Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBONAge: 59 years18481907

Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBON
Given names
Robert Charles Louis Marie
Birth July 9, 1848 25 28
Florence, , , , ITALIE,
Latitude: 43.766670 Longitude: 11.250000

Birth of a sisterAlice de BOURBON
December 27, 1849 (Age 17 months)

Birth of a brotherHenri de BOURBON
February 12, 1851 (Age 2 years)

Death of a fatherFerdinand “Charles Iii” Joseph Marie Victor Balthazar de BOURBON
March 27, 1854 (Age 5 years)

Death of a motherLouise-Marie-Thérèse de BOURBON
February 1, 1864 (Age 15 years)

MarriageMaria-Pia Des Graces de BOURBONView this family
Type: Religious marriage
April 5, 1869 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a daughter
Marie-Louise Pie Thérèse Anne Ferdinande Françoise Antoinette Marguerite Joséphine Caroline Blanche Lucie Apollonia de BOURBON
January 17, 1870 (Age 21 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherMarie-Caroline Ferdinande Louise de BOURBON
April 16, 1870 (Age 21 years)

Birth of a son
Ferdinand de BOURBON
March 5, 1871 (Age 22 years)

Birth of a daughter
Louise de BOURBON
March 24, 1872 (Age 23 years)

Death of a sonFerdinand de BOURBON
April 14, 1872 (Age 23 years)

Birth of a son
Henri de BOURBON
June 13, 1873 (Age 24 years)

Birth of a daughter
Marie-Immaculée de BOURBON
July 21, 1874 (Age 26 years)

Birth of a son
Joseph de BOURBON
June 30, 1875 (Age 26 years)

Birth of a daughter
Marie-Thérèse de BOURBON
October 15, 1876 (Age 28 years)

Birth of a daughter
Maria-Pia de BOURBON
October 9, 1877 (Age 29 years)

Birth of a daughter
Béatrice de BOURBON
January 9, 1879 (Age 30 years)

Death of a paternal grandmotherMarie-Thérèse Ferdinande Félicité Gaëtane Pie de SAVOIE
July 16, 1879 (Age 31 years)

Birth of a son
Elie Robert Charles Marie Pie Joseph de BOURBON
July 23, 1880 (Age 32 years)
Biarritz, , , , FRANCE,
Latitude: 43.480120 Longitude: -1.555580

Birth of a daughter
Anastasia de BOURBON
August 25, 1881 (Age 33 years)

Death of a daughterAnastasia de BOURBON
September 7, 1881 (Age 33 years)

Birth of a son
Auguste de BOURBON
September 29, 1882 (Age 34 years)

Death of a wifeMaria-Pia Des Graces de BOURBON
September 29, 1882 (Age 34 years)
Biarritz, , , , FRANCE,
Latitude: 43.480120 Longitude: -1.555580

Death of a sonAuguste de BOURBON
September 29, 1882 (Age 34 years)

Death of a paternal grandfatherCharles Louis Ii de BOURBON
April 16, 1883 (Age 34 years)

MarriageMaria-Antonia Adélaïde Camille Caroline Eulalie Léopoldine Sophie Agnès Françoise D'Assise Et De Paule Michelle Gabrielle Raphaëlle Gonzague Grégorine Bernardine Bénédictine Andrée de BRAGANCEView this family
Type: Religious marriage
October 15, 1884 (Age 36 years)
Birth of a daughter
Adélaïde de BOURBON
August 5, 1885 (Age 37 years)

Birth of a son
Sixte Ferdinand Marie Ignace Alphonse Robert Michel François Charles Louis Xavier Joseph Antoine Pie Thaddée Jean Sébastien Paul Biagio Stanislas Benoît Bernard Marc de BOURBON
August 1, 1886 (Age 38 years)
Birth of a son
François “Xavier” Charles Marie Anne Joseph de BOURBON
May 25, 1889 (Age 40 years)
Camaiore, , , Lucca, ITALIE,
Latitude: 43.909740 Longitude: 10.241900

Birth of a daughter
Françoise de BOURBON
April 22, 1890 (Age 41 years)

