François Ier d'ANGOULÊMEAge: 52 years1494–1547
- Name
- François Ier d'ANGOULÊME
- Given names
- François Ier
- Surname
Birth | September 30, 1494 35 18 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a half-sister | Souveraine d'ANGOULÊME 1494 _FNA: NO Note: Fille de Jeanne Comte.
Birth of a half-sister | Jeanne d'ANGOULÊME 1494 _FNA: NO Note: Fille de Jeanne de POLIGNAC
Death of a paternal grandmother | Marguerite de ROHAN 1496 (Age 15 months) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Charles d'ORLÉANS January 10, 1496 (Age 15 months) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Philippe 1er de SAVOIE November 16, 1497 (Age 3 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Claude de FRANCE — View this family April 7, 1514 (Age 19 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Louise de VALOIS August 29, 1515 (Age 20 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Charlotte de VALOIS November 2, 1516 (Age 22 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #3 | François de VALOIS March 10, 1517 (Age 22 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a daughter | Louise de VALOIS October 1, 1517 (Age 23 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #4 | Henri Ii de VALOIS April 20, 1519 (Age 24 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #5 | Madeleine de VALOIS August 20, 1520 (Age 25 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #6 | Charles d'ORLÉANS February 1, 1522 (Age 27 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #7 | Marguerite de VALOIS June 15, 1523 (Age 28 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a wife | Claude de FRANCE August 9, 1524 (Age 29 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a daughter | Charlotte de VALOIS September 18, 1524 (Age 29 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Eléonore de HABSBOURG — View this family July 27, 1530 (Age 35 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Louise de SAVOIE October 2, 1531 (Age 37 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Henri Ii de VALOIS — Catherine de MEDICIS — View this family November 17, 1533 (Age 39 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Jacques V STUART — Madeleine de VALOIS — View this family Type: Religious marriage 1536 (Age 41 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a son | François de VALOIS August 20, 1536 (Age 41 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a daughter | Madeleine de VALOIS July 12, 1537 (Age 42 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a half-sister | Jeanne d'ANGOULÊME 1538 (Age 43 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Charles d'ORLÉANS September 19, 1545 (Age 50 years) _FNA: NO |
Occupation | Roi de France (1515-1547) |
_UST | Eléonore de HABSBOURG — View this family MARRIED |
_UST | Claude de FRANCE — View this family MARRIED |
Death | April 20, 1547 (Age 52 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Charles d'ORLÉANS Birth: 1459 54 33 Death: January 10, 1496 — Cognac, , , , FRANCE, |
mother |
Louise de SAVOIE Birth: September 11, 1476 38 38 — Pont d'Ain, 01, Ain, , , Death: October 2, 1531 — Grez-sur-Loing, , , , , |
Marriage: February 25, 1487 — |
5 years elder sister |
Marguerite d'ANGOULÊME Birth: April 11, 1492 33 15 — Angoulême, , , , , Death: December 31, 1549 — Odos, , , , , Bigorre |
3 years himself |
François Ier d'ANGOULÊME Birth: September 30, 1494 35 18 — Cognac, , , , FRANCE, Death: April 20, 1547 — Rambouillet, , , , , |
Father’s family with an unknown individual |
father |
Charles d'ORLÉANS Birth: 1459 54 33 Death: January 10, 1496 — Cognac, , , , FRANCE, |
half-sister |
Souveraine d'ANGOULÊME Birth: 1494 35 Death: 1551 |
1 year half-sister |
Jeanne d'ANGOULÊME Birth: 1494 35 Death: 1538 |
Family with Eléonore de HABSBOURG |
himself |
François Ier d'ANGOULÊME Birth: September 30, 1494 35 18 — Cognac, , , , FRANCE, Death: April 20, 1547 — Rambouillet, , , , , |
