1. Generation 1
    1. Judith von FALKENBERG. She died in 1378.

      Children of Judith von FALKENBERG and Nicolas Ii de TROPPAU:

      1. Premko von TROPPAU (13651433) -
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Premko von TROPPAU, son of Nicolas Ii de TROPPAU and Judith von FALKENBERG, was born in 1365 and died in 1433 at the age of 68.

      Children of Premko von TROPPAU and Catherine von MÜNSTERBERG:

      1. Guillaume von TROPPAU (1452) -
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Guillaume von TROPPAU, son of Premko von TROPPAU and Catherine von MÜNSTERBERG. He died in 1452.

      Children of Guillaume von TROPPAU and Salomé CZASTALOWITZ:

      1. Catherine von TROPPAU (1505) -
  4. Generation 4back to top
    1. Catherine von TROPPAU, daughter of Guillaume von TROPPAU and Salomé CZASTALOWITZ. She died in 1505.

      Children of Catherine von TROPPAU and Jean Iii de SAGAN:

      1. Anne de SAGAN (14881541) -
  5. Generation 5back to top
    1. Anne de SAGAN, daughter of Jean Iii de SAGAN and Catherine von TROPPAU, was born in 1488 and died in 1541 at the age of 53.

      Children of Anne de SAGAN and Charles von MÜNSTERBERG:

      1. Hedwige von MÜNSTERBERG (1531) -
      2. Ursule von MÜNSTERBERG -
  6. Generation 6back to top
    1. Hedwige von MÜNSTERBERG, daughter of Charles von MÜNSTERBERG and Anne de SAGAN. She died on December 8, 1531. She married Georges de HOHENZOLLERN, son of Frédéric V de HOHENZOLLERN and Sophie JAGELLON, on January 19, 1525. He was born on March 13, 1484 and died on January 6, 1544 at the age of 59.

      Children of Hedwige von MÜNSTERBERG and Georges de HOHENZOLLERN:

      1. Anne-Marie de HOHENZOLLERN (15271589) -
      2. Sabine de HOHENZOLLERN (15291575) -
    2. Ursule von MÜNSTERBERG, daughter of Charles von MÜNSTERBERG and Anne de SAGAN.

      Children of Ursule von MÜNSTERBERG and Jérôme de BIBERSTEIN:

      1. Anne de BIBERSTEIN (15031590) -
  7. Generation 7back to top
    1. Anne-Marie de HOHENZOLLERN, princesse de Brandebourg-bayreuth, daughter of Georges de HOHENZOLLERN and Hedwige von MÜNSTERBERG, was born on January 5, 1527 and died on May 20, 1589 at the age of 62. She married Christophe de WURTEMBERG, son of Ulric Vi de WURTEMBERG and Sabine de WITTELSBACH, on March 5, 1544. He was born on May 22, 1515 and died on January 7, 1569 at the age of 53.

      Children of Anne-Marie de HOHENZOLLERN and Christophe de WURTEMBERG:

      1. Eberhard de WURTEMBERG (15451568)
      2. Hedwige de WURTEMBERG (15471590) -
      3. Elisabeth de WURTEMBERG (15481592) -
      4. Sabine de WURTEMBERG (15491581) -
      5. Emilie de WURTEMBERG (15501589) -
      6. Eléonore de WURTEMBERG (15521618) -
      7. Louis Iii de WURTEMBERG (15541593) -
      8. Maximilien de WURTEMBERG (15561557)
      9. Ulric de WURTEMBERG (15581558)
      10. Dorothée Marie de WURTEMBERG (15591639) -
      11. Anne de WURTEMBERG (15611616)
      12. Sophie de WURTEMBERG (15631590) -
    2. Sabine de HOHENZOLLERN, daughter of Georges de HOHENZOLLERN and Hedwige von MÜNSTERBERG, was born on May 22, 1529 and died on November 12, 1575 at the age of 46. She married Jean-Georges de HOHENZOLLERN, son of Joachim Ii Hector de HOHENZOLLERN and Madeleine de SAXE, on February 22, 1548. He was born on September 21, 1525 and died on January 8, 1598 at the age of 72.

      Children of Sabine de HOHENZOLLERN and Jean-Georges de HOHENZOLLERN:

      1. Georges-Albert de HOHENZOLLERN (15551557)
      2. Jean de HOHENZOLLERN (1556)
      3. Albert de HOHENZOLLERN (1556)
      4. Madeleine-Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN (1558)
      5. Erdmuthe de HOHENZOLLERN (15611623)
      6. Marie de HOHENZOLLERN (1562)
      7. Hedwige de HOHENZOLLERN (1563)
      8. Madeleine de HOHENZOLLERN (1564)
      9. Marguerite de HOHENZOLLERN (1566)
      10. Anne-Marie de HOHENZOLLERN (15671618)
      11. Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN (15681622) -
    3. Anne de BIBERSTEIN, daughter of Jérôme de BIBERSTEIN and Ursule von MÜNSTERBERG, was born in 1503 and died in 1590 at the age of 87.

      Children of Anne de BIBERSTEIN and Christophe de LOBKOWICZ:

      1. Ulrich Félix de LOBKOWICZ (1604) -
  8. Generation 8back to top
    1. Hedwige de WURTEMBERG, daughter of Christophe de WURTEMBERG and Anne-Marie de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on January 25, 1547 and died on March 4, 1590 at the age of 43. She married Louis Iii de HESSE, son of Philippe 1er de HESSE and Christine de SAXE, on May 20, 1563. He was born on June 6, 1537 and died on October 9, 1604 at the age of 67.

    2. Elisabeth de WURTEMBERG, daughter of Christophe de WURTEMBERG and Anne-Marie de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on March 13, 1548 and died on February 18, 1592 at the age of 43. She married Georges-Gustave de WITTELSBACH, son of Georges-Jean 1er de WITTELSBACH and Anne-Marie WASA, on October 31, 1586. He was born on February 16, 1564 and died on June 3, 1634 at the age of 70.

    3. Sabine de WURTEMBERG, daughter of Christophe de WURTEMBERG and Anne-Marie de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on July 12, 1549 and died on August 27, 1581 at the age of 32. She married Guillaume Iv de HESSE-CASSEL, son of Philippe 1er de HESSE and Christine de SAXE, on February 21, 1566. He was born on July 4, 1532 and died on August 25, 1592 at the age of 60.

      Children of Sabine de WURTEMBERG and Guillaume Iv de HESSE-CASSEL:

      1. Anne-Marie de HESSE-CASSEL (15671626) -
      2. Hedwige de HESSE-CASSEL (15691644)
      3. Agnès de HESSE-CASSEL (15691569)
      4. Sophie de HESSE-CASSEL (15711616)
      5. Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL (15721632) -
      6. Sabine de HESSE-CASSEL (15731573)
      7. Sidonie de HESSE-CASSEL (15741575)
      8. Christian de HESSE-CASSEL (15751578)
      9. Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL (15771578)
      10. Christine de HESSE-CASSEL (15781658) -
      11. Juliane de HESSE-CASSEL (15811581)
    4. Emilie de WURTEMBERG, daughter of Christophe de WURTEMBERG and Anne-Marie de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on August 29, 1550 and died on June 4, 1589 at the age of 38. She married Richard de WITTELSBACH, son of Jean Ii de WITTELSBACH and Béatrice de BADE, on June 4, 1578. He was born on August 4, 1521 and died on January 13, 1598 at the age of 76.

    5. Eléonore de WURTEMBERG, daughter of Christophe de WURTEMBERG and Anne-Marie de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on April 1, 1552 and died on January 12, 1618 at the age of 65. She married 2 times. The first time she married Georges 1er de HESSE-DARMSTADT, son of Philippe 1er de HESSE and Christine de SAXE, on May 25, 1589. He was born on September 20, 1547 and died on February 7, 1596 at the age of 48. The second time she married Joachim-Ernest d'ANHALT-ZERBST, son of Jean Ii d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Marguerite de HOHENZOLLERN, on January 18, 1571. He was born on October 31, 1536 and died on December 16, 1586 at the age of 50.

      Children of Eléonore de WURTEMBERG and Georges 1er de HESSE-DARMSTADT:

      1. Henri de HESSE-DARMSTADT (15901601)

      Children of Eléonore de WURTEMBERG and Joachim-Ernest d'ANHALT-ZERBST:

      1. Bernard d'ANHALT-ZERBST (15711596)
      2. Agnès Hedwige d'ANHALT (15731616) -
      3. Dorothée-Marie d'ANHALT (15741617) -
      4. Auguste d'ANHALT-PLÖTZKAU (15751653)
      5. Rodolphe d'ANHALT-ZERBST (15761621) -
      6. Jean-Ernest d'ANHALT-ZERBST (15781601)
      7. Louis d'ANHALT-KÖTHEN (15791650)
      8. Sabine d'ANHALT-ZERBST (15801599)
      9. Joachim-Christophe d'ANHALT-ZERBST (15821583)
      10. Anne-Sophie d'ANHALT-ZERBST (15841652)
    6. Louis Iii de WURTEMBERG, son of Christophe de WURTEMBERG and Anne-Marie de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on January 11, 1554 and died on August 18, 1593 at the age of 39. He married 2 times. The first time he married Dorothée-Ursule de BADE-DURLACH, daughter of Charles Ii de BADE-DURLACH and Anne de WITTELSBACH, on November 17, 1575. She was born on June 30, 1559 and died on May 19, 1583 at the age of 23. The second time he married Ursule de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Georges-Jean 1er de WITTELSBACH and Anne-Marie WASA, on May 10, 1585. She was born on March 5, 1572 and died on March 5, 1635 at the age of 63.

