Frédéric von LENGENFELDAge: 49 years10701119

Frédéric von LENGENFELD
Given names
Birth 1070

Death of a wifeHeilica de HOHENSTAUFEN
1110 (Age 40 years)


_USTHeilica de HOHENSTAUFENView this family

Death 1119 (Age 49 years)

  1. Generation 1
    1. Frédéric von LENGENFELD was born in 1070 and died in 1119 at the age of 49.

      Children of Frédéric von LENGENFELD and Heilica de HOHENSTAUFEN:

      1. Eilika von LENGENFELD (1170)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Eilika von LENGENFELD, daughter of Frédéric von LENGENFELD and Heilica de HOHENSTAUFEN. She died in 1170.

      Children of Eilika von LENGENFELD and Othon Iv de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Othon V de WITTELSBACH (11171183)
      2. Hedwige de WITTELSBACH (1174)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Othon V de WITTELSBACH, palatin de Bavière, son of Othon Iv de WITTELSBACH and Eilika von LENGENFELD, was born in 1117 and died in 1183 at the age of 66.

      Children of Othon V de WITTELSBACH and Agnès von LOOZ:

      1. Sophie de WITTELSBACH (11721238)
      2. Richarde de WITTELSBACH (11731231)
      3. Louis 1er de WITTELSBACH (11741231)
    2. Hedwige de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Othon Iv de WITTELSBACH and Eilika von LENGENFELD. She died in 1174.

      Children of Hedwige de WITTELSBACH and Berthold V de MERAN:

      1. Berthold Vi de MERAN (1204)
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