wife |
Eléonore de HABSBOURG Birth: December 4, 1498 20 19 — Louvain, Belgique, , , , Death: March 9, 1558 — Talavera, , , , ESPAGNE, |
Marriage: July 27, 1530 — |
Family with Claude de FRANCE |
himself |
François Ier d'ANGOULÊME Birth: September 30, 1494 35 18 — Cognac, , , , FRANCE, Death: April 20, 1547 — Rambouillet, , , , , |
wife |
Claude de FRANCE Birth: October 31, 1499 37 23 — Romorantin, , , , , Death: August 9, 1524 — Blois, 41, , , FRANCE, |
Marriage: April 7, 1514 — |
17 months daughter |
Louise de VALOIS Birth: August 29, 1515 20 15 Death: October 1, 1517 |
14 months daughter |
Charlotte de VALOIS Birth: November 2, 1516 22 17 Death: September 18, 1524 |
4 months son |
François de VALOIS Birth: March 10, 1517 22 17 Death: August 20, 1536 |
2 years son |
Henri Ii de VALOIS Birth: April 20, 1519 24 19 — Saint-Germain-en-Laye, , , , , Death: July 30, 1559 — Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, |
16 months daughter |
Madeleine de VALOIS Birth: August 20, 1520 25 20 Death: July 12, 1537 |
17 months son |
Charles d'ORLÉANS Birth: February 1, 1522 27 22 Death: September 19, 1545 |
16 months daughter |
Marguerite de VALOIS Birth: June 15, 1523 28 23 — Saint-Germain-en-Laye, , , , , Death: September 24, 1574 — Turin, , , , ITALIE, |
Emmanuel 1er de PORTUGAL + Eléonore de HABSBOURG |
wife’s husband |
Emmanuel 1er de PORTUGAL Birth: June 10, 1469 35 39 Death: December 23, 1521 |
wife |
Eléonore de HABSBOURG Birth: December 4, 1498 20 19 — Louvain, Belgique, , , , Death: March 9, 1558 — Talavera, , , , ESPAGNE, |
Marriage: March 17, 1519 — |
11 months step-son |
Charles de PORTUGAL Birth: February 28, 1520 50 21 Death: April 25, 1521 |
16 months step-daughter |
Marie de PORTUGAL Birth: June 18, 1521 52 22 Death: October 20, 1577 |
Note | Il succède à Louis XII en 1515, après avoir épousé sa fille, Claude de France, l'année précédente. Il prend de suite, avec fougue, la suite de ses prédécesseurs en Italie. La victoire de Marignan (1515) lui ouvre les portes du Milanais et lui donne une alliance perpétuelle avec les Suisses. Sa rivalité avec Charles Quint va croissant. Après son élection au trône impérial en 1519, ce dernier fait peser une menace d'encerclement sur la France. François fait des tentatives pour obtenir l'alliance de l'Angleterre (il rencontre Henri VIII au Camp du Drap d'Or en 1520), mais elles échouent. La défection du Connétable de Bourbon affaiblit encore la France et la défaite de La Bicoque en 1523 lui fait perdre le Milanais. Les Impériaux ont envahi la Provence, François contre-attaque mais après sa défaite à Pavie, en 1525, il est fait prisonnier et doit accepter le traité de Madrid (signé en 1526). Il ne l'applique pas, conserve la Bourgogne, et reprend la guerre après avoir conclu la Ligue de Cognac avec le Pape, Venise et Francesco Sforza. Il signe un compromis, la Paix de Cambrai ou Paix des Dames, en 1529, qui permet à François de se rapprocher des Protestants allemands et des Truces et de reprendre les hostilités en 1536. Il signe enfin la paix de Crépy-en-Laonnois le 18 septembre 1544. Charles Quint renonce au duché de Bourgogne et la France renonce à la Flandre, à l'Artois, au Milanais, à Naples et àl'Aragon. Son attitude face aux Protestants passe de la tolérance (due aux sympathies de sa soeur, Marguerite de Navarre) à la répression après 1534. Il fut l'un des grands introducteurs de la Renaissance italienne en France. (note rédigée par bsd concept pour le logiciel Heredis) |
Note | Fiancée tout d'abord à Charles d'Espagne, futur Charles Quint, Claude de France voit ses fiançailles annulées par les Etats Généraux. De sa mère, Anne de Bretagne, Claude apporte en dot le duché de Bretagne. Leur union a été voulue par Louis XII dans le dessin de renforcer la continuité Valois-Orléans et Valois-Angoulême. Claude usera de son influence pour rétablir la paix entre Charles Quint et François. |
- Generation 1
