Eberhard V de WURTEMBERGAge: 30 years1388–1419
- Name
- Eberhard V de WURTEMBERG
- Given names
- Eberhard V
- Surname
Birth | August 31, 1388 24 27 _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Ulric de WURTEMBERG August 31, 1388 _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH August 11, 1402 (Age 13 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Antoinette VISCONTI April 4, 1405 (Age 16 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Henriette de MONTBÉLIARD — View this family Type: Religious marriage 1407 (Age 18 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Anne de WURTEMBERG 1408 (Age 19 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #2 | Louis 1er de WURTEMBERG 1412 (Age 23 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a parent | Eberhard Iv de WURTEMBERG — Elisabeth de HOHENZOLLERN — View this family Type: Religious marriage December 1, 1412 (Age 24 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #3 | Ulric V de WURTEMBERG 1413 (Age 24 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Elisabeth von DAGERSHEIM about 1415 (Age 26 years) _FNA: NO Note: Fille d'Anne de Dagersheim (vers 1439 +)
Death of a father | Eberhard Iv de WURTEMBERG May 25, 1417 (Age 28 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | View this family MARRIED |
_UST | Henriette de MONTBÉLIARD — View this family MARRIED |
Death | July 11, 1419 (Age 30 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Eberhard Iv de WURTEMBERG Birth: 1364 22 33 Death: May 25, 1417 |
mother |
Antoinette VISCONTI Birth: 1361 42 36 Death: April 4, 1405 |
Marriage: 1386 — |
3 years himself |
Eberhard V de WURTEMBERG Birth: August 31, 1388 24 27 Death: July 11, 1419 |
Father’s family with Elisabeth de HOHENZOLLERN |
father |
Eberhard Iv de WURTEMBERG Birth: 1364 22 33 Death: May 25, 1417 |
step-mother |
Elisabeth de HOHENZOLLERN Birth: 1391 22 17 Death: May 8, 1429 |
Marriage: December 1, 1412 — |
half-sister |
Elisabeth de WURTEMBERG Death: May 5, 1460 |
Eberhard V de WURTEMBERG + … … |
himself |
Eberhard V de WURTEMBERG Birth: August 31, 1388 24 27 Death: July 11, 1419 |
daughter |
Elisabeth von DAGERSHEIM Birth: about 1415 26 Death: after 1476 |
Family with Henriette de MONTBÉLIARD |
himself |
Eberhard V de WURTEMBERG Birth: August 31, 1388 24 27 Death: July 11, 1419 |
wife |
Henriette de MONTBÉLIARD Birth: 1387 27 Death: February 23, 1444 |
Marriage: 1407 — |
2 years daughter |
Anne de WURTEMBERG Birth: 1408 19 21 Death: April 25, 1471 |
5 years son |
Louis 1er de WURTEMBERG Birth: 1412 23 25 Death: October 3, 1450 |
2 years son |
Ulric V de WURTEMBERG Birth: 1413 24 26 Death: September 10, 1480 |
- Generation 1
Eberhard V de WURTEMBERG , son ofEberhard Iv de WURTEMBERG andAntoinette VISCONTI , was born on August 31, 1388 and died on July 11, 1419 at the age of 30. He marriedHenriette de MONTBÉLIARD , daughter ofHenri de MONTBÉLIARD andMarie de CHÂTILLON , in 1407. She was born in 1387 and died on February 23, 1444 at the age of 57.Children of
Eberhard V de WURTEMBERG :Elisabeth von DAGERSHEIM (1415–1476)
Children of
Eberhard V de WURTEMBERG andHenriette de MONTBÉLIARD :Anne de WURTEMBERG (1408–1471)Louis 1er de WURTEMBERG (1412–1450)Ulric V de WURTEMBERG (1413–1480)
- Generation 2back to top
