Urraca de PORTUGALAge: 37 years1151–1188
- Name
- Urraca de PORTUGAL
- Given names
- Urraca
- Surname
Birth | 1151 56 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Sanche 1er de PORTUGAL November 18, 1154 (Age 3 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Thérèse Mathilde de PORTUGAL 1157 (Age 6 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Mathilde de SAVOIE November 11, 1157 (Age 6 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Sancha de PORTUGAL February 21, 1159 (Age 8 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Ferdinand Ii de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE — View this family Type: Religious marriage May 1165 (Age 14 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Alphonse Ix de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE August 22, 1171 (Age 20 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Alphonse 1er de PORTUGAL December 13, 1185 (Age 34 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a husband | Ferdinand Ii de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE January 29, 1188 (Age 37 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Ferdinand Ii de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE — View this family MARRIED |
Death | October 23, 1188 (Age 37 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Alphonse 1er de PORTUGAL Birth: July 1094 24 24 Death: December 13, 1185 |
mother |
Mathilde de SAVOIE Death: November 11, 1157 |
Marriage: 1146 — |
14 months elder brother |
Henri de PORTUGAL Birth: March 12, 1147 52 Death: |
5 years herself |
Urraca de PORTUGAL Birth: 1151 56 Death: October 23, 1188 |
4 years younger brother |
Sanche 1er de PORTUGAL Birth: November 18, 1154 60 Death: April 3, 1211 |
3 years younger sister |
Thérèse Mathilde de PORTUGAL Birth: 1157 62 Death: May 13, 1218 |
sister | |
brother |
Jean de PORTUGAL Death: |
sister |
Sancha de PORTUGAL Death: February 21, 1159 |
Family with Ferdinand Ii de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE |
husband |
Ferdinand Ii de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE Birth: 1137 31 21 Death: January 29, 1188 |
herself |
Urraca de PORTUGAL Birth: 1151 56 Death: October 23, 1188 |
Marriage: May 1165 — |
6 years son |
Alphonse Ix de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE Birth: August 22, 1171 34 20 Death: October 1, 1230 |
Ferdinand Ii de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE + Thérèse de TRAVA |
husband |
Ferdinand Ii de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE Birth: 1137 31 21 Death: January 29, 1188 |
husband’s wife |
Thérèse de TRAVA Death: February 13, 1180 |
Marriage: October 14, 1178 — |
15 months step-son |
Ferdinand de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE Birth: 1179 42 Death: 1187 |
Ferdinand Ii de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE + Urraca de HARO |
husband |
Ferdinand Ii de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE Birth: 1137 31 21 Death: January 29, 1188 |
husband’s wife |
Urraca de HARO Death: 1226 |
Marriage: May 1187 — |
-5 years step-son |
Garcia de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE Birth: 1181 44 Death: 1187 |
8 years step-son |
Sanche de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE Birth: 1188 51 Death: July 1220 |
- Generation 1
Urraca de PORTUGAL , daughter ofAlphonse 1er de PORTUGAL andMathilde de SAVOIE , was born in 1151 and died on October 23, 1188 at the age of 37. She marriedFerdinand Ii de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE , son ofAlphonse Vii de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andBérengère de BARCELONE , in May 1165. He was born in 1137 and died on January 29, 1188 at the age of 51.Children of
Urraca de PORTUGAL andFerdinand Ii de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE :Alphonse Ix de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1171–1230)
- Generation 2back to top
Alphonse Ix de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE , roi de Leon, son ofFerdinand Ii de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andUrraca de PORTUGAL , was born on August 22, 1171 and died on October 1, 1230 at the age of 59. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedThérèse de PORTUGAL , daughter ofSanche 1er de PORTUGAL andDouce de BARCELONE , on February 22, 1191. She was born in 1176 and died on June 24, 1250 at the age of 74. The second time he marriedBérengère 1ère de CASTILLE , daughter ofAlphonse Viii de CASTILLE andAliénor PLANTAGENÊT , in December 1197. She was born in January 1180 and died on November 15, 1246 at the age of 66.Children of
Alphonse Ix de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE :Rodrigue Alphonse de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1210–1252)Aldonce de CASTILLE (–1266)
Children of
Alphonse Ix de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andThérèse de PORTUGAL :Ferdinand de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1192–1214)Sancha de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1193–1243)Douce de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1194–1243)
Children of
Alphonse Ix de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andBérengère 1ère de CASTILLE :Eléonore de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1198–1202)Constance de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1200–1242)Ferdinand Iii -Saint Ferdinand- de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1201–1252)Alphonse de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1203–1272)Bérengère de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1204–1237)
- Generation 3back to top
Rodrigue Alphonse de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE , son ofAlphonse Ix de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE , was born in 1210 and died in 1252 at the age of 42.Children of
Rodrigue Alphonse de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andIñes RODRIGUEZ de CABRERA :Aldonce de CASTILLE , daughter ofAlphonse Ix de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE . She died in 1266.Children of
Aldonce de CASTILLE andPedro PONCE de LEON :Fernando PONCE de LEON (–1292)
Ferdinand Iii -Saint Ferdinand- de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE , roi de Castille et de Leon, son ofAlphonse Ix de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andBérengère 1ère de CASTILLE , was born on August 12, 1201 and died on June 6, 1252 at the age of 50. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedElisabeth (Béatrice) de HOHENSTAUFEN , daughter ofPhilippe de HOHENSTAUFEN andIrène ANGE , on December 7, 1219. She was born in 1202 and died on November 12, 1235 at the age of 33. The second time he marriedJeanne de DAMMARTIN , daughter ofSimon de DAMMARTIN andMarie de PONTHIEU , in 1237. She was born in 1220 and died on March 22, 1279 at the age of 59.Children of
Ferdinand Iii -Saint Ferdinand- de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andElisabeth (Béatrice) de HOHENSTAUFEN :Alphonse X de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1221–1284)Frédéric de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1224–1277)Ferdinand de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1227–1243)Henri de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1230–1304)Philippe de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1231–1274)Eléonore de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1232–)Bérengère de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1233–1279)Sanche de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1233–1261)Emmanuel de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1234–1283)Marie de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1235–1235)
Children of
Ferdinand Iii -Saint Ferdinand- de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andJeanne de DAMMARTIN :Ferdinand de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1239–1267)Eléonore de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1242–1290)Louis de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (1243–1269)
Alphonse de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE , son ofAlphonse Ix de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andBérengère 1ère de CASTILLE , was born in 1203 and died on January 13, 1272 at the age of 69. He married 3 times. The first time he marriedMafalda de LARA in 1222. She died in 1242. The second time he marriedThérèse GONZALEZ de LARA in 1244. She died in 1246. The third time he marriedMayor ALFONSO in 1246.Children of
Alphonse de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE :Children of
Alphonse de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andThérèse GONZALEZ de LARA :Juana de MOLINA (1245–)
Children of
Alphonse de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andMayor ALFONSO :Maria de MOLINA (1260–1321)
Bérengère de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE , daughter ofAlphonse Ix de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andBérengère 1ère de CASTILLE , was born in 1204 and died in 1237 at the age of 33. She marriedJean Ier de BRIENNE , son ofErard Ii de BRIENNE andAgnès de MONTFAUCON , in 1222. He was born in 1144 and died in 1237 at the age of 93.Children of
Bérengère de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE andJean Ier de BRIENNE :Marie de BRIENNE (–1275)Alphonse D'Acre de BRIENNE (–1270)Louis de BRIENNE (1225–1297)Jean D'Acre de BRIENNE (–1296)