Jean IBELINAge: 57 years11791236

Given names
Birth 1179 36 25

Birth of a brotherPhilippe IBELIN
about 1180 (Age 12 months)

Death of a fatherBalian IBELIN
1193 (Age 14 years)

Death of a half-sisterIsabelle d'ANJOU
1205 (Age 26 years)

MarriageMélisende d'ARSURView this family
1209 (Age 30 years)

Birth of a son
1209 (Age 30 years)

Birth of a son
1211 (Age 32 years)

Birth of a son
Baudouin IBELIN
about 1211 (Age 32 years)

Death of a sisterHelvis IBELIN
1216 (Age 37 years)

Birth of a son
1217 (Age 38 years)

Death of a motherMarie COMNENE
1217 (Age 38 years)

Death of a brotherPhilippe IBELIN
1227 (Age 48 years)

Marriage of a childBaudouin IBELINAlice de BETHSANView this family
about 1230 (Age 51 years)

Marriage of a childJean IBELINAlice de CAYPHASView this family
1236 (on the date of death)


_USTMélisende d'ARSURView this family

Death 1236 (Age 57 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1176
1 year
elder sister
4 years
2 years
younger brother
Mother’s family with Amaury Ier d'ANJOU - View this family
Marriage: 1167
3 years
Family with Mélisende d'ARSUR - View this family
Marriage: 1209
1 year
3 years
1 year
7 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Jean IBELIN, son of Balian IBELIN and Marie COMNENE, was born in 1179 and died in 1236 at the age of 57. He married Mélisende d'ARSUR in 1209.

      Children of Jean IBELIN and Mélisende d'ARSUR:

      1. Balian IBELIN (12091247)
      2. Jean IBELIN (12111258)
      3. Baudouin IBELIN (12111266)
      4. Guy IBELIN (12171255)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Balian IBELIN, son of Jean IBELIN and Mélisende d'ARSUR, was born in 1209 and died in 1247 at the age of 38. He married Echive de MONTFAUCON in 1249.

      Children of Balian IBELIN and Echive de MONTFAUCON:

      1. Jean d'IBELIN (12301264)
    2. Jean IBELIN, son of Jean IBELIN and Mélisende d'ARSUR, was born in 1211 and died in 1258 at the age of 47. He married Alice de CAYPHAS in 1236.

      Children of Jean IBELIN and Alice de CAYPHAS:

      1. Balian IBELIN (12391277)
    3. Baudouin IBELIN, son of Jean IBELIN and Mélisende d'ARSUR, was born about 1211 and died in 1266. He married Alice de BETHSAN about 1230.

      Children of Baudouin IBELIN and Alice de BETHSAN:

      1. Jean IBELIN (12311250)
      2. Philippe IBELIN
    4. Guy IBELIN, son of Jean IBELIN and Mélisende d'ARSUR, was born in 1217 and died in 1255 at the age of 38. He married Philippa BARLAIS in 1240.

      Children of Guy IBELIN and Philippa BARLAIS:

      1. Balian IBELIN (12401302)
      2. Isabelle d'IBELIN (12411324)
      3. Philippe IBELIN (12531318)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Jean d'IBELIN, seigneur de Beyrouth, son of Balian IBELIN and Echive de MONTFAUCON, was born in 1230 and died in 1264 at the age of 34. He married Alix de LA ROCHE SUR L'OGNON about 1249.

      Children of Jean d'IBELIN and Alix de LA ROCHE SUR L'OGNON:

      1. Eschive d'IBELIN (12531312)
      2. Isabelle d'IBELIN (1277)
    2. Balian IBELIN, son of Jean IBELIN and Alice de CAYPHAS, was born in 1239 and died in 1277 at the age of 38. He married 2 times. The first time he married Plaisance de POITIERS, daughter of Bohémond V de POITIERS and Lucia CONTI, in 1254. She died in 1261. Balian IBELIN and Plaisance de POITIERS were divorced in 1258. The second time he married Lucie de CHENECY about 1261.

      Children of Balian IBELIN and Lucie de CHENECY:

      1. Jean IBELIN (12701309)
    3. Jean IBELIN, son of Baudouin IBELIN and Alice de BETHSAN, was born about 1231 and died in 1250. He married Isabelle RIVET in 1247.

      Children of Jean IBELIN and Isabelle RIVET:

      1. Baudouin IBELIN (12501313)
    4. Philippe IBELIN, son of Baudouin IBELIN and Alice de BETHSAN. He married Simonette de MONTFAUCON, daughter of Eudes de MONTFAUCON and Echive de SAINT-OMER, in 1253.

      Children of Philippe IBELIN and Simonette de MONTFAUCON:

      1. Echive IBELIN (12701324)
      2. Marie IBELIN (1324)
      3. Balian d'IBELIN (1316)
    5. Balian IBELIN, sénéchal de chypre, son of Guy IBELIN and Philippa BARLAIS, was born in 1240 and died in February 1302 at the age of 62. He married Alice de LAMPRON, daughter of Hethum de LAMPRON and Echive de POITIERS, in 1279. She died in 1312.

      Children of Balian IBELIN and Alice de LAMPRON:

      1. Isabelle IBELIN (1285)
      2. Marie IBELIN (12851340)
      3. Guy IBELIN (12861308)
    6. Isabelle d'IBELIN, daughter of Guy IBELIN and Philippa BARLAIS, was born in 1241 and died on June 10, 1324 at the age of 83. She married Hugues Iii de POITIERS, son of Henri de POITIERS and Isabelle de LUSIGNAN, on January 30, 1255. He was born in 1240 and died in 1284 at the age of 44.

      Children of Isabelle d'IBELIN and Hugues Iii de POITIERS:

      1. Jean 1er de LUSIGNAN (12591285)
      2. Bohémond de LUSIGNAN (1283)
      3. Henri Ii de LUSIGNAN (12711324)
      4. Amaury de LUSIGNAN (12721310)
      5. Marie de LUSIGNAN (1321)
      6. Guy de POITIERS (1303)
      7. Aymeri de LUSIGNAN (1316)
      8. Marguerite de LUSIGNAN (1324)
      9. Alix de LUSIGNAN
      10. Héloïse de LUSIGNAN (1324)
      11. Isabelle de LUSIGNAN (1310)
    7. Philippe IBELIN, son of Guy IBELIN and Philippa BARLAIS, was born about 1253 and died in 1318. He married Marie EMBRIACO in 1295. She died in 1331.

      Children of Philippe IBELIN and Marie EMBRIACO:

      1. Isabelle d'IBELIN (13001342)
      2. Balian IBELIN (13061349)
      3. Helvis d'IBELIN (13071347)
      4. Guy IBELIN (13071350)
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