    7. Dorothée Marie de WURTEMBERG, daughter of Christophe de WURTEMBERG and Anne-Marie de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on November 13, 1559 and died on March 13, 1639 at the age of 79. She married Othon Henri de WITTELSBACH, son of Wolfgang de WITTELSBACH and Anne de HESSE, on November 25, 1582. He was born on August 1, 1556 and died on August 19, 1604 at the age of 48.

      Children of Dorothée Marie de WURTEMBERG and Othon Henri de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Dorothée Sophie de WITTELSBACH (15881607)
      2. Sabine de WITTELSBACH (15891661)
      3. Suzanne de WITTELSBACH (15911667) -
    8. Sophie de WURTEMBERG, daughter of Christophe de WURTEMBERG and Anne-Marie de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on November 30, 1563 and died on July 21, 1590 at the age of 26. She married Frédéric-Guillaume 1er de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, son of Jean Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR and Dorothée Suzanne de WITTELSBACH, on May 5, 1583. He was born on May 5, 1562 and died on July 7, 1602 at the age of 40.

      Children of Sophie de WURTEMBERG and Frédéric-Guillaume 1er de SAXE-ALTENBOURG:

      1. Dorothée-Marie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG (15841586)
      2. Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-ALTENBOURG (15851587)
      3. Frédéric de SAXE-ALTENBOURG (15861587)
      4. Dorothée-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG (15871645)
      5. Anne-Marie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG (15891626)
    9. Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN, princesse de Brandebourg, daughter of Jean-Georges de HOHENZOLLERN and Sabine de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on June 16, 1568 and died on December 7, 1622 at the age of 54. She married Christian 1er de SAXE, son of Auguste de SAXE and Anne d'OLDENBOURG, on May 5, 1582. He was born on November 8, 1560 and died on September 25, 1591 at the age of 30.

      Children of Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN and Christian 1er de SAXE:

      1. Christian Ii de SAXE (15831611) -
      2. Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE (15851656) -
      3. Anne-Sabine de SAXE (15861586)
      4. Sophie de SAXE (15871635)
      5. Elisabeth de SAXE (15881589)
      6. Auguste de SAXE (15891615) -
      7. Dorothée de SAXE (15911617)
    10. Ulrich Félix de LOBKOWICZ, son of Christophe de LOBKOWICZ and Anne de BIBERSTEIN. He died in 1604.

      Children of Ulrich Félix de LOBKOWICZ and Anne von NEUHAUSS:

      1. Guillaume de LOBKOWICZ (1647) -
  9. Generation 9back to top
    1. Anne-Marie de HESSE-CASSEL, daughter of Guillaume Iv de HESSE-CASSEL and Sabine de WURTEMBERG, was born on February 6, 1567 and died on November 21, 1626 at the age of 59. She married Louis Ii de NASSAU-WEILBOURG, son of Albert de NASSAU-WEILBOURG and Anne de NASSAU-DILLENBURG, on June 8, 1589. He was born on August 19, 1565 and died on November 8, 1627 at the age of 62.

    2. Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL, son of Guillaume Iv de HESSE-CASSEL and Sabine de WURTEMBERG, was born on June 4, 1572 and died on March 15, 1632 at the age of 59. He married 2 times. The first time he married Agnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH, daughter of Jean Georges Ier von SOLMS-LAUBACH and Marguerite von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU, on September 23, 1593. She was born on January 17, 1578 and died on November 23, 1602 at the age of 24. The second time he married Juliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN, daughter of Jean Ii de NASSAU-SIEGEN and Madeleine de WALDECK, on May 22, 1603. She was born on September 3, 1587 and died on February 15, 1643 at the age of 55.

      Children of Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL and Agnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH:

      1. Othon de HESSE-CASSEL (15941617) -
      2. Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL (15961625) -
      3. N... de HESSE-CASSEL (15971597)
      4. Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL (16001612)
      5. Guillaume V de HESSE-CASSEL (16021637) -

      Children of Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL and Juliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN:

      1. Philippe de HESSE-CASSEL (16041626)
      2. Agnès de HESSE-CASSEL (16061650) -
      3. Hermann de HESSE-CASSEL (16071658) -
      4. Juliane de HESSE-CASSEL (16081628)
      5. Sabine de HESSE-CASSEL (16101620)
      6. Madeleine de HESSE-CASSEL (16111671) -
      7. Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL (16141633)
      8. Sophie de HESSE-CASSEL (16151670) -
      9. Frédéric de HESSE-ESCHWEGE (16171655) -
      10. Christian de HESSE-CASSEL (16221640)
      11. Ernest de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (16231693) -
      12. Christine de HESSE-CASSEL (16251626)
      13. Philippe de HESSE-CASSEL (16261629)
      14. Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL (16281633)
    3. Christine de HESSE-CASSEL, daughter of Guillaume Iv de HESSE-CASSEL and Sabine de WURTEMBERG, was born on October 29, 1578 and died on August 19, 1658 at the age of 79. She married Jean-Ernest de SAXE-EISENACH, son of Jean-Frédéric Ii de SAXE and Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH, on May 14, 1598. He was born on July 19, 1566 and died on October 23, 1638 at the age of 72.

    4. Agnès Hedwige d'ANHALT, daughter of Joachim-Ernest d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Eléonore de WURTEMBERG, was born on March 22, 1573 and died on November 3, 1616 at the age of 43. She married 2 times. The first time she married Auguste de SAXE, son of Henri V de SAXE and Catherine de MECKLEMBOURG, on January 3, 1586. He was born on August 10, 1526 and died on February 11, 1586 at the age of 59. The second time she married Jean d'OLDENBOURG, son of Christian Iii d'OLDENBOURG and Dorothée de SAXE-LAUENBOURG, on February 14, 1588. He was born on April 4, 1545 and died on October 9, 1622 at the age of 77.

      Children of Agnès Hedwige d'ANHALT and Jean d'OLDENBOURG:

      1. Eléonore d'OLDENBOURG (15901669)
      2. Anne-Sabine d'OLDENBOURG (15931659) -
      3. Jean-Georges d'OLDENBOURG (15941613)
      4. Joachim-Ernest 1er de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (15951671) -
      5. Dorothée-Sibylle d'OLDENBOURG (15971597)
      6. Dorothée-Marie d'OLDENBOURG (15991600)
      7. Bernard d'OLDENBOURG (16011601)
      8. Agnès-Madeleine d'OLDENBOURG (16021607)
      9. Eléonore-Sophie d'OLDENBOURG (16031675) -
    5. Dorothée-Marie d'ANHALT, daughter of Joachim-Ernest d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Eléonore de WURTEMBERG, was born on July 12, 1574 and died on July 18, 1617 at the age of 43. She married Jean de SAXE-WEIMAR, son of Jean Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR and Dorothée Suzanne de WITTELSBACH, on January 7, 1593. He was born on June 1, 1570 and died on October 31, 1605 at the age of 35.

      Children of Dorothée-Marie d'ANHALT and Jean de SAXE-WEIMAR:

      1. Jean-Ernest de SAXE-WEIMAR (15941626)
      2. Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR (15951595)
      3. Frédéric de SAXE-WEIMAR (15961622)
      4. Jean de SAXE-WEIMAR (15971604)
      5. Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR (15981662) -
      6. N... de SAXE-WEIMAR (15981598)
      7. Albert de SAXE-EISENACH (15991644) -
      8. Jean-Frédéric de SAXE-WEIMAR (16001628)
      9. Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA (16011675) -
      10. Frédéric-Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR (16031619)
      11. Bernard de SAXE-WEIMAR (16041639)
      12. Jeanne de SAXE-WEIMAR (16061609)
    6. Rodolphe d'ANHALT-ZERBST, son of Joachim-Ernest d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Eléonore de WURTEMBERG, was born on November 7, 1576 and died on August 20, 1621 at the age of 44. He married 2 times. The first time he married Dorothée-Hedwige de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, daughter of Henri-Jules de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Dorothée de SAXE, on December 29, 1605. She was born on February 13, 1587 and died on October 16, 1609 at the age of 22. The second time he married Madeleine d'OLDENBOURG, daughter of Jean Xvi d'OLDENBOURG and Elisabeth de SCHWARZBOURG, on August 31, 1612. She was born on October 6, 1585 and died on April 14, 1657 at the age of 71.

