1. Generation 1
    1. Hugues Dit Hugues D'Arles de PROVENCE, comte puis duc de Vienne, Duc de Provence, Roi d'Italie (926-946), son of Théobald Dit Thibaud d'ARLES and Berthe CAROLINGIENS, was born about 880 and died on April 20, 947 in Arles, 13, , , FRANCE,. He married 5 times. The first time he married Willa de VIENNE, daughter of Boson Ier de VIENNE and Ermengarde d'ITALIE, in 913. She was born in 876 and died on April 27, 917 at the age of 41. The second time he married Alda Ou Hilda Ou Aude CONJOINT in 920. She died about 930. The third time he married Ermengarde CONJOINT in 918. . He had a relationship with Wandalmoda d'IVRÉE The fourth time he married Berthe de SOUABE, daughter of Burchard Ii de SOUABE and Reginlinde UNRUOCHINGER, on December 22, 937. She was born in 912 and died on November 12, 966 at the age of 54. The fifth time he married Marozia THÉOPHYLACTE in 932. She was born about 892 and died on March 14, 935.

      Children of Hugues Dit Hugues D'Arles de PROVENCE:

      1. Berthe EUDOKIA -

      Children of Hugues Dit Hugues D'Arles de PROVENCE and Alda Ou Hilda Ou Aude CONJOINT:

      1. Lothaire Ii de PROVENCE (921950) -
      2. Alda de PROVENCE (954) -

      Children of Hugues Dit Hugues D'Arles de PROVENCE and Wandalmoda d'IVRÉE:

      1. Hubert de PROVENCE (966) -

      Children of Hugues Dit Hugues D'Arles de PROVENCE and Marozia THÉOPHYLACTE:

      1. Théobald de PROVENCE (933974)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Berthe EUDOKIA, bâtarde de Provence, daughter of Hugues Dit Hugues D'Arles de PROVENCE. She married Romain Ii LACAPÈNE in 943.

    2. Lothaire Ii de PROVENCE, roi d'Italie (946), son of Hugues Dit Hugues D'Arles de PROVENCE and Alda Ou Hilda Ou Aude CONJOINT, was born about 921 and died on December 2, 950. He married Adélaïde de BOURGOGNE, daughter of Rodolphe Ii de BOURGOGNE and Berthe de SOUABE, in December 937. She was born in 931 and died in 999 at the age of 68.

      Children of Lothaire Ii de PROVENCE and Adélaïde de BOURGOGNE:

      1. Emma de PROVENCE (948988) -
    3. Alda de PROVENCE, daughter of Hugues Dit Hugues D'Arles de PROVENCE and Alda Ou Hilda Ou Aude CONJOINT. She died about 954. She married Alberic Ii de CAMERINO in 936.

    4. Hubert de PROVENCE, marquis de Toscane, enfant bâtard, son of Hugues Dit Hugues D'Arles de PROVENCE and Wandalmoda d'IVRÉE. He died in 966. He married Willa de CAMERINO in 936.

  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Emma de PROVENCE, daughter of Lothaire Ii de PROVENCE and Adélaïde de BOURGOGNE, was born in 948 and died in 988 at the age of 40. She married Lothaire Ii de FRANCE, son of Louis Iv D'Outremer de FRANCE and Gerberge de SAXE, in 966. He was born in 941 and died in 986 at the age of 45.

      Children of Emma de PROVENCE and Lothaire Ii de FRANCE:

      1. Othon de FRANCE
      2. Louis V Le Fainéant de FRANCE (967987) -
  4. Generation 4back to top
    1. Louis V Le Fainéant de FRANCE, roi de France (986-987), son of Lothaire Ii de FRANCE and Emma de PROVENCE, was born about 967 and died in 987. He married 2 times. The first time he married Adélaïde Ou Alix Ou Blanche d'ANJOU, daughter of Foulque Ii Le Bon Dit Foulco d'ANJOU and Gerberge du MAINE, in 982. She was born in 946 and died in 1026 at the age of 80. Louis V Le Fainéant de FRANCE and Adélaïde Ou Alix Ou Blanche d'ANJOU were divorced. The second time he married Blanche d'AUVERGNE in 977. She died before 980.