Jeanne de ROSTRENENAge: 71 years13001371

Given names
Birth 1300 30 20

Death of a fatherPierre de ROSTRENEN
1347 (Age 47 years)

Death of a husbandAlain Vii de ROHAN
1352 (Age 52 years)


_USTAlain Vii de ROHANView this family

Death 1371 (Age 71 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Family with Alain Vii de ROHAN - View this family

  1. Generation 1
    1. Jeanne de ROSTRENEN, daughter of Pierre de ROSTRENEN and Anne du PONT-L'ABBÉ, was born in 1300 and died in 1371 at the age of 71.

      Children of Jeanne de ROSTRENEN and Alain Vii de ROHAN:

      1. Jean Ier de ROHAN (1395)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Jean Ier de ROHAN, son of Alain Vii de ROHAN and Jeanne de ROSTRENEN. He died in 1395. He married Jeanne de NAVARRE, daughter of Philippe Iii d'EVREUX and Jeanne Ii de NAVARRE, in 1373. She was born in 1339 and died on November 29, 1403 at the age of 64. . He had a relationship with Jeanne de LÉON, daughter of Hervé Vii de LÉON and Marguerite d'AVAUGOUR

      Children of Jean Ier de ROHAN and Jeanne de NAVARRE:

      1. Charles de ROHAN (1438)

      Children of Jean Ier de ROHAN and Jeanne de LÉON:

      1. Jeanne de ROHAN (1407)
      2. Alain Viii de ROHAN (1429)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Charles de ROHAN, son of Jean Ier de ROHAN and Jeanne de NAVARRE. He died before 1438. He married Catherine DU GUESCLIN in 1405. She died after 1461.

      Children of Charles de ROHAN and Catherine DU GUESCLIN:

      1. Louis Ier de ROHAN (1457)
    2. Jeanne de ROHAN, daughter of Jean Ier de ROHAN and Jeanne de LÉON. She died on January 29, 1407. She married Robert d'ALENÇON, son of Charles Ii d'ALENÇON and Marie de LA CERDA, on April 13, 1374. He was born in 1344 and died in 1377 at the age of 33.

      Children of Jeanne de ROHAN and Robert d'ALENÇON:

      1. Charles d'ALENÇON
    3. Alain Viii de ROHAN, vicomte, son of Jean Ier de ROHAN and Jeanne de LÉON. He died in 1429.

      Children of Alain Viii de ROHAN and Béatrice de CLISSON:

      1. Alain Ix de ROHAN (13821462)
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