      Children of Rodolphe d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Dorothée-Hedwige de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL:

      1. Ne... d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16061606)
      2. Dorothée d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16071634) -
      3. Eléonore d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16081681) -
      4. Ne... d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16091609)

      Children of Rodolphe d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Madeleine d'OLDENBOURG:

      1. Elisabeth d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16171639)
      2. Jean d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16211667) -
    7. Suzanne de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Othon Henri de WITTELSBACH and Dorothée Marie de WURTEMBERG, was born on December 5, 1591 and died on February 21, 1667 at the age of 75. She married Georges-Jean Ii de WITTELSBACH, son of Georges-Jean 1er de WITTELSBACH and Anne-Marie WASA, on June 6, 1613. He was born on June 24, 1586 and died on September 29, 1654 at the age of 68.

      Children of Suzanne de WITTELSBACH and Georges-Jean Ii de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Georges-Othon de WITTELSBACH (16141635)
      2. Anne-Marie de WITTELSBACH (16161616)
      3. Jean-Frédéric de WITTELSBACH (16171618)
      4. Philippe-Louis de WITTELSBACH (16191620)
    8. Christian Ii de SAXE, son of Christian 1er de SAXE and Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on September 23, 1583 and died on June 23, 1611 at the age of 27. He married Hedwige d'OLDENBOURG, daughter of Frédéric Ii d'OLDENBOURG and Sophie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, on September 12, 1602. She was born on August 15, 1581 and died on November 26, 1641 at the age of 60.

    9. Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE, son of Christian 1er de SAXE and Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on March 15, 1585 and died on October 18, 1656 at the age of 71. He married 2 times. The first time he married Sibylle-Elisabeth de WURTEMBERG-MONTBÉLIARD, daughter of Frédéric de WURTEMBERG-MONTBÉLIARD and Sibylle d'ANHALT, on September 16, 1604. She was born on April 10, 1584 and died on January 20, 1606 at the age of 21. The second time he married Madeleine-Sibylle de HOHENZOLLERN, daughter of Albert-Frédéric de HOHENZOLLERN and Marie-Eléonore de JULIERS CLÈVES, on July 29, 1607. She was born on January 9, 1587 and died on February 22, 1659 at the age of 72.

      Children of Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE and Sibylle-Elisabeth de WURTEMBERG-MONTBÉLIARD:

      1. N... de SAXE (16061606)

      Children of Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOHENZOLLERN:

      1. N... de SAXE (16081608)
      2. Sophie-Eléonore de SAXE (16091671) -
      3. Marie-Elisabeth de SAXE (16101684) -
      4. Christian-Albert de SAXE (16121612)
      5. Jean-Georges Ii de SAXE (16131680) -
      6. Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16141680) -
      7. Christian de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16151691) -
      8. Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE (16171668) -
      9. Maurice de SAXE-ZEITZ (16191681) -
      10. Henri de SAXE (16221622)
    10. Auguste de SAXE, son of Christian 1er de SAXE and Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on September 7, 1589 and died on December 26, 1615 at the age of 26. He married Elisabeth de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, daughter of Henri-Jules de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Elisabeth d'OLDENBOURG, on January 1, 1612. She was born on June 23, 1593 and died on March 25, 1650 at the age of 56.

    11. Guillaume de LOBKOWICZ, son of Ulrich Félix de LOBKOWICZ and Anne von NEUHAUSS. He died in 1647.

      Children of Guillaume de LOBKOWICZ and Catherine Bénigne de LOBKOWICZ:

      1. Anne-Madeleine de LOBKOWICZ (16091668) -
  10. Generation 10back to top
    1. Guillaume-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, son of Louis Ii de NASSAU-WEILBOURG and Anne-Marie de HESSE-CASSEL, was born on December 18, 1590 and died on August 22, 1640 at the age of 49. He married Anne-Amélie de BADE-DURLACH, daughter of Georges-Frédéric de BADE-DURLACH and Juliane-Ursule de SALM-NEUFVILLE, on November 25, 1615. She was born on July 9, 1595 and died on November 18, 1651 at the age of 56.

      Children of Guillaume-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Anne-Amélie de BADE-DURLACH:

      1. Anne Juliane de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16171667) -
      2. Maurice de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16181618)
      3. Charlotte de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16191687)
      4. Kraft de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16211642)
      5. Anne-Amélie de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16231695)
      6. Jean-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16251690) -
      7. Elisabeth-Sibylle de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16261627)
      8. Marie-Sibylle de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16281699) -
      9. Georges-Frédéric de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16301630)
      10. Gustave-Adolphe de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16321677) -
      11. Georges-Frédéric de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16331635)
      12. Walrad (Volrath) de NASSAU-USINGEN (16351702) -
    2. Jean de NASSAU-IDSTEIN, son of Louis Ii de NASSAU-WEILBOURG and Anne-Marie de HESSE-CASSEL, was born on November 24, 1603 and died on May 23, 1677 at the age of 73. He married 2 times. The first time he married Sibylle-Madeleine de BADE-DURLACH, daughter of Georges-Frédéric de BADE-DURLACH and Juliane-Ursule de SALM-NEUFVILLE, on June 6, 1629. She was born on July 21, 1605 and died on July 22, 1644 at the age of 39. The second time he married Anne von LEININGEN-FALKENBURG on December 10, 1646. She was born in 1625 and died on December 14, 1668 at the age of 43.

      Children of Jean de NASSAU-IDSTEIN and Sibylle-Madeleine de BADE-DURLACH:

      1. Anne-Ottilie de NASSAU-IDSTEIN (16301632)
      2. Gustave-Adolphe de NASSAU-IDSTEIN (16321664)
      3. N... de NASSAU-IDSTEIN (16321632)
      4. Ne... de NASSAU-IDSTEIN (16321632)
      5. Louis-Frédéric de NASSAU-IDSTEIN (16331656)
      6. Bernardine-Sophie de NASSAU-IDSTEIN (16341642)
      7. Jean de NASSAU-IDSTEIN (16381638)
      8. Sabine-Juliane de NASSAU-IDSTEIN (16391639)
      9. N... de NASSAU-IDSTEIN (16411641)
      10. Ne... de NASSAU-IDSTEIN (16411641)
      11. N... de NASSAU-IDSTEIN (16431643)
    3. Ernest-Casimir de NASSAU-WEILBOURG, son of Louis Ii de NASSAU-WEILBOURG and Anne-Marie de HESSE-CASSEL, was born on November 15, 1607 and died on April 16, 1655 at the age of 47. He married Anne-Marie de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN-HOMBOURG, daughter of Guillaume de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN and Anne Ottilia de NASSAU-WEILBOURG, on February 22, 1634. She was born in 1610 and died on April 14, 1656 at the age of 46.

      Children of Ernest-Casimir de NASSAU-WEILBOURG and Anne-Marie de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN-HOMBOURG:

      1. Guillaume-Louis de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16341636)
      2. Marie-Eléonore de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16361678)
      3. N... de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16371637)
      4. Casimir de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16381639)
      5. Frédéric de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16401675) -
      6. Anne de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (1641)
    4. Othon de HESSE-CASSEL, son of Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL and Agnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH, was born on December 24, 1594 and died on August 7, 1617 at the age of 22. He married 2 times. The first time he married Catherine Ursule de BADE-DURLACH, daughter of Georges-Frédéric de BADE-DURLACH and Juliane-Ursule de SALM-NEUFVILLE, on August 24, 1613. She was born on June 19, 1593 and died on February 15, 1615 at the age of 21. The second time he married Agnès Madeleine d'ANHALT-DESSAU on June 14, 1617. She was born on March 29, 1590 and died on October 24, 1626 at the age of 36.

      Children of Othon de HESSE-CASSEL and Catherine Ursule de BADE-DURLACH:

      1. Ne... de HESSE-CASSEL (16151615)
    5. Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL, daughter of Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL and Agnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH, was born on March 24, 1596 and died on December 16, 1625 at the age of 29. She married Jean-Albert Ii de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW, son of Jean V de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN and Sophie de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, on March 25, 1618. He was born on May 5, 1590 and died on April 23, 1636 at the age of 45.

    6. Guillaume V de HESSE-CASSEL, son of Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL and Agnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH, was born on February 13, 1602 and died on September 21, 1637 at the age of 35. He married Amélie Elisabeth von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG, daughter of Philippe Louis Ii von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG and Catherine Belgique de NASSAU-ORANGE, on November 21, 1619. She was born on January 29, 1602 and died on August 8, 1651 at the age of 49.

