Michel Ix PALÉOLOGUEAge: 43 years1277–1320
- Name
- Given names
- Michel Ix
- Surname
Birth | 1277 18 17 _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Anne de HONGRIE 1282 (Age 5 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a parent | Andronic Ii PALÉOLOGUE — Yolande de MONTFERRAT — View this family 1284 (Age 7 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Elisabeth de KUMAN 1290 (Age 13 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Rita d'ARMÉNIE — View this family 1295 (Age 18 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Andronic Iii PALÉOLOGUE 1296 (Age 19 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Rita d'ARMÉNIE — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1320 (Age 43 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Andronic Ii PALÉOLOGUE Birth: 1259 Death: 1332 |
mother |
Anne de HONGRIE Birth: 1260 20 Death: 1282 |
Marriage: 1273 — |
5 years himself |
Michel Ix PALÉOLOGUE Birth: 1277 18 17 Death: 1320 |
brother |
Constantin PALÉOLOGUE Death: 1329 |
Father’s family with Yolande de MONTFERRAT |
father |
Andronic Ii PALÉOLOGUE Birth: 1259 Death: 1332 |
step-mother |
Yolande de MONTFERRAT Birth: 1274 31 19 Death: 1317 |
Marriage: 1284 — |
half-brother |
Théodore 1er de MONTFERRAT Death: 1338 |
half-brother |
Demetrios PALÉOLOGUE Death: 1343 |
Family with Rita d'ARMÉNIE |
himself |
Michel Ix PALÉOLOGUE Birth: 1277 18 17 Death: 1320 |
wife |
Rita d'ARMÉNIE Birth: 1278 42 Death: 1333 |
Marriage: 1295 — |
2 years son |
Andronic Iii PALÉOLOGUE Birth: 1296 19 18 Death: June 23, 1341 |
daughter |
Anne PALÉOLOGUE Death: 1321 |
daughter |
- Generation 1
Michel Ix PALÉOLOGUE , son ofAndronic Ii PALÉOLOGUE andAnne de HONGRIE , was born in 1277 and died in 1320 at the age of 43. He marriedRita d'ARMÉNIE , daughter ofLéon Ii HÉTOUMIDE andKyranna de LAMPRON , in 1295. She was born in 1278 and died in 1333 at the age of 55.Children of
Michel Ix PALÉOLOGUE andRita d'ARMÉNIE :Andronic Iii PALÉOLOGUE (1296–1341)Anne PALÉOLOGUE (–1321)Théodora PALÉOLOGUE
- Generation 2back to top
Andronic Iii PALÉOLOGUE , empereur de Constantinople, son ofMichel Ix PALÉOLOGUE andRita d'ARMÉNIE , was born in 1296 and died on June 23, 1341 at the age of 45. He marriedJeanne de SAVOIE , daughter ofAmédée V de SAVOIE andMarie de BRABANT , in 1326. She was born in 1310 and died in 1345 at the age of 35.Children of
Andronic Iii PALÉOLOGUE andJeanne de SAVOIE :Jean V PALÉOLOGUE (1332–1391)Marie PALÉOLOGUE (–1384)
- Generation 3back to top
Jean V PALÉOLOGUE , empereur, son ofAndronic Iii PALÉOLOGUE andJeanne de SAVOIE , was born on June 26, 1332 and died on February 23, 1391 at the age of 58.Children of
Jean V PALÉOLOGUE andHélène CANTACUZÈNE :Andronic Iv PALÉOLOGUE (1348–1385)Manuel Ii PALÉOLOGUE (1350–1425)Théodore PALÉOLOGUE (1351–1407)
Marie PALÉOLOGUE , daughter ofAndronic Iii PALÉOLOGUE andJeanne de SAVOIE . She died in 1384. She marriedFrançois 1er GATTILUSIO in 1355. He died in 1384.Children of
Marie PALÉOLOGUE andFrançois 1er GATTILUSIO :François Ii GATTILUSIO (–1404)