre de BARCELONE:

      1. Eléonore de BARCELONE (1417)
    6. Blanche de FOIX, daughter of Gaston Ier de FOIX and Jeanne d'ARTOIS. She died in 1363. She married Jean de GRAILLY, son of Pierre de GRAILLY and Assalide de BORDEAUX, in 1328. He died in 1343.

      Children of Blanche de FOIX and Jean de GRAILLY:

      1. Jean Iii de GRAILLY (13301376)
    7. Isabelle de LÉVIS, daughter of Jean de LÉVIS and Constance de FOIX. She married Bertrand Iii de LA TOUR, son of Bernard Iii de LA TOUR and Béatrix de RODEZ, in 1320. He was born in 1303 and died in 1368 at the age of 65.

      Children of Isabelle de LÉVIS and Bertrand Iii de LA TOUR:

      1. Guy de LA TOUR (1375)
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