Philippe Iv Le Bel de FRANCEAge: 46 years12681314

Philippe Iv Le Bel de FRANCE
Given names
Philippe Iv Le Bel
Birth 1268 22 21
Fontainebleau, , , , ,
Latitude: 48.400000 Longitude: 2.700000

Birth of a brotherRobert de FRANCE
1269 (Age 12 months)

Death of a brotherRobert de FRANCE
1269 (Age 12 months)

Birth of a brotherCharles de VALOIS
March 19, 1270 (Age 2 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherLouis Ix Dit Saint Louis de FRANCE
September 8, 1270 (Age 2 years)
Tunis, , , , TUNISIE,
Latitude: 36.818970 Longitude: 10.165790

Death of a motherIsabelle d'ARAGON
February 11, 1271 (Age 3 years)
Cosenza, , , , ITALIE, Calabre
Latitude: 39.309990 Longitude: 16.250190

Marriage of a parentPhilippe Iii Le Hardi de FRANCEMarie de BRABANTView this family
September 4, 1274 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a half-brotherLouis d'EVREUX
May 1276 (Age 8 years)

Death of a brotherLouis de FRANCE
1276 (Age 8 years)

Death of a maternal grandfatherJacques 1er de BARCELONE
August 1, 1276 (Age 8 years)

Birth of a half-sisterMarguerite de FRANCE
1282 (Age 14 years)

MarriageJeanne Ière de NAVARREView this family
August 30, 1284 (Age 16 years)
Paris, 75, , , FRANCE,
Latitude: 48.853410 Longitude: 2.348800

Birth of a half-sisterBlanche de FRANCE
about 1284 (Age 16 years)

Death of a fatherPhilippe Iii Le Hardi de FRANCE
October 19, 1285 (Age 17 years)
Perpignan, , , Catalogne, FRANCE,
Latitude: 42.697640 Longitude: 2.895410

Birth of a daughter
Marguerite de FRANCE
about 1288 (Age 20 years)

Birth of a son
Louis X Le Hutin de FRANCE
October 18, 1289 (Age 21 years)
Paris, 75, , , FRANCE,
Latitude: 48.853410 Longitude: 2.348800

Birth of a daughter
Blanche de FRANCE
about 1290 (Age 22 years)

Birth of a son
Philippe V Le Long de FRANCE
about 1291 (Age 23 years)

Birth of a daughter
Isabelle de FRANCE
about 1292 (Age 24 years)
Paris, 75, , , FRANCE,
Latitude: 48.853410 Longitude: 2.348800

Birth of a son
Charles Iv Le Bel de FRANCE
1294 (Age 26 years)

Death of a daughterMarguerite de FRANCE
about 1294 (Age 26 years)

Death of a daughterBlanche de FRANCE
about 1294 (Age 26 years)

Death of a paternal grandmotherMarguerite de PROVENCE
1295 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a son
Robert de FRANCE
about 1297 (Age 29 years)

Death of a wifeJeanne Ière de NAVARRE
April 18, 1304 (Age 36 years)
Marriage of a childLouis X Le Hutin de FRANCEMarguerite de BOURGOGNEView this family
October 9, 1305 (Age 37 years)
Death of a half-sisterBlanche de FRANCE
1305 (Age 37 years)

Marriage of a childPhilippe V Le Long de FRANCEJeanne de BOURGOGNEView this family
1307 (Age 39 years)

Marriage of a childEdouard II d'ANGLETERREIsabelle de FRANCEView this family
Type: Religious marriage
February 2, 1308 (Age 40 years)

Marriage of a childCharles Iv Le Bel de FRANCEBlanche de BOURGOGNEView this family
1308 (Age 40 years)

Death of a sonRobert de FRANCE
August 1308 (Age 40 years)

Roi de France (1285-1314)


_USTJeanne Ière de NAVARREView this family

Death December 15, 1314 (Age 46 years)
Fontainebleau, , , , ,
Latitude: 48.400000 Longitude: 2.700000

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 11, 1262
3 years
elder brother
5 years
2 years
younger brother
15 months
younger brother
Father’s family with Marie de BRABANT - View this family
Marriage: September 4, 1274Vincennes, , , , ,
21 months
7 years
3 years
Family with Jeanne Ière de NAVARRE - View this family
Marriage: August 30, 1284Paris, 75, , , FRANCE,
4 years
22 months
14 months
2 years
2 years
3 years
4 years


Il gouverne en s'appuyant sur des légistes, imbus de l'autorité royale : - Pierre Flote - Guillaume de Nogaret - Enguerrand de Marigny.

