Eléonore de MONTFORTAge: 83 years1255–1338
- Name
- Eléonore de MONTFORT
- Given names
- Eléonore
- Surname
Birth | 1255 30 _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Philippe 1er de MONTFORT 1265 (Age 10 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Yolande de VENDOME 1270 (Age 15 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Philippe Ii de MONTFORT 1270 (Age 15 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Jeanne de VENDÔME 1275 (Age 20 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Robert Ii de DREUX — Yolande de VENDOME — View this family 1286 (Age 31 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Laure de MONTFORT 1300 (Age 45 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a daughter | Yolande de VENDOME 1304 (Age 49 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a husband | Jean V de VENDÔME 1315 (Age 60 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a daughter | Jeanne de VENDÔME 1317 (Age 62 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Bouchard Vi de VENDÔME — Alice de BRETAGNE — View this family 1320 (Age 65 years) _FNA: NO |
Occupation | 4ème dame de Castres et de La Ferté-Alais |
_UST | Jean V de VENDÔME — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1338 (Age 83 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Philippe Ii de MONTFORT Birth: 1225 21 17 Death: 1270 |
mother | |
elder sister |
Jeanne de MONTFORT Birth: 1250 25 Death: 1341 |
6 years herself |
Eléonore de MONTFORT Birth: 1255 30 Death: 1338 |
sister |
Laure de MONTFORT Death: 1300 |
Family with Jean V de VENDÔME |
husband |
Jean V de VENDÔME Birth: 1250 22 Death: 1315 |
herself |
Eléonore de MONTFORT Birth: 1255 30 Death: 1338 |
daughter |
Yolande de VENDOME Birth: 1270 20 15 Death: 1304 |
6 years daughter |
Jeanne de VENDÔME Birth: 1275 25 20 Death: 1317 |
son |
Bouchard Vi de VENDÔME Death: 1354 |
- Generation 1
Eléonore de MONTFORT , 4ème dame de Castres et de La Ferté-Alais, daughter ofPhilippe Ii de MONTFORT andJeanne de LÉVIS-MIREPOIX , was born in 1255 and died in 1338 at the age of 83.Children of
Eléonore de MONTFORT andJean V de VENDÔME :Yolande de VENDOME (1270–1304)Jeanne de VENDÔME (1275–1317)Bouchard Vi de VENDÔME (–1354)
- Generation 2back to top
Yolande de VENDOME , daughter ofJean V de VENDÔME andEléonore de MONTFORT , was born in 1270 and died in 1304 at the age of 34. She marriedRobert Ii de DREUX , son ofRobert de DREUX andIsabelle de VILLEBÉON , in 1286. He was born in 1265 and died in 1306 at the age of 41.Children of
Yolande de VENDOME andRobert Ii de DREUX :Marie de DREUX (1286–)Robert Iii de DREUX (1288–1351)Jean 1er de DREUX (1290–1347)
Jeanne de VENDÔME , daughter ofJean V de VENDÔME andEléonore de MONTFORT , was born in 1275 and died in 1317 at the age of 42.Children of
Jeanne de VENDÔME andHenri Iv de SULLY :Bouchard Vi de VENDÔME , comte, son ofJean V de VENDÔME andEléonore de MONTFORT . He died in 1354. He marriedAlice de BRETAGNE , daughter ofArthur Ii de BRETAGNE andYolande de DREUX , in 1320. She was born in 1297 and died in May 1377 at the age of 80.Children of
Bouchard Vi de VENDÔME andAlice de BRETAGNE :
- Generation 3back to top
Jean Ier de SULLY , son ofHenri Iv de SULLY andJeanne de VENDÔME . He died in 1343. He marriedMarguerite de BOURBON , daughter ofLouis Ier Le Grand de BOURBON andMarie de HAINAUT , on July 22, 1320. She was born estimated 1317 and died in 1362.Children of
Jean Ier de SULLY andMarguerite de BOURBON :Louis de SULLY (1330–1382)
Marguerite de SULLY , daughter ofHenri Iv de SULLY andJeanne de VENDÔME . She marriedJoffroi d'ASPREMONT , son ofGobert d'ASPREMONT andMarie de BAR , in 1319. He died in 1375.Children of
Marguerite de SULLY andJoffroi d'ASPREMONT :Gobert Ix d'ASPREMONT (1348–1385)Marie d'ASPREMONT (–1380)
Jean Vi de VENDÔME , comte, son ofBouchard Vi de VENDÔME andAlice de BRETAGNE . He died in 1364.Children of
Jean Vi de VENDÔME andJeanne de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE :Bouchard Vii de VENDÔME (1345–1371)Catherine de VENDÔME (–1412)
Eleonore de VENDÔME , daughter ofBouchard Vi de VENDÔME andAlice de BRETAGNE .Children of
Eleonore de VENDÔME andRoger Bernard 1er de PÉRIGORD :Jeanne de VENDÔME , daughter ofBouchard Vi de VENDÔME andAlice de BRETAGNE .Children of
Jeanne de VENDÔME andGuillaume Iii de CHAUVIGNY :