Guy IBELINAge: 38 years1217–1255
- Name
- Given names
- Guy
- Surname
Birth | 1217 38 _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Marie COMNENE 1217 _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Jean IBELIN 1236 (Age 19 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Philippa BARLAIS — View this family 1240 (Age 23 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Balian IBELIN 1240 (Age 23 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Isabelle d'IBELIN 1241 (Age 24 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Balian IBELIN 1247 (Age 30 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #3 | Philippe IBELIN about 1253 (Age 36 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Hugues Iii de POITIERS — Isabelle d'IBELIN — View this family Type: Religious marriage January 30, 1255 (Age 38 years)_FNA: NO |
_UST | Philippa BARLAIS — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1255 (Age 38 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Jean IBELIN Birth: 1179 36 25 Death: 1236 |
mother | |
Marriage: 1209 — |
1 year elder brother |
Balian IBELIN Birth: 1209 30 Death: 1247 |
3 years elder brother |
Jean IBELIN Birth: 1211 32 Death: 1258 |
1 year elder brother |
Baudouin IBELIN Birth: about 1211 32 Death: 1266 |
7 years himself |
Guy IBELIN Birth: 1217 38 Death: 1255 |
Family with Philippa BARLAIS |
himself |
Guy IBELIN Birth: 1217 38 Death: 1255 |
wife | |
Marriage: 1240 — |
1 year son |
Balian IBELIN Birth: 1240 23 Death: February 1302 |
2 years daughter |
Isabelle d'IBELIN Birth: 1241 24 Death: June 10, 1324 |
13 years son |
Philippe IBELIN Birth: about 1253 36 Death: 1318 |
- Generation 1
Guy IBELIN , son ofJean IBELIN andMélisende d'ARSUR , was born in 1217 and died in 1255 at the age of 38. He marriedPhilippa BARLAIS in 1240.Children of
Guy IBELIN andPhilippa BARLAIS :Balian IBELIN (1240–1302)Isabelle d'IBELIN (1241–1324)Philippe IBELIN (1253–1318)
- Generation 2back to top
Balian IBELIN , sénéchal de chypre, son ofGuy IBELIN andPhilippa BARLAIS , was born in 1240 and died in February 1302 at the age of 62. He marriedAlice de LAMPRON , daughter ofHethum de LAMPRON andEchive de POITIERS , in 1279. She died in 1312.Children of
Balian IBELIN andAlice de LAMPRON :Isabelle IBELIN (1285–)Marie IBELIN (1285–1340)Guy IBELIN (1286–1308)
Isabelle d'IBELIN , daughter ofGuy IBELIN andPhilippa BARLAIS , was born in 1241 and died on June 10, 1324 at the age of 83. She marriedHugues Iii de POITIERS , son ofHenri de POITIERS andIsabelle de LUSIGNAN , on January 30, 1255. He was born in 1240 and died in 1284 at the age of 44.Children of
Isabelle d'IBELIN andHugues Iii de POITIERS :Jean 1er de LUSIGNAN (1259–1285)Bohémond de LUSIGNAN (–1283)Henri Ii de LUSIGNAN (1271–1324)Amaury de LUSIGNAN (1272–1310)Marie de LUSIGNAN (–1321)Guy de POITIERS (–1303)Aymeri de LUSIGNAN (–1316)Marguerite de LUSIGNAN (–1324)Alix de LUSIGNAN Héloïse de LUSIGNAN (–1324)Isabelle de LUSIGNAN (–1310)
Philippe IBELIN , son ofGuy IBELIN andPhilippa BARLAIS , was born about 1253 and died in 1318. He marriedMarie EMBRIACO in 1295. She died in 1331.Children of
Philippe IBELIN andMarie EMBRIACO :Isabelle d'IBELIN (1300–1342)Balian IBELIN (1306–1349)Helvis d'IBELIN (1307–1347)Guy IBELIN (1307–1350)
- Generation 3back to top
Isabelle IBELIN , daughter ofBalian IBELIN andAlice de LAMPRON , was born about 1285. She marriedJean IBELIN , son ofBalian IBELIN andLucie de CHENECY , in 1299. He was born in 1270 and died in 1309 at the age of 39.Children of
Isabelle IBELIN andJean IBELIN :Marie IBELIN , daughter ofBalian IBELIN andAlice de LAMPRON , was born in 1285 and died in 1340 at the age of 55. She marriedRoupen de MONTFORT , son ofHomfroid de MONTFORT andEschive d'IBELIN , in 1299. He died in 1313.Children of