Birth of a daughter
Zita Marie Des Grâces Adelgonde Michèle Raphaèle Gabrielle Joséphine Antoinette Louise Agnès de BOURBON
May 9, 1892 (Age 43 years)
Death of a sisterMarguerite de BOURBON
January 29, 1893 (Age 44 years)

Marriage of a childFerdinand Ier Maximilien Charles Léopold Marie de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHAMarie-Louise Pie Thérèse Anne Ferdinande Françoise Antoinette Marguerite Joséphine Caroline Blanche Lucie Apollonia de BOURBONView this family
Type: Religious marriage
April 20, 1893 (Age 44 years)
Birth of a son
Félix Marie Vincent de BOURBON
September 28, 1893 (Age 45 years)
Birth of a son
René Charles Marie Joseph de BOURBON
October 17, 1894 (Age 46 years)
Birth of a daughter
Maria-Antonia de BOURBON
November 7, 1895 (Age 47 years)

Birth of a daughter
Isabelle de BOURBON
June 14, 1898 (Age 49 years)

Death of a daughterMarie-Louise Pie Thérèse Anne Ferdinande Françoise Antoinette Marguerite Joséphine Caroline Blanche Lucie Apollonia de BOURBON
January 31, 1899 (Age 50 years)
Birth of a son
Louis Charles Marie Léopold Robert de BOURBON
December 5, 1899 (Age 51 years)
Birth of a daughter
Henriette Anne Marie Immaculée Antoinette Roberte de BOURBON
March 8, 1903 (Age 54 years)
Death of a brotherHenri de BOURBON
April 14, 1905 (Age 56 years)

Birth of a son
Gaëtan Marie Joseph Pie de BOURBON
June 11, 1905 (Age 56 years)
Marriage of a childPietro de LUCCHESI PALLIBéatrice de BOURBONView this family
1906 (Age 57 years)

duc de Parme


_USTMaria-Pia Des Graces de BOURBONView this family

_USTMaria-Antonia Adélaïde Camille Caroline Eulalie Léopoldine Sophie Agnès Françoise D'Assise Et De Paule Michelle Gabrielle Raphaëlle Gonzague Grégorine Bernardine Bénédictine Andrée de BRAGANCEView this family

Death November 16, 1907 (Age 59 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: November 10, 1845
14 months
elder sister
18 months
Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBON
Birth: July 9, 1848 25 28Florence, , , , ITALIE,
Death: November 16, 1907Pianore, , , , ITALIE,
18 months
younger sister
14 months
younger brother
Family with Maria-Pia Des Graces de BOURBON - View this family
Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBON
Birth: July 9, 1848 25 28Florence, , , , ITALIE,
Death: November 16, 1907Pianore, , , , ITALIE,
Marriage: April 5, 1869Rome, , , , ITALIE,
9 months
14 months
13 months
15 months
13 months
11 months
16 months
1 year
15 months
18 months
13 months
13 months
Family with Maria-Antonia Adélaïde Camille Caroline Eulalie Léopoldine Sophie Agnès Françoise D'Assise Et De Paule Michelle Gabrielle Raphaëlle Gonzague Grégorine Bernardine Bénédictine Andrée de BRAGANCE - View this family
Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBON
Birth: July 9, 1848 25 28Florence, , , , ITALIE,
Death: November 16, 1907Pianore, , , , ITALIE,
Marriage: October 15, 1884Fischhorn, , , , AUTRICHE, château
10 months
1 year
3 years
11 months
2 years
17 months
13 months
13 months
3 years
18 months
3 years
2 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBON, duc de Parme, son of Ferdinand “Charles Iii” Joseph Marie Victor Balthazar de BOURBON and Louise-Marie-Thérèse de BOURBON, was born on July 9, 1848 in Florence, , , , ITALIE, and died on November 16, 1907 in Pianore, , , , ITALIE, at the age of 59. He married 2 times. The first time he married Maria-Pia Des Graces de BOURBON, daughter of Ferdinand Ii Charles de BOURBON and Marie-Thérèse Isabelle de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG, on April 5, 1869 in Rome, , , , ITALIE,. She was born on August 2, 1849 in Gaète, , , , ITALIE, and died on September 29, 1882 in Biarritz, , , , FRANCE, at the age of 33. The second time he married Maria-Antonia Adélaïde Camille Caroline Eulalie Léopoldine Sophie Agnès Françoise D'Assise Et De Paule Michelle Gabrielle Raphaëlle Gonzague Grégorine Bernardine Bénédictine Andrée de BRAGANCE, daughter of Michel 1er Marie Evriste de BRAGANCE and Sophie Amélie “Adélaïde” Louise Jeanne Léopoldine de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROSENBERG, on October 15, 1884 in Fischhorn, , , , AUTRICHE, château. She was born on November 28, 1862 in Bronnbach, , , , AUTRICHE, and died on May 14, 1959 in Berg, , , , LUXEMBOURG, château at the age of 96.