Elisabeth von DAGERSHEIM , daughter ofEberhard V de WURTEMBERG , was born about 1415 and died after 1476. She marriedConrad LYHER before 1443. He was born in 1410 and died between 1466 and 1474.Children of
Elisabeth von DAGERSHEIM andConrad LYHER :Elisabeth LYHER (1443–1490)
Anne de WURTEMBERG , daughter ofEberhard V de WURTEMBERG andHenriette de MONTBÉLIARD , was born in 1408 and died on April 25, 1471 at the age of 63. She marriedPhilippe von KATZENELNBOGEN , son ofJean Iv von KATZENELNBOGEN andAnne von KATZENELNBOGEN , on March 5, 1422. He was born in 1402 and died in 1479 at the age of 77.Children of
Anne de WURTEMBERG andPhilippe von KATZENELNBOGEN :Philippe von KATZENELNBOGEN (1427–1453)Anne von KATZENELNBOGEN (1443–1494)
Louis 1er de WURTEMBERG , son ofEberhard V de WURTEMBERG andHenriette de MONTBÉLIARD , was born in 1412 and died on October 3, 1450 at the age of 38. He marriedMathilde de WITTELSBACH , daughter ofLouis Iii de WITTELSBACH andMathilde de SAVOIE , on October 26, 1434. She was born on March 16, 1419 and died on August 31, 1482 at the age of 63.Children of
Louis 1er de WURTEMBERG andMathilde de WITTELSBACH :Louis Ii de WURTEMBERG (1439–1457)André de WURTEMBERG (1440–1443)Mathilde de WURTEMBERG (1442–1495)Eberhard 1er de WURTEMBERG (1445–1496)Elisabeth de WURTEMBERG (1447–1505)
Ulric V de WURTEMBERG , son ofEberhard V de WURTEMBERG andHenriette de MONTBÉLIARD , was born in 1413 and died on September 10, 1480 at the age of 67. He married 3 times. The first time he marriedElisabeth de WITTELSBACH , daughter ofHenri Iv de WITTELSBACH andMarguerite de HABSBOURG , on February 17, 1445. She was born in 1419 and died on January 10, 1451 at the age of 32. The second time he marriedMarguerite de CLÈVES , daughter ofAdolphe Ii (1er) de CLÈVES andMarie de BOURGOGNE , on February 7, 1441. She was born on March 3, 1416 and died on May 29, 1444 at the age of 28. The third time he marriedMarguerite de SAVOIE , daughter ofAmédée Viii de SAVOIE andMarie de BOURGOGNE , in 1453. She was born about 1420 and died on October 9, 1479.Children of
Ulric V de WURTEMBERG andElisabeth de WITTELSBACH :Eberhard Ii de WURTEMBERG (1447–1504)Henri de WURTEMBERG (1448–1519)
Children of
Ulric V de WURTEMBERG andMarguerite de CLÈVES :Catherine de WURTEMBERG (1441–1497)Marguerite de WURTEMBERG (1442–1479)
Children of
Ulric V de WURTEMBERG andMarguerite de SAVOIE :Elisabeth de WURTEMBERG (1454–1501)Marguerite de WURTEMBERG (–1471)Philippine de WURTEMBERG (–1475)Hélène de WURTEMBERG (–1506)
- Generation 3back to top
Elisabeth LYHER , daughter ofConrad LYHER andElisabeth von DAGERSHEIM , was born in 1443 and died in 1490 at the age of 47.Children of
Elisabeth LYHER andHenri VOLLAND :Philippe VOLLAND (1472–1566)Ambroise VOLLAND
Philippe von KATZENELNBOGEN , son ofPhilippe von KATZENELNBOGEN andAnne de WURTEMBERG , was born in 1427 and died in 1453 at the age of 26.Children of
Philippe von KATZENELNBOGEN andOttilie de NASSAU-DILLENBURG :Ottilie von KATZENELNBOGEN (1451–1517)
Anne von KATZENELNBOGEN , daughter ofPhilippe von KATZENELNBOGEN andAnne de WURTEMBERG , was born on September 14, 1443 and died on February 25, 1494 at the age of 50. She marriedHenri Iii de HESSE , son ofLouis 1er de HESSE andAnne de SAXE , on September 8, 1458. He was born on October 24, 1440 and died on January 22, 1483 at the age of 42.Children of