A la suite de son conflit avec le pape, il convoque les états généraux et fait arrêter Boniface VIII en 1303. Il fait ensuite élire un pape français, Clément V en 1305.

Il tente de pallier ses difficultés financières en établissant des impôts réguliers, en taxant lourdement les Juifs et les Lombards et en pratiquant des dévaluations monétaires.

Il s'attaque à l'ordre des Templiers dont il convoite les richesses, fait arrêter ses chefs et obtient de Clément V la suppression de l'ordre en 1312. Il fait condamner au bûcher les dignitaires dont Jacques de Molay (1314).

Il augmente le domaine royal de Lyon et du Lyonnais (1312).


Le mariage de Philippe et de Jeanne apporte la Navarre et la Champagne à la couronne de France (1284).

  1. Generation 1
    1. Philippe Iv Le Bel de FRANCE, roi de France (1285-1314), son of Philippe Iii Le Hardi de FRANCE and Isabelle d'ARAGON, was born in 1268 in Fontainebleau, , , , , and died on December 15, 1314 in Fontainebleau, , , , , at the age of 46. He married Jeanne Ière de NAVARRE, daughter of Henri Ier de CHAMPAGNE and Blanche d'ARTOIS, on August 30, 1284 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE,. She was born in 1271 in Bar-sur-Seine, , , , , and died on April 18, 1304 in Vincennes, , , , , at the age of 33.

      Children of Philippe Iv Le Bel de FRANCE and Jeanne Ière de NAVARRE:

      1. Marguerite de FRANCE (12881294)
      2. Louis X Le Hutin de FRANCE (12891316)
      3. Blanche de FRANCE (12901294)
      4. Philippe V Le Long de FRANCE (12911322)
      5. Isabelle de FRANCE (12921357)
      6. Charles Iv Le Bel de FRANCE (12941328)
      7. Robert de FRANCE (12971308)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Louis X Le Hutin de FRANCE, roi de France (1314-1316) - Roi de Navarre par sa mère (1305-1316), son of Philippe Iv Le Bel de FRANCE and Jeanne Ière de NAVARRE, was born on October 18, 1289 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, and died on June 21, 1316 in Vincennes, , , , , at the age of 26. He married 2 times. The first time he married Marguerite de BOURGOGNE, daughter of Robert Ii de BOURGOGNE and Agnès de FRANCE, on October 9, 1305 in Vernon, , Normandie, , ,. She was born in 1290 and died in April 1315 in Château-Gaillard, , , , FRANCE, at the age of 25. The second time he married Clémence de HONGRIE, daughter of Charles Martel d'ANJOU and Clémence de HABSBOURG, on September 4, 1315. She was born in February 1293 and died on October 29, 1328 at the age of 35.

      Children of Louis X Le Hutin de FRANCE:

      1. Eudeline de FRANCE

      Children of Louis X Le Hutin de FRANCE and Marguerite de BOURGOGNE:

      1. Jeanne Ii de NAVARRE (13111349)

      Children of Louis X Le Hutin de FRANCE and Clémence de HONGRIE:

      1. Jean Ier Le Posthume de FRANCE (13161316)
    2. Philippe V Le Long de FRANCE, roi de France (1317-1322), son of Philippe Iv Le Bel de FRANCE and Jeanne Ière de NAVARRE, was born about 1291 and died on January 19, 1322 in Longchamp, , , , ,. He married Jeanne de BOURGOGNE, daughter of Othon Iv de BOURGOGNE and Mahaut d'ARTOIS, in 1307. She was born about January 22, 1292 and died on January 29, 1330 in Roye, , , , , près de Montdidier.

