Philippe IBELINAge: 65 years12531318

Philippe IBELIN
Given names
Birth about 1253 36

Death of a fatherGuy IBELIN
1255 (Age 2 years)

MarriageMarie EMBRIACOView this family
1295 (Age 42 years)

Birth of a daughter
Isabelle d'IBELIN
1300 (Age 47 years)

Death of a brotherBalian IBELIN
February 1302 (Age 49 years)

Birth of a son
1306 (Age 53 years)

Birth of a daughter
Helvis d'IBELIN
1307 (Age 54 years)

Birth of a son
1307 (Age 54 years)

Marriage of a childFerdinand de BARCELONEIsabelle d'IBELINView this family
June 15, 1316 (Age 63 years)


_USTMarie EMBRIACOView this family

Death 1318 (Age 65 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1240
1 year
elder brother
2 years
elder sister
13 years
Family with Marie EMBRIACO - View this family
Marriage: 1295
6 years
7 years
2 years
1 year

  1. Generation 1
    1. Philippe IBELIN, son of Guy IBELIN and Philippa BARLAIS, was born about 1253 and died in 1318. He married Marie EMBRIACO in 1295. She died in 1331.

      Children of Philippe IBELIN and Marie EMBRIACO:

      1. Isabelle d'IBELIN (13001342)
      2. Balian IBELIN (13061349)
      3. Helvis d'IBELIN (13071347)
      4. Guy IBELIN (13071350)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Isabelle d'IBELIN, daughter of Philippe IBELIN and Marie EMBRIACO, was born in 1300 and died in 1342 at the age of 42. She married 2 times. The first time she married Ferdinand de BARCELONE, son of Jacques 1er de BARCELONE and Esclarmonde de FOIX, on June 15, 1316. He died in 1318. The second time she married Hugues IBELIN, son of Guy IBELIN and Marie IBELIN, in 1320. He died in 1349.

      Children of Isabelle d'IBELIN and Ferdinand de BARCELONE:

      1. Ferdinand de BARCELONE (13171345)
    2. Balian IBELIN, son of Philippe IBELIN and Marie EMBRIACO, was born in 1306 and died in 1349 at the age of 43. He married Marguerite IBELIN, daughter of Jean IBELIN and Isabelle IBELIN, in 1323.

    3. Helvis d'IBELIN, daughter of Philippe IBELIN and Marie EMBRIACO, was born in 1307 and died in 1347 at the age of 40. She married Henri de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN, son of Henri Ier de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN and Agnès de SAXE, in 1330. He was born in 1289 and died in 1351 at the age of 62.

      Children of Helvis d'IBELIN and Henri de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN:

      1. Philippe de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (13321369)
      2. Melchior de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (13411381)
    4. Guy IBELIN, sénéchal de Chypre, son of Philippe IBELIN and Marie EMBRIACO, was born in 1307 and died in 1350 at the age of 43. He married Marguerite IBELIN, daughter of Guy IBELIN and Isabelle IBELIN, in 1319. She was born in 1307.

      Children of Guy IBELIN and Marguerite IBELIN:

      1. Alice d'IBELIN (13251373)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Ferdinand de BARCELONE, infant de Majorque, son of Ferdinand de BARCELONE and Isabelle d'IBELIN, was born in 1317 and died in 1345 at the age of 28. He married Echive de LUSIGNAN, daughter of Hugues Iv de LUSIGNAN and Alice d'IBELIN, on March 13, 1337. She was born in 1325 and died in 1363 at the age of 38.

      Children of Ferdinand de BARCELONE and Echive de LUSIGNAN:

      1. Alice de BARCELONE (1341)
    2. Philippe de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN, son of Henri de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN and Helvis d'IBELIN, was born in 1332 and died in 1369 at the age of 37. He married Helvis de DAMPIERRE, daughter of Eudes de DAMPIERRE and Isabelle de LUSIGNAN, in 1353.

      Children of Philippe de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN and Helvis de DAMPIERRE:

      1. Hedwige de BRUNSWICK (13531421)
    3. Alice d'IBELIN, daughter of Guy IBELIN and Marguerite IBELIN, was born in 1325 and died in 1373 at the age of 48. She married Jean de LUSIGNAN, son of Hugues Iv de LUSIGNAN and Alice d'IBELIN, on April 21, 1350. He was born between 1329 and 1330 and died in 1375.

      Children of Alice d'IBELIN and Jean de LUSIGNAN:

      1. Jacques de LUSIGNAN (1395)
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