Louis Vi Le Gros de FRANCEAge: 56 years10811137

Louis Vi Le Gros de FRANCE
Given names
Louis Vi Le Gros
Birth 1081 29 26

Birth of a brotherHenri de FRANCE
1083 (Age 2 years)

Birth of a brotherCharles de FRANCE
1085 (Age 4 years)

Birth of a brotherEudes (Othon) de FRANCE
1087 (Age 6 years)

Marriage of a parentPhilippe Ier de FRANCEBertrade de MONTFORTView this family
about 1092 (Age 11 years)

Birth of a half-brotherPhilippe de FRANCE
about 1093 (Age 12 years)

Death of a motherBerthe de HOLLANDE
1093 (Age 12 years)

Birth of a half-brotherFloris de FRANCE
about 1095 (Age 14 years)

Death of a brotherEudes (Othon) de FRANCE
1096 (Age 15 years)

Birth of a half-sisterCécile de FRANCE
1097 (Age 16 years)

Birth of a half-sisterEustachie de FRANCE
about 1100 (Age 19 years)

MarriageLucienne de ROCHEFORTView this family
1104 (Age 23 years)

AnnulmentLucienne de ROCHEFORTView this family
1107 (Age 26 years)

Death of a fatherPhilippe Ier de FRANCE
August 5, 1108 (Age 27 years)

Death of a maternal grandmotherGertrude de SAXE
August 11, 1113 (Age 32 years)

MarriageAdélaide de SAVOIEView this family
1115 (Age 34 years)

Birth of a son
Philippe de FRANCE
September 5, 1116 (Age 35 years)

Birth of a son
Louis Vii Le Jeune de FRANCE
1120 (Age 39 years)

Birth of a son
Henri de FRANCE
about 1121 (Age 40 years)

Birth of a son
Hugues de FRANCE
1122 (Age 41 years)

Birth of a son
Robert Ier de DREUX
about 1123 (Age 42 years)

Death of a half-brotherPhilippe de FRANCE
about 1123 (Age 42 years)

Birth of a daughter
Constance de FRANCE
about 1124 (Age 43 years)

Birth of a son
Philippe de FRANCE
about 1125 (Age 44 years)

Death of a sisterConstance de FRANCE
1125 (Age 44 years)

Birth of a son
Pierre de FRANCE
about 1126 (Age 45 years)

Death of a sonPhilippe de FRANCE
October 20, 1131 (Age 50 years)

Marriage of a childLouis Vii Le Jeune de FRANCEEléonore Dite Aliénor d'AQUITAINEView this family
Type: Religious marriage
1137 (Age 56 years)

Roi de France (1108-1137)


_USTAdélaide de SAVOIEView this family

_USTLucienne de ROCHEFORTView this family

Death August 8, 1137 (Age 56 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1071
8 years
elder sister
4 years
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Bertrade de MONTFORT - View this family
Marriage: about 1092
2 years
3 years
3 years
4 years
Family with Adélaide de SAVOIE - View this family
Marriage: 1115
20 months
4 years
2 years
2 years
2 years
2 years
2 years
2 years
Family with Lucienne de ROCHEFORT - View this family
Marriage: 1104
Annulment: 1107
Mathieu 1er de MONTMORENCY + Adélaide de SAVOIE - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: 1141
Guichard Iii de BEAUJEU + Lucienne de ROCHEFORT - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: 1107

  1. Generation 1
    1. Louis Vi Le Gros de FRANCE, roi de France (1108-1137), son of Philippe Ier de FRANCE and Berthe de HOLLANDE, was born in 1081 and died on August 8, 1137 at the age of 56. He married 2 times. The first time he married Adélaide de SAVOIE, daughter of Humbert Ii Le Renforcé de SAVOIE and Gisèle de BOURGOGNE, in 1115. She was born in 1100 and died on November 25, 1154 at the age of 54. The second time he married Lucienne de ROCHEFORT in 1104.