      Children of Philippe V Le Long de FRANCE and Jeanne de BOURGOGNE:

      1. Jeanne de FRANCE (13081347)
      2. Marguerite de FRANCE (13101382)
      3. Isabelle de FRANCE (13121348)
      4. Philippe de FRANCE (13131321)
      5. Blanche de FRANCE (13141358)
      6. Louis de FRANCE (13161317)
    3. Isabelle de FRANCE, reine d'Angleterre (1308-1330), daughter of Philippe Iv Le Bel de FRANCE and Jeanne Ière de NAVARRE, was born about 1292 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, and died on September 4, 1357 in Hertford, , , , ANGLETERRE, près de Londres. She married Edouard II d'ANGLETERRE, son of Edouard Ier PLANTAGENÊT and Eléonore de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE, on February 2, 1308. He was born in 1284 in Carnarvon, , , Pays de Galles, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, and died in 1327 in Berkeley, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, at the age of 43.

      Children of Isabelle de FRANCE and Edouard II d'ANGLETERRE:

      1. Edouard Iii PLANTAGENÊT (13121377)
      2. Jean d'ANGLETERRE (13161336)
      3. Eléonore d'ANGLETERRE (13181355)
      4. Jeanne d'ANGLETERRE (13211362)
    4. Charles Iv Le Bel de FRANCE, roi de France et de Navarre (1322-1328), son of Philippe Iv Le Bel de FRANCE and Jeanne Ière de NAVARRE, was born in 1294 and died on February 16, 1328 in Vincennes, , , , , at the age of 34. He married 3 times. The first time he married Blanche de BOURGOGNE, daughter of Othon Iv de BOURGOGNE and Mahaut d'ARTOIS, in 1308. She was born in 1296 and died about April 13, 1326 in Abbaye de Maubuisson, , , , ,. The second time he married Jeanne d'EVREUX, daughter of Louis d'EVREUX and Marguerite d'ARTOIS, on July 21, 1325. She was born in 1310 and died on March 12, 1370 in Brie-Comte-Robert, , , , , at the age of 60. The third time he married Marie de LUXEMBOURG, daughter of Henri Vii de LUXEMBOURG and Marguerite de BRABANT, on October 7, 1322. She was born in 1304 and died on April 2, 1324 at the age of 20.

      Children of Charles Iv Le Bel de FRANCE and Blanche de BOURGOGNE:

      1. Philippe de FRANCE (13141322)
      2. Jeanne de FRANCE (13211321)

      Children of Charles Iv Le Bel de FRANCE and Jeanne d'EVREUX:

      1. Jeanne de FRANCE (13261327)
      2. Marie de FRANCE (13271341)
      3. Blanche de FRANCE (13281392)

      Children of Charles Iv Le Bel de FRANCE and Marie de LUXEMBOURG:

      1. Louis de FRANCE (13241324)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Jeanne Ii de NAVARRE, reine de Navarre (1328-1349), daughter of Louis X Le Hutin de FRANCE and Marguerite de BOURGOGNE, was born on February 13, 1311 and died on October 22, 1349 in Conflans, , , , FRANCE, at the age of 38. She married Philippe Iii d'EVREUX, son of Louis d'EVREUX and Marguerite d'ARTOIS, on October 17, 1329. He was born in 1301 and died on September 24, 1343 at the age of 42.

      Children of Jeanne Ii de NAVARRE and Philippe Iii d'EVREUX:

      1. Jeanne de NAVARRE (13301387)
      2. Marie de NAVARRE (13311347)
      3. Charles Ii Le Mauvais de NAVARRE (13321387)
      4. Blanche de NAVARRE (13331398)
      5. Agnès de NAVARRE (13341396)
      6. Philippe de NAVARRE (13361363)
      7. Jeanne de NAVARRE (13391403)
      8. Louis de NAVARRE (13411372)
    2. Jeanne de FRANCE, daughter of Philippe V Le Long de FRANCE and Jeanne de BOURGOGNE, was born in 1308 and died in 1347 at the age of 39. She married Eudes Iv de BOURGOGNE, son of Robert Ii de BOURGOGNE and Agnès de FRANCE, on June 26, 1318. He was born in 1295 and died in April 1349 at the age of 54.

