Raymond de BOURGOGNEAge: 31 years11251156

Raymond de BOURGOGNE
Given names
Birth about 1125 40

Birth of a sisterSibylle de BOURGOGNE
about 1126 (Age 12 months)

Birth of a sisterDuchesse de BOURGOGNE
about 1128 (Age 3 years)

Birth of a sisterAremburge de BOURGOGNE
about 1132 (Age 7 years)

Birth of a sisterMathilde de BOURGOGNE
1135 (Age 10 years)

MarriageAgnès de THIERSView this family
Type: Religious marriage
about 1140 (Age 15 years)

Death of a brotherRobert de BOURGOGNE
1140 (Age 15 years)

Death of a fatherHugues Ii de BOURGOGNE
1143 (Age 18 years)

Birth of a son
about 1147 (Age 22 years)

Birth of a daughter
Mathilde de BOURGOGNE
about 1150 (Age 25 years)

Death of a sisterSibylle de BOURGOGNE
1151 (Age 26 years)

Death of a sonHugues de BOURGOGNE
about 1156 (on the date of death)

Comte de Grignon - seigneur de Vitteaux


_USTAgnès de THIERSView this family

Death 1156 (Age 31 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1116
2 years
elder sister
2 years
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
2 years
elder brother
2 years
elder brother
2 years
elder brother
2 years
elder brother
2 years
2 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
5 years
younger sister
4 years
younger sister
Family with Agnès de THIERS - View this family
Marriage: about 1140
8 years
4 years
Humbert de BEAUJEU + Agnès de THIERS - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: 1160

  1. Generation 1
    1. Raymond de BOURGOGNE, comte de Grignon - seigneur de Vitteaux, son of Hugues Ii de BOURGOGNE and Mathilde de TURENNE, was born about 1125 and died in 1156. He married Agnès de THIERS about 1140.

      Children of Raymond de BOURGOGNE and Agnès de THIERS:

      1. Hugues de BOURGOGNE (11471156)
      2. Mathilde de BOURGOGNE (11501219)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Mathilde de BOURGOGNE, daughter of Raymond de BOURGOGNE and Agnès de THIERS, was born about 1150 and died in 1219. She married 4 times. The first time she married Robert Ii de DREUX, son of Robert Ier de DREUX and Agnès de BAUDEMENT, in 1178. He was born in 1154 and died on January 4, 1219 at the age of 65. The second time she married Pierre de LORRAINE, son of Thierry Iii de LORRAINE and Sibylle PLANTAGENET, in 1175. He was born in 1141 and died in 1176 at the age of 35. The third time she married Eudes Ii d'ISSOUDUN in 1165. He died in 1167. The fourth time she married Guy 1er de NEVERS, son of Guillaume Iii de NEVERS and Ida von SPONHEIM, in 1168. He died in 1176.

      Children of Mathilde de BOURGOGNE and Pierre de LORRAINE:

      1. Sibylle de LORRAINE (11761236)

      Children of Mathilde de BOURGOGNE and Eudes Ii d'ISSOUDUN:

      1. Eudes Iii d'ISSOUDUN (1199)

      Children of Mathilde de BOURGOGNE and Guy 1er de NEVERS:

      1. Guillaume de NEVERS (1181)
      2. Agnès de NEVERS (1192)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Eudes Iii d'ISSOUDUN, son of Eudes Ii d'ISSOUDUN and Mathilde de BOURGOGNE. He died in 1199.

      Children of Eudes Iii d'ISSOUDUN and Alays de MONTBARD:

      1. Raoul Iii d'ISSOUDUN (1212)
      2. Mahaut d'ISSOUDUN (11951217)
    2. Agnès de NEVERS, daughter of Guy 1er de NEVERS and Mathilde de BOURGOGNE. She died in 1192. She married Pierre Ii de COURTENAY, son of Pierre de FRANCE and Elisabeth Ou Isabelle de COURTENAY, in 1184. He was born in 1155 and died in 1218 at the age of 63.

      Children of Agnès de NEVERS and Pierre Ii de COURTENAY:

      1. Marhilde (Mahaut) de COURTENAY (11881254)
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