Élisabeth Simone Juliette Clémence“Sophie Daumier” HUGONAge: 69 years1934–2004
- Name
- Élisabeth Simone Juliette Clémence“Sophie Daumier” HUGON
- Given names
- Élisabeth Simone Juliette Clémence
- Surname
- Nickname
- Sophie Daumier
Birth | November 24, 1934 30 |
Birth of a son #1 | Phipppe BEDOS 1954 (Age 19 years) |
Marriage | Guy BEDOS — View this family February 19, 1965 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Mélanie BEDOS 1977 (Age 42 years) |
Death of a father | Georges HUGON June 19, 1980 (Age 45 years) |
Occupation | comédienne française Source: Acteurs |
Death | January 1, 2004 (Age 69 years) |
Last change | April 24, 2018 – 13:57:30 by: Généalogie Magazine |
Family with parents |
father |
Georges HUGON Birth: July 23, 1904 — Paris, 75, , , , Death: June 19, 1980 — Blauvac, 84, , , , |
herself |
Birth: November 24, 1934 30 — Boulogne-sur-Mer, 62, , , , Death: January 1, 2004 — Paris, 75, , , , |
Family with Guy BEDOS |
husband |
herself |
Birth: November 24, 1934 30 — Boulogne-sur-Mer, 62, , , , Death: January 1, 2004 — Paris, 75, , , , |
Marriage: February 19, 1965 — |
-10 years son |
Phipppe BEDOS Birth: 1954 19 19 Death: December 11, 2010 |
24 years daughter |
Mélanie BEDOS Birth: 1977 42 42 |
Guy BEDOS + Joëlle BERCOT |
husband |
husband’s wife |
Marriage: 1978 — |
2 years step-son |
4 years step-daughter |
husband |
husband’s wife |
Karen BLANGUERNON Birth: October 24, 1935 — Paris, 75, , , , Death: November 22, 1996 |
Marriage: about 1957 — |
6 months step-daughter |
Leslie BEDOS Birth: June 26, 1957 23 21 — Paris, 75, , , , |
Occupation | Acteurs |
Media object | sophie-daumier.jpg Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 250 × 333 pixels File size: 18 KB Type: Photo |
- Generation 1
Élisabeth Simone Juliette Clémence“Sophie Daumier” HUGON , comédienne française, daughter ofGeorges HUGON , was born on November 24, 1934 in Boulogne-sur-Mer, 62, , , , and died on January 1, 2004 in Paris, 75, , , , at the age of 69. She marriedGuy BEDOS , son ofAlfred BEDOS andHildberte Alice VERDIER , on February 19, 1965. He was born on June 15, 1934 in Alger, , , , ALGÉRIE, and died on May 28, 2020 at the age of 85.Children of
Élisabeth Simone Juliette Clémence“Sophie Daumier” HUGON andGuy BEDOS :Phipppe BEDOS (1954–2010)Mélanie BEDOS (1977–)
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