Charles de PORTUGALAge: 13 months1520–1521
- Name
- Charles de PORTUGAL
- Given names
- Charles
- Surname
Birth | February 28, 1520 50 21 _FNA: NO |
Death | April 25, 1521 (Age 13 months) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Emmanuel 1er de PORTUGAL Birth: June 10, 1469 35 39 Death: December 23, 1521 |
mother |
Eléonore de HABSBOURG Birth: December 4, 1498 20 19 — Louvain, Belgique, , , , Death: March 9, 1558 — Talavera, , , , ESPAGNE, |
Marriage: March 17, 1519 — |
11 months himself |
Charles de PORTUGAL Birth: February 28, 1520 50 21 Death: April 25, 1521 |
16 months younger sister |
Marie de PORTUGAL Birth: June 18, 1521 52 22 Death: October 20, 1577 |
Father’s family with Marie d'ARAGON |
father |
Emmanuel 1er de PORTUGAL Birth: June 10, 1469 35 39 Death: December 23, 1521 |
step-mother |
Marie d'ARAGON Birth: July 8, 1482 30 31 — Cordoue, , , , ESPAGNE, Death: March 17, 1517 |
Marriage: November 9, 1500 — |
19 months half-brother |
Jean Iii de PORTUGAL Birth: June 16, 1502 33 19 Death: June 21, 1557 |
16 months half-sister |
Isabelle de PORTUGAL Birth: October 24, 1503 34 21 — Lisbonne, , , , PORTUGAL, Death: May 21, 1539 — Tolède, , , , ESPAGNE, |
15 months half-sister |
Béatrice de PORTUGAL Birth: January 10, 1505 35 22 Death: January 18, 1538 |
14 months half-brother |
Louis de PORTUGAL Birth: March 13, 1506 36 23 Death: December 7, 1555 |
15 months half-brother |
Ferdinand de PORTUGAL Birth: June 15, 1507 38 24 Death: November 17, 1534 |
23 months half-brother |
Alphonse de PORTUGAL Birth: May 3, 1509 39 26 Death: May 1, 1540 |
3 years half-brother |
Henri de PORTUGAL Birth: February 10, 1512 42 29 Death: February 10, 1580 |
23 months half-sister |
Marie de PORTUGAL Birth: 1513 43 30 Death: 1513 |
3 years half-brother |
Edouard de PORTUGAL Birth: September 17, 1515 46 33 Death: October 30, 1540 |
1 year half-brother |
Antoine de PORTUGAL Birth: September 19, 1516 47 34 Death: September 19, 1516 |
Father’s family with Isabelle d'ARAGON |
father |
Emmanuel 1er de PORTUGAL Birth: June 10, 1469 35 39 Death: December 23, 1521 |
step-mother |
Isabelle d'ARAGON Birth: October 11, 1470 18 19 Death: September 1, 1498 |
Marriage: October 1497 — |
11 months half-brother |
Michel de PORTUGAL Birth: September 1, 1498 29 27 Death: July 30, 1500 |
Mother’s family with François Ier d'ANGOULÊME |
step-father |
François Ier d'ANGOULÊME Birth: September 30, 1494 35 18 — Cognac, , , , FRANCE, Death: April 20, 1547 — Rambouillet, , , , , |
mother |
Eléonore de HABSBOURG Birth: December 4, 1498 20 19 — Louvain, Belgique, , , , Death: March 9, 1558 — Talavera, , , , ESPAGNE, |
Marriage: July 27, 1530 — |
- Generation 1
Charles de PORTUGAL , son ofEmmanuel 1er de PORTUGAL andEléonore de HABSBOURG , was born on February 28, 1520 and died on April 25, 1521 at the age of 13 months.
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