      Children of Louis Vi Le Gros de FRANCE and Adélaide de SAVOIE:

      1. Philippe de FRANCE (11161131)
      2. Louis Vii Le Jeune de FRANCE (11201180)
      3. Henri de FRANCE (11211175)
      4. Hugues de FRANCE (1122)
      5. Robert Ier de DREUX (11231188)
      6. Constance de FRANCE (11241180)
      7. Philippe de FRANCE (11251161)
      8. Pierre de FRANCE (11261183)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Louis Vii Le Jeune de FRANCE, roi de France, son of Louis Vi Le Gros de FRANCE and Adélaide de SAVOIE, was born in 1120 and died on September 26, 1180 at the age of 60. He married 3 times. The first time he married Eléonore Dite Aliénor d'AQUITAINE, daughter of Guillaume X d'AQUITAINE and Aénor (Eléonore) de CHÂTELLERAULT, in 1137. She was born about 1122 and died on April 7, 1204 in Fontevrault, , , , ,. The second time he married Constance de CASTILLE, daughter of Alphonse Vii de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE and Bérengère de BARCELONE, in 1154. She was born in 1140 and died on October 11, 1160 at the age of 20. The third time he married Adèle (Alix) de CHAMPAGNE, daughter of Thibaut Ii de CHAMPAGNE and Mathilde de CARINTHIE, in 1160. She died on June 11, 1206.

      Children of Louis Vii Le Jeune de FRANCE:

      1. Philippe de FRANCE (1161)

      Children of Louis Vii Le Jeune de FRANCE and Eléonore Dite Aliénor d'AQUITAINE:

      1. Marie de FRANCE (11451198)
      2. Alix de FRANCE (11501195)

      Children of Louis Vii Le Jeune de FRANCE and Constance de CASTILLE:

      1. Marguerite de FRANCE (11581197)
      2. Adélaide de FRANCE (1159)

      Children of Louis Vii Le Jeune de FRANCE and Adèle (Alix) de CHAMPAGNE:

      1. Philippe Ii Auguste de FRANCE (11651223)
      2. Alix de FRANCE (11701218)
      3. Agnès de FRANCE (11711240)
    2. Robert Ier de DREUX, comte de Dreux, son of Louis Vi Le Gros de FRANCE and Adélaide de SAVOIE, was born about 1123 and died on October 18, 1188. He married 3 times. The first time he married Agnès de GARLANDE in 1139. She died in 1143. The second time he married Hedwige d'EVREUX in 1144. She died in 1152. The third time he married Agnès de BAUDEMENT, daughter of Gui de BAUDEMENT and Alix N..., in 1152. She died about 1218.

      Children of Robert Ier de DREUX and Agnès de GARLANDE:

      1. Simon de DREUX (11421144)

      Children of Robert Ier de DREUX and Hedwige d'EVREUX:

      1. Adélaïde (Alix) de DREUX (11451210)

      Children of Robert Ier de DREUX and Agnès de BAUDEMENT:

      1. Robert Ii de DREUX (11541219)
      2. Adélaïde de DREUX (11561217)
      3. Alice de DREUX (11561217)
      4. Elisabeth de DREUX (11601239)
      5. Henri de DREUX (1199)
      6. Philippe de DREUX (1217)
      7. Pierre de DREUX (1186)
      8. Guillaume de DREUX (1189)
      9. Jean de DREUX (1189)
      10. Mamilie de DREUX
      11. Marguerite de DREUX
    3. Constance de FRANCE, daughter of Louis Vi Le Gros de FRANCE and Adélaide de SAVOIE, was born about 1124 and died about 1180. She married 2 times. The first time she married Raymond V de TOULOUSE, son of Alphonse 1er Jourdain de TOULOUSE and Faydive d'UZÈS, in 1154. He died in 1194. The second time she married Eustache Iv de BLOIS, son of Etienne de BLOIS and Mathilde de BOULOGNE, in 1140. He was born in 1127 and died in 1153 at the age of 26.

