Charles Léon Jules MERMOZAge: 59 years18701930

Charles Léon Jules MERMOZ
Given names
Charles Léon Jules
Birth September 20, 1870 32 20
Death of a maternal grandmotherAugustine MAUCLÈRE
April 1, 1882 (Age 11 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherCharles MERMOZ
January 9, 1897 (Age 26 years)
Burial of a paternal grandfatherCharles MERMOZ
January 1897 (Age 26 years)
Attending: Jules Athanase MERMOZson
Death of a paternal grandmotherMarie Marguerite Ambroisine BOUCHARD
December 3, 1897 (Age 27 years)
Burial of a paternal grandmotherMarie Marguerite Ambroisine BOUCHARD
December 1897 (Age 27 years)
Attending: Jules Athanase MERMOZson
Death of a motherAugustine TÉRON
September 2, 1898 (Age 27 years)
Death of a fatherJules Athanase MERMOZ
after 1898 (Age 27 years)

MarriageGeorgette Gabrielle“Mangaby” GILLETView this family
September 25, 1899 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a son
December 9, 1901 (Age 31 years)
Marriage of a childJean MERMOZGilberte Henriette Rose CHAZOTTESView this family
August 23, 1930 (Age 59 years)
Note: époux: aviateur et officier de la Légion d'honneur.
maître d'hôtel, comptable


_USTGeorgette Gabrielle“Mangaby” GILLETView this family

Death after 1930 (Age 59 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Augustine TÉRON
Birth: September 29, 1849 39 38Vervins, 02, Aisne, Picardie, FRANCE,
Death: September 2, 1898Aubenton, 02, Aisne, Picardie, FRANCE,
Marriage: July 28, 1869Vervins, 02, Aisne, Picardie, FRANCE,
14 months
Family with Georgette Gabrielle“Mangaby” GILLET - View this family
Georgette Gabrielle“Mangaby” GILLET
Birth: September 24, 1880 30 25Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, Ier arrondissement, n° 57 rue Tiquetonne
Death: November 26, 1955Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, XVIe arrondissement
Marriage: September 25, 1899Aubenton, 02, Aisne, Picardie, FRANCE,
2 years


Maître d'hôtel en 1899 Comptable en 1930

  1. Generation 1
    1. Charles Léon Jules MERMOZ, maître d'hôtel, comptable, son of Jules Athanase MERMOZ and Augustine TÉRON, was born on September 20, 1870 in Vervins, 02, Aisne, Picardie, FRANCE, and died after 1930 in Soissons, 02, Aisne, Picardie, FRANCE,. He married Georgette Gabrielle“Mangaby” GILLET, daughter of Jean Baptiste GILLET and Stéphanie LAURENT, on September 25, 1899 in Aubenton, 02, Aisne, Picardie, FRANCE,. She was born on September 24, 1880 in Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, Ier arrondissement, n° 57 rue Tiquetonne and died on November 26, 1955 in Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, XVIe arrondissement at the age of 75.

      Children of Charles Léon Jules MERMOZ and Georgette Gabrielle“Mangaby” GILLET:

      1. Jean MERMOZ (19011936)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Jean MERMOZ

      Jean MERMOZ, aviateur, son of Charles Léon Jules MERMOZ and Georgette Gabrielle“Mangaby” GILLET, was born on December 9, 1901 in Aubenton, 02, Aisne, Picardie, FRANCE, and died on December 7, 1936 in , , , , , "en mer" at the age of 34. He married Gilberte Henriette Rose CHAZOTTES, daughter of Ernest Émile CHAZOTTES and Marguerite BAUDRIER, on August 23, 1930 in Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, XVe arrondissement. She was born in 1910 in Bahia-Blanca, , , , ARGENTINE,.

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