Adélaïde de WASSEMBERGAge: 31 years11871218

Adélaïde de WASSEMBERG
Given names
Birth 1187 21 14

Death of a maternal grandmotherAgnès von LOOZ
1192 (Age 5 years)

MarriageGuillaume 1er de HOLLANDEView this family
1198 (Age 11 years)

Death of a fatherOthon de WASSEMBERG
1206 (Age 19 years)

Birth of a son
Florent Iv de HOLLANDE
1210 (Age 23 years)


_USTGuillaume 1er de HOLLANDEView this family

Death 1218 (Age 31 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Family with Guillaume 1er de HOLLANDE - View this family
Marriage: 1198
13 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Adélaïde de WASSEMBERG, daughter of Othon de WASSEMBERG and Richarde de WITTELSBACH, was born in 1187 and died in 1218 at the age of 31. She married Guillaume 1er de HOLLANDE, son of Florent Iii de HOLLANDE and Aleida d'ECOSSE, in 1198. He died in 1222.

      Children of Adélaïde de WASSEMBERG and Guillaume 1er de HOLLANDE:

      1. Florent Iv de HOLLANDE (12101234)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Florent Iv de HOLLANDE, comte de Hollande, son of Guillaume 1er de HOLLANDE and Adélaïde de WASSEMBERG, was born in 1210 and died in 1234 at the age of 24.

      Children of Florent Iv de HOLLANDE and Mathilde de BRABANT:

      1. Guillaume de HOLLANDE (12271256)
      2. Adélaïde de HOLLANDE (1284)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Guillaume de HOLLANDE, son of Florent Iv de HOLLANDE and Mathilde de BRABANT, was born in 1227 and died in 1256 at the age of 29.

      Children of Guillaume de HOLLANDE and Elisabeth de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG:

      1. Florent V de HOLLANDE (1296)
    2. Adélaïde de HOLLANDE, daughter of Florent Iv de HOLLANDE and Mathilde de BRABANT. She died in 1284. She married Jean d'AVESNES, son of Bouchard d'AVESNES and Marguerite Ii de FLANDRE, in 1246. He was born in 1218 and died in 1257 at the age of 39.

      Children of Adélaïde de HOLLANDE and Jean d'AVESNES:

      1. Jean Iii d'ASVESNES (12481304)
      2. Florent de HOLLANDE (12551297)
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