      Children of Constance de FRANCE and Raymond V de TOULOUSE:

      1. Raymond Vi Le Vieux de TOULOUSE (11561222)
      2. Albéric Taillefer de TOULOUSE (11581183)
      3. Baudouin de TOULOUSE (1214)
    4. Pierre de FRANCE, seigneur de Courtenay (par son mariage), son of Louis Vi Le Gros de FRANCE and Adélaide de SAVOIE, was born about 1126 and died in 1183. He married Elisabeth Ou Isabelle de COURTENAY, daughter of Renaud de COURTENAY and Elisabeth du DONJON, in 1150. She was born in 1135 and died in 1207 at the age of 72.

      Children of Pierre de FRANCE and Elisabeth Ou Isabelle de COURTENAY:

      1. Clémence de COURTENAY
      2. Pierre Ii de COURTENAY (11551218)
      3. Adélaïde (Alix) de COURTENAY (11601218)
      4. Robert de COURTENAY (11681239)
      5. Guillaume de COURTENAY (1233)
      6. Eustachie de COURTENAY (1235)
      7. Constance de COURTENAY
      8. Jean de COURTENAY (1221)
      9. Isabelle de COURTENAY
      10. Philippe de COURTENAY (1186)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Marie de FRANCE, daughter of Louis Vii Le Jeune de FRANCE and Eléonore Dite Aliénor d'AQUITAINE, was born in 1145 and died on March 18, 1198 at the age of 53. She married Henri Ier Le Large de CHAMPAGNE, son of Thibaut Ii de CHAMPAGNE and Mathilde de CARINTHIE, in 1164. He was born in 1126 and died on March 23, 1181 at the age of 55.

      Children of Marie de FRANCE and Henri Ier Le Large de CHAMPAGNE:

      1. Henri Ii de CHAMPAGNE (11661197)
      2. Marie de CHAMPAGNE (11741204)
      3. Thibault Iii de CHAMPAGNE (11791201)
      4. Scholastique de CHAMPAGNE (11821219)
    2. Alix de FRANCE, daughter of Louis Vii Le Jeune de FRANCE and Eléonore Dite Aliénor d'AQUITAINE, was born in 1150 and died about 1195. She married Thibaud V de BLOIS, son of Thibaut Ii de CHAMPAGNE and Mathilde de CARINTHIE, in 1164. He was born in 1130 and died in 1191 at the age of 61.

      Children of Alix de FRANCE and Thibaud V de BLOIS:

      1. Marguerite de BLOIS (11701230)
      2. Louis de BLOIS (11711205)
    3. Marguerite de FRANCE, daughter of Louis Vii Le Jeune de FRANCE and Constance de CASTILLE, was born in 1158 and died in 1197 at the age of 39. She married 2 times. The first time she married Henri PLANTAGENÊT, son of Henri Ii PLANTAGENÊT and Eléonore Dite Aliénor d'AQUITAINE, in 1171. He was born on March 7, 1155 and died on June 18, 1183 at the age of 28. The second time she married Béla Iii de HONGRIE, son of Géza Ii ARPAD and Euphrosine de KIEV, in 1186. He was born in 1148 and died in 1196 at the age of 48.

      Children of Marguerite de FRANCE and Henri PLANTAGENÊT:

      1. Jean PLANTAGENÊT (11771177)
    4. Philippe Ii Auguste de FRANCE, roi de France (1180-1223), son of Louis Vii Le Jeune de FRANCE and Adèle (Alix) de CHAMPAGNE, was born on August 28, 1165 and died on July 21, 1223 at the age of 57. He married 3 times. The first time he married Ingeburge de DANEMARK, daughter of Valdemar 1er de DANEMARK and Sophie de POLOCK, in 1193. She was born in 1175 and died on August 5, 1236 at the age of 61. The second time he married Isabelle de HAINAUT, daughter of Baudouin V (Viii) de HAINAUT and Marguerite 1ère de FLANDRE, on May 5, 1180. She was born in April 1170 and died on March 22, 1190 at the age of 19. The third time he married Agnès de MÉRANIE, daughter of Berthold Vi de MERAN and Agnès de ROCHLITZ, in June 1196. She died on July 27, 1201.