      Children of Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBON and Maria-Pia Des Graces de BOURBON:

      1. Marie-Louise Pie Thérèse Anne Ferdinande Françoise Antoinette Marguerite Joséphine Caroline Blanche Lucie Apollonia de BOURBON (18701899)
      2. Ferdinand de BOURBON (18711872)
      3. Louise de BOURBON (18721943)
      4. Henri de BOURBON (18731939)
      5. Marie-Immaculée de BOURBON (18741914)
      6. Joseph de BOURBON (18751950)
      7. Marie-Thérèse de BOURBON (18761959)
      8. Maria-Pia de BOURBON (18771915)
      9. Béatrice de BOURBON (18791946)
      10. Elie Robert Charles Marie Pie Joseph de BOURBON (18801959)
      11. Anastasia de BOURBON (18811881)
      12. Auguste de BOURBON (18821882)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Marie-Louise Pie Thérèse Anne Ferdinande Françoise Antoinette Marguerite Joséphine Caroline Blanche Lucie Apollonia de BOURBON, princesse de Parme, daughter of Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBON and Maria-Pia Des Graces de BOURBON, was born on January 17, 1870 in Rome, , , , ITALIE, and died on January 31, 1899 in Sofia, , , , BULGARIE, at the age of 29. She married Ferdinand Ier Maximilien Charles Léopold Marie de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA, son of Auguste Louis Victor de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA and Marie Clémentine Caroline Léopoldine Clotilde d'ORLÉANS, on April 20, 1893 in Pianore, , , , ITALIE, villa. He was born on February 26, 1861 in Vienne, , , , AUTRICHE, and died on September 10, 1948 in Cobourg, , , , ALLEMAGNE, at the age of 87.

      Children of Marie-Louise Pie Thérèse Anne Ferdinande Françoise Antoinette Marguerite Joséphine Caroline Blanche Lucie Apollonia de BOURBON and Ferdinand Ier Maximilien Charles Léopold Marie de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA:

      1. Boris Iii Clément Robert Marie Pie Louis Stanislas Xavier de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA (18941943)
      2. Cyrille Henri François Louis Antoine Charles Philippe de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA (18951945)
      3. Eudoxie Augusta Philippine Clémentine Marie de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA (18981985)
      4. Nadejda Clémentine Marie Pia Marjela de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA (18991958)
    2. Béatrice de BOURBON, daughter of Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBON and Maria-Pia Des Graces de BOURBON, was born on January 9, 1879 and died on March 11, 1946 at the age of 67. She married Pietro de LUCCHESI PALLI, son of Ardinolfo de LUCCHESI PALLI and Lucrèce RUFFO, in 1906. He was born in 1870 and died in 1939 at the age of 69.

      Children of Béatrice de BOURBON and Pietro de LUCCHESI PALLI:

      1. Ardinolfo de LUCCHESI PALLI (19111986)
    3. Elie Robert Charles Marie Pie Joseph de BOURBON, duc de Parme, son of Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBON and Maria-Pia Des Graces de BOURBON, was born on July 23, 1880 in Biarritz, , , , FRANCE, and died on June 27, 1959 in Friedberg, , , , AUTRICHE, at the age of 78. He married Marie-Anne de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG, daughter of Frédéric de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG and Isabelle de CROY.