François Ier d'ANGOULÊME , roi de France (1515-1547), son ofCharles d'ORLÉANS andLouise de SAVOIE , was born on September 30, 1494 in Cognac, , , , FRANCE, and died on April 20, 1547 in Rambouillet, , , , , at the age of 52. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedEléonore de HABSBOURG , daughter ofPhilippe Ier Le Beau de HABSBOURG andJeanne Dite La Folle d'ARAGON , on July 27, 1530. She was born on December 4, 1498 in Louvain, Belgique, , , , and died on March 9, 1558 in Talavera, , , , ESPAGNE, at the age of 59. The second time he marriedClaude de FRANCE , daughter ofLouis Xii d'ORLÉANS andAnne de BRETAGNE , on April 7, 1514. She was born on October 31, 1499 in Romorantin, , , , , and died on August 9, 1524 in Blois, 41, , , FRANCE, at the age of 24.Children of
François Ier d'ANGOULÊME andClaude de FRANCE :Louise de VALOIS (1515–1517)Charlotte de VALOIS (1516–1524)François de VALOIS (1517–1536)Henri Ii de VALOIS (1519–1559)Madeleine de VALOIS (1520–1537)Charles d'ORLÉANS (1522–1545)Marguerite de VALOIS (1523–1574)
- Generation 2back to top
Henri Ii de VALOIS , roi de France (1547-1559), son ofFrançois Ier d'ANGOULÊME andClaude de FRANCE , was born on April 20, 1519 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, , , , , and died on July 30, 1559 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, at the age of 40. He marriedCatherine de MEDICIS , daughter ofLaurent Ii de MEDICIS andMadeleine de LA TOUR D'AUVERGNE , on November 17, 1533. She was born on January 25, 1519 in Florence, , , , ITALIE, and died on January 5, 1589 in Blois, 41, , , FRANCE, at the age of 69.Children of
Henri Ii de VALOIS :Diane de VALOIS (1538–1619)
Children of
Henri Ii de VALOIS andCatherine de MEDICIS :François Ii de VALOIS (1544–1560)Elisabeth de VALOIS (1545–1568)Claude de VALOIS (1547–1575)Louis de VALOIS (1549–1550)Charles Ix de VALOIS (1550–1574)Alexandre Edouard Dit Henri Iii de VALOIS (1551–1589)Marguerite de VALOIS (1553–1615)François de VALOIS (1554–1584)Victoire de VALOIS (1556–1556)Jeanne de VALOIS (1556–1556)
Madeleine de VALOIS , daughter ofFrançois Ier d'ANGOULÊME andClaude de FRANCE , was born on August 20, 1520 and died on July 12, 1537 at the age of 16. She marriedJacques V STUART , son ofJacques Iv STUART andMarguerite TUDOR , in 1536. He was born on April 20, 1512 and died on December 24, 1542 at the age of 30.Marguerite de VALOIS , duchesse de Savoie, daughter ofFrançois Ier d'ANGOULÊME andClaude de FRANCE , was born on June 15, 1523 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, , , , , and died on September 24, 1574 in Turin, , , , ITALIE, at the age of 51. She marriedEmmanuel-Philibert 1er de SAVOIE , son ofCharles Iii de SAVOIE andBéatrice de PORTUGAL , on July 19, 1559. He was born on July 18, 1528 and died on September 9, 1580 at the age of 52.Children of
Marguerite de VALOIS andEmmanuel-Philibert 1er de SAVOIE :Charles-Emmanuel 1er de SAVOIE (1562–1630)
- Generation 3back to top
Diane de VALOIS , daughter ofHenri Ii de VALOIS , was born in 1538 and died on January 11, 1619 at the age of 81. She married 2 times. The first time she marriedHorace FARNÈSE , son ofPierre-Louis FARNÈSE andGirolama ORSINI , on February 23, 1552. He was born in 1532 and died on July 28, 1553 at the age of 21. The second time she marriedFrançois de MONTMORENCY , son ofAnne de MONTMORENCY andMadeleine de SAVOIE , in 1557. He was born in 1530 and died in 1579 at the age of 49.François Ii de VALOIS , roi de France (1559-1560), son ofHenri Ii de VALOIS andCatherine de MEDICIS , was born on February 8, 1544 in Fontainebleau, , , , , and died on December 25, 1560 in Orléans, , , , , at the age of 16. He marriedMarie Ière STUART , daughter ofJacques V STUART andMarie de LORRAINE-GUISE , on May 14, 1558. She was born on December 17, 1542 in Linlithgow, Ecosse, , , , and died on February 18, 1587 in Fotheringhay, Angl., , , , at the age of 44.Elisabeth de VALOIS , reine d'Espagne, daughter ofHenri Ii de VALOIS andCatherine de MEDICIS , was born on April 22, 1545 in Fontainebleau, , , , , and died on October 23, 1568 in Madrid, , , , ESPAGNE, at the age of 23. She marriedPhilippe Ii de HABSBOURG , son ofCharles V Ou Charles Quint de HABSBOURG andIsabelle de PORTUGAL , on July 10, 1559 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, Notre-Dame de Paris (procuration). He was born on June 16, 1527 in Valladolid, , , , ESPAGNE, and died on September 13, 1598 in L'Escurial, , , , ESPAGNE, at the age of 71.Children of
