Jeanne de VENDÔMEAge: 42 years1275–1317
- Name
- Jeanne de VENDÔME
- Given names
- Jeanne
- Surname
Birth | 1275 25 20 _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Yolande de VENDOME 1304 (Age 29 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Jean V de VENDÔME 1315 (Age 40 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Henri Iv de SULLY — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1317 (Age 42 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Jean V de VENDÔME Birth: 1250 22 Death: 1315 |
mother |
Eléonore de MONTFORT Birth: 1255 30 Death: 1338 |
elder sister |
Yolande de VENDOME Birth: 1270 20 15 Death: 1304 |
6 years herself |
Jeanne de VENDÔME Birth: 1275 25 20 Death: 1317 |
brother |
Bouchard Vi de VENDÔME Death: 1354 |
Family with Henri Iv de SULLY |
husband |
Henri Iv de SULLY Birth: 1282 30 32 Death: 1334 |
herself |
Jeanne de VENDÔME Birth: 1275 25 20 Death: 1317 |
son |
Jean Ier de SULLY Death: 1343 |
daughter |
- Generation 1
Jeanne de VENDÔME , daughter ofJean V de VENDÔME andEléonore de MONTFORT , was born in 1275 and died in 1317 at the age of 42.Children of
Jeanne de VENDÔME andHenri Iv de SULLY :
- Generation 2back to top
Jean Ier de SULLY , son ofHenri Iv de SULLY andJeanne de VENDÔME . He died in 1343. He marriedMarguerite de BOURBON , daughter ofLouis Ier Le Grand de BOURBON andMarie de HAINAUT , on July 22, 1320. She was born estimated 1317 and died in 1362.Children of
Jean Ier de SULLY andMarguerite de BOURBON :Louis de SULLY (1330–1382)
Marguerite de SULLY , daughter ofHenri Iv de SULLY andJeanne de VENDÔME . She marriedJoffroi d'ASPREMONT , son ofGobert d'ASPREMONT andMarie de BAR , in 1319. He died in 1375.Children of
Marguerite de SULLY andJoffroi d'ASPREMONT :Gobert Ix d'ASPREMONT (1348–1385)Marie d'ASPREMONT (–1380)
- Generation 3back to top
Louis de SULLY , son ofJean Ier de SULLY andMarguerite de BOURBON , was born in 1330 and died in 1382 at the age of 52.Children of
Louis de SULLY andIsabeau de CRAON :Marie de SULLY (1364–1409)
Gobert Ix d'ASPREMONT , son ofJoffroi d'ASPREMONT andMarguerite de SULLY , was born in 1348 and died in 1385 at the age of 37.Children of
Gobert Ix d'ASPREMONT andIsabelle de JONVELLE :Godefroy d'ASPREMONT (–1390)