Edwige de LA MARCHAge: 47 years856903

Edwige de LA MARCH
Given names
Birth 856 26 20

Death of a motherIngeltrude UNROCHIDES
after 857 (Age 12 months)

Death of a maternal grandfatherEberhart UNROCHIDES
866 (Age 10 years)

Death of a maternal grandmotherGisèle CAROLINGIENS
874 (Age 18 years)

MarriageOtton 1er de SAXEView this family
875 (Age 19 years)

Birth of a son
Henri Ier L'Oiseleur de SAXE
about 876 (Age 20 years)

Death of a fatherHenri de LA MARCK
886 (Age 30 years)


_USTOtton 1er de SAXEView this family

Death 903 (Age 47 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 855
2 years
Family with Otton 1er de SAXE - View this family
Marriage: 875
2 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Edwige de LA MARCH, daughter of Henri de LA MARCK and Ingeltrude UNROCHIDES, was born in 856 and died in 903 at the age of 47. She married Otton 1er de SAXE, son of Luidolf de SAXE and Oda de SAXE-BILLUNG, in 875. He was born in 845 and died in 912 at the age of 67.

      Children of Edwige de LA MARCH and Otton 1er de SAXE:

      1. Henri Ier L'Oiseleur de SAXE (876936)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Henri Ier L'Oiseleur de SAXE, roi de Germanie (919-936), Duc de Saxe, son of Otton 1er de SAXE and Edwige de LA MARCH, was born about 876 and died in 936.

      Children of Henri Ier L'Oiseleur de SAXE and Mathilde de RHEINGELHEIM:

      1. Otton Ier de SAXE (912973)
      2. Gerberge de SAXE (914984)
      3. Hadvige de SAXE (922965)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Otton Ier de SAXE, roi de Germanie (936) puis Empereur du Saint Empire romain germanique, son of Henri Ier L'Oiseleur de SAXE and Mathilde de RHEINGELHEIM, was born in 912 in Walhausen, , , , ALLEMAGNE, and died in 973 at the age of 61. He married 2 times. The first time he married Adélaïde de BOURGOGNE, daughter of Rodolphe Ii de BOURGOGNE and Berthe de SOUABE, in 951. She was born in 931 and died in 999 at the age of 68. The second time he married Edith d'ANGLETERRE, daughter of Edouard 1er d'ANGLETERRE and Aeflede de BERNICIE, in 929. She died in 947.

      Children of Otton Ier de SAXE and Adélaïde de BOURGOGNE:

      1. Otton Ii de SAXE (955983)
    2. Gerberge de SAXE, daughter of Henri Ier L'Oiseleur de SAXE and Mathilde de RHEINGELHEIM, was born in 914 and died in 984 at the age of 70. She married 2 times. The first time she married Louis Iv D'Outremer de FRANCE, son of Charles Iii CAROLINGIENS and Hedwige d'ANGLETERRE, in 939. He was born about 920 and died in 954. The second time she married Gislebert de LORRAINE, son of Régnier I Au Long Col de HAINAUT and Albérarde de LORRAINE, in 929. He was born in 890 and died in 939 at the age of 49.

      Children of Gerberge de SAXE and Louis Iv D'Outremer de FRANCE:

      1. Lothaire Ii de FRANCE (941986)
      2. Mathilde de FRANCE (943981)
      3. Carloman de FRANCE (945)
      4. Louis de FRANCE (947)
      5. Henri de FRANCE (950)
      6. Charles de FRANCE (953991)

      Children of Gerberge de SAXE and Gislebert de LORRAINE:

      1. Albérarde de LORRAINE (930993)
      2. Gerberge de LORRAINE
    3. Hadvige de SAXE, daughter of Henri Ier L'Oiseleur de SAXE and Mathilde de RHEINGELHEIM, was born in 922 and died about 965. She married Hugue Le Grand de FRANCE, son of Robert Ier ROBERTIENS and Béatrice de VERMANDOIS, about 937. He was born about 897 and died on June 24, 956.

      Children of Hadvige de SAXE and Hugue Le Grand de FRANCE:

      1. Béatrix de FRANCE (939987)
      2. Hugues Ier Capet de FRANCE (941996)
      3. Eudes-Henri Le Grand de FRANCE (9481002)
      4. Emma de FRANCE (968)
      5. Otton Dit Eudes de FRANCE (965)
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