Anne von KATZENELNBOGEN andHenri Iii de HESSE :Frédéric de HESSE (1459–)Louis Iii de HESSE (1460–1478)Elisabeth de HESSE (1466–1523)Guillaume Iii de HESSE (1471–1500)Mathilde de HESSE (1473–1505)Henri de HESSE (1474–)
Mathilde de WURTEMBERG , daughter ofLouis 1er de WURTEMBERG andMathilde de WITTELSBACH , was born estimated 1442 and died on June 15, 1495. She marriedLouis Ii de HESSE , son ofLouis 1er de HESSE andAnne de SAXE , on September 6, 1454. He was born on September 16, 1438 and died on November 17, 1471 at the age of 33.Children of
Mathilde de WURTEMBERG andLouis Ii de HESSE :Anne de HESSE (1455–1459)Guillaume 1er de HESSE (1466–1515)Guillaume Ii de HESSE (1469–1509)
Eberhard 1er de WURTEMBERG , son ofLouis 1er de WURTEMBERG andMathilde de WITTELSBACH , was born on December 20, 1445 and died on March 4, 1496 at the age of 50. He marriedBarbara de GONZAGUE , daughter ofLouis Iii de GONZAGUE andBarbara de HOHENZOLLERN , on April 21, 1474. She was born in December 1455 and died on June 10, 1503 at the age of 47.Children of
Eberhard 1er de WURTEMBERG andBarbara de GONZAGUE :Elisabeth de WURTEMBERG , daughter ofLouis 1er de WURTEMBERG andMathilde de WITTELSBACH , was born in 1447 and died on June 13, 1505 at the age of 58. She marriedJean Ii de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK , son ofPhilippe 1er de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK andIsabelle de LORRAINE , on November 8, 1470. He was born on April 13, 1423 and died on August 3, 1472 at the age of 49.Children of
Elisabeth de WURTEMBERG andJean Ii de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK :Jean-Louis 1er de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (1472–1545)
Eberhard Ii de WURTEMBERG , son ofUlric V de WURTEMBERG andElisabeth de WITTELSBACH , was born on February 10, 1447 and died on February 27, 1504 at the age of 57. He marriedElisabeth de HOHENZOLLERN , daughter ofAlbert Achille de HOHENZOLLERN andMarguerite de BADE , in April 1467. She was born on December 8, 1451 and died on April 7, 1524 at the age of 72.Henri de WURTEMBERG , son ofUlric V de WURTEMBERG andElisabeth de WITTELSBACH , was born on September 16, 1448 and died on April 26, 1519 at the age of 70. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedElisabeth von ZWEIBRÜCKEN-BITSCH , daughter ofSimon Vi de SARRE andElisabeth von LICHTENBERG , on January 19, 1485. She died on February 23, 1487. The second time he marriedEva de SALM , daughter ofJean Iv de SALM andMarguerite von SIERCK , on July 30, 1488. She died on May 6, 1521.Children of
Henri de WURTEMBERG andElisabeth von ZWEIBRÜCKEN-BITSCH :Ulric Vi de WURTEMBERG (1487–1550)
Children of
Henri de WURTEMBERG andEva de SALM :Marie de WURTEMBERG (1496–1542)Georges 1er de WURTEMBERG-MONTBÉLIARD (1498–1558)
Hélène de WURTEMBERG , daughter ofUlric V de WURTEMBERG andMarguerite de SAVOIE . She died on March 1, 1506.Children of
Hélène de WURTEMBERG andKraft Vi von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN :Marguerite von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN (1480–1522)Georges de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG (1488–1551)