      Children of Philippe Ii Auguste de FRANCE and Isabelle de HAINAUT:

      1. Louis Viii Le Lion de FRANCE (11871226)

      Children of Philippe Ii Auguste de FRANCE and Agnès de MÉRANIE:

      1. Marie de FRANCE (11981223)
      2. Philippe Tristan de FRANCE (12001234)
    5. Alix de FRANCE, dame de Saint-Riquier, comtesse de Vexin, daughter of Louis Vii Le Jeune de FRANCE and Adèle (Alix) de CHAMPAGNE, was born about 1170 and died between 1218 and 1221.

      Children of Alix de FRANCE and Guillaume Iii de PONTHIEU:

      1. Marie de PONTHIEU (11991250)
    6. Agnès de FRANCE, daughter of Louis Vii Le Jeune de FRANCE and Adèle (Alix) de CHAMPAGNE, was born in 1171 and died about 1240. She married 3 times. The first time she married Alexis Ii COMNENE, son of Manuel Ier COMNENE and Marie de POITIERS, in 1180. He was born on September 21, 1167 and died in September 1183 at the age of 15. The second time she married Andronic 1er COMNENE, son of Isaac COMNENE and Katae BAGRATID, in 1183. He was born in 1123 and died on September 19, 1185 at the age of 62. The third time she married Théodore BRANAS in 1204.

    7. Adélaïde (Alix) de DREUX, daughter of Robert Ier de DREUX and Hedwige d'EVREUX, was born in 1145 and died in 1210 at the age of 65. She married 3 times. The first time she married Guy Ii de CHÂTILLON, son of Gaucher Ii de CHÂTILLON and Ode de ROUCY, in 1163. He died about 1170. The second time she married Raoul Iii de SOISSONS in 1183. He died in 1237. The third time she married Valeran Ii DE BRETEUIL, son of Evrard Ii DE BRETEUIL and Béatrix de COUCY, in 1156. He died in 1163. . She had a relationship with Jean 1er DE THOUROTTE

      Children of Adélaïde (Alix) de DREUX and Guy Ii de CHÂTILLON:

      1. Adèle (Alix) de CHÂTILLON
      2. Gaucher Iii de CHÂTILLON (11661219)

      Children of Adélaïde (Alix) de DREUX and Raoul Iii de SOISSONS:

      1. Gertrude de SOISSONS (1220)
      2. Aliénor (Eléonore) de SOISSONS

      Children of Adélaïde (Alix) de DREUX and Valeran Ii DE BRETEUIL:

      1. Adélaïde DE BRETEUIL (1195)
      2. Amicie DE BRETEUIL (11601226)
      3. Mahaut DE BRETEUIL (1160)

      Children of Adélaïde (Alix) de DREUX and Jean 1er DE THOUROTTE:

      1. Jean Ii DE THOUROTTE
      2. Jeanne DE THOUROTTE
      3. Philippe DE THOUROTTE
    8. Robert Ii de DREUX, comte de Dreux, son of Robert Ier de DREUX and Agnès de BAUDEMENT, was born in 1154 and died on January 4, 1219 at the age of 65. He married 2 times. The first time he married Mathilde de BOURGOGNE, daughter of Raymond de BOURGOGNE and Agnès de THIERS, in 1178. She was born about 1150 and died in 1219. The second time he married Yolande de COUCY, daughter of Raoul de COUCY and Agnès de HAINAUT, in 1184. She was born in 1165 and died on March 25, 1222 at the age of 57.

