Robert de CLERMONTAge: 61 years12561317

Robert de CLERMONT
Given names
Birth 1256 41 35

Birth of a sisterAgnès de FRANCE
1258 (Age 2 years)

Death of a brotherLouis de FRANCE
January 20, 1259 (Age 3 years)

Death of a maternal grandmotherBéatrix de SAVOIE
1266 (Age 10 years)

Death of a brotherJean-Tristan de FRANCE
August 10, 1270 (Age 14 years)

Death of a fatherLouis Ix Dit Saint Louis de FRANCE
September 8, 1270 (Age 14 years)
Tunis, , , , TUNISIE,
Latitude: 36.818970 Longitude: 10.165790

Death of a sisterIsabelle de FRANCE
May 4, 1271 (Age 15 years)

Death of a sisterMarguerite de FRANCE
1271 (Age 15 years)

MarriageBéatrice de BOURGOGNEView this family
1272 (Age 16 years)

Birth of a son
Louis Ier Le Grand de BOURBON
about 1279 (Age 23 years)

Birth of a son
about 1280 (Age 24 years)

Birth of a son
Pierre de CLERMONT
about 1282 (Age 26 years)

Death of a brotherPierre de FRANCE
April 13, 1283 (Age 27 years)

Birth of a daughter
Blanche de CLERMONT
about 1284 (Age 28 years)

Birth of a daughter
1285 (Age 29 years)

Death of a brotherPhilippe Iii Le Hardi de FRANCE
October 19, 1285 (Age 29 years)
Perpignan, , , Catalogne, FRANCE,
Latitude: 42.697640 Longitude: 2.895410

Death of a motherMarguerite de PROVENCE
1295 (Age 39 years)
Marriage of a childRobert Vii d'AUVERGNEBlanche de CLERMONTView this family
Type: Religious marriage
July 3, 1303 (Age 47 years)

Death of a daughterBlanche de CLERMONT
1304 (Age 48 years)

Marriage of a childJean Ier de NAMURMarguerite de CLERMONTView this family
Type: Religious marriage
1307 (Age 51 years)

Death of a daughterMarguerite de CLERMONT
January 1309 (Age 53 years)

Marriage of a childLouis Ier Le Grand de BOURBONMarie de HAINAUTView this family
September 1310 (Age 54 years)

Death of a wifeBéatrice de BOURGOGNE
1310 (Age 54 years)
Death of a sonJean de CLERMONT
July 25, 1316 (Age 60 years)

Comte de Clermont



_USTBéatrice de BOURGOGNEView this family

Death February 23, 1317 (Age 61 years)
Paris, 75, , , FRANCE,
Latitude: 48.853410 Longitude: 2.348800

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 10, 1234Sens, 89, , , ,
7 years
elder sister
15 months
elder sister
19 months
elder brother
20 months
elder brother
20 months
elder brother
4 years
elder brother
21 months
elder brother
3 years
elder sister
2 years
elder sister
3 years
3 years
younger sister
Family with Béatrice de BOURGOGNE - View this family
Marriage: 1272
8 years
2 years
3 years
3 years
2 years


Il devient chef de la maison de Bourbon à la suite de son mariage avec Béatrice en 1272.

  1. Generation 1
    1. Robert de CLERMONT, comte de Clermont, son of Louis Ix Dit Saint Louis de FRANCE and Marguerite de PROVENCE, was born in 1256 and died on February 23, 1317 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, at the age of 61. He married Béatrice de BOURGOGNE, daughter of Jean de BOURGOGNE and Agnès de BOURBON, in 1272. She was born about 1258 and died in 1310 in Murat, 03, , , ,.

