Marguerite de VILLEHARDOUINAge: 49 years1266–1315
- Name
- Marguerite de VILLEHARDOUIN
- Given names
- Marguerite
- Surname
Birth | 1266 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Isabelle de SABRAN about 1297 (Age 31 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Ferdinand de BARCELONE — Isabelle de SABRAN — View this family 1314 (Age 48 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a daughter | Isabelle de SABRAN 1315 (on the date of death) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Isnard de SABRAN — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1315 (Age 49 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with Isnard de SABRAN |
husband | |
herself |
Marguerite de VILLEHARDOUIN Birth: 1266 Death: 1315 |
daughter |
Isabelle de SABRAN Birth: about 1297 31 Death: 1315 |
- Generation 1
Marguerite de VILLEHARDOUIN was born in 1266 and died in 1315 at the age of 49.Children of
Marguerite de VILLEHARDOUIN andIsnard de SABRAN :Isabelle de SABRAN (1297–1315)
- Generation 2back to top
Isabelle de SABRAN , daughter ofIsnard de SABRAN andMarguerite de VILLEHARDOUIN , was born about 1297 and died in 1315. She marriedFerdinand de BARCELONE , son ofJacques 1er de BARCELONE andEsclarmonde de FOIX , in 1314. He died in 1318.Children of
Isabelle de SABRAN andFerdinand de BARCELONE :Jacques Ii de BARCELONE (1315–1349)
- Generation 3back to top
Jacques Ii de BARCELONE , roi de Majorque, son ofFerdinand de BARCELONE andIsabelle de SABRAN , was born on April 13, 1315 and died on November 2, 1349 at the age of 34. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedConstance de BARCELONE , daughter ofAlphonse Iv de BARCELONE andThérèse de ENTENZA , on October 2, 1336. She was born in 1318 and died in 1346 at the age of 28. The second time he marriedViolante de VILARAGUT in 1347. She was born in 1320 and died in 1372 at the age of 52.Children of
Jacques Ii de BARCELONE andConstance de BARCELONE :Jacques Iii de BARCELONE (1336–1375)Isabelle de BARCELONE (1337–1403)
Children of
Jacques Ii de BARCELONE andViolante de VILARAGUT :Esclarmonde de BARCELONE (1348–1349)