      Children of Robert Ii de DREUX and Yolande de COUCY:

      1. Robert Iii de DREUX (11851234)
      2. Aliénor (Eléonore) de DREUX (11861255)
      3. Pierre 1er de DREUX (11871250)
      4. Isabelle de DREUX (11881242)
      5. Alix de DREUX (11891258)
      6. Philippa de DREUX (11921240)
      7. Henri de DREUX (11931240)
      8. Agnès de DREUX (11951258)
      9. Yolande de DREUX (11961240)
      10. Jeanne de DREUX (11981271)
      11. Jean de DREUX (1239)
      12. Godefroid de DREUX
    9. Alice de DREUX, daughter of Robert Ier de DREUX and Agnès de BAUDEMENT, was born in 1156 and died in 1217 at the age of 61. She married Raoul de COUCY, son of Enguerrand de COUCY and Agnès de BEAUGENCY, in 1174. He was born in 1135 and died in 1191 at the age of 56.

      Children of Alice de DREUX and Raoul de COUCY:

      1. Enguerrand Iii de COUCY (11741243)
      2. Thomas de COUCY (11801253)
    10. Elisabeth de DREUX, daughter of Robert Ier de DREUX and Agnès de BAUDEMENT, was born in 1160 and died in 1239 at the age of 79. She married Hugues Iii de BROYES in 1178. He died in 1199.

      Children of Elisabeth de DREUX and Hugues Iii de BROYES:

      1. Simon 1er de CHÂTEAUVILLAIN (1259)
    11. Raymond Vi Le Vieux de TOULOUSE, comte de Toulouse (1194-1222), son of Raymond V de TOULOUSE and Constance de FRANCE, was born in 1156 and died in 1222 at the age of 66. He married 6 times. The first time he married Jeanne PLANTAGENÊT, daughter of Henri Ii PLANTAGENÊT and Eléonore Dite Aliénor d'AQUITAINE, in 1196. She was born in October 1164 and died on October 1, 1199 at the age of 35. The second time he married Béatrix de BÉZIERS in 1175. She was born in 1155. Raymond Vi Le Vieux de TOULOUSE and Béatrix de BÉZIERS were divorced in 1193. The third time he married Bourgogne de CHYPRE, daughter of Amaury Ii de LUSIGNAN and Echive IBELIN, in 1193. Raymond Vi Le Vieux de TOULOUSE and Bourgogne de CHYPRE were divorced. The fourth time he married Ermesinde de NARBONNE-PELET, daughter of Bernard Ii de NARBONNE-PELET and Béatrice de MELGUEIL, in 1173. She died in 1176. The fifth time he married Eléonore de BARCELONE, daughter of Alphonse Ii de BARCELONE and Sancha de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE, in 1202. She died on March 3, 1226. The sixth time he married Béatrice COMNENE, daughter of Isaac COMNENE and Béatrice d'ARMÉNIE, in 1200. She was born in 1177 and died in 1204 at the age of 27. Raymond Vi Le Vieux de TOULOUSE and Béatrice COMNENE were divorced in 1202.

      Children of Raymond Vi Le Vieux de TOULOUSE and Jeanne PLANTAGENÊT:

      1. Raymond Vii de TOULOUSE (11971249)
      2. Marie de TOULOUSE (11981228)
      3. Richard de TOULOUSE (11991199)

      Children of Raymond Vi Le Vieux de TOULOUSE and Béatrix de BÉZIERS:

      1. Constance de TOULOUSE (11801260)
    12. Albéric Taillefer de TOULOUSE, comte de Saint-Gilles, son of Raymond V de TOULOUSE and Constance de FRANCE, was born in 1158 and died in 1183 at the age of 25. He married Béatrice d'ALBON, daughter of Guigues V d'ALBON and Béatrice de MONTFERRAT, in 1164. She was born about 1161 and died on December 22, 1228.

    13. Baudouin de TOULOUSE, son of Raymond V de TOULOUSE and Constance de FRANCE. He died in 1214. He married Alix de LAUTREC in 1196. She died about 1219.

