Anne de POITIERS-VALENTINOISAge: 62 years12891351

Given names
Birth 1289

Birth of a son
Béraud 1er d'AUVERGNE
1315 (Age 26 years)

Marriage of a childBéraud 1er d'AUVERGNEMarie de LA VIE de VILLEMURView this family
1333 (Age 44 years)

Death of a husbandJean Ier d'AUVERGNE
1351 (on the date of death)


_USTJean Ier d'AUVERGNEView this family

Death 1351 (Age 62 years)

  1. Generation 1
    1. Anne de POITIERS-VALENTINOIS was born in 1289 and died in 1351 at the age of 62.

      Children of Anne de POITIERS-VALENTINOIS and Jean Ier d'AUVERGNE:

      1. Béraud 1er d'AUVERGNE (13151356)
      2. Marguerite d'AUVERGNE
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Béraud 1er d'AUVERGNE, 7ème dauphin, comte de Clermont, son of Jean Ier d'AUVERGNE and Anne de POITIERS-VALENTINOIS, was born in 1315 and died in 1356 at the age of 41. He married Marie de LA VIE de VILLEMUR in 1333. She was born in 1315 and died in 1338 at the age of 23.

      Children of Béraud 1er d'AUVERGNE and Marie de LA VIE de VILLEMUR:

      1. Béraud Ii d'AUVERGNE (1400)
    2. Marguerite d'AUVERGNE, daughter of Jean Ier d'AUVERGNE and Anne de POITIERS-VALENTINOIS.

  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Béraud Ii d'AUVERGNE, 8ème dauphin, comte de Mercoeur et de Clermont, son of Béraud 1er d'AUVERGNE and Marie de LA VIE de VILLEMUR. He died in 1400.

      Children of Béraud Ii d'AUVERGNE and Jeanne de FOREZ:

      1. Anne d'AUVERGNE (13581417)

      Children of Béraud Ii d'AUVERGNE and Marguerite de SANCERRE:

      1. Béraud Iii d'AUVERGNE (13501426)
      2. Marie d'AUVERGNE
      3. Marguerite d'AUVERGNE
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