Sophie-Juliane von OETTINGEN-OETTINGENAge: 87 years1656–1743
- Name
- Sophie-Juliane von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN
- Given names
- Sophie-Juliane
- Surname
Family with parents |
father |
Joachim Ernest von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN Birth: 1612 35 36 Death: 1658 |
mother |
Anne-Sophie de WITTELSBACH Birth: July 6, 1621 38 17 Death: May 25, 1675 |
Marriage: May 9, 1646 — |
11 years herself |
Sophie-Juliane von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN Birth: 1656 44 34 Death: 1743 |
Father’s family with Anne Dorothée von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN |
father |
Joachim Ernest von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN Birth: 1612 35 36 Death: 1658 |
step-mother |
Anne Dorothée von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN Birth: 1621 39 27 Death: 1643 |
Marriage: December 5, 1638 — |
13 months half-sister |
Marie-Dorothée-Sophie von OETTINGEN Birth: December 29, 1639 27 18 Death: June 29, 1698 |
3 years half-brother |
Albert Ernest 1er von OETTINGEN Birth: 1642 30 21 Death: 1683 |
Father’s family with Anne Sibylle von SOLMS-SONNENWALDE |
father |
Joachim Ernest von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN Birth: 1612 35 36 Death: 1658 |
step-mother |
Anne Sibylle von SOLMS-SONNENWALDE Birth: 1615 32 22 Death: September 19, 1635 |
Marriage: December 8, 1633 — |
1 year half-sister |
Sophie-Marguerite von OETTINGEN Birth: December 19, 1634 22 19 Death: August 5, 1664 |
Family with Philippe von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN |
husband |
Philippe von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN Birth: 1640 46 34 Death: 1680 |
herself |
Sophie-Juliane von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN Birth: 1656 44 34 Death: 1743 |
Marriage: 1678 — |
2 years son |
Joseph Antoine Charles von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN Birth: 1679 39 23 Death: 1738 |
2 years daughter |
Marie von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN Birth: 1680 40 24 Death: 1749 |
- Generation 1
Sophie-Juliane von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN , daughter ofJoachim Ernest von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN andAnne-Sophie de WITTELSBACH , was born in 1656 and died in 1743 at the age of 87. She marriedPhilippe von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN , son ofErnest Ii zu OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN andMaria Magdalena FUGGER von NORDENHOF , in 1678. He was born in 1640 and died in 1680 at the age of 40.Children of
Sophie-Juliane von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN andPhilippe von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN :Joseph Antoine Charles von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN (1679–1738)Marie von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN (1680–1749)
- Generation 2back to top
Joseph Antoine Charles von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN , son ofPhilippe von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN andSophie-Juliane von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN , was born in 1679 and died in 1738 at the age of 59. He marriedMarie Agnès von GLÖTT , daughter ofFrançois-Ernest von GLÖTT andMarie Thérèse zu OETTINGEN-BALDERN , in 1702. She was born in 1680 and died in 1753 at the age of 73.Children of
Joseph Antoine Charles von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN andMarie Agnès von GLÖTT :Philippe Charles von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN (1722–1766)
Marie von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN , daughter ofPhilippe von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN andSophie-Juliane von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN , was born in 1680 and died in 1749 at the age of 69.Children of
- Generation 3back to top
Philippe Charles von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN , son ofJoseph Antoine Charles von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN andMarie Agnès von GLÖTT , was born in 1722 and died in 1766 at the age of 44. He marriedCharlotte Juliane von OETTINGEN-BALDERN , daughter ofKraf von OETTINGEN-BALDERN andJeanne Eléonore von SCHÖNBORN-BUCHHEIM , in 1746. She was born in 1728 and died in 1791 at the age of 63.Children of
Philippe Charles von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN andCharlotte Juliane von OETTINGEN-BALDERN :Marie-Eléonore von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN (1747–1797)Kraft Ernest von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN (1748–1802)Sophie Thérèse von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN (1751–1835)
Charles-Albert 1er zu HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG-SCHILLINGSFÜRST , son ofPhilippe Ernest de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG-SCHILLINGSFÜRST andMarie von OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN , was born in 1719 and died in 1793 at the age of 74. He marriedSophie Wilhelmine de LOWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT , daughter ofDominique Marquard de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT andChristine de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG , in 1740. She was born in 1721 and died in 1748 at the age of 27.Children of