    14. Clémence de COURTENAY, daughter of Pierre de FRANCE and Elisabeth Ou Isabelle de COURTENAY.

    15. Pierre Ii de COURTENAY, empereur de Constantinople, son of Pierre de FRANCE and Elisabeth Ou Isabelle de COURTENAY, was born in 1155 and died in 1218 at the age of 63. He married 2 times. The first time he married Yolande de HAINAUT, daughter of Baudouin V (Viii) de HAINAUT and Marguerite 1ère de FLANDRE, in June 1193. She was born in 1176 and died in August 1219 at the age of 43. The second time he married Agnès de NEVERS, daughter of Guy 1er de NEVERS and Mathilde de BOURGOGNE, in 1184. She died in 1192.

      Children of Pierre Ii de COURTENAY and Yolande de HAINAUT:

      1. Marguerite de COURTENAY (11941270)
      2. Philippe Ii de COURTENAY (11951226)
      3. Sybille de COURTENAY (11971210)
      4. Elisabeth de COURTENAY (11991253)
      5. Yolande de COURTENAY (12001233)
      6. Robert 1er de COURTENAY (12011228)
      7. Agnès de COURTENAY (12021247)
      8. Marie de COURTENAY (12041228)
      9. Henri Ii de COURTENAY (12061229)
      10. Eléonore de COURTENAY (12081230)
      11. Pierre de COURTENAY (12091226)
      12. Constance de COURTENAY (1210)
      13. Baudoin Ii de COURTENAY (12181273)

      Children of Pierre Ii de COURTENAY and Agnès de NEVERS:

      1. Marhilde (Mahaut) de COURTENAY (11881254)
    16. Adélaïde (Alix) de COURTENAY, daughter of Pierre de FRANCE and Elisabeth Ou Isabelle de COURTENAY, was born in 1160 and died in 1218 at the age of 58.. She had a relationship with Aymar Ii d'ANGOULÊME, son of Guillaume Taillefer d'ANGOULÊME and Marguerite de TURENNE She married Guillaume 1er de JOIGNY, son of Renaud Iii de JOIGNY and Adèle de NEVERS, in 1179. He died in 1221. Adélaïde (Alix) de COURTENAY and Guillaume 1er de JOIGNY were divorced.

      Children of Adélaïde (Alix) de COURTENAY and Aymar Ii d'ANGOULÊME:

      1. Isabelle d'ANGOULÊME (11881246)

      Children of Adélaïde (Alix) de COURTENAY and Guillaume 1er de JOIGNY:

      1. Pierre de JOIGNY (1222)
    17. Robert de COURTENAY, sire de Champignelles, son of Pierre de FRANCE and Elisabeth Ou Isabelle de COURTENAY, was born about 1168 and died in 1239. He married 2 times. The first time he married Mahaud de MEHUN-SUR-YÈVRE about 1215. The second time he married Constance de TOUCY estimated 1205.

      Children of Robert de COURTENAY and Mahaud de MEHUN-SUR-YÈVRE:

      1. Pierre 1er de COURTENAY (12181250)
      2. Isabeau de COURTENAY (12191257)
      3. Jean de COURTENAY (12261270)
      4. Blanche de COURTENAY (1231)
      5. Guillaume de COURTENAY (1280)
      6. Robert de COURTENAY (1279)
      7. Raoul de COURTENAY (1271)
      8. Philippe de COURTENAY (1245)

      Children of Robert de COURTENAY and Constance de TOUCY:

      1. Agnès de COURTENAY (1206)
      2. Blanche (Clémence) de COURTENAY (12081240)
    18. Guillaume de COURTENAY, son of Pierre de FRANCE and Elisabeth Ou Isabelle de COURTENAY. He died in 1233. He married Adeline de NOYERS in 1209. She died in 1222.

    19. Eustachie de COURTENAY, daughter of Pierre de FRANCE and Elisabeth Ou Isabelle de COURTENAY. She died in 1235. She married Guillaume de CHAMPLITTE, son of Eudes 1er de BLOIS and Sibille de LA FERTÉ-SUR-L'AUBE, in 1200. He died in 1210.

      Children of Eustachie de COURTENAY and Guillaume de CHAMPLITTE:

      1. Elisabeth de CHAMPLITTE
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