      Children of Robert de CLERMONT and Béatrice de BOURGOGNE:

      1. Louis Ier Le Grand de BOURBON (12791341)
      2. Jean de CLERMONT (12801316)
      3. Pierre de CLERMONT (12821329)
      4. Blanche de CLERMONT (12841304)
      5. Marie de CLERMONT (12851372)
      6. Marguerite de CLERMONT (1309)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Louis Ier Le Grand de BOURBON, comte de Clermont et de la Marche, Ier duc de Bourbon (1327), son of Robert de CLERMONT and Béatrice de BOURGOGNE, was born about 1279 and died on February 14, 1341 in Clermont, , , , FRANCE,. He married Marie de HAINAUT, daughter of Jean Iii d'ASVESNES and Philippine de LUXEMBOURG, in September 1310. She died on September 12, 1354 in Murat, 03, , , ,.

      Children of Louis Ier Le Grand de BOURBON and Marie de HAINAUT:

      1. Pierre Ier de BOURBON (13101356)
      2. Jacques de BOURBON (13121318)
      3. Jacques Ier de LA MARCHE (13151362)
      4. Marie de BOURBON (13151387)
      5. Jeanne de BOURBON (13161403)
      6. Marguerite de BOURBON (13171362)
      7. Béatrix de BOURBON (1384)
      8. Philippa de BOURBON
    2. Jean de CLERMONT, comte de Charolais, son of Robert de CLERMONT and Béatrice de BOURGOGNE, was born about 1280 and died on July 25, 1316. He married Jeanne d'ARGIES, daughter of Gaubert d'ARGIES and Ide de NESLE,. She died on June 8, 1334.

      Children of Jean de CLERMONT and Jeanne d'ARGIES:

      1. Béatrix de CLERMONT (1364)
      2. Jeanne de CLERMONT (1383)
    3. Blanche de CLERMONT, daughter of Robert de CLERMONT and Béatrice de BOURGOGNE, was born about 1284 and died in 1304. She married Robert Vii d'AUVERGNE, son of Robert Vi d'AUVERGNE and Béatrix de MONTGASCON, on July 3, 1303. He was born in 1282 and died in 1326 at the age of 44.

      Children of Blanche de CLERMONT and Robert Vii d'AUVERGNE:

      1. Guillaume Xii d'AUVERGNE (13001332)
    4. Marguerite de CLERMONT, daughter of Robert de CLERMONT and Béatrice de BOURGOGNE. She died in January 1309. She married Jean Ier de NAMUR, son of Guy de DAMPIERRE and Isabelle de LUXEMBOURG, in 1307. He was born in 1266 and died in 1331 at the age of 65.

  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Pierre Ier de BOURBON, chef de la branche ainée - 2e duc de Bourbon, son of Louis Ier Le Grand de BOURBON and Marie de HAINAUT, was born about 1310 and died on October 5, 1356 in Maupertuis, 86, , , ,. He married Isabelle de VALOIS, daughter of Charles de VALOIS and Mahaut de CHÂTILLON SAINT-POL, on February 10, 1336. She was born in 1313 and died on August 11, 1383 at the age of 70.

      Children of Pierre Ier de BOURBON and Isabelle de VALOIS:

      1. Louis Ii de BOURBON (13371410)
      2. Jeanne de BOURBON (13381377)
      3. Blanche de BOURBON (13391361)
      4. Bonne de BOURBON (13401402)
      5. Catherine de BOURBON (13421427)
      6. Marguerite de BOURBON (13441415)
      7. Isabelle de BOURBON (1345)
      8. Marie de BOURBON (13471402)
    2. Jacques Ier de LA MARCHE, comte de la Marche, branche cadette des Bourbons, son of Louis Ier Le Grand de BOURBON and Marie de HAINAUT, was born about 1315 and died on April 14, 1362. He married Jeanne de CHÂTILLON SAINT-PAUL, daughter of Hugues de CHÂTILLON SAINT-POL and Jeanne d'ARGIES, in 1335. She died on August 23, 1371.

