Roger de DAMPIERREAge: 83 years18921975

Given names
Birth 1892

MarriageVictoria RUSPOLIView this family
1912 (Age 20 years)

Birth of a daughter
Victoria Jeanne Joséphine Pierre Marie “Emmanuela” de DAMPIERRE
November 8, 1913 (Age 21 years)
Note: Fille du vicomte Roger Richard Charles Henri Etienne de DAMPIERRE, 2ème duc de SAN LORENZO et de donna Victoria Emilia Ipsycrathea Acricola RUSPOLI des princes di POGGIO SUASA.
Marriage of a child“Jacques” Luitpold Isabelin “Henri” Alexandre Albert Alphonse Victor Acacio Pierre Paul Marie de BOURBONVictoria Jeanne Joséphine Pierre Marie “Emmanuela” de DAMPIERREView this family
Type: Religious marriage
March 4, 1935 (Age 43 years)
duc de San Lorenzo


_USTVictoria RUSPOLIView this family

Death 1975 (Age 83 years)

  1. Generation 1
    1. Roger de DAMPIERRE, duc de San Lorenzo, was born in 1892 and died in 1975 at the age of 83. He married Victoria RUSPOLI, daughter of Emmanuel RUSPOLI and Joséphine CURTIS, in 1912. She was born in 1892 and died in 1982 at the age of 90.

      Children of Roger de DAMPIERRE and Victoria RUSPOLI:

      1. Victoria Jeanne Joséphine Pierre Marie “Emmanuela” de DAMPIERRE (19132012)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Victoria Jeanne Joséphine Pierre Marie “Emmanuela” de DAMPIERRE, daughter of Roger de DAMPIERRE and Victoria RUSPOLI, was born on November 8, 1913 in Rome, , , , ITALIE, and died on May 3, 2012 in Rome, , , , ITALIE, at the age of 98. She married “Jacques” Luitpold Isabelin “Henri” Alexandre Albert Alphonse Victor Acacio Pierre Paul Marie de BOURBON, son of Alphonse Xiii Léon Ferdinand Marie Jacques Isidore Pascal Antoine de BOURBON and Victoria Eugénie Julia Ena de BATTENBERG, on March 4, 1935 in Rome, , , , ITALIE,. He was born on June 23, 1908 in San Ildefonso, , , , ESPAGNE, and died on March 20, 1975 in St. Gallen, , , , SUISSE, at the age of 66. Victoria Jeanne Joséphine Pierre Marie “Emmanuela” de DAMPIERRE and “Jacques” Luitpold Isabelin “Henri” Alexandre Albert Alphonse Victor Acacio Pierre Paul Marie de BOURBON were divorced on May 4, 1947.

      Children of Victoria Jeanne Joséphine Pierre Marie “Emmanuela” de DAMPIERRE and “Jacques” Luitpold Isabelin “Henri” Alexandre Albert Alphonse Victor Acacio Pierre Paul Marie de BOURBON:

      1. Alphonse Jacques Marcelin Manuel Victor Marie de BOURBON (19361989)
      2. Gonzalve Victor Alphonse Joseph Boniface Antoine Marie Et Tous Les Saints de BOURBON (19372000)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Alphonse Jacques Marcelin Manuel Victor Marie de BOURBON, duc de Cadix, son of “Jacques” Luitpold Isabelin “Henri” Alexandre Albert Alphonse Victor Acacio Pierre Paul Marie de BOURBON and Victoria Jeanne Joséphine Pierre Marie “Emmanuela” de DAMPIERRE, was born on April 20, 1936 in Rome, , , , ITALIE, and died on January 30, 1989 in Beaver Creek, , , Colorado, ETATS-UNIS d'AMÉRIQUE, at the age of 52.

      Children of Alphonse Jacques Marcelin Manuel Victor Marie de BOURBON:

      1. François Alphonse Christophe Victor Joseph Gonzalve Cécile de BOURBON (19721984)
      2. Private
    2. Gonzalve Victor Alphonse Joseph Boniface Antoine Marie Et Tous Les Saints de BOURBON, prince, son of “Jacques” Luitpold Isabelin “Henri” Alexandre Albert Alphonse Victor Acacio Pierre Paul Marie de BOURBON and Victoria Jeanne Joséphine Pierre Marie “Emmanuela” de DAMPIERRE, was born on June 5, 1937 in Rome, , , , ITALIE, and died on May 27, 2000 in Lausanne, , , , SUISSE, at the age of 62.

      Gonzalve Victor Alphonse Joseph Boniface Antoine Marie Et Tous Les Saints de BOURBON had 1 child.

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