Marie IBELIN andRoupen de MONTFORT :Guy IBELIN , son ofBalian IBELIN andAlice de LAMPRON , was born in 1286 and died in 1308 at the age of 22. He marriedIsabelle IBELIN , daughter ofBaudouin IBELIN andMarguerite EMBRIACO , in 1303. She died in 1315.Children of
Guy IBELIN andIsabelle IBELIN :Alice d'IBELIN (1304–1386)Marguerite IBELIN (1307–)
Henri Ii de LUSIGNAN , roi de Jérusalem, roi de chypre, son ofHugues Iii de POITIERS andIsabelle d'IBELIN , was born in 1271 and died on April 8, 1324 at the age of 53. He marriedConstance de BARCELONE , daughter ofFrédéric Ii de BARCELONE andEléonore d'ANJOU , on October 24, 1317. She was born after 1303 and died in 1344.Amaury de LUSIGNAN , prince de Tyr, son ofHugues Iii de POITIERS andIsabelle d'IBELIN , was born in 1272 and died on June 13, 1310 at the age of 38. He marriedZabel d'ARMÉNIE , daughter ofLéon Ii HÉTOUMIDE andKyranna de LAMPRON , in 1292. She was born in 1277 and died on April 17, 1323 at the age of 46.Children of
Amaury de LUSIGNAN andZabel d'ARMÉNIE :Guy de LUSIGNAN (–1343)Jean de LUSIGNAN (–1342)
Marie de LUSIGNAN , princesse de Chypre, daughter ofHugues Iii de POITIERS andIsabelle d'IBELIN . She died in 1321. She marriedJacques Ii de BARCELONE , son ofPierre Iii de BARCELONE andConstance de HOHENSTAUFEN , in 1315. He was born in 1267 and died on November 13, 1327 at the age of 60.Guy de POITIERS , prince de Chypre, son ofHugues Iii de POITIERS andIsabelle d'IBELIN . He died in 1303. He marriedEschive d'IBELIN , daughter ofJean d'IBELIN andAlix de LA ROCHE SUR L'OGNON , on December 14, 1291. She was born in 1253 and died in 1312 at the age of 59.Children of
Guy de POITIERS andEschive d'IBELIN :Hugues Iv de LUSIGNAN (1297–1361)Isabelle de LUSIGNAN (–1340)
Marguerite de LUSIGNAN , daughter ofHugues Iii de POITIERS andIsabelle d'IBELIN . She died in 1324.Alix de LUSIGNAN , daughter ofHugues Iii de POITIERS andIsabelle d'IBELIN .Children of
Alix de LUSIGNAN andBalian d'IBELIN :Jacques d'IBELIN (1300–1319)
Héloïse de LUSIGNAN , daughter ofHugues Iii de POITIERS andIsabelle d'IBELIN . She died in 1324.Children of
Héloïse de LUSIGNAN andThoros Iii d'ARMÉNIE :Léon Iv d'ARMÉNIE (–1307)
Isabelle de LUSIGNAN , daughter ofHugues Iii de POITIERS andIsabelle d'IBELIN . She died in 1310.Children of
Isabelle de LUSIGNAN andOschin d'ARMÉNIE :Léon V d'ARMÉNIE (–1342)
Isabelle d'IBELIN , daughter ofPhilippe IBELIN andMarie EMBRIACO , was born in 1300 and died in 1342 at the age of 42. She married 2 times. The first time she marriedFerdinand de BARCELONE , son ofJacques 1er de BARCELONE andEsclarmonde de FOIX , on June 15, 1316. He died in 1318. The second time she marriedHugues IBELIN , son ofGuy IBELIN andMarie IBELIN , in 1320. He died in 1349.Children of
Isabelle d'IBELIN andFerdinand de BARCELONE :Ferdinand de BARCELONE (1317–1345)
Balian IBELIN , son ofPhilippe IBELIN andMarie EMBRIACO , was born in 1306 and died in 1349 at the age of 43. He marriedMarguerite IBELIN , daughter ofJean IBELIN andIsabelle IBELIN , in 1323.Helvis d'IBELIN , daughter ofPhilippe IBELIN andMarie EMBRIACO , was born in 1307 and died in 1347 at the age of 40. She marriedHenri de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN , son ofHenri Ier de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN andAgnès de SAXE , in 1330. He was born in 1289 and died in 1351 at the age of 62.Children of
Helvis d'IBELIN andHenri de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN :Philippe de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1332–1369)Melchior de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1341–1381)
Guy IBELIN , sénéchal de Chypre, son ofPhilippe IBELIN andMarie EMBRIACO , was born in 1307 and died in 1350 at the age of 43. He marriedMarguerite IBELIN , daughter ofGuy IBELIN andIsabelle IBELIN , in 1319. She was born in 1307.Children of
Guy IBELIN andMarguerite IBELIN :Alice d'IBELIN (1325–1373)