      Children of Guillaume V de HESSE-CASSEL and Amélie Elisabeth von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG:

      1. Agnès de HESSE-CASSEL (16201626)
      2. Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL (16211621)
      3. Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL (16231624)
      4. Guillaume de HESSE-CASSEL (16251626)
      5. Emilie de HESSE-CASSEL (16261693) -
      6. Charlotte de HESSE-CASSEL (16271686) -
      7. Guillaume Vi de HESSE-CASSEL (16291663) -
      8. Philippe de HESSE-CASSEL (16301638)
      9. Adolphe de HESSE-CASSEL (16311632)
      10. Charles de HESSE-CASSEL (16331635)
      11. Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL (16341688)
      12. N... de HESSE-CASSEL (16351635)
      13. Louise de HESSE-CASSEL (16361638)
      14. N... de HESSE-CASSEL (16371637)
    7. Agnès de HESSE-CASSEL, daughter of Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL and Juliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN, was born on March 13, 1606 and died on May 28, 1650 at the age of 44. She married Jean-Casimir d'ANHALT-DESSAU, son of Jean-Georges d'ANHALT-DESSAU and Dorothée de WITTELSBACH, on February 23, 1623. He was born on December 7, 1596 and died on September 15, 1660 at the age of 63.

      Children of Agnès de HESSE-CASSEL and Jean-Casimir d'ANHALT-DESSAU:

      1. Jean-Georges Ii d'ANHALT-DESSAU (16271693) -
      2. Louise d'ANHALT-DESSAU (16311680) -
    8. Hermann de HESSE-CASSEL, son of Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL and Juliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN, was born on August 15, 1607 and died on March 25, 1658 at the age of 50. He married 2 times. The first time he married Sophie Juliane de WALDECK on December 31, 1633. She was born on April 1, 1607 and died on September 15, 1637 at the age of 30. The second time he married Cunégonde Juliane d'ANHALT-DESSAU on January 2, 1642. She was born on February 17, 1608 and died on September 26, 1683 at the age of 75.

      Children of Hermann de HESSE-CASSEL and Sophie Juliane de WALDECK:

      1. N... de HESSE-CASSEL (16341634)
      2. Juliane de HESSE-CASSEL (16361636)
    9. Madeleine de HESSE-CASSEL, daughter of Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL and Juliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN, was born on August 25, 1611 and died on February 12, 1671 at the age of 59.

      Children of Madeleine de HESSE-CASSEL and Eric Adolphe von SALM-REIFFERSCHEIDT:

      1. Catherine Marie von SALM-REIFFERSCHEIDT (16511687) -
    10. Sophie de HESSE-CASSEL, daughter of Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL and Juliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN, was born on September 12, 1615 and died on November 22, 1670 at the age of 55. She married Philippe 1er de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE, son of Simon Vi de LIPPE and Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-SCHAUENBOURG, on October 18, 1644. He was born on July 18, 1601 and died on April 10, 1681 at the age of 79.

      Children of Sophie de HESSE-CASSEL and Philippe 1er de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE:

      1. Hedwige-Louise de LIPPE-ALVERDISSEN (16501731) -
      2. Philippe Ernest de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE (16591723) -
    11. Frédéric de HESSE-ESCHWEGE, son of Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL and Juliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN, was born on May 9, 1617 and died on September 24, 1655 at the age of 38. He married Eléonore Catherine de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Jean-Casimir de WITTELSBACH and Catherine WASA, on September 6, 1646. She was born on May 17, 1626 and died on March 3, 1692 at the age of 65.

      Children of Frédéric de HESSE-ESCHWEGE and Eléonore Catherine de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Marguerite de HESSE-ESCHWEGE (16471647)
      2. Christine de HESSE-ESCHWEGE (16491702) -
      3. Elisabeth de HESSE-ESCHWEGE (16501651)
      4. Juliane de HESSE-ESCHWEGE (16521693)
      5. Charlotte de HESSE-ESCHWEGE (16531708) -
      6. Frédéric de HESSE-ESCHWEGE (16541655)
    12. Ernest de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG, son of Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL and Juliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN, was born on December 8, 1623 and died on May 2, 1693 at the age of 69. He married 2 times. The first time he married Marie-Eléonore von SOLMS-LICH, daughter of Philippe-Reinhard Ier von SOLMS-HOHENSOLMS-LICH and Elisabeth Philippine zu WIED, on June 10, 1647. She was born on December 16, 1632 and died on August 12, 1689 at the age of 56. The second time he married Alexandrine von DÜRNIZL on February 3, 1690. She was born in 1673 and died on December 22, 1754 at the age of 81.

      Children of Ernest de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG and Marie-Eléonore von SOLMS-LICH:

      1. Guillaume de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (16481725) -
      2. Charles de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (16491711) -
    13. Anne-Sabine d'OLDENBOURG, princesse de Holstein-Sonderbourg, daughter of Jean d'OLDENBOURG and Agnès Hedwige d'ANHALT, was born on March 7, 1593 and died on July 18, 1659 at the age of 66. She married Jules-Frédéric de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG, son of Frédéric de WURTEMBERG-MONTBÉLIARD and Sibylle d'ANHALT, on January 1, 1618. He was born on June 3, 1588 and died on April 25, 1635 at the age of 46.

      Children of Anne-Sabine d'OLDENBOURG and Jules-Frédéric de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG:

      1. Roderic de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16181651)
      2. Juliane Félicité de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16191661) -
      3. Sylvius de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16221664) -
      4. Floriane Etneste de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16231672)
      5. Faustine-Mariane de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16241679)
      6. Manfred de WURTEMBERG-WEILTINGEN (16261662) -
      7. Jules de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16271645)
      8. Martial de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16291656)
      9. Amédéa-Fredonia de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16311633)
    14. Joachim-Ernest 1er de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN, plön, son of Jean d'OLDENBOURG and Agnès Hedwige d'ANHALT, was born on August 29, 1595 and died on October 5, 1671 at the age of 76. He married Dorothée-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, daughter of Jean-Adolphe de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Augusta d'OLDENBOURG, on May 12, 1633. She was born on April 12, 1602 and died on March 31, 1682 at the age of 79.

      Children of Joachim-Ernest 1er de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Dorothée-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP:

      1. Jean-Adolphe de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16341704) -
      2. Auguste de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16351699) -
      3. Ernestine de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16361696)
      4. Joachim-Ernest Ii de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16371700) -
      5. Bernard de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16391676)
      6. Agnès-Hedwige de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16401698) -
      7. Charles-Henri de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16421655)
      8. Sophie-Eléonore de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16441689)
    15. Eléonore-Sophie d'OLDENBOURG, daughter of Jean d'OLDENBOURG and Agnès Hedwige d'ANHALT, was born on February 24, 1603 and died on January 5, 1675 at the age of 71. She married Christian Ii d'ANHALT-BERNBURG, son of Christian 1er d'ANHALT-BERNBURG and Anne von BENTHEIM, in 1625. He was born in 1599 and died in 1636 at the age of 37.

      Children of Eléonore-Sophie d'OLDENBOURG and Christian Ii d'ANHALT-BERNBURG:

      1. Victor Amédée d'ANHALT-BERNBURG (16341718) -
    16. Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR, son of Jean de SAXE-WEIMAR and Dorothée-Marie d'ANHALT, was born on April 11, 1598 and died on May 17, 1662 at the age of 64. He married Eléonore-Dorothée d'ANHALT, daughter of Jean-Georges d'ANHALT-DESSAU and Dorothée de WITTELSBACH, on May 23, 1625. She was born on February 6, 1602 and died on December 26, 1664 at the age of 62.

      Children of Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR and Eléonore-Dorothée d'ANHALT:

      1. Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR (16261626)
      2. Jean-Ernest Ii de SAXE-WEIMAR (16271683) -
      3. Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR (16301639)
      4. Adolphe-Guillaume de SAXE-EISENACH (16321668) -
      5. Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE-EISENACH (16341686) -
      6. Wilhelmine-Eléonore de SAXE-WEIMAR (16361653)
      7. Bernard de SAXE-IENA (16381678) -
      8. Frédéric de SAXE-WEIMAR (16401656)
      9. Dorothée-Marie de SAXE-WEIMAR (16411675) -
    17. Albert de SAXE-EISENACH, son of Jean de SAXE-WEIMAR and Dorothée-Marie d'ANHALT, was born on July 27, 1599 and died on December 20, 1644 at the age of 45. He married Dorothée de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, daughter of Frédéric-Guillaume 1er de SAXE-ALTENBOURG and Anne-Marie de WITTELSBACH, on June 24, 1633. She was born on June 26, 1601 and died on April 10, 1675 at the age of 73.

    18. Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA, son of Jean de SAXE-WEIMAR and Dorothée-Marie d'ANHALT, was born on December 25, 1601 and died on March 26, 1675 at the age of 73. He married Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, daughter of Jean-Philippe de SAXE-ALTENBOURG and Elisabeth de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, on October 24, 1636. She was born on October 10, 1619 and died on December 20, 1680 at the age of 61.