      Children of Jacques Ier de LA MARCHE and Jeanne de CHÂTILLON SAINT-PAUL:

      1. Isabelle de LA MARCHE (13401371)
      2. Pierre de LA MARCHE (13411362)
      3. Jean Ier de LA MARCHE (13431393)
      4. Jacques Ier de LA MARCHE (1417)
    3. Marie de BOURBON, daughter of Louis Ier Le Grand de BOURBON and Marie de HAINAUT, was born in 1315 and died in 1387 at the age of 72. She married 2 times. The first time she married Robert d'ANJOU, son of Philippe d'ANJOU and Catherine Ii de VALOIS, on September 17, 1347. He was born in 1315 and died on September 18, 1364 at the age of 49. The second time she married Guy de LUSIGNAN, son of Hugues Iv de LUSIGNAN and Marie d'IBELIN, on February 8, 1330. He was born in 1315 and died in 1343 at the age of 28.

      Children of Marie de BOURBON and Guy de LUSIGNAN:

      1. Hugues de LUSIGNAN (13351385)
    4. Jeanne de BOURBON, daughter of Louis Ier Le Grand de BOURBON and Marie de HAINAUT, was born estimated 1316 and died on January 8, 1403. She married Guy Vii de FOREZ, son of Jean de FOREZ and Alix de LA TOUR DU PIN, on August 11, 1324. He died in 1360.

      Children of Jeanne de BOURBON and Guy Vii de FOREZ:

      1. Jeanne de FOREZ (1369)
    5. Marguerite de BOURBON, daughter of Louis Ier Le Grand de BOURBON and Marie de HAINAUT, was born estimated 1317 and died in 1362. She married 2 times. The first time she married Jean Ier de SULLY, son of Henri Iv de SULLY and Jeanne de VENDÔME, on July 22, 1320. He died in 1343. The second time she married Hutin de VERMEILLES in 1346. He died in 1361.

      Children of Marguerite de BOURBON and Jean Ier de SULLY:

      1. Louis de SULLY (13301382)
    6. Béatrix de BOURBON, daughter of Louis Ier Le Grand de BOURBON and Marie de HAINAUT. She died on January 2, 1384. She married Jean de LUXEMBOURG, son of Henri Vii de LUXEMBOURG and Marguerite de BRABANT, in December 1334. He was born in 1296 and died in 1346 at the age of 50. . She had a relationship with Eudes Vi de GRANCEY, son of Eudes V de GRANCEY and Isabelle de BLÂMONT

      Children of Béatrix de BOURBON and Jean de LUXEMBOURG:

      1. Venceslas 1er de LUXEMBOURG (13371383)
    7. Béatrix de CLERMONT, daughter of Jean de CLERMONT and Jeanne d'ARGIES. She died in 1364.

      Children of Béatrix de CLERMONT and Jean 1er d'ARMAGNAC:

      1. Jeanne d'ARMAGNAC (1387)
      2. Marthe d'ARMAGNAC (1380)
      3. Jean Ii d'ARMAGNAC (1384)
    8. Jeanne de CLERMONT, daughter of Jean de CLERMONT and Jeanne d'ARGIES. She died on August 4, 1383. She married Jean 1er d'AUVERGNE, son of Robert Vii d'AUVERGNE and Marie de DAMPIERRE, in 1328. He was born in 1310 and died on April 1, 1386 at the age of 76.

      Children of Jeanne de CLERMONT and Jean 1er d'AUVERGNE:

      1. Jean Ii d'AUVERGNE (1404)
    9. Guillaume Xii d'AUVERGNE, comte et de Boulogne, son of Robert Vii d'AUVERGNE and Blanche de CLERMONT, was born in 1300 and died on August 14, 1332 at the age of 32. He married Marguerite d'EVREUX, daughter of Louis d'EVREUX and Marguerite d'ARTOIS, in 1325. She was born in 1307 and died in 1350 at the age of 43.

      Children of Guillaume Xii d'AUVERGNE and Marguerite d'EVREUX:

      1. Jeanne 1ère d'AUVERGNE (13261360)
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