      Children of Elie Robert Charles Marie Pie Joseph de BOURBON and Marie-Anne de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG:

      1. Elisabeth de BOURBON (19041983)
      2. Charles-Louis de BOURBON (19051912)
      3. Marie “Françoise” Josèphe Rainière Henriette Pie Louise de BOURBON (19061994)
      4. Robert de BOURBON (19091974)
      5. François de BOURBON (19131939)
      6. Jeanne de BOURBON (19161949)
      7. Private
      8. Marie “Christine” Albertine Henriette Louise Pie Charlotte Anne de BOURBON (19252009)
    4. Sixte Ferdinand Marie Ignace Alphonse Robert Michel François Charles Louis Xavier Joseph Antoine Pie Thaddée Jean Sébastien Paul Biagio Stanislas Benoît Bernard Marc de BOURBON, prince de Parme, son of Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBON and Maria-Antonia Adélaïde Camille Caroline Eulalie Léopoldine Sophie Agnès Françoise D'Assise Et De Paule Michelle Gabrielle Raphaëlle Gonzague Grégorine Bernardine Bénédictine Andrée de BRAGANCE, was born on August 1, 1886 in Wartegg, , , , AUTRICHE, château and died on March 14, 1934 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, at the age of 47. He married Hedwige de LA ROCHEFOUCAULD, daughter of Armand de LA ROCHEFOUCAULD and Louise RADZIWILL.

      Sixte Ferdinand Marie Ignace Alphonse Robert Michel François Charles Louis Xavier Joseph Antoine Pie Thaddée Jean Sébastien Paul Biagio Stanislas Benoît Bernard Marc de BOURBON and Hedwige de LA ROCHEFOUCAULD had 1 child.

    5. François “Xavier” Charles Marie Anne Joseph de BOURBON, duc de Parme, son of Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBON and Maria-Antonia Adélaïde Camille Caroline Eulalie Léopoldine Sophie Agnès Françoise D'Assise Et De Paule Michelle Gabrielle Raphaëlle Gonzague Grégorine Bernardine Bénédictine Andrée de BRAGANCE, was born on May 25, 1889 in Camaiore, , , Lucca, ITALIE, and died on May 7, 1977 in Zizers, , , Graubünden, SUISSE, près de coire at the age of 87. He married Madeleine de BOURBON-BUSSET, daughter of Marie Louis Gabriel “Georges” de BOURBON and Jeanne de KERRET de QUILLIEN.

      Children of François “Xavier” Charles Marie Anne Joseph de BOURBON and Madeleine de BOURBON-BUSSET:

      1. Private
      2. Charles-Hugues Xavier Marie Sixte Louis Robert Jean Georges Benoît Michel de BOURBON (19302010)
      3. Private
      4. Private
      5. Private
      6. Private
    6. Zita Marie Des Grâces Adelgonde Michèle Raphaèle Gabrielle Joséphine Antoinette Louise Agnès de BOURBON, princesse de Parme, daughter of Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBON and Maria-Antonia Adélaïde Camille Caroline Eulalie Léopoldine Sophie Agnès Françoise D'Assise Et De Paule Michelle Gabrielle Raphaëlle Gonzague Grégorine Bernardine Bénédictine Andrée de BRAGANCE, was born on May 9, 1892 in Pianore, , , , ITALIE, and died on March 14, 1989 in Zizers, , , Graubünden, SUISSE, près de Coire at the age of 96. She married Charles 1er de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG, son of Othon-François Joseph de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG and Marie-Josèphe Louise Philippine Elisabeth Pie Angélique Marguerite de SAXE, on October 21, 1911 in Schwarzau, , , , AUTRICHE,. He was born on August 17, 1887 in Persenbeug, , , , AUTRICHE, and died on April 1, 1922 in Funchal, , , Madère, PORTUGAL, at the age of 34.

    7. Félix Marie Vincent de BOURBON, prince de Parme, prince de Luxembourg, son of Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBON and Maria-Antonia Adélaïde Camille Caroline Eulalie Léopoldine Sophie Agnès Françoise D'Assise Et De Paule Michelle Gabrielle Raphaëlle Gonzague Grégorine Bernardine Bénédictine Andrée de BRAGANCE, was born on September 28, 1893 in Schwarzau, , , , AUTRICHE, and died on April 8, 1970 in Fischbach, , , , LUXEMBOURG, at the age of 76. He married Charlotte de NASSAU, daughter of Guillaume Iv de NASSAU-WEILBOURG and Marie-Anne de BRAGANCE.

