Jeanne de VENDÔMEAge: 42 years12751317

Jeanne de VENDÔME
Given names
Birth 1275 25 20

Death of a sisterYolande de VENDOME
1304 (Age 29 years)

Death of a fatherJean V de VENDÔME
1315 (Age 40 years)


_USTHenri Iv de SULLYView this family

Death 1317 (Age 42 years)

Family with parents - View this family
elder sister
6 years
Family with Henri Iv de SULLY - View this family

  1. Generation 1
    1. Jeanne de VENDÔME, daughter of Jean V de VENDÔME and Eléonore de MONTFORT, was born in 1275 and died in 1317 at the age of 42.

      Children of Jeanne de VENDÔME and Henri Iv de SULLY:

      1. Jean Ier de SULLY (1343)
      2. Marguerite de SULLY
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Jean Ier de SULLY, son of Henri Iv de SULLY and Jeanne de VENDÔME. He died in 1343. He married Marguerite de BOURBON, daughter of Louis Ier Le Grand de BOURBON and Marie de HAINAUT, on July 22, 1320. She was born estimated 1317 and died in 1362.

      Children of Jean Ier de SULLY and Marguerite de BOURBON:

      1. Louis de SULLY (13301382)
    2. Marguerite de SULLY, daughter of Henri Iv de SULLY and Jeanne de VENDÔME. She married Joffroi d'ASPREMONT, son of Gobert d'ASPREMONT and Marie de BAR, in 1319. He died in 1375.

      Children of Marguerite de SULLY and Joffroi d'ASPREMONT:

      1. Gobert Ix d'ASPREMONT (13481385)
      2. Marie d'ASPREMONT (1380)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Louis de SULLY, son of Jean Ier de SULLY and Marguerite de BOURBON, was born in 1330 and died in 1382 at the age of 52.

      Children of Louis de SULLY and Isabeau de CRAON:

      1. Marie de SULLY (13641409)
    2. Gobert Ix d'ASPREMONT, son of Joffroi d'ASPREMONT and Marguerite de SULLY, was born in 1348 and died in 1385 at the age of 37.

      Children of Gobert Ix d'ASPREMONT and Isabelle de JONVELLE:

      1. Godefroy d'ASPREMONT (1390)
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