      Children of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG:

      1. Jean-Ernest de SAXE-GOTHA (16381638)
      2. Elisabeth-Dorothée de SAXE-GOTHA (16401709) -
      3. Jean-Ernest de SAXE-GOTHA (16411657)
      4. Christian de SAXE-GOTHA (16421642)
      5. Sophie de SAXE-GOTHA (16431657)
      6. Jeanne de SAXE-GOTHA (16451657)
      7. Frédéric 1er de SAXE-GOTHA (16461691) -
      8. Albert de SAXE-COBOURG (16481699) -
      9. Bernard 1er de SAXE-MEININGEN (16491706) -
      10. Henri de SAXE-RÔMHILD (16501710) -
      11. Christian de SAXE-EISENBERG (16531707) -
      12. Dorothée-Marie de SAXE-GOTHA (16541682)
      13. Ernest de SAXE-HILDBURGHAUSEN (16551715) -
      14. Jean-Philippe de SAXE-GOTHA (16571657)
      15. Jean-Ernest de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD (16581729) -
      16. Jeanne-Elisabeth de SAXE-GOTHA (16601660)
      17. Jean-Philippe de SAXE-GOTHA (16611662)
      18. Sophie-Elisabeth de SAXE-GOTHA (16631663)
    19. Dorothée d'ANHALT-ZERBST, daughter of Rodolphe d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Dorothée-Hedwige de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, was born on September 25, 1607 and died on September 26, 1634 at the age of 27. She married Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, son of Henri de BRUNSWICK-DANNENBERG and Ursule de SAXE-LAUENBOURG, on October 26, 1623. He was born on April 20, 1579 and died on September 17, 1666 at the age of 87.

      Children of Dorothée d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL:

      1. Henri-Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (16251627)
      2. Rodolphe-Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (16271704) -
      3. Sibylle-Ursule de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (16291671) -
      4. Ne... de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (16311631)
      5. Claire-Augusta de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (16321700) -
      6. Antoine-Ulric de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (16331714) -
      7. N... de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (16341634)
    20. Eléonore d'ANHALT-ZERBST, daughter of Rodolphe d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Dorothée-Hedwige de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, was born in 1608 and died on November 2, 1681 at the age of 73. She married Frédéric 1er de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG, son of Jean d'OLDENBOURG and Elisabeth de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN, on February 5, 1632. He was born on December 6, 1581 and died on July 22, 1658 at the age of 76.

      Children of Eléonore d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Frédéric 1er de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG:

      1. Elisabeth-Juliane de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG (16341704) -
      2. Dorothée-Hedwige de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG (16361692)
      3. Christian-Auguste de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG (16391687)
      4. Louise-Aymone de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG (16421685) -
      5. Rodolphe-Frédéric de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG (16451688) -
    21. Jean d'ANHALT-ZERBST, son of Rodolphe d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Madeleine d'OLDENBOURG, was born on March 24, 1621 and died on July 4, 1667 at the age of 46. He married Sophie-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, daughter of Frédéric Iii de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Marie-Elisabeth de SAXE, on September 16, 1649. She was born on December 5, 1630 and died on December 12, 1680 at the age of 50.

      Children of Jean d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Sophie-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP:

      1. Jean-Frédéric d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16501651)
      2. Georges-Rodolphe d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16511652)
      3. Charles-Guillaume d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16521718) -
      4. Antoine-Gonthier d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16531714)
      5. Jean-Adolphe d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16541726)
      6. Jean-Louis d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16561704) -
      7. Joachim-Ernest d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16571658)
      8. Madeleine-Sophie d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16581659)
      9. Frédéric d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16601660)
      10. Hedwige-Marie-Eléonore d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16621662)
      11. Sophie-Augusta d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16631694) -
      12. Ne... d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16641664)
      13. Albert d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16651665)
      14. Auguste d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16661667)
    22. Sophie-Eléonore de SAXE, daughter of Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on November 23, 1609 and died on June 2, 1671 at the age of 61. She married Georges Ii de HESSE-DARMSTADT, son of Louis V de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Madeleine de HOHENZOLLERN, on April 1, 1627. He was born on March 17, 1605 and died on June 11, 1661 at the age of 56.

    23. Marie-Elisabeth de SAXE, daughter of Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on November 22, 1610 and died on June 24, 1684 at the age of 73. She married Frédéric Iii de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, son of Jean-Adolphe de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Augusta d'OLDENBOURG, on February 21, 1630. He was born on December 22, 1597 and died on August 10, 1659 at the age of 61.

    24. Jean-Georges Ii de SAXE, son of Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on June 10, 1613 and died on September 1, 1680 at the age of 67. He married Madeleine-Sibylle de HOHENZOLLERN, daughter of Christian de HOHENZOLLERN and Marie de HOHENZOLLERN, on November 23, 1638. She was born on November 7, 1612 and died on March 30, 1687 at the age of 74.

      Children of Jean-Georges Ii de SAXE and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOHENZOLLERN:

      1. Sibylle-Marie de SAXE (16421643)
      2. Erdmuthe-Sophie de SAXE (16441670) -
      3. Jean-Georges Iii de SAXE (16471691) -
    25. Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, son of Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on August 13, 1614 and died on June 4, 1680 at the age of 65. He married 2 times. The first time he married Anne-Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, daughter of Adolphe-Frédéric 1er de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN and Anne-Marie von OSTFRIESLAND, on November 23, 1647. She was born on July 1, 1627 and died on December 11, 1669 at the age of 42. The second time he married Jeanne Walburge von LEININGEN-WESTERBURG on January 29, 1672. She was born on June 3, 1647 and died on November 4, 1687 at the age of 40.

      Children of Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Anne-Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN:

      1. Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16481681) -
      2. Jean-Adolphe 1er de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16491697) -
      3. Elisabeth de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16501663)
      4. Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16501674) -
      5. Christian de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16521689)
      6. Anne-Marie de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16531671)
      7. Sophie de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16541724) -
      8. Catherine de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16551663)
      9. Christine de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16561698) -
      10. Henri de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16571728) -
      11. Albert de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16591692) -
      12. Dorothée de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16621663)

      Children of Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Jeanne Walburge von LEININGEN-WESTERBURG:

      1. Frédéric de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16731715) -
      2. Maurice de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16761695)
      3. N... de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16791679)
    26. Christian de SAXE-MERSEBURG, son of Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on October 27, 1615 and died on October 18, 1691 at the age of 75. He married Christiane de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, daughter of Philippe de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG and Sophie-Hedwige de SAXE-LAUENBOURG, on November 19, 1650. She was born on September 2, 1634 and died on May 20, 1701 at the age of 66.

      Children of Christian de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Christiane de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG:

      1. Madeleine-Sophie de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16511675)
      2. Jean-Georges de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16521654)
      3. Christian Ii de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16531694) -
      4. Auguste de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16551715) -
      5. N... de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16561656)
      6. Philippe de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16571690) -
      7. Christiane de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16591679) -
      8. Sophie-Hedwige de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16601686) -
      9. Henri de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16611738) -
      10. Maurice de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16621664)
      11. Sibylle-Marie de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16671693) -
    27. Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE, daughter of Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on December 23, 1617 and died on January 6, 1668 at the age of 50. She married 2 times. The first time she married Frédéric-Guillaume Ii de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, son of Frédéric-Guillaume 1er de SAXE-ALTENBOURG and Anne-Marie de WITTELSBACH, on October 11, 1652. He was born on February 12, 1603 and died on April 22, 1669 at the age of 66. The second time she married Valdemar Christian d'OLDENBOURG, son of Christian Iv d'OLDENBOURG and Anne-Catherine de HOHENZOLLERN, on October 5, 1634. He was born on April 10, 1603 and died on June 2, 1647 at the age of 44.

      Children of Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE and Frédéric-Guillaume Ii de SAXE-ALTENBOURG:

      1. Christian de SAXE-ALTENBOURG (16541663)
      2. Jeanne-Madeleine de SAXE-ALTENBOURG (16561686) -
      3. Frédéric-Guillaume Iii de SAXE-ALTENBOURG (16571672)
    28. Maurice de SAXE-ZEITZ, son of Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on March 28, 1619 and died on December 4, 1681 at the age of 62. He married 3 times. The first time he married Dorothée-Marie de SAXE-WEIMAR, daughter of Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR and Eléonore-Dorothée d'ANHALT, on July 3, 1656. She was born on October 14, 1641 and died on June 11, 1675 at the age of 33. The second time he married Sophie-Hedwige de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, daughter of Philippe de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG and Sophie-Hedwige de SAXE-LAUENBOURG, on November 19, 1650. She was born on October 7, 1630 and died on October 7, 1652 at the age of 22. The third time he married Sophie-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-WIESENBOURG, daughter of Philippe-Louis de HOLSTEIN-WIESENBOURG and Anne-Marguerite de HESSE-HOMBOURG, on June 14, 1676. She was born on May 4, 1653 and died on August 19, 1684 at the age of 31.

