Elisabeth de WITTELSBACHAge: 31 years1469–1500
- Name
- Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH
- Given names
- Elisabeth
- Surname
Birth | 1469 45 34 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Samson de WITTELSBACH July 6, 1474 (Age 5 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Marguerite de LORRAINE about 1474 (Age 5 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Antoine de CROY 1475 (Age 6 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | David de WITTELSBACH April 19, 1478 (Age 9 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Samson de WITTELSBACH May 20, 1480 (Age 11 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Louis 1er de WITTELSBACH July 28, 1489 (Age 20 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Philippe de WITTELSBACH September 4, 1489 (Age 20 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Jean-Louis 1er de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK — View this family Type: Religious marriage February 7, 1492 (Age 23 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Ottilie de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK January 4, 1493 (Age 24 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Anne de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK December 21, 1493 (Age 24 years) _FNA: NO Note: religieuse
Birth of a daughter #3 | Elisabeth de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK January 20, 1495 (Age 26 years) _FNA: NO Note: religieuse
Birth of a daughter #4 | Jeanne de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK September 22, 1496 (Age 27 years) _FNA: NO Note: abbesse à Herbitzheim
Birth of a daughter #5 | Marguerite de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK 1497 (Age 28 years) _FNA: NO Note: morte jeune
Birth of a daughter #6 | Félicité de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK February 22, 1499 (Age 30 years) _FNA: NO Note: religieuse
_UST | Jean-Louis 1er de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK — View this family MARRIED |
Death | July 3, 1500 (Age 31 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Louis 1er de WITTELSBACH Birth: 1424 38 Death: July 28, 1489 |
mother |
Jeanne de CROY Birth: 1435 25 15 Death: June 28, 1504 |
Marriage: March 1454 — |
2 years elder sister |
Marguerite de WITTELSBACH Birth: July 19, 1456 32 21 Death: September 15, 1527 |
2 years elder brother |
Gaspard de WITTELSBACH Birth: July 20, 1458 34 23 Death: 1527 |
17 months elder sister |
Jeanne de WITTELSBACH Birth: 1459 35 24 Death: September 21, 1520 |
3 years elder sister |
Anne de WITTELSBACH Birth: 1461 37 26 Death: May 1, 1520 |
23 months elder brother |
Alexandre de WITTELSBACH Birth: December 5, 1462 38 27 Death: November 10, 1514 |
13 months elder brother |
David de WITTELSBACH Birth: 1463 39 28 Death: April 19, 1478 |
2 years elder brother |
Albert de WITTELSBACH Birth: 1464 40 29 Death: 1513 |
2 years elder sister |
Catherine de WITTELSBACH Birth: 1465 41 30 Death: 1542 |
2 years elder brother |
Philippe de WITTELSBACH Birth: April 30, 1467 43 32 Death: September 4, 1489 |
20 months elder brother |
Jean de WITTELSBACH Birth: 1468 44 33 Death: 1513 |
2 years herself |
Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH Birth: 1469 45 34 Death: July 3, 1500 |
6 years younger brother |
Samson de WITTELSBACH Birth: July 6, 1474 50 39 Death: May 20, 1480 |
Family with Jean-Louis 1er de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK |
husband |
Jean-Louis 1er de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: October 28, 1472 49 25 Death: June 14, 1545 |
herself |
Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH Birth: 1469 45 34 Death: July 3, 1500 |
Marriage: February 7, 1492 — |
11 months daughter |
Ottilie de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: January 4, 1493 20 24 Death: 1554 |
1 year daughter |
Anne de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: December 21, 1493 21 24 Death: January 20, 1565 |
13 months daughter |
Elisabeth de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: January 20, 1495 22 26 Death: August 28, 1559 |
20 months daughter |
Jeanne de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: September 22, 1496 23 27 Death: December 31, 1566 |
15 months daughter |
Marguerite de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: 1497 24 28 |
2 years daughter |
Félicité de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: February 22, 1499 26 30 |
Jean-Louis 1er de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK + Catherine von MÖRS U. SAARWERDEN |
husband |
Jean-Louis 1er de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: October 28, 1472 49 25 Death: June 14, 1545 |
husband’s wife |
Catherine von MÖRS U. SAARWERDEN Death: September 26, 1547 |
Marriage: 1506 — |
3 years step-daughter |
Anne de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: August 30, 1508 35 Death: April 1, 1582 |
11 months step-son |
Philippe de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: August 4, 1509 36 Death: June 29, 1554 |
20 months step-son |
Jean Iii de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: April 15, 1511 38 Death: December 3, 1574 |
2 years step-daughter |
Marguerite de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: May 26, 1513 40 Death: 1562 |
23 months step-daughter |
Elisabeth de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: May 6, 1515 42 Death: 1568 |
3 years step-daughter |
Catherine de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: November 21, 1517 45 Death: 1553 |
2 years step-daughter |
Agnès de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: 1519 46 |
5 years step-son |
Jean-Louis Ii de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: April 8, 1524 51 Death: December 15, 1542 |
2 years step-son |
Adolphe de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK Birth: September 1, 1526 53 Death: December 6, 1559 |
- Generation 1
Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH , daughter ofLouis 1er de WITTELSBACH andJeanne de CROY , was born in 1469 and died on July 3, 1500 at the age of 31. She marriedJean-Louis 1er de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK , son ofJean Ii de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK andElisabeth de WURTEMBERG , on February 7, 1492. He was born on October 28, 1472 and died on June 14, 1545 at the age of 72.Children of
Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH andJean-Louis 1er de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK :Ottilie de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (1493–1554)Anne de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (1493–1565)Elisabeth de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (1495–1559)Jeanne de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (1496–1566)Marguerite de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (1497–)Félicité de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (1499–)
- Generation 2back to top
Ottilie de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK , daughter ofJean-Louis 1er de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK andElisabeth de WITTELSBACH , was born on January 4, 1493 and died in 1554 at the age of 60. She marriedJean V de SAYN on January 11, 1516. He was born in 1491 and died in 1529 at the age of 38.Children of
Ottilie de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK andJean V de SAYN :Jean de SAYN (1518–1560)