Jacques de CONDÉAge: 47 years1212–1259
- Name
- Jacques de CONDÉ
- Given names
- Jacques
- Surname
- de CONDÉ
Birth | 1212 42 22 _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Nicolas de CONDÉ 1218 (Age 6 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a half-sister | Mathilde de BETHUNE 1220 (Age 8 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Nicolas Ii de CONDÉ 1230 (Age 18 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a wife | Agnès de ROEULX 1247 (Age 35 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Agnès de ROEULX — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1259 (Age 47 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Nicolas de CONDÉ Birth: between 1170 and 1180 Death: 1218 |
mother |
Isabeau de MORIALMÉ Birth: 1190 |
Marriage: 1211 — |
2 years himself |
Jacques de CONDÉ Birth: 1212 42 22 Death: 1259 |
Mother’s family with Robert de BÉTHUNE |
step-father |
Robert de BÉTHUNE Birth: 1200 40 Death: 1248 |
mother |
Isabeau de MORIALMÉ Birth: 1190 |
half-sister |
Mathilde de BETHUNE Birth: 1220 20 30 Death: 1264 |
Family with Agnès de ROEULX |
himself |
Jacques de CONDÉ Birth: 1212 42 22 Death: 1259 |
wife |
Agnès de ROEULX Birth: 1204 Death: 1247 |
son |
Nicolas Ii de CONDÉ Birth: 1230 18 26 Death: 1293 |
- Generation 1
Jacques de CONDÉ , son ofNicolas de CONDÉ andIsabeau de MORIALMÉ , was born in 1212 and died in 1259 at the age of 47.Children of
Jacques de CONDÉ andAgnès de ROEULX :Nicolas Ii de CONDÉ (1230–1293)
- Generation 2back to top
Nicolas Ii de CONDÉ , seigneur, son ofJacques de CONDÉ andAgnès de ROEULX , was born in 1230 and died in 1293 at the age of 63.Children of
Nicolas Ii de CONDÉ andCatherine de ROEULX :Catherine de CONDÉ (1258–1329)
- Generation 3back to top
Catherine de CONDÉ , dame de Carency, daughter ofNicolas Ii de CONDÉ andCatherine de ROEULX , was born about 1258 and died in 1329.Children of
Catherine de CONDÉ andJacques de CHÂTILLON :Hugues de CHÂTILLON SAINT-POL (1270–1329)
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