Elisabeth de VALOIS andPhilippe Ii de HABSBOURG :Isabelle de HABSBOURG (1566–1633)Catherine de HABSBOURG (1567–1597)
Claude de VALOIS , daughter ofHenri Ii de VALOIS andCatherine de MEDICIS , was born on November 22, 1547 and died on March 2, 1575 at the age of 27. She marriedCharles Ii de LORRAINE , son ofFrançois 1er de LORRAINE andChristine d'OLDENBOURG , on February 15, 1559. He was born on February 28, 1543 and died on May 14, 1608 at the age of 65.Children of
Claude de VALOIS andCharles Ii de LORRAINE :Henri 1er de LORRAINE (1563–1624)Christine de LORRAINE (1565–1637)Charles de LORRAINE (1567–1607)Antoinette de LORRAINE (1568–1610)Anne de LORRAINE (1569–1576)François Ii de LORRAINE (1572–1632)Catherine de LORRAINE (1573–1648)Elisabeth de LORRAINE (1574–1636)Claude de LORRAINE (1574–1576)
Charles Ix de VALOIS , roi de France (1560-1574), son ofHenri Ii de VALOIS andCatherine de MEDICIS , was born on July 17, 1550 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, , , , , and died on June 19, 1574 in Vincennes, , , , , at the age of 23. He marriedElisabeth de HABSBOURG , daughter ofMaximilien Ii de HABSBOURG andMarie de HABSBOURG , on December 6, 1570. She was born on June 15, 1554 and died on January 22, 1592 at the age of 37.Children of
Charles Ix de VALOIS :Charles de VALOIS (1573–1650)
Children of
Charles Ix de VALOIS andElisabeth de HABSBOURG :Marie-Elisabeth de VALOIS (1572–1578)
Alexandre Edouard Dit Henri Iii de VALOIS , roi de Pologne, Roi de France (1574-1589), son ofHenri Ii de VALOIS andCatherine de MEDICIS , was born on October 9, 1551 in Fontainebleau, , , , , and died on August 2, 1589 in Saint-Cloud, , , , FRANCE, at the age of 37. He marriedLouise de LORRAINE , daughter ofNicolas de LORRAINE andMarguerite d'EGMONT , on March 7, 1575. She was born on May 10, 1553 in Nomény, , , , , and died on January 29, 1601 in Moulins, , , , , at the age of 47.Marguerite de VALOIS , reine de Navarre, daughter ofHenri Ii de VALOIS andCatherine de MEDICIS , was born on June 3, 1553 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, , , , , and died on March 27, 1615 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, at the age of 61. She marriedHenri Iv Le Grand de BOURBON , son ofAntoine de BOURBON andJeanne Iii d'ALBRET , on September 7, 1572 in Lyon, , , , ,. He was born on January 3, 1554 in Pau, , , , FRANCE, and died on May 14, 1610 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, rue de la Ferronnerie at the age of 56.Charles-Emmanuel 1er de SAVOIE , duc de Savoie, son ofEmmanuel-Philibert 1er de SAVOIE andMarguerite de VALOIS , was born on January 22, 1562 and died on July 26, 1630 at the age of 68. He marriedCatherine de HABSBOURG , daughter ofPhilippe Ii de HABSBOURG andElisabeth de VALOIS , on March 11, 1585. She was born on October 20, 1567 and died on November 6, 1597 at the age of 30.Children of
Charles-Emmanuel 1er de SAVOIE :Marguerite de SAVOIE (–1659)
Children of
Charles-Emmanuel 1er de SAVOIE andCatherine de HABSBOURG :Philippe-Emmanuel de SAVOIE (1586–1605)Victor-Amédée Ier de SAVOIE (1587–1637)Emmanuel Philibert de SAVOIE (1588–1624)Marguerite de SAVOIE (1589–1655)Isabelle de SAVOIE (1591–1626)Maurice de SAVOIE (1593–1657)Marie de SAVOIE (1594–1656)Françoise Catherine de SAVOIE (1595–1641)Thomas François de SAVOIE-CARIGNAN (1596–1656)Jeanne de SAVOIE (1597–1597)