      Children of Félix Marie Vincent de BOURBON and Charlotte de NASSAU:

      1. Jean 1er Benoît Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc D'Aviano de BOURBON (19212019)
      2. Elisabeth de BOURBON (19222011)
      3. Marie-Adélaïde de BOURBON (19242007)
      4. Private
      5. Charles de BOURBON (19271977)
      6. Private
    8. René Charles Marie Joseph de BOURBON, prince de Parme, son of Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBON and Maria-Antonia Adélaïde Camille Caroline Eulalie Léopoldine Sophie Agnès Françoise D'Assise Et De Paule Michelle Gabrielle Raphaëlle Gonzague Grégorine Bernardine Bénédictine Andrée de BRAGANCE, was born on October 17, 1894 in Schwarzau, , , , AUTRICHE, and died on July 30, 1962 in Hellerup, , , , DANEMARK, at the age of 67. He married Marguerite Françoise Louise Marie Hélène de DANEMARK, daughter of Valdemar de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG and Marie Amélie Françoise Hélène d'ORLÉANS, on June 9, 1921 in Copenhague, , , , DANEMARK,. She was born on September 17, 1895 in Bernstorffshoj, , , , DANEMARK, and died on September 18, 1992 in Brodrehoj, , , , DANEMARK, at the age of 97.

      Children of René Charles Marie Joseph de BOURBON and Marguerite Françoise Louise Marie Hélène de DANEMARK:

      1. Jacques Marie Antoine Robert Waldemar Charles Félix Sixte Ansgar de BOURBON (19221964)
      2. Anne Marie Antonia Françoise Zita Marguerite de BOURBON (19232016)
      3. Michel Marie Xavier Waldemar Georges Robert Charles Eymar de BOURBON (19262018)
      4. André Marie de BOURBON (19282011)
    9. Louis Charles Marie Léopold Robert de BOURBON, prince de Parme, son of Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBON and Maria-Antonia Adélaïde Camille Caroline Eulalie Léopoldine Sophie Agnès Françoise D'Assise Et De Paule Michelle Gabrielle Raphaëlle Gonzague Grégorine Bernardine Bénédictine Andrée de BRAGANCE, was born on December 5, 1899 in Schwarzau, , , , AUTRICHE, and died on December 4, 1967 in Mandelieu, , , , FRANCE, près de Cannes at the age of 67. He married Maria-Pia Françoise Anne Romaine de SAVOIE, daughter of Victor-Emmanuel Iii Ferdinand Marie Janvier de SAVOIE and Hélène PETROVITCH NIEGOCH de MONTÉNÉGRO.

      Children of Louis Charles Marie Léopold Robert de BOURBON and Maria-Pia Françoise Anne Romaine de SAVOIE:

      1. Guy Sixte Louis Robert Victor de BOURBON (19401991)
      2. Private
      3. Private
      4. Private
    10. Gaëtan Marie Joseph Pie de BOURBON, prince de Parme, son of Robert Charles Louis Marie de BOURBON and Maria-Antonia Adélaïde Camille Caroline Eulalie Léopoldine Sophie Agnès Françoise D'Assise Et De Paule Michelle Gabrielle Raphaëlle Gonzague Grégorine Bernardine Bénédictine Andrée de BRAGANCE, was born on June 11, 1905 in Pianore, , , , ITALIE, and died on March 9, 1958 in Mandelieu, , , , FRANCE, at the age of 52. He married Marguerite de THURN ET TAXIS, daughter of Alexandre de THURN ET TAXIS and Marie de LIGNE.

      Gaëtan Marie Joseph Pie de BOURBON and Marguerite de THURN ET TAXIS had 1 child.

  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Boris Iii Clément Robert Marie Pie Louis Stanislas Xavier de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA, roi (tsar) des Bulgares, duc en Saxe, son of Ferdinand Ier Maximilien Charles Léopold Marie de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA and Marie-Louise Pie Thérèse Anne Ferdinande Françoise Antoinette Marguerite Joséphine Caroline Blanche Lucie Apollonia de BOURBON, was born on January 30, 1894 in Sofia, , , , BULGARIE, and died on August 28, 1943 in Sofia, , , , BULGARIE, at the age of 49. He married Jeanne Elisabeth Antoinette Romaine Marie de SAVOIE, daughter of Victor-Emmanuel Iii Ferdinand Marie Janvier de SAVOIE and Hélène PETROVITCH NIEGOCH de MONTÉNÉGRO.

