Clotilde de SAVOIEAge: 68 years18431911

Clotilde de SAVOIE
Given names
Birth March 2, 1843 22 20

Birth of a brotherHumbert 1er Rainier Charles Emmanuel Jean Marie Ferdinand Eugène de SAVOIE
March 14, 1844 (Age 12 months)

Birth of a brotherAmédée 1er de SAVOIE-AOSTE
May 30, 1845 (Age 2 years)

Birth of a brotherOthon de SAVOIE
July 11, 1846 (Age 3 years)

Birth of a sisterMaria-Pia de SAVOIE
October 16, 1847 (Age 4 years)

Death of a paternal grandfatherCharles-Albert 1er Amédée de SAVOIE-CARIGNAN
July 28, 1849 (Age 6 years)

Birth of a brotherCharles-Albert de SAVOIE
June 2, 1851 (Age 8 years)

Birth of a brotherN... de SAVOIE
July 7, 1852 (Age 9 years)

Death of a brotherN... de SAVOIE
July 7, 1852 (Age 9 years)

Death of a maternal grandfatherRainier Joseph Jean Michel François Jérôme de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG
January 16, 1853 (Age 9 years)

Death of a brotherCharles-Albert de SAVOIE
June 28, 1854 (Age 11 years)

Birth of a brotherVictor-Emmanuel de SAVOIE
January 8, 1855 (Age 11 years)

Death of a paternal grandmotherMarie “Thérèse” Françoise Josèphe Jeanne Bénédicte de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG
January 12, 1855 (Age 11 years)

Death of a motherMarie Adélaïde Françoise Rénière Elisabeth Clotilde de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG
January 20, 1855 (Age 11 years)

Death of a brotherVictor-Emmanuel de SAVOIE
May 17, 1855 (Age 12 years)

Death of a maternal grandmotherMarie “Elisabeth” Françoise de SAVOIE-CARIGNAN
December 25, 1856 (Age 13 years)

MarriageNapoléon Joseph BONAPARTEView this family
1859 (Age 15 years)

Birth of a son
Napoléon “Victor” Jérôme Frédéric BONAPARTE
July 18, 1862 (Age 19 years)
Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, Palais Royal
Latitude: 48.853410 Longitude: 2.348800

Death of a brotherOthon de SAVOIE
January 22, 1866 (Age 22 years)

Marriage of a parentVictor-Emmanuel Ii Marie Eugène Albert Ferdinand Thomas de SAVOIERose VERCELLANAView this family
Type: Religious marriage
November 7, 1869 (Age 26 years)

Death of a fatherVictor-Emmanuel Ii Marie Eugène Albert Ferdinand Thomas de SAVOIE
January 9, 1878 (Age 34 years)

Death of a brotherAmédée 1er de SAVOIE-AOSTE
January 18, 1890 (Age 46 years)

Death of a husbandNapoléon Joseph BONAPARTE
1891 (Age 47 years)

Death of a brotherHumbert 1er Rainier Charles Emmanuel Jean Marie Ferdinand Eugène de SAVOIE
July 29, 1900 (Age 57 years)

Marriage of a childNapoléon “Victor” Jérôme Frédéric BONAPARTEClémentine Albertine Marie Léopoldine de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHAView this family
Type: Religious marriage
November 14, 1910 (Age 67 years)
Moncaliéri, , , , ITALIE, château
Latitude: 44.996250 Longitude: 7.690320


_USTNapoléon Joseph BONAPARTEView this family

Death June 25, 1911 (Age 68 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: April 12, 1842
11 months
1 year
younger brother
15 months
younger brother
13 months
younger brother
15 months
younger sister
4 years
younger brother
13 months
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Rose VERCELLANA - View this family
Marriage: November 7, 1869
Family with Napoléon Joseph BONAPARTE - View this family
Marriage: 1859
4 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Clotilde de SAVOIE, daughter of Victor-Emmanuel Ii Marie Eugène Albert Ferdinand Thomas de SAVOIE and Marie Adélaïde Françoise Rénière Elisabeth Clotilde de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG, was born on March 2, 1843 and died on June 25, 1911 at the age of 68. She married Napoléon Joseph BONAPARTE, son of Jérôme BONAPARTE and Catherine de WURTEMBERG, in 1859. He was born in 1822 and died in 1891 at the age of 69.

      Children of Clotilde de SAVOIE and Napoléon Joseph BONAPARTE:

      1. Napoléon “Victor” Jérôme Frédéric BONAPARTE (18621926)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Napoléon “Victor” Jérôme Frédéric BONAPARTE, prince Napoléon, son of Napoléon Joseph BONAPARTE and Clotilde de SAVOIE, was born on July 18, 1862 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, Palais Royal and died on May 3, 1926 in Bruxelles, , Brabant, , BELGIQUE, at the age of 63. He married Clémentine Albertine Marie Léopoldine de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA, daughter of Léopold Ii Louis-Philippe Marie Victor de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA and Marie-Henriette Anne de LORRAINE-HABSBOURG, on November 14, 1910 in Moncaliéri, , , , ITALIE, château. She was born on July 30, 1872 and died on March 8, 1955 at the age of 82.

      Children of Napoléon “Victor” Jérôme Frédéric BONAPARTE and Clémentine Albertine Marie Léopoldine de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA:

      1. Marie-Clotilde Eugénie Alberte Laetitia Geneviève BONAPARTE (19121996)
      2. Louis Jérôme Victor Emmanuel Léopold Marie BONAPARTE (19141997)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Marie-Clotilde Eugénie Alberte Laetitia Geneviève BONAPARTE, pricesse Napoléon, daughter of Napoléon “Victor” Jérôme Frédéric BONAPARTE and Clémentine Albertine Marie Léopoldine de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA, was born on March 20, 1912 in Bruxelles, , Brabant, , BELGIQUE, and died on April 14, 1996 in Cendrieux, , Dordogne, , FRANCE, at the age of 84.

      Children of Marie-Clotilde Eugénie Alberte Laetitia Geneviève BONAPARTE and Serge de WITT:

      1. Private
      2. Private
      3. Napoléon Serge de WITT (19421942)
      4. Yolande de WITT (19431945)
      5. Private
      6. Private
      7. Private
      8. Private
      9. Private
      10. Private
    2. Louis Jérôme Victor Emmanuel Léopold Marie BONAPARTE, prince Napoléon, son of Napoléon “Victor” Jérôme Frédéric BONAPARTE and Clémentine Albertine Marie Léopoldine de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA, was born on January 23, 1914 in Bruxelles, , Brabant, , BELGIQUE, and died on May 3, 1997 in Genève, , , , SUISSE, at the age of 83.

      Louis Jérôme Victor Emmanuel Léopold Marie BONAPARTE had 4 children.

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