Françoise de RYEAge: 47 years15431590

Françoise de RYE
Given names
de RYE
Birth 1543 43 15

Death of a motherAntoinette de LONGWY
1544 (Age 12 months)

Death of a fatherJoachim de RYE
1560 (Age 17 years)

Birth of a daughter
Marguerite de CHABOT
1565 (Age 22 years)

MarriageLéonor CHABOTView this family
1568 (Age 25 years)

dame de Logwy


_USTLéonor CHABOTView this family

Death 1590 (Age 47 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Family with Léonor CHABOT - View this family
Marriage: 1568
-2 years
Léonor CHABOT + Claude GOUFFIER - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: 1549
2 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Françoise de RYE, dame de Logwy, daughter of Joachim de RYE and Antoinette de LONGWY, was born in 1543 and died in 1590 at the age of 47. She married Léonor CHABOT, son of Philippe CHABOT and Françoise de LONGWY, in 1568. He was born in 1526 and died in 1597 at the age of 71.

      Children of Françoise de RYE and Léonor CHABOT:

      1. Marguerite de CHABOT (15651652)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Marguerite de CHABOT, daughter of Léonor CHABOT and Françoise de RYE, was born in 1565 and died on September 29, 1652 at the age of 87.

      Children of Marguerite de CHABOT and Charles 1er de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF:

      1. Claude Eléonore de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (15821654)
      2. Henriette de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (15921669)
      3. Charles Ii de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (15961657)
      4. Françoise de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (15981626)
      5. Henri de LORRAINE-ARMAGNAC (16011666)
      6. Catherine de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (16061611)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Charles Ii de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF, son of Charles 1er de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF and Marguerite de CHABOT, was born on November 5, 1596 and died on November 5, 1657 at the age of 61. He married Catherine Henriette de VENDÔME, daughter of Henri Iv Le Grand de BOURBON and Gabrielle d'ESTRÉES, in February 1619. She was born on March 26, 1597 and died on June 20, 1663 at the age of 66.

      Children of Charles Ii de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF and Catherine Henriette de VENDÔME:

      1. Charles Iii de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (16201692)
      2. Henri de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (16221648)
      3. François-Louis de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (16231694)
      4. François-Marie de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (16241694)
      5. Marie-Marguerite de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (16291679)
      6. Catherine de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (1645)
    2. Henri de LORRAINE-ARMAGNAC, son of Charles 1er de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF and Marguerite de CHABOT, was born on March 20, 1601 and died on July 25, 1666 at the age of 65. He married Marguerite Philippa de CAMBOUT-COISLIN in February 1639. She died on December 9, 1674.

      Children of Henri de LORRAINE-ARMAGNAC and Marguerite Philippa de CAMBOUT-COISLIN:

      1. Armande Henriette de LORRAINE-ARMAGNAC (16401684)
      2. Louis 1er de LORRAINE-ARMAGNAC (16411718)
      3. Philippe de LORRAINE-ARMAGNAC (16431702)
      4. Alphonse Louis de LORRAINE-ARMAGNAC (16441689)
      5. Raymond Béranger de LORRAINE-ARMAGNAC (16471686)
      6. Charles de LORRAINE-ARMAGNAC (16481708)
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