      Boris Iii Clément Robert Marie Pie Louis Stanislas Xavier de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA and Jeanne Elisabeth Antoinette Romaine Marie de SAVOIE had 2 children.

    2. Nadejda Clémentine Marie Pia Marjela de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA, princesse de Bulgarie, daughter of Ferdinand Ier Maximilien Charles Léopold Marie de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA and Marie-Louise Pie Thérèse Anne Ferdinande Françoise Antoinette Marguerite Joséphine Caroline Blanche Lucie Apollonia de BOURBON, was born on January 30, 1899 in Sofia, , , , BULGARIE, palais royal and died on February 15, 1958 in Stuttgart, , , Wurtemberg, ALLEMAGNE, at the age of 59. She married Albert-Eugène Marie Philippe Charles Joseph Fortuné de WURTEMBERG, son of Albert Marie Alexandre Philippe Joseph de WURTEMBERG and Marguerite-Sophie de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG.

      Nadejda Clémentine Marie Pia Marjela de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA and Albert-Eugène Marie Philippe Charles Joseph Fortuné de WURTEMBERG had 5 children.

    3. Ardinolfo de LUCCHESI PALLI, son of Pietro de LUCCHESI PALLI and Béatrice de BOURBON, was born in 1911 and died in 1986 at the age of 75.

      Ardinolfo de LUCCHESI PALLI had 1 child.

    4. The details of this family are private.
    5. The details of this family are private.
    6. The details of this family are private.
    7. Charles-Hugues Xavier Marie Sixte Louis Robert Jean Georges Benoît Michel de BOURBON, duc de Parme, son of François “Xavier” Charles Marie Anne Joseph de BOURBON and Madeleine de BOURBON-BUSSET, was born on April 8, 1930 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, and died on August 18, 2010 in Barcelone, , , Catalogne, ESPAGNE, at the age of 80.

      Charles-Hugues Xavier Marie Sixte Louis Robert Jean Georges Benoît Michel de BOURBON had 4 children.

    8. Othon de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG, chef de la Maison Impériale d'Autriche en 1922, son of Charles 1er de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG and Zita Marie Des Grâces Adelgonde Michèle Raphaèle Gabrielle Joséphine Antoinette Louise Agnès de BOURBON, was born on November 20, 1912 and died on July 4, 2011 in Pocking, , , Bavière, ALLEMAGNE, at the age of 98. He married Régina Hélène Elisabeth Marguerite de SAXE-MEININGEN, daughter of Georges de SAXE-MEININGEN and Claire-Marie von KORFF.

      Othon de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG and Régina Hélène Elisabeth Marguerite de SAXE-MEININGEN had 7 children.

    9. Robert Charles Louis Maximilen Michel Marie Antoine François Ferdinand Joseph Othon Hubert Georges Pie Jean Marc D'Aviano de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG, archiduc d'Autriche puis d'Autriche-Este, prince royal de Hongrie et de Bohême, son of Charles 1er de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG and Zita Marie Des Grâces Adelgonde Michèle Raphaèle Gabrielle Joséphine Antoinette Louise Agnès de BOURBON, was born on February 8, 1915 in Schönbrunn, , , , AUTRICHE, and died on February 7, 1996 in Bâle, , , , SUISSE, at the age of 80.

      Robert Charles Louis Maximilen Michel Marie Antoine François Ferdinand Joseph Othon Hubert Georges Pie Jean Marc D'Aviano de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG had 5 children.

    10. Félix de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG, son of Charles 1er de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG and Zita Marie Des Grâces Adelgonde Michèle Raphaèle Gabrielle Joséphine Antoinette Louise Agnès de BOURBON, was born on May 31, 1916 and died on September 6, 2011 in Mexico, , , , MEXIQUE, at the age of 95. He married Anne-Eugénie d'ARENBERG, daughter of Robert Prosper d'ARENBERG and Gabrielle von WREDE.