      Children of Maurice de SAXE-ZEITZ and Dorothée-Marie de SAXE-WEIMAR:

      1. Eléonore-Madeleine de SAXE-ZEITZ (16581661)
      2. Wilhelmine-Eléonore de SAXE-ZEITZ (16591659)
      3. Maurice-Guillaume de SAXE-ZEITZ (16641718) -
      4. Jean-Georges de SAXE-ZEITZ (16651666)
      5. Christian-Auguste de SAXE-ZEITZ (16661725)
      6. Frédéric-Henri de SAXE-ZEITZ (16681713) -
      7. Marie-Sophie de SAXE-ZEITZ (16701671)
      8. Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-ZEITZ (16721672)
      9. Wilhelmine-Sophie de SAXE-ZEITZ (16751675)

      Children of Maurice de SAXE-ZEITZ and Sophie-Hedwige de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG:

      1. Jean-Philippe de SAXE-ZEITZ (16511652)
      2. Maurice de SAXE-ZEITZ (16521653)
    29. Anne-Madeleine de LOBKOWICZ, daughter of Guillaume de LOBKOWICZ and Catherine Bénigne de LOBKOWICZ, was born in 1609 and died on September 7, 1668 at the age of 59. She married Jules-Henri de SAXE-LAUENBOURG, son of François Ii de SAXE-LAUENBOURG and Marie de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, on August 18, 1632. He was born on April 9, 1586 and died on November 20, 1665 at the age of 79.

      Children of Anne-Madeleine de LOBKOWICZ and Jules-Henri de SAXE-LAUENBOURG:

      1. Jules-Henri de SAXE-LAUENBOURG (16331634)
      2. Françoise de SAXE-LAUENBOURG (16341634)
      3. Marie-Bénigme de SAXE-LAUENBOURG (16351701)
      4. François-Guillaume de SAXE-LAUENBOURG (16391639)
      5. Françoise-Elisabeth de SAXE-LAUENBOURG (16401640)
      6. Jules-François de SAXE-LAUENBOURG (16411689) -
  11. Generation 11back to top
    1. Anne Juliane de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, daughter of Guillaume-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Anne-Amélie de BADE-DURLACH, was born on April 8, 1617 and died on December 29, 1667 at the age of 50. She married Frédéric de WITTELSBACH, son of Jean Ii de WITTELSBACH and Louise Juliane de WITTELSBACH, on April 6, 1640. He was born on April 5, 1616 and died on July 9, 1661 at the age of 45.

      Children of Anne Juliane de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Frédéric de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH (16421677) -
      2. Sophie Amélie de WITTELSBACH (16461695) -
      3. Charlotte Frédérique de WITTELSBACH (16531712) -
    2. Jean-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, son of Guillaume-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Anne-Amélie de BADE-DURLACH, was born on May 24, 1625 and died on February 9, 1690 at the age of 64.

      Children of Jean-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Dorothée-Catherine de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Christian-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16501650)
      2. Frédéric-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16511728) -
      3. Anne-Catherine de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16531731) -
      4. Walrad de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16561705)
      5. Charles-Siegfried de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16591679)
      6. Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16611699) -
      7. Louise de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16621741)
      8. Maurice de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16641666)
    3. Marie-Sibylle de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, daughter of Guillaume-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Anne-Amélie de BADE-DURLACH, was born on October 6, 1628 and died on April 9, 1699 at the age of 70. She married Auguste-Philippe de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK, son of Alexandre de HOLSTEIN-SONDERBOURG and Dorothée de SCHWARZBOURG-SONDERSHAUSEN, on April 12, 1651. He was born on November 11, 1612 and died in 1675 at the age of 62.

    4. Gustave-Adolphe de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, son of Guillaume-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Anne-Amélie de BADE-DURLACH, was born on March 27, 1632 and died on October 9, 1677 at the age of 45. He married Eléonore-Claire von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN, daughter of Kraft von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN and Sophie de WITTELSBACH, in 1662. She was born on July 16, 1632 and died on May 4, 1709 at the age of 76.

      Children of Gustave-Adolphe de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Eléonore-Claire von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN:

      1. Louis-Kraft de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16631713) -
      2. Charles-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16651723) -
      3. Sophie-Amélie de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16661736) -
      4. Gustave-Adolphe de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16671683)
      5. Sophie-Eléonore de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16691742)
      6. Sophie-Dorothée de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16701748)
      7. Philippe-Guillaume de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (1671)
      8. N... de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16721678)
    5. Walrad (Volrath) de NASSAU-USINGEN, son of Guillaume-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Anne-Amélie de BADE-DURLACH, was born on February 25, 1635 and died on October 17, 1702 at the age of 67. He married 2 times. The first time he married Catherine-Françoise de CROY, daughter of Eustache Ii de CROY and Théodora Gertrude von KETTLER, on June 16, 1678. She was born on May 5, 1652 and died on May 20, 1686 at the age of 34. The second time he married Madeleine-Elisabeth de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROSENBERG on June 18, 1688. She was born on August 12, 1662 and died on June 5, 1733 at the age of 70.

      Children of Walrad (Volrath) de NASSAU-USINGEN and Catherine-Françoise de CROY:

      1. Marie-Wilhelmine-Henriette de NASSAU-USINGEN (16791718)
      2. Henri de NASSAU-USINGEN (16801682)
      3. Marie-Ernestine de NASSAU-USINGEN (16831683)
      4. Guillaume-Henri de NASSAU-USINGEN (16841718) -
      5. Marie-Albertine de NASSAU-USINGEN (16861768)
    6. Jeannette de NASSAU-IDSTEIN, daughter of Jean de NASSAU-IDSTEIN and Anne von LEININGEN-FALKENBURG, was born on September 14, 1657 and died on March 14, 1733 at the age of 75. She married Christian-Louis de WALDECK, son of Philippe Vii de WALDECK and Anne Catherine de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN, in 1680. He was born in 1635 and died in 1706 at the age of 71.

      Children of Jeannette de NASSAU-IDSTEIN and Christian-Louis de WALDECK:

      1. Josias de WALDECK (16961763) -
    7. Georges-Auguste-Samuel de NASSAU-IDSTEIN, son of Jean de NASSAU-IDSTEIN and Anne von LEININGEN-FALKENBURG, was born on February 26, 1665 and died on October 26, 1721 at the age of 56. He married Henriette-Dorothée von OETTINGEN, daughter of Albert Ernest 1er von OETTINGEN and Christine-Frédérique de WURTEMBERG, on September 22, 1688. She was born on February 14, 1672 and died on May 18, 1728 at the age of 56.

    8. Frédéric de NASSAU-WEILBOURG, son of Ernest-Casimir de NASSAU-WEILBOURG and Anne-Marie de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN-HOMBOURG, was born on April 16, 1640 and died on September 8, 1675 at the age of 35. He married Christiane-Elisabeth de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN-HOMBOURG on May 26, 1663. She was born in 1646 and died on April 19, 1678 at the age of 32.

      Children of Frédéric de NASSAU-WEILBOURG and Christiane-Elisabeth de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN-HOMBOURG:

      1. Jean-Ernest de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16641719) -
      2. Frédéric-Guillaume-Louis de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16651684)
      3. Marie-Christiane de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16661734)
    9. Emilie de HESSE-CASSEL, daughter of Guillaume V de HESSE-CASSEL and Amélie Elisabeth von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG, was born on February 11, 1626 and died on February 15, 1693 at the age of 67. She married Henri-Charles de LA TREMOILLE, son of Henri de LA TREMOILLE and Marie de LA TOUR D'AUVERGNE, on May 1, 1648. He was born on December 17, 1620 and died on September 14, 1672 at the age of 51.

      Children of Emilie de HESSE-CASSEL and Henri-Charles de LA TREMOILLE:

      1. Charles de LA TRÉMOÏLLE (16551709) -
    10. Charlotte de HESSE-CASSEL, daughter of Guillaume V de HESSE-CASSEL and Amélie Elisabeth von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG, was born on November 20, 1627 and died on March 26, 1686 at the age of 58. She married Charles 1er Louis de WITTELSBACH, son of Frédéric V de WITTELSBACH and Elisabeth STUART, on February 22, 1650. He was born on December 22, 1617 and died on August 28, 1680 at the age of 62. Charlotte de HESSE-CASSEL and Charles 1er Louis de WITTELSBACH were divorced in 1657.

      Children of Charlotte de HESSE-CASSEL and Charles 1er Louis de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Charles Ii de WITTELSBACH (16511685) -
      2. Elisabeth-Charlotte de WITTELSBACH (16521722) -
      3. Frédéric de WITTELSBACH (16531653)
    11. Guillaume Vi de HESSE-CASSEL, son of Guillaume V de HESSE-CASSEL and Amélie Elisabeth von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG, was born on May 23, 1629 and died on July 16, 1663 at the age of 34. He married Hedwige Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN, daughter of Georges-Guillaume de HOHENZOLLERN and Elisabeth-Charlotte de WITTELSBACH, on July 9, 1649. She was born on July 4, 1623 and died on June 16, 1683 at the age of 59.