      Children of Jeanne de FRANCE and Eudes Iv de BOURGOGNE:

      1. Philippe de BOURGOGNE (13231346)
      2. Jean de BOURGOGNE
    3. Marguerite de FRANCE, daughter of Philippe V Le Long de FRANCE and Jeanne de BOURGOGNE, was born in 1310 and died in 1382 at the age of 72. She married Louis 1er (Ii) de FLANDRE, son of Louis Ier de DAMPIERRE and Jeanne de RETHEL, in 1320. He was born in 1304 and died about 1345.

      Children of Marguerite de FRANCE and Louis 1er (Ii) de FLANDRE:

      1. Louis Ii De Male de FLANDRE (13301384)
    4. Isabelle de FRANCE, daughter of Philippe V Le Long de FRANCE and Jeanne de BOURGOGNE, was born in 1312 and died in 1348 at the age of 36. She married 2 times. The first time she married Guigues Viii de VIENNOIS, son of Jean Ii de LA TOUR DU PIN and Béatrice d'ANJOU, in 1323. He was born in 1309 and died in 1333 at the age of 24. The second time she married Jean de FAUCOGNEY in 1339.

      Children of Isabelle de FRANCE and Guigues Viii de VIENNOIS:

      1. Humbert Ii de VIENNOIS (1355)
    5. Edouard Iii PLANTAGENÊT, roi d'Angleterre (1327-1377), son of Edouard II d'ANGLETERRE and Isabelle de FRANCE, was born in 1312 in Windsor, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, and died in 1377 in Richmond, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, at the age of 65. He married Philippa de HAINAUT, daughter of Guillaume 1er de HAINAUT and Jeanne de VALOIS, on February 2, 1328. She was born in 1314 and died on August 23, 1369 at the age of 55.

      Children of Edouard Iii PLANTAGENÊT and Philippa de HAINAUT:

      1. Edouard PLANTAGENÊT (13301376)
      2. Isabelle d'ANGLETERRE (13321379)
      3. Jeanne PLANTAGENÊT (13351348)
      4. Guillaume PLANTAGENÊT (13371337)
      5. Lionel PLANTAGENÊT (13381368)
      6. Jean PLANTAGENÊT (13401399)
      7. Edmond PLANTAGENÊT (13411402)
      8. Blanche PLANTAGENÊT (13421342)
      9. Marie PLANTAGENÊT (13441363)
      10. Marguerite PLANTAGENÊT (13461361)
      11. Thomas PLANTAGENÊT (13471348)
      12. Guillaume PLANTAGENÊT (13481348)
      13. Thomas PLANTAGENÊT (13541397)
    6. Eléonore d'ANGLETERRE, daughter of Edouard II d'ANGLETERRE and Isabelle de FRANCE, was born on June 16, 1318 and died on April 30, 1355 at the age of 36. She married Renaud Ii de GUELDRES, son of Renaud Ier de GUELDRES and Marguerite de DAMPIERRE, in May 1332. He was born in 1295 and died on October 20, 1343 at the age of 48.

      Children of Eléonore d'ANGLETERRE and Renaud Ii de GUELDRES:

      1. Renaud Iii de GUELDRES (13331371)
      2. Edouard de GUELDRES (13361371)
    7. Jeanne d'ANGLETERRE, daughter of Edouard II d'ANGLETERRE and Isabelle de FRANCE, was born in July 1321 and died on August 22, 1362 at the age of 41. She married David Ii BRUCE, son of Robert 1er BRUCE and Elisabeth de BURGH, on July 25, 1328. He was born on March 13, 1323 and died on March 2, 1370 at the age of 46.

    8. Blanche de FRANCE, née posthume, daughter of Charles Iv Le Bel de FRANCE and Jeanne d'EVREUX, was born on April 17, 1328 and died on February 15, 1392 at the age of 63. She married Philippe d'ORLÉANS, son of Philippe Vi de VALOIS and Jeanne de BOURGOGNE, on January 26, 1344. He was born on July 9, 1336 and died on September 9, 1375 at the age of 39.

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