Alice de BLOISAge: 45 years11001145

Alice de BLOIS
Given names
Birth 1100 54 38

Death of a fatherEtienne-Henri de BLOIS
May 26, 1102 (Age 2 years)

Birth of a son
Renaud Iii de JOIGNY
1120 (Age 20 years)

Death of a motherAdèle de NORMANDIE
March 15, 1137 (Age 37 years)


_USTRenaud de JOIGNYView this family

Death 1145 (Age 45 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1080
14 years
elder brother
5 years
elder brother
4 years
Family with Renaud de JOIGNY - View this family

  1. Generation 1
    1. Alice de BLOIS, daughter of Etienne-Henri de BLOIS and Adèle de NORMANDIE, was born in 1100 and died in 1145 at the age of 45.

      Children of Alice de BLOIS and Renaud de JOIGNY:

      1. Renaud Iii de JOIGNY (11201171)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Renaud Iii de JOIGNY, son of Renaud de JOIGNY and Alice de BLOIS, was born in 1120 and died in 1171 at the age of 51.

      Children of Renaud Iii de JOIGNY and Adèle de NEVERS:

      1. Guillaume 1er de JOIGNY (1221)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Guillaume 1er de JOIGNY, son of Renaud Iii de JOIGNY and Adèle de NEVERS. He died in 1221. He married Adélaïde (Alix) de COURTENAY, daughter of Pierre de FRANCE and Elisabeth Ou Isabelle de COURTENAY, in 1179. She was born in 1160 and died in 1218 at the age of 58. Guillaume 1er de JOIGNY and Adélaïde (Alix) de COURTENAY were divorced.

      Children of Guillaume 1er de JOIGNY:

      1. Guillaume Ii de JOIGNY (1248)
      2. Blanche de JOIGNY

      Children of Guillaume 1er de JOIGNY and Adélaïde (Alix) de COURTENAY:

      1. Pierre de JOIGNY (1222)
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