Hélène de WITTELSBACHAge: 31 years1493–1524
- Name
- Given names
- Hélène
- Surname
Birth | February 18, 1493 44 36 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Wolfgang de WITTELSBACH November 9, 1494 (Age 20 months) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Othon Henri de WITTELSBACH May 15, 1496 (Age 3 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Othon Henri de WITTELSBACH May 30, 1496 (Age 3 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Catherine de WITTELSBACH October 23, 1499 (Age 6 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Marguerite de WITTELSBACH February 4, 1501 (Age 7 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Amélie de SAXE November 28, 1502 (Age 9 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Robert de WITTELSBACH August 30, 1504 (Age 11 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Barbara de WITTELSBACH August 25, 1505 (Age 12 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Philippe de WITTELSBACH March 9, 1508 (Age 15 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Henri Iii de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN — View this family Type: Religious marriage June 15, 1513 (Age 20 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Philippe de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN September 22, 1514 (Age 21 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Marguerite de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN April 18, 1515 (Age 22 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Catherine de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN April 24, 1518 (Age 25 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH July 4, 1522 (Age 29 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Amélie de WITTELSBACH January 16, 1524 (Age 30 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Henri Iii de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN — View this family MARRIED |
Death | June 26, 1524 (Age 31 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Philippe de WITTELSBACH Birth: July 23, 1448 24 28 Death: March 9, 1508 |
mother |
Marguerite de WITTELSBACH Birth: November 16, 1456 39 21 Death: February 4, 1501 |
Marriage: March 2, 1474 — |
4 years elder brother |
Louis V de WITTELSBACH Birth: July 11, 1478 29 21 Death: March 25, 1544 |
22 months elder brother |
Philippe de WITTELSBACH Birth: May 16, 1480 31 23 Death: January 15, 1541 |
1 year elder brother |
Robert de WITTELSBACH Birth: May 23, 1481 32 24 Death: August 30, 1504 |
19 months elder brother |
Frédéric Ii de WITTELSBACH Birth: December 18, 1482 34 26 Death: March 7, 1556 |
11 months elder sister |
Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH Birth: November 25, 1483 35 27 Death: July 4, 1522 |
2 years elder brother |
Georges de WITTELSBACH Birth: February 19, 1486 37 29 Death: October 7, 1529 |
1 year elder brother |
Henri de WITTELSBACH Birth: February 23, 1487 38 30 Death: January 13, 1552 |
15 months elder brother |
Jean de WITTELSBACH Birth: May 16, 1488 39 31 Death: February 13, 1538 |
2 years elder sister |
Amélie de WITTELSBACH Birth: August 3, 1490 42 33 Death: January 16, 1524 |
13 months elder sister |
Barbara de WITTELSBACH Birth: September 6, 1491 43 34 Death: August 25, 1505 |
17 months herself |
Hélène de WITTELSBACH Birth: February 18, 1493 44 36 Death: June 26, 1524 |
21 months younger brother |
Wolfgang de WITTELSBACH Birth: November 9, 1494 46 37 Death: April 12, 1558 |
18 months younger brother |
Othon Henri de WITTELSBACH Birth: May 15, 1496 47 39 Death: May 30, 1496 |
3 years younger sister |
Catherine de WITTELSBACH Birth: October 23, 1499 51 42 Death: January 26, 1526 |
Family with Henri Iii de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN |
husband |
Henri Iii de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN Birth: May 12, 1479 38 Death: February 16, 1552 |
herself |
Hélène de WITTELSBACH Birth: February 18, 1493 44 36 Death: June 26, 1524 |
Marriage: June 15, 1513 — |
15 months son |
Philippe de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN Birth: September 22, 1514 35 21 Death: January 14, 1557 |
7 months daughter |
Marguerite de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN Birth: April 18, 1515 35 22 Death: September 9, 1559 |
3 years daughter |
Catherine de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN Birth: April 24, 1518 38 25 Death: November 27, 1581 |
husband |
Henri Iii de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN Birth: May 12, 1479 38 Death: February 16, 1552 |
husband’s wife |
Ursule de HOHENZOLLERN Birth: October 26, 1488 33 39 Death: September 28, 1510 |
Marriage: February 26, 1507 — |
14 months step-daughter |
Sophie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN Birth: about April 22, 1508 28 19 Death: June 27, 1541 |
15 months step-son |
Magnus de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN Birth: July 14, 1509 30 20 Death: February 7, 1550 |
14 months step-daughter |
Ursule de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN Birth: September 9, 1510 31 21 Death: April 22, 1586 |
husband |
Henri Iii de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN Birth: May 12, 1479 38 Death: February 16, 1552 |
husband’s wife |
Ursule de SAXE-LAUENBOURG Death: 1578 |
Marriage: June 3, 1551 — |
- Generation 1
Hélène de WITTELSBACH , daughter ofPhilippe de WITTELSBACH andMarguerite de WITTELSBACH , was born on February 18, 1493 and died on June 26, 1524 at the age of 31. She marriedHenri Iii de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN , son ofMagnus Ii de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN andSophie de POMÉRANIE , on June 15, 1513. He was born on May 12, 1479 and died on February 16, 1552 at the age of 72.Children of
Hélène de WITTELSBACH andHenri Iii de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN :Philippe de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN (1514–1557)Marguerite de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN (1515–1559)Catherine de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN (1518–1581)
- Generation 2back to top
Marguerite de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN , daughter ofHenri Iii de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN andHélène de WITTELSBACH , was born on April 18, 1515 and died on September 9, 1559 at the age of 44. She marriedHenri Ii de SILÉSIE on March 15, 1538. He was born on April 8, 1507 and died on August 12, 1548 at the age of 41.Children of
Marguerite de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN andHenri Ii de SILÉSIE :Charles Ii von MÜNSTERBERG OELS (1545–1617)
- Generation 3back to top
Charles Ii von MÜNSTERBERG OELS , duc, son ofHenri Ii de SILÉSIE andMarguerite de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN , was born on May 5, 1545 and died on January 28, 1617 at the age of 71. He marriedElisabeth-Madeleine de SILÉSIE , daughter ofGeorges Ii de SILÉSIE andBarbara de HOHENZOLLERN , on September 30, 1585. She was born on November 27, 1562 and died on February 1, 1630 at the age of 67.Children of
Charles Ii von MÜNSTERBERG OELS andElisabeth-Madeleine de SILÉSIE :Charles Frédéric von MÜNSTERBERG OELS (1593–1647)Sophie-Catherine von MÜNSTERBERG OELS (1601–1659)