Guillaume Ii de NEVERSAge: 64 years1083–1147
- Name
- Guillaume Ii de NEVERS
- Given names
- Guillaume Ii
- Surname
Birth | 1083 28 43 _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Guillaume 1er de NEVERS 1083 _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Irmengarde de TONNERRE 1085 (Age 2 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a half-sister | Ermengarde de NEVERS 1090 (Age 7 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Renaud Ii de NEVERS 1097 (Age 14 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Guillaume Iii de NEVERS 1110 (Age 27 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Ermengarde de TONNERRE — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1147 (Age 64 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Renaud Ii de NEVERS Birth: 1055 26 25 Death: 1097 |
mother |
Agnès de BEAUGENCY Birth: 1040 |
himself |
Guillaume Ii de NEVERS Birth: 1083 28 43 Death: 1147 |
Father’s family with Ide-Raymonde de FOREZ |
father |
Renaud Ii de NEVERS Birth: 1055 26 25 Death: 1097 |
step-mother |
Ide-Raymonde de FOREZ Birth: 1075 |
half-sister |
Ermengarde de NEVERS Birth: 1090 35 15 |
Family with Ermengarde de TONNERRE |
himself |
Guillaume Ii de NEVERS Birth: 1083 28 43 Death: 1147 |
wife | |
son |
Guillaume Iii de NEVERS Birth: 1110 27 Death: 1161 |
- Generation 1
Guillaume Ii de NEVERS , son ofRenaud Ii de NEVERS andAgnès de BEAUGENCY , was born in 1083 and died in 1147 at the age of 64.Children of
Guillaume Ii de NEVERS andErmengarde de TONNERRE :Guillaume Iii de NEVERS (1110–1161)
- Generation 2back to top
Guillaume Iii de NEVERS , son ofGuillaume Ii de NEVERS andErmengarde de TONNERRE , was born in 1110 and died in 1161 at the age of 51.Children of
Guillaume Iii de NEVERS andIda von SPONHEIM :Adèle de NEVERS (1145–1192)Guy 1er de NEVERS (–1176)
- Generation 3back to top
Adèle de NEVERS , daughter ofGuillaume Iii de NEVERS andIda von SPONHEIM , was born in 1145 and died in 1192 at the age of 47.Children of
Adèle de NEVERS andRenaud Iii de JOIGNY :Guillaume 1er de JOIGNY (–1221)
Guy 1er de NEVERS , son ofGuillaume Iii de NEVERS andIda von SPONHEIM . He died in 1176. He marriedMathilde de BOURGOGNE , daughter ofRaymond de BOURGOGNE andAgnès de THIERS , in 1168. She was born about 1150 and died in 1219.Children of
Guy 1er de NEVERS andMathilde de BOURGOGNE :Guillaume de NEVERS (–1181)Agnès de NEVERS (–1192)