Guillaume Ii de WITTELSBACHAge: 52 years13651417

Guillaume Ii de WITTELSBACH
Given names
Guillaume Ii
Birth April 13, 1365 29 23

Birth of a brotherAlbert de WITTELSBACH
1369 (Age 3 years)

Birth of a sisterJeanne de WITTELSBACH
1373 (Age 7 years)

Birth of a brotherJean de WITTELSBACH
1374 (Age 8 years)

MarriageMarguerite de BOURGOGNEView this family
Type: Religious marriage
April 20, 1385 (Age 20 years)

Death of a motherMarguerite de BRIEG
1386 (Age 20 years)

Death of a sisterJeanne de WITTELSBACH
January 8, 1387 (Age 21 years)

Marriage of a parentAlbert 1er de WITTELSBACHMarguerite de CLÈVESView this family
Type: Religious marriage
estimated 1390 (Age 24 years)

Death of a brotherAlbert de WITTELSBACH
January 29, 1397 (Age 31 years)

Death of a maternal grandfatherLouis 1er von LIEGNITZ
1398 (Age 32 years)

Death of a sisterCatherine de WITTELSBACH
November 20, 1400 (Age 35 years)

Birth of a daughter
Jacqueline de WITTELSBACH
August 3, 1401 (Age 36 years)

Death of a fatherAlbert 1er de WITTELSBACH
December 21, 1404 (Age 39 years)

Death of a sisterJeanne de WITTELSBACH
November 24, 1410 (Age 45 years)

Marriage of a childJean de VALOISJacqueline de WITTELSBACHView this family
August 15, 1415 (Age 50 years)


_USTMarguerite de BOURGOGNEView this family

Death June 8, 1417 (Age 52 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1363
-2 years
elder sister
2 years
elder sister
3 years
elder sister
2 years
5 years
younger brother
5 years
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Marguerite de CLÈVES - View this family
Marriage: estimated 1390
Family with Marguerite de BOURGOGNE - View this family
Marriage: April 20, 1385
16 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Guillaume Ii de WITTELSBACH, son of Albert 1er de WITTELSBACH and Marguerite de BRIEG, was born on April 13, 1365 and died on June 8, 1417 at the age of 52. He married Marguerite de BOURGOGNE, daughter of Philippe Ii Dit Le Hardi de BOURGOGNE and Marguerite de FLANDRE, on April 20, 1385. She was born in 1374 and died on March 17, 1441 at the age of 67.

      Children of Guillaume Ii de WITTELSBACH and Marguerite de BOURGOGNE:

      1. Jacqueline de WITTELSBACH (14011436)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Jacqueline de WITTELSBACH, comtesse de Hollande, daughter of Guillaume Ii de WITTELSBACH and Marguerite de BOURGOGNE, was born on August 3, 1401 and died on October 18, 1436 at the age of 35. She married 4 times. The first time she married Jean Iv de BOURGOGNE, son of Antoine de BOURGOGNE and Jeanne de LUXEMBOURG SAINT-PAUL, on April 13, 1418. He was born on June 20, 1403 and died on April 26, 1427 at the age of 23. The second time she married Homfroid PLANTAGENÊT, son of Henri Iv PLANTAGENÊT and Marie de BOHUN, on November 3, 1423. He was born in 1391 and died on March 4, 1447 at the age of 56. The third time she married Frank Ii van BORSSELEN in 1432. He was born in 1396 and died in 1470 at the age of 74. The fourth time she married Jean de VALOIS, son of Charles Vi Le Fou de VALOIS and Isabeau de WITTELSBACH, on August 15, 1415. He was born on September 8, 1398 and died on April 14, 1417 at the age of 18.

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