      Children of Félix de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG and Anne-Eugénie d'ARENBERG:

      1. Private
      2. Private
      3. Private
      4. Raimond de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG (19582008)
      5. Private
      6. Private
      7. Private
    11. Charles-Louis de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG, son of Charles 1er de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG and Zita Marie Des Grâces Adelgonde Michèle Raphaèle Gabrielle Joséphine Antoinette Louise Agnès de BOURBON, was born on March 10, 1918 and died on December 11, 2007 in Bruxelles, , Brabant, , BELGIQUE, at the age of 89.

      Charles-Louis de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG had 4 children.

    12. Rodolphe Syringus Peter Karl Franz Joseph Robert Antonius Maria Pius Benediktus Ignatius Laurentius Justiniani Marcus D'Aviano de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG, son of Charles 1er de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG and Zita Marie Des Grâces Adelgonde Michèle Raphaèle Gabrielle Joséphine Antoinette Louise Agnès de BOURBON, was born on September 5, 1919 and died on May 15, 2010 in Bruxelles, 1000, Bruxelles, Bruxelles Capitale, BELGIQUE, at the age of 90. He married Xenia TCHERNYSCHEV-BEZOBRAZOV, daughter of Serge Alexandrovitch TCHERNYSCHEV-BEZOBRAZOV and Elisabeth Dimitrievna CHEREMETEV.

      Children of Rodolphe Syringus Peter Karl Franz Joseph Robert Antonius Maria Pius Benediktus Ignatius Laurentius Justiniani Marcus D'Aviano de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG and Xenia TCHERNYSCHEV-BEZOBRAZOV:

      1. Private
      2. Private
      3. Private
      4. Jean (Johannes) de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG (19621975)

      Rodolphe Syringus Peter Karl Franz Joseph Robert Antonius Maria Pius Benediktus Ignatius Laurentius Justiniani Marcus D'Aviano de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG had 1 child.

    13. Charlotte de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG, daughter of Charles 1er de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG and Zita Marie Des Grâces Adelgonde Michèle Raphaèle Gabrielle Joséphine Antoinette Louise Agnès de BOURBON, was born on March 1, 1921 and died on July 23, 1989 at the age of 68. She married Georges de MECKLEMBOURG-STRELITZ, son of Georges-Alexandre de MECKLEMBOURG-STRELITZ and Nathalie VANJLARSKY, on July 25, 1956. He was born on September 22, 1899 and died on July 6, 1963 at the age of 63.

    14. Elisabeth-Charlotte de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG, daughter of Charles 1er de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG and Zita Marie Des Grâces Adelgonde Michèle Raphaèle Gabrielle Joséphine Antoinette Louise Agnès de BOURBON, was born on May 31, 1922 and died on January 7, 1993 at the age of 70. She married Henri de LIECHTENSTEIN, son of Alfred de LIECHTENSTEIN and Thérèse von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN.

      Children of Elisabeth-Charlotte de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG and Henri de LIECHTENSTEIN:

      1. Vincent de LIECHTENSTEIN (19502008)
      2. Private
      3. Private
      4. Private
      5. Private
    15. Jean 1er Benoît Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc D'Aviano de BOURBON

      Jean 1er Benoît Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc D'Aviano de BOURBON, grand duc de Luxembourg en 1964, abdique en 2000, son of Félix Marie Vincent de BOURBON and Charlotte de NASSAU, was born on January 5, 1921 in Berg, , , , LUXEMBOURG, château and died on April 23, 2019 in LUXEMBOURG, at the age of 98. He married Joséphine-Charlotte Ingeborg Elisabeth Marie Josephe Marguerite Astrid de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA, daughter of Léopold III Philippe Charles Albert Meinrad Hubert Marie Michel de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA and Astrid Sophie Louise Thyra BERNADOTTE.

      Jean 1er Benoît Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc D'Aviano de BOURBON and Joséphine-Charlotte Ingeborg Elisabeth Marie Josephe Marguerite Astrid de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA had 5 children.

    16. Elisabeth de BOURBON, daughter of Félix Marie Vincent de BOURBON and Charlotte de NASSAU, was born on December 22, 1922 and died on November 22, 2011 at the age of 88. She married François-Ferdinand de HOHENBERG, son of Maximilien de HOHENBERG and Elisabeth von WALDBURG zu WOLFEGG WALDSEE.

      Elisabeth de BOURBON and François-Ferdinand de HOHENBERG had 2 children.

