Clotilde de SAVOIEAge: 68 years1843–1911
- Name
- Clotilde de SAVOIE
- Given names
- Clotilde
- Surname
Family with parents |
father |
Victor-Emmanuel Ii Marie Eugène Albert Ferdinand Thomas de SAVOIE Birth: March 14, 1820 21 18 Death: January 9, 1878 |
mother |
Marie Adélaïde Françoise Rénière Elisabeth Clotilde de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG Birth: June 3, 1822 38 22 Death: January 20, 1855 |
Marriage: April 12, 1842 — |
11 months herself |
Clotilde de SAVOIE Birth: March 2, 1843 22 20 Death: June 25, 1911 |
1 year younger brother |
Humbert 1er Rainier Charles Emmanuel Jean Marie Ferdinand Eugène de SAVOIE Birth: March 14, 1844 24 21 Death: July 29, 1900 |
15 months younger brother |
Amédée 1er de SAVOIE-AOSTE Birth: May 30, 1845 25 22 Death: January 18, 1890 |
13 months younger brother |
Othon de SAVOIE Birth: July 11, 1846 26 24 Death: January 22, 1866 |
15 months younger sister |
Maria-Pia de SAVOIE Birth: October 16, 1847 27 25 Death: July 5, 1911 |
4 years younger brother |
Charles-Albert de SAVOIE Birth: June 2, 1851 31 28 Death: June 28, 1854 |
13 months younger brother |
N... de SAVOIE Birth: July 7, 1852 32 30 Death: July 7, 1852 |
3 years younger brother |
Victor-Emmanuel de SAVOIE Birth: January 8, 1855 34 32 Death: May 17, 1855 |
Father’s family with Rose VERCELLANA |
father |
Victor-Emmanuel Ii Marie Eugène Albert Ferdinand Thomas de SAVOIE Birth: March 14, 1820 21 18 Death: January 9, 1878 |
step-mother |
Rose VERCELLANA Birth: June 3, 1833 Death: December 27, 1885 |
Marriage: November 7, 1869 — |
Family with Napoléon Joseph BONAPARTE |
husband |
Napoléon Joseph BONAPARTE Birth: 1822 38 38 Death: 1891 |
herself |
Clotilde de SAVOIE Birth: March 2, 1843 22 20 Death: June 25, 1911 |
Marriage: 1859 — |
4 years son |
Napoléon “Victor” Jérôme Frédéric BONAPARTE Birth: July 18, 1862 40 19 — Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, Palais Royal Death: May 3, 1926 — Bruxelles, , Brabant, , BELGIQUE, |
- Generation 1
Clotilde de SAVOIE , daughter ofVictor-Emmanuel Ii Marie Eugène Albert Ferdinand Thomas de SAVOIE andMarie Adélaïde Françoise Rénière Elisabeth Clotilde de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG , was born on March 2, 1843 and died on June 25, 1911 at the age of 68. She marriedNapoléon Joseph BONAPARTE , son ofJérôme BONAPARTE andCatherine de WURTEMBERG , in 1859. He was born in 1822 and died in 1891 at the age of 69.Children of
Clotilde de SAVOIE andNapoléon Joseph BONAPARTE :Napoléon “Victor” Jérôme Frédéric BONAPARTE (1862–1926)
- Generation 2back to top
Napoléon “Victor” Jérôme Frédéric BONAPARTE , prince Napoléon, son ofNapoléon Joseph BONAPARTE andClotilde de SAVOIE , was born on July 18, 1862 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, Palais Royal and died on May 3, 1926 in Bruxelles, , Brabant, , BELGIQUE, at the age of 63. He marriedClémentine Albertine Marie Léopoldine de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA , daughter ofLéopold Ii Louis-Philippe Marie Victor de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA andMarie-Henriette Anne de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG , on November 14, 1910 in Moncaliéri, , , , ITALIE, château. She was born on July 30, 1872 and died on March 8, 1955 at the age of 82.Children of
Napoléon “Victor” Jérôme Frédéric BONAPARTE andClémentine Albertine Marie Léopoldine de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA :
- Generation 3back to top
Marie-Clotilde Eugénie Alberte Laetitia Geneviève BONAPARTE , pricesse Napoléon, daughter ofNapoléon “Victor” Jérôme Frédéric BONAPARTE andClémentine Albertine Marie Léopoldine de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA , was born on March 20, 1912 in Bruxelles, , Brabant, , BELGIQUE, and died on April 14, 1996 in Cendrieux, , Dordogne, , FRANCE, at the age of 84.Children of
Marie-Clotilde Eugénie Alberte Laetitia Geneviève BONAPARTE andSerge de WITT :- Private
- Private
Napoléon Serge de WITT (1942–1942)Yolande de WITT (1943–1945)- Private
- Private
- Private
- Private
- Private
- Private
Louis Jérôme Victor Emmanuel Léopold Marie BONAPARTE , prince Napoléon, son ofNapoléon “Victor” Jérôme Frédéric BONAPARTE andClémentine Albertine Marie Léopoldine de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA , was born on January 23, 1914 in Bruxelles, , Brabant, , BELGIQUE, and died on May 3, 1997 in Genève, , , , SUISSE, at the age of 83.Louis Jérôme Victor Emmanuel Léopold Marie BONAPARTE had 4 children.