Jeanne de SAVOIEAge: 67 years13921460

Jeanne de SAVOIE
Given names
Birth July 1392 32 26

Marriage of a parentBernard Vii d'ARMAGNACBonne de BERRYView this family
1394 (Age 18 months)

Birth of a half-brotherJean Iv d'ARMAGNAC
October 23, 1396 (Age 4 years)

Birth of a half-sisterBonne d'ARMAGNAC
1399 (Age 6 years)

Birth of a half-brotherBernard d'ARMAGNAC
1400 (Age 7 years)

Birth of a half-sisterAnne d'ARMAGNAC
1402 (Age 9 years)

Death of a paternal grandmotherBonne de BOURBON
January 28, 1402 (Age 9 years)

Death of a maternal grandfatherJean Ier de BERRY
July 3, 1416 (Age 24 years)
Paris, 75, , , FRANCE,
Latitude: 48.853410 Longitude: 2.348800

Death of a half-sisterBonne d'ARMAGNAC
1419 (Age 26 years)

Birth of a son
Guillaume Vii de MONTFERRAT
1420 (Age 27 years)

Death of a sisterBonne de SAVOIE
March 13, 1432 (Age 39 years)

Death of a motherBonne de BERRY
January 8, 1436 (Age 43 years)

Death of a husbandJean-Jacques de MONTFERRAT
1445 (Age 52 years)

Death of a half-brotherJean Iv d'ARMAGNAC
November 14, 1450 (Age 58 years)

Death of a brotherAmédée Viii de SAVOIE
January 16, 1451 (Age 58 years)

Marriage of a childJean Iii de MONTFERRATMarguerite de SAVOIEView this family
1458 (Age 65 years)


_USTJean-Jacques de MONTFERRATView this family

Death 1460 (Age 67 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: January 26, 1377
7 years
elder brother
5 years
elder sister
5 years
Mother’s family with Bernard Vii d'ARMAGNAC - View this family
Marriage: 1394
3 years
3 years
2 years
3 years
Family with Jean-Jacques de MONTFERRAT - View this family

  1. Generation 1
    1. Jeanne de SAVOIE, daughter of Amédée Vii de SAVOIE and Bonne de BERRY, was born in July 1392 and died in 1460 at the age of 67.

      Children of Jeanne de SAVOIE and Jean-Jacques de MONTFERRAT:

      1. Jean Iii de MONTFERRAT (1464)
      2. Guillaume Vii de MONTFERRAT (14201483)
      3. Boniface Iv de MONTFERRAT (1494)
      4. Isabelle PALÉOLOGUE
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Jean Iii de MONTFERRAT, son of Jean-Jacques de MONTFERRAT and Jeanne de SAVOIE. He died in 1464. He married Marguerite de SAVOIE, daughter of Louis 1er de SAVOIE and Anne de LUSIGNAN, in 1458. She was born in 1439 and died on March 18, 1483 at the age of 44.

      Children of Jean Iii de MONTFERRAT and Marguerite de SAVOIE:

      1. Marguerite de MONTFERRAT (1496)
    2. Guillaume Vii de MONTFERRAT, son of Jean-Jacques de MONTFERRAT and Jeanne de SAVOIE, was born in 1420 and died in 1483 at the age of 63. He married 3 times. The first time he married Marie de FOIX, daughter of Gaston Iv de FOIX and Eléonore 1ère de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE, in 1465. She died in 1467. The second time he married Elisabeth SFORZA, daughter of François 1er SFORZA and Blanche-Marie VISCONTI, in 1469. She was born in 1456 and died in 1473 at the age of 17. The third time he married Bernarde de BROSSE, daughter of Jean Ii de BROSSE and Nicole de CHÂTILLON, in 1474. She was born in 1450 and died in 1485 at the age of 35.

      Children of Guillaume Vii de MONTFERRAT and Marie de FOIX:

      1. Jeanne de MONTFERRAT (14661490)

      Children of Guillaume Vii de MONTFERRAT and Elisabeth SFORZA:

      1. Blanche de MONTFERRAT (1509)
    3. Boniface Iv de MONTFERRAT, son of Jean-Jacques de MONTFERRAT and Jeanne de SAVOIE. He died on February 9, 1494. He married Marie COMMENE, daughter of Etienne de SERBIE and Angeljina ARANITI, in 1485. She was born in 1466 and died on September 5, 1495 at the age of 29.

      Children of Boniface Iv de MONTFERRAT and Marie COMMENE:

      1. Guillaume Xi (Ix) de MONTFERRAT (14861518)
    4. Isabelle PALÉOLOGUE, daughter of Jean-Jacques de MONTFERRAT and Jeanne de SAVOIE.

      Children of Isabelle PALÉOLOGUE and Louis 1er de SALUCES:

      1. Louis Ii de SALUCES (14381504)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Jeanne de MONTFERRAT, daughter of Guillaume Vii de MONTFERRAT and Marie de FOIX, was born in 1466 and died in 1490 at the age of 24. She married Louis Ii de SALUCES, son of Louis 1er de SALUCES and Isabelle PALÉOLOGUE, in 1481. He was born in 1438 and died in 1504 at the age of 66.

    2. Blanche de MONTFERRAT, daughter of Guillaume Vii de MONTFERRAT and Elisabeth SFORZA. She died on April 10, 1509. She married Charles 1er de SAVOIE, son of Amédée Ix de SAVOIE and Yolande de VALOIS, on April 10, 1485. He was born on April 7, 1468 and died on March 22, 1490 at the age of 21.

      Children of Blanche de MONTFERRAT and Charles 1er de SAVOIE:

      1. Yolande-Louise de SAVOIE (14871499)
      2. Charles Ii de SAVOIE (14891496)
    3. Guillaume Xi (Ix) de MONTFERRAT, son of Boniface Iv de MONTFERRAT and Marie COMMENE, was born on August 19, 1486 and died on October 14, 1518 at the age of 32. He married Anne d'ALENÇON, daughter of René d'ALENÇON and Marguerite de LORRAINE, on September 10, 1508. She was born on November 8, 1492 and died on October 28, 1562 at the age of 69.

      Children of Guillaume Xi (Ix) de MONTFERRAT and Anne d'ALENÇON:

      1. Marie de MONTFERRAT (15091531)
      2. Marguerite de MONTFERRAT (15101567)
      3. Boniface V de MONTFERRAT (15121530)
    4. Louis Ii de SALUCES, son of Louis 1er de SALUCES and Isabelle PALÉOLOGUE, was born in 1438 and died in 1504 at the age of 66. He married Jeanne de MONTFERRAT, daughter of Guillaume Vii de MONTFERRAT and Marie de FOIX, in 1481. She was born in 1466 and died in 1490 at the age of 24.

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