Emma de LAVALAge: 64 years12001264

Emma de LAVAL
Given names
Birth 1200 30

Death of a fatherGuy de LAVAL
1210 (Age 10 years)

Birth of a son
Guy de LAVAL
1215 (Age 15 years)

Birth of a daughter
Anne de LAVAL
1220 (Age 20 years)

Death of a maternal grandmotherIsabelle de BEAUMONT
1220 (Age 20 years)

MarriageMathieu Ii Le Grand de MONTMORENCYView this family
1221 (Age 21 years)

Death of a husbandMathieu Ii Le Grand de MONTMORENCY
1230 (Age 30 years)

Marriage of a childGuy de LAVALPhilippa de VITRÉView this family
1239 (Age 39 years)

Death of a husbandJean de TOUCY
1258 (Age 58 years)


_USTMathieu Ii Le Grand de MONTMORENCYView this family

_USTJean de TOUCYView this family

Death 1264 (Age 64 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Family with Mathieu Ii Le Grand de MONTMORENCY - View this family
Marriage: 1221
-5 years
6 years
Family with Jean de TOUCY - View this family
Mathieu Ii Le Grand de MONTMORENCY + Gertrude de SOISSONS - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: 1193

  1. Generation 1
    1. Emma de LAVAL, daughter of Guy de LAVAL and Havoise de CRAON, was born in 1200 and died in 1264 at the age of 64. She married Mathieu Ii Le Grand de MONTMORENCY, son of Bouchard V de MONTMORENCY and Laurence de HAINAUT, in 1221. He was born in 1174 and died in 1230 at the age of 56. . She had a relationship with Jean de TOUCY

      Children of Emma de LAVAL and Mathieu Ii Le Grand de MONTMORENCY:

      1. Guy de LAVAL (12151267)
      2. Anne de LAVAL (1220)

      Children of Emma de LAVAL and Jean de TOUCY:

      1. Jeanne de TOUCY (1317)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Guy de LAVAL, son of Mathieu Ii Le Grand de MONTMORENCY and Emma de LAVAL, was born in 1215 and died in 1267 at the age of 52. He married Philippa de VITRÉ, daughter of André Iii de VITRÉ and Catherine de THOUARS, in 1239. She was born in 1225 and died in 1254 at the age of 29.

      Children of Guy de LAVAL and Philippa de VITRÉ:

      1. Guy Viii de LAVAL (12401295)
    2. Anne de LAVAL, daughter of Mathieu Ii Le Grand de MONTMORENCY and Emma de LAVAL, was born in 1220.

      Children of Anne de LAVAL and Guillaume de LA GUERCHE:

      1. Jeanne de LA GUERCHE
    3. Jeanne de TOUCY, daughter of Jean de TOUCY and Emma de LAVAL. She died in 1317.

      Children of Jeanne de TOUCY and Thibaut Ii de BAR:

      1. Henri Iii de BAR (12591302)
      2. Erard de BAR (1335)
      3. Isabeau de BAR
      4. Pierre de BAR (1348)
      5. Marie de BAR (1337)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Guy Viii de LAVAL, son of Guy de LAVAL and Philippa de VITRÉ, was born in 1240 and died on August 29, 1295 at the age of 55. He married 2 times. The first time he married Jeanne de BRIENNE, daughter of Louis de BRIENNE and Agnès de BEAUMONT, in 1286. She died in 1323. The second time he married Isabeau de BEAUMONT in 1260. She was born in 1240 and died in 1277 at the age of 37.

      Children of Guy Viii de LAVAL and Jeanne de BRIENNE:

      1. André de LAVAL (1336)

      Children of Guy Viii de LAVAL and Isabeau de BEAUMONT:

      1. Guy Ix de LAVAL (1333)
    2. Jeanne de LA GUERCHE, dame, daughter of Guillaume de LA GUERCHE and Anne de LAVAL.

      Children of Jeanne de LA GUERCHE and Jean Ii de BRIENNE:

      1. Robert de BRIENNE (1327)
    3. Henri Iii de BAR, son of Thibaut Ii de BAR and Jeanne de TOUCY, was born in 1259 and died in 1302 at the age of 43. He married Eléonore PLANTAGENÊT, daughter of Edouard Ier PLANTAGENÊT and Eléonore de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE, in 1293. She was born in 1269 and died in 1298 at the age of 29.

      Children of Henri Iii de BAR and Eléonore PLANTAGENÊT:

      1. Edouard Ier de BAR (12951337)
      2. Jeanne de BAR (12961361)
      3. Eléonore de BAR
    4. Erard de BAR, son of Thibaut Ii de BAR and Jeanne de TOUCY. He died in 1335.

      Children of Erard de BAR and Isabelle de LORRAINE:

      1. Thibault de BAR (13101353)
      2. Marie de BAR
    5. Isabeau de BAR, daughter of Thibaut Ii de BAR and Jeanne de TOUCY.

      Children of Isabeau de BAR and Guy V de DAMPIERRE:

      1. Alix de FLANDRE
    6. Pierre de BAR, son of Thibaut Ii de BAR and Jeanne de TOUCY. He died in 1348.

      Children of Pierre de BAR and Jeanne de VIENNE:

      1. Gillette de BAR (1360)
    7. Marie de BAR, daughter of Thibaut Ii de BAR and Jeanne de TOUCY. She died in 1337. She married Gobert d'ASPREMONT, son of Joffroi Iii d'ASPREMONT and Isabelle de QUIÉVRAIN, in 1295. He died in 1325.

      Children of Marie de BAR and Gobert d'ASPREMONT:

      1. Joffroi d'ASPREMONT (1375)
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