Nicolas de CONDÉAge: 48 years1170–1218
- Name
- Nicolas de CONDÉ
- Given names
- Nicolas
- Surname
- de CONDÉ
Birth | between 1170 and 1180 _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Isabeau de MORIALMÉ — View this family 1211 (Age 41 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Jacques de CONDÉ 1212 (Age 42 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Isabeau de MORIALMÉ — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1218 (Age 48 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with Isabeau de MORIALMÉ |
himself |
Nicolas de CONDÉ Birth: between 1170 and 1180 Death: 1218 |
wife |
Isabeau de MORIALMÉ Birth: 1190 |
Marriage: 1211 — |
2 years son |
Jacques de CONDÉ Birth: 1212 42 22 Death: 1259 |
Robert de BÉTHUNE + Isabeau de MORIALMÉ |
wife’s husband |
Robert de BÉTHUNE Birth: 1200 40 Death: 1248 |
wife |
Isabeau de MORIALMÉ Birth: 1190 |
step-daughter |
Mathilde de BETHUNE Birth: 1220 20 30 Death: 1264 |
- Generation 1
Nicolas de CONDÉ was born between 1170 and 1180 and died in 1218. He marriedIsabeau de MORIALMÉ in 1211. She was born in 1190.Children of
Nicolas de CONDÉ andIsabeau de MORIALMÉ :Jacques de CONDÉ (1212–1259)
- Generation 2back to top
Jacques de CONDÉ , son ofNicolas de CONDÉ andIsabeau de MORIALMÉ , was born in 1212 and died in 1259 at the age of 47.Children of
Jacques de CONDÉ andAgnès de ROEULX :Nicolas Ii de CONDÉ (1230–1293)
- Generation 3back to top
Nicolas Ii de CONDÉ , seigneur, son ofJacques de CONDÉ andAgnès de ROEULX , was born in 1230 and died in 1293 at the age of 63.Children of
Nicolas Ii de CONDÉ andCatherine de ROEULX :Catherine de CONDÉ (1258–1329)
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