      Children of Guillaume Vi de HESSE-CASSEL and Hedwige Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN:

      1. Charlotte Amélie de HESSE-CASSEL (16501714) -
      2. Guillaume Vii de HESSE-CASSEL (16511670)
      3. Louise de HESSE-CASSEL (16521652)
      4. Charles de HESSE-CASSEL (16541730) -
      5. Philippe de HESSE-PHILIPPSTHAL (16551721) -
      6. Georges de HESSE-CASSEL (16581675)
      7. Elisabeth “Henriette” de HESSE-CASSEL (16611683) -
    12. Jean-Georges Ii d'ANHALT-DESSAU, son of Jean-Casimir d'ANHALT-DESSAU and Agnès de HESSE-CASSEL, was born on November 7, 1627 and died on August 17, 1693 at the age of 65. He married Henriette Catherine de NASSAU-ORANGE, daughter of Frédéric-Henri de NASSAU-ORANGE and Amélie von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS, on July 9, 1659. She was born on January 31, 1637 and died on November 4, 1708 at the age of 71.

      Children of Jean-Georges Ii d'ANHALT-DESSAU and Henriette Catherine de NASSAU-ORANGE:

      1. Henriette-Amélie d'ANHALT-DESSAU (16661726) -
      2. Léopold 1er d'ANHALT-DESSAU (16761747) -
      3. Jeanne-Charlotte d'ANHALT-DESSAU (16821750) -
    13. Louise d'ANHALT-DESSAU, daughter of Jean-Casimir d'ANHALT-DESSAU and Agnès de HESSE-CASSEL, was born in February 1631 and died on April 25, 1680 at the age of 49. She married Christian de SILÉSIE, son of Jean-Christian de SILÉSIE and Dorothée-Sibylle de HOHENZOLLERN, on November 24, 1648. He was born on April 19, 1618 and died on April 19, 1672 at the age of 54.

      Children of Louise d'ANHALT-DESSAU and Christian de SILÉSIE:

      1. Charlotte von LIEGNITZ (16521707) -
    14. Catherine Marie von SALM-REIFFERSCHEIDT, daughter of Eric Adolphe von SALM-REIFFERSCHEIDT and Madeleine de HESSE-CASSEL, was born in 1651 and died in 1687 at the age of 36. She married Sébastien Wunibald von WALDBURG-ZEIL-WURZACH, son of Jean-Jacques 1er von WALDBURG ZEIL and Johanna von WOLKENSTEIN, in 1673. He was born in 1636 and died in 1700 at the age of 64.

      Children of Catherine Marie von SALM-REIFFERSCHEIDT and Sébastien Wunibald von WALDBURG-ZEIL-WURZACH:

      1. Ernest Jacques von WALDBURG-ZEIL-WURZACH (16731734) -
      2. Marie Françoise von WALDBURG-ZEIL-WURZACH (16831737) -
    15. Hedwige-Louise de LIPPE-ALVERDISSEN, daughter of Philippe 1er de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE and Sophie de HESSE-CASSEL, was born on May 6, 1650 and died in 1731 at the age of 80. She married Auguste de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK, son of Auguste-Philippe de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK and Sidonie d'OLDENBOURG, in 1676. He was born in 1650 and died on September 26, 1689 at the age of 39.

      Children of Hedwige-Louise de LIPPE-ALVERDISSEN and Auguste de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK:

      1. Dorothée-Henriette de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK (16781750)
      2. Frédéric-Guillaume 1er de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK (16821719) -
    16. Philippe Ernest de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE, son of Philippe 1er de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE and Sophie de HESSE-CASSEL, was born on December 20, 1659 and died on November 27, 1723 at the age of 63. He married Dorothée-Amélie de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK, daughter of Auguste-Philippe de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK and Marie-Sibylle de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, on December 31, 1686. She was born in 1656 and died on November 9, 1739 at the age of 83.

      Children of Philippe Ernest de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE and Dorothée-Amélie de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK:

      1. Frédéric de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE (16941777) -
    17. Christine de HESSE-ESCHWEGE, daughter of Frédéric de HESSE-ESCHWEGE and Eléonore Catherine de WITTELSBACH, was born on October 30, 1649 and died on March 18, 1702 at the age of 52. She married Ferdinand-Albert de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, son of Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Sophie-Elisabeth de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW, on November 25, 1667. He was born on May 22, 1636 and died on April 23, 1687 at the age of 50.

    18. Charlotte de HESSE-ESCHWEGE, daughter of Frédéric de HESSE-ESCHWEGE and Eléonore Catherine de WITTELSBACH, was born on September 3, 1653 and died on February 10, 1708 at the age of 54. She married Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, son of Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Anne-Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, on August 25, 1673. He was born on December 3, 1650 and died on August 11, 1674 at the age of 23.

      Children of Charlotte de HESSE-ESCHWEGE and Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS:

      1. N... de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16741674)
    19. Guillaume de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG, son of Ernest de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG and Marie-Eléonore von SOLMS-LICH, was born on May 15, 1648 and died on November 20, 1725 at the age of 77. He married Marie-Anne Françoise de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT, daughter of Ferdinand-Charles de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT and Anne-Marie von FÜRSTENBERG-HEILIGENBERG, on March 3, 1669. She was born on June 18, 1652 and died on October 20, 1688 at the age of 36.

      Children of Guillaume de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG and Marie-Anne Françoise de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT:

      1. Eléonore de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1674)
      2. Marie-Eléonore de HESSE-RHEINFELS (16751720) -
      3. Elisabeth de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (16771739) -
      4. N... de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (16781678)
      5. Marie-Amélie de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (16791680)
      6. Jeannette de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (16801766)
      7. Ernestine de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (16811732)
      8. Ernest-Léopold de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (16841749) -
    20. Charles de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG, son of Ernest de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG and Marie-Eléonore von SOLMS-LICH, was born on July 29, 1649 and died on November 3, 1711 at the age of 62. He married 2 times. The first time he married Sophie-Madeleine von SALM-REIFFERSCHEID on January 24, 1669. She was born on February 17, 1649 and died on May 14, 1675 at the age of 26. The second time he married Alexandrine Juliane von LEININGEN-DAGSBURG on June 14, 1678. She was born on August 21, 1651 and died on April 19, 1703 at the age of 51.

      Children of Charles de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG and Sophie-Madeleine von SALM-REIFFERSCHEID:

      1. Charles-Ernest de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (16691669)
      2. Marie-Eléonore de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (16701671)
      3. Guillaume de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (16711731) -
      4. Frédéric de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (16731692)
      5. Philippe de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (16741694)
      6. Ne... de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (16751675)
    21. Juliane Félicité de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG, daughter of Jules-Frédéric de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG and Anne-Sabine d'OLDENBOURG, was born on December 19, 1619 and died on January 3, 1661 at the age of 41. She married Jean de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, son of Jean-Adolphe de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Augusta d'OLDENBOURG, on May 7, 1640. He was born on March 18, 1606 and died on February 21, 1655 at the age of 48.

      Children of Juliane Félicité de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG and Jean de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP:

      1. Christine-Augusta-Sabine de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP (16421650)
      2. Jules-Adolphe-Frédéric de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP (16431644)
      3. Jean-Jules-Frédéric de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP (16461647)
      4. Jean-Auguste de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP (16471686)
    22. Sylvius de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG, son of Jules-Frédéric de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG and Anne-Sabine d'OLDENBOURG, was born on May 2, 1622 and died on April 26, 1664 at the age of 41. He married Elisabeth-Marie von MÜNSTERBERG, daughter of Charles Frédéric von MÜNSTERBERG OELS and Anne-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, on May 1, 1647. She was born on May 11, 1625 and died on March 17, 1686 at the age of 60.

      Children of Sylvius de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG and Elisabeth-Marie von MÜNSTERBERG:

      1. Anne-Sophie de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16481661)
      2. Charles-Ferdinand de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16501689)
      3. Sylvius-Frédéric de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16511697) -
      4. Christian-Ulric 1er de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16521704) -
      5. Jules-Sigismond de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16531684) -
      6. Cunégonde de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16551655)
      7. Sylvius de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16601660)
    23. Manfred de WURTEMBERG-WEILTINGEN, son of Jules-Frédéric de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG and Anne-Sabine d'OLDENBOURG, was born on June 5, 1626 and died on May 15, 1662 at the age of 35. He married Juliane d'OLDENBOURG on October 31, 1652. She was born on July 2, 1615 and died on May 16, 1691 at the age of 75.

      Children of Manfred de WURTEMBERG-WEILTINGEN and Juliane d'OLDENBOURG:

      1. Frédéric-Ferdinand de WURTEMBERG-WEILTINGEN (16541705) -
      2. Auguste de WURTEMBERG-WEILTINGEN (16561689)
      3. Manfred de WURTEMBERG-WEILTINGEN (16581688)
    24. Jean-Adolphe de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN, son of Joachim-Ernest 1er de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Dorothée-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on April 8, 1634 and died on July 2, 1704 at the age of 70. He married Dorothée de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, daughter of Rodolphe-Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Christine-Elisabeth von BARBY, on April 12, 1673. She was born on January 17, 1653 and died on March 21, 1722 at the age of 69.