    17. Marie-Adélaïde de BOURBON, daughter of Félix Marie Vincent de BOURBON and Charlotte de NASSAU, was born on May 21, 1924 and died on February 28, 2007 at the age of 82. She married Charles-Joseph HENCKEL von DONNERSMARCK, son of Lazare HENCKEL von DONNERSMARCK and Françoise von ELTZ von STROMBERG.

      Children of Marie-Adélaïde de BOURBON and Charles-Joseph HENCKEL von DONNERSMARCK:

      1. Private
      2. Félix HENCKEL von DONNERSMARCK (19602007)
      3. Private
      4. Private
    18. The details of this family are private.
    19. Charles de BOURBON, son of Félix Marie Vincent de BOURBON and Charlotte de NASSAU, was born on August 7, 1927 and died on June 27, 1977 at the age of 49.

      Charles de BOURBON had 2 children.

    20. The details of this family are private.
    21. Jacques Marie Antoine Robert Waldemar Charles Félix Sixte Ansgar de BOURBON, prince de Parme, son of René Charles Marie Joseph de BOURBON and Marguerite Françoise Louise Marie Hélène de DANEMARK, was born on June 9, 1922 in Longwy, , , , FRANCE, and died on November 5, 1964 in Roskilde, , , , DANEMARK, at the age of 42. He married Brigitte Alexandra Marie de HOLSTEIN-LEDREBORG.

      Jacques Marie Antoine Robert Waldemar Charles Félix Sixte Ansgar de BOURBON and Brigitte Alexandra Marie de HOLSTEIN-LEDREBORG had 3 children.

    22. Anne Marie Antonia Françoise Zita Marguerite de BOURBON

      Anne Marie Antonia Françoise Zita Marguerite de BOURBON, princesse de Parme, daughter of René Charles Marie Joseph de BOURBON and Marguerite Françoise Louise Marie Hélène de DANEMARK, was born on September 18, 1923 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, and died on August 1, 2016 in Morges at the age of 92. She married Michel 1er de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN, son of Charles II (Carol) de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN and Hélène d'OLDENBOURG.

      Anne Marie Antonia Françoise Zita Marguerite de BOURBON and Michel 1er de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN had 5 children.

    23. Michel Marie Xavier Waldemar Georges Robert Charles Eymar de BOURBON, prince de Parme, son of René Charles Marie Joseph de BOURBON and Marguerite Françoise Louise Marie Hélène de DANEMARK, was born on March 4, 1926 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, and died on July 7, 2018 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, 92, Hauts-de-Seine, , FRANCE, at the age of 92. He married Yolande de BROGLIE-REVEL, daughter of Joseph de BROGLIE-REVEL and Marguerite de LA COUR de BALLEROY.

      Michel Marie Xavier Waldemar Georges Robert Charles Eymar de BOURBON had 1 child.

      Children of Michel Marie Xavier Waldemar Georges Robert Charles Eymar de BOURBON and Yolande de BROGLIE-REVEL:

      1. Inès Marie Joseph Marguerite Yolande Tatiana de BOURBON (19521981)
      2. Private
      3. Private
      4. Victoire Marie Pia Joseph Philippe Isaure de BOURBON (19572001)
      5. Private
    24. André Marie de BOURBON, prince de Parme, son of René Charles Marie Joseph de BOURBON and Marguerite Françoise Louise Marie Hélène de DANEMARK, was born on March 6, 1928 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, and died on October 22, 2011 in Dourdan, 91410, Essonne, Île-de-France, FRANCE, at the age of 83.

      André Marie de BOURBON had 3 children.

    25. Guy Sixte Louis Robert Victor de BOURBON, prince de Parme, son of Louis Charles Marie Léopold Robert de BOURBON and Maria-Pia Françoise Anne Romaine de SAVOIE, was born on August 7, 1940 in Cannes, , Alpes-Maritimes, , FRANCE, and died on March 10, 1991 at the age of 50. He married Brigitte PEU-DUVALON.

      Guy Sixte Louis Robert Victor de BOURBON and Brigitte PEU-DUVALON had 1 child.

    26. The details of this family are private.
    27. The details of this family are private.
    28. The details of this family are private.
    29. The details of this family are private.
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