Antoine de LUXEMBOURGAge: 44 years1513–1557
- Name
- Antoine de LUXEMBOURG
- Given names
- Antoine
- Surname
Birth | 1513 25 _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Charles de LUXEMBOURG 1530 (Age 17 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Marguerite de SAVOIE-VILLARS — View this family 1535 (Age 22 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Marguerite de SAVOIE-VILLARS — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1557 (Age 44 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Charles de LUXEMBOURG Birth: 1488 Death: 1530 |
mother | |
himself |
Antoine de LUXEMBOURG Birth: 1513 25 Death: 1557 |
sister |
Françoise de LUXEMBOURG Death: June 27, 1566 |
Family with Marguerite de SAVOIE-VILLARS |
himself |
Antoine de LUXEMBOURG Birth: 1513 25 Death: 1557 |
wife | |
Marriage: 1535 — |
son |
François de LUXEMBOURG-PINEY Death: 1613 |
- Generation 1
Antoine de LUXEMBOURG , son ofCharles de LUXEMBOURG andCharlotte d'ESTOUTEVILLE , was born in 1513 and died in 1557 at the age of 44. He marriedMarguerite de SAVOIE-VILLARS , daughter ofRené de SAVOIE andAnne de LASCARIS , in 1535.Children of
Antoine de LUXEMBOURG andMarguerite de SAVOIE-VILLARS :François de LUXEMBOURG-PINEY (–1613)
- Generation 2back to top
François de LUXEMBOURG-PINEY , son ofAntoine de LUXEMBOURG andMarguerite de SAVOIE-VILLARS . He died in 1613. He marriedDiane de LORRAINE-AUMALE , daughter ofClaude de LORRAINE-AUMALE andLouise de DREUX-BRÉZÉ , in 1576. She was born in November 1558 and died about 1599.Children of
François de LUXEMBOURG-PINEY andDiane de LORRAINE-AUMALE :Henri de LUXEMBOURG-PINEY (1583–1616)
- Generation 3back to top
Henri de LUXEMBOURG-PINEY , son ofFrançois de LUXEMBOURG-PINEY andDiane de LORRAINE-AUMALE , was born in 1583 and died in 1616 at the age of 33. He marriedMadeleine de MONTMORENCY , daughter ofGuillaume de MONTMORENCY andAnne de LALAING , in 1597. She was born in 1582 and died in 1615 at the age of 33.Children of
Henri de LUXEMBOURG-PINEY andMadeleine de MONTMORENCY :Marguerite-Charlotte de LUXEMBOURG-PINEY (1607–1680)Marie-Liesse de LUXEMBOURG-PINEY (–1660)