      Children of Jean-Adolphe de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Dorothée de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL:

      1. Adolphe-Auguste de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16801704) -
      2. Joachim-Ernest de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16811682)
      3. Jean-Adolphe de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16841684)
      4. Augusta-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16861689)
      5. Christian-Charles de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16901704)
      6. Dorothée-Sophie de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16921765) -
    25. Auguste de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN, son of Joachim-Ernest 1er de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Dorothée-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on May 9, 1635 and died on September 17, 1699 at the age of 64. He married Elisabeth-Charlotte d'ANHALT-HARZGERODE on October 6, 1666. She was born on February 11, 1647 and died on January 20, 1723 at the age of 75.

      Children of Auguste de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Elisabeth-Charlotte d'ANHALT-HARZGERODE:

      1. Joachim-Frédéric de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16681722) -
      2. Augusta-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16691709)
      3. Charlotte-Sophie de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16721720)
      4. Christian-Charles de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16741706) -
      5. Dorothée-Jeanne de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16761727) -
    26. Joachim-Ernest Ii de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN, son of Joachim-Ernest 1er de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Dorothée-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on October 5, 1637 and died on June 4, 1700 at the age of 62. He married Isabelle de MERODE-WESTERLOO, daughter of Ferdinand de MERODE and Madeleine de GRAND-VILAIN, on January 21, 1677. She was born in 1649 and died on January 5, 1701 at the age of 52.

      Children of Joachim-Ernest Ii de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Isabelle de MERODE-WESTERLOO:

      1. N... de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16821682)
      2. Jean-Ernest-Ferdinand de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16841729) -
    27. Agnès-Hedwige de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN, daughter of Joachim-Ernest 1er de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Dorothée-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on September 29, 1640 and died on November 20, 1698 at the age of 58. She married Christian de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, son of Philippe de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG and Sophie-Hedwige de SAXE-LAUENBOURG, on May 10, 1672. He was born on June 19, 1627 and died on November 17, 1698 at the age of 71.

      Children of Agnès-Hedwige de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Christian de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG:

      1. Philippe-Ernest de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG (16731729) -
      2. Sophie-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG (16741713)
      3. Charlotte-Jeanne de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG (16761676)
      4. Christian de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG (16781679)
      5. Joachim-Adolphe de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG (16791681)
      6. Christian-Auguste de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG (16811714)
      7. Frédéric-Guillaume de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG (16821688)
    28. Victor Amédée d'ANHALT-BERNBURG, son of Christian Ii d'ANHALT-BERNBURG and Eléonore-Sophie d'OLDENBOURG, was born in 1634 and died in 1718 at the age of 84. He married Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Frédéric de WITTELSBACH and Anne Juliane de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, in 1667. She was born on April 1, 1642 and died on April 17, 1677 at the age of 35.

      Children of Victor Amédée d'ANHALT-BERNBURG and Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Charles-Frédéric d'ANHALT-BERNBURG (16681721) -
      2. Lebrecht d'ANHALT-BERNBURG (16691727) -
    29. Jean-Ernest Ii de SAXE-WEIMAR, son of Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR and Eléonore-Dorothée d'ANHALT, was born on September 11, 1627 and died on May 15, 1683 at the age of 55. He married Christine-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-SONDERBOURG, daughter of Jean-Christian de HOLSTEIN-SONDERBOURG and Anne d'OLDENBOURG, on August 14, 1656. She was born on June 23, 1638 and died on June 7, 1679 at the age of 40.

      Children of Jean-Ernest Ii de SAXE-WEIMAR and Christine-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-SONDERBOURG:

      1. Anne-Dorothée de SAXE-WEIMAR (16571704)
      2. Wilhelmine-Christine de SAXE-WEIMAR (16581712) -
      3. Eléonore-Sophie de SAXE-WEIMAR (16601687) -
      4. Guillaume-Ernest de SAXE-WEIMAR (16621728) -
      5. Jean-Ernest Iii de SAXE-WEIMAR (16641707) -
    30. Adolphe-Guillaume de SAXE-EISENACH, son of Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR and Eléonore-Dorothée d'ANHALT, was born on May 14, 1632 and died on November 22, 1668 at the age of 36. He married Marie-Elisabeth de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, daughter of Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Sophie-Elisabeth de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW, on January 18, 1663. She was born on January 7, 1638 and died on February 15, 1687 at the age of 49.

      Children of Adolphe-Guillaume de SAXE-EISENACH and Marie-Elisabeth de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL:

      1. Charles-Auguste de SAXE-EISENACH (16641665)
      2. Frédéric-Guillaume de SAXE-EISENACH (16651665)
      3. Adolphe-Guillaume de SAXE-EISENACH (16661666)
      4. Ernest-Auguste de SAXE-EISENACH (16671668)
      5. Guillaume-Auguste de SAXE-EISENACH (16681671)
    31. Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE-EISENACH, son of Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR and Eléonore-Dorothée d'ANHALT, was born on July 12, 1634 and died on September 19, 1686 at the age of 52. He married Jeannette de SAYN-WITTENGENSTEIN, daughter of Ernest de SAYN-WITTENGENSTEIN and Louise von ERBACH, on May 29, 1661. She was born on August 27, 1626 and died on September 28, 1701 at the age of 75.

      Children of Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE-EISENACH and Jeannette de SAYN-WITTENGENSTEIN:

      1. Eléonore-Edmonde-Louise de SAXE-EISENACH (16621696) -
      2. Frédéric-Auguste de SAXE-EISENACH (16631684)
      3. Jean-Georges Ii de SAXE-EISENACH (16651698) -
      4. Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-EISENACH (16661729) -
      5. Maximilien-Henri de SAXE-EISENACH (16661668)
      6. Louise de SAXE-EISENACH (16681669)
      7. Frédérique-Elisabeth de SAXE-EISENACH (16691730) -
      8. Ernest-Gustave de SAXE-EISENACH (16721672)
    32. Bernard de SAXE-IENA, son of Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR and Eléonore-Dorothée d'ANHALT, was born on February 21, 1638 and died on May 3, 1678 at the age of 40. He married Marie de LA TRÉMOILLE on June 10, 1662. She was born on January 26, 1632 and died on August 24, 1682 at the age of 50.

      Children of Bernard de SAXE-IENA and Marie de LA TRÉMOILLE:

      1. Guillaume de SAXE-IENA (16641666)
      2. Ne... de SAXE-IENA (16661666)
      3. Bernard de SAXE-IENA (16671668)
      4. Charlotte-Marie de SAXE-IENA (16691703) -
      5. Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-IENA (16751690)
    33. Dorothée-Marie de SAXE-WEIMAR, daughter of Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR and Eléonore-Dorothée d'ANHALT, was born on October 14, 1641 and died on June 11, 1675 at the age of 33. She married Maurice de SAXE-ZEITZ, son of Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOHENZOLLERN, on July 3, 1656. He was born on March 28, 1619 and died on December 4, 1681 at the age of 62.

      Children of Dorothée-Marie de SAXE-WEIMAR and Maurice de SAXE-ZEITZ:

      1. Eléonore-Madeleine de SAXE-ZEITZ (16581661)
      2. Wilhelmine-Eléonore de SAXE-ZEITZ (16591659)
      3. Maurice-Guillaume de SAXE-ZEITZ (16641718) -
      4. Jean-Georges de SAXE-ZEITZ (16651666)
      5. Christian-Auguste de SAXE-ZEITZ (16661725)
      6. Frédéric-Henri de SAXE-ZEITZ (16681713) -
      7. Marie-Sophie de SAXE-ZEITZ (16701671)
      8. Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-ZEITZ (16721672)
      9. Wilhelmine-Sophie de SAXE-ZEITZ (16751675)
    34. Elisabeth-Dorothée de SAXE-GOTHA, daughter of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, was born on January 8, 1640 and died on August 24, 1709 at the age of 69. She married Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT, son of Georges Ii de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Sophie-Eléonore de SAXE, on December 5, 1666. He was born on January 25, 1630 and died on April 24, 1678 at the age of 48.

      Children of Elisabeth-Dorothée de SAXE-GOTHA and Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT:

      1. Ernest-Louis de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16671739) -
      2. Georges de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16691705)
      3. Sophie-Louise de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16701758) -
      4. N... de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16701670)
      5. Philippe de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16711736) -
      6. Jean de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16721673)
      7. Henri de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16741741)
      8. Elisabeth-Dorothée de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16761721) -
      9. Frédéric de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16771708) -
    35. Frédéric 1er de SAXE-GOTHA, son of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, was born on July 15, 1646 and died on August 2, 1691 at the age of 45. He married 2 times. The first time he married Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, daughter of Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Anne-Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, on November 14, 1669. She was born on September 2, 1648 and died on January 7, 1681 at the age of 32. The second time he married Christine de BADE-DURLACH, daughter of Frédéric Vi de BADE-DURLACH and Christine Madeleine de WITTELSBACH, on August 2, 1681. She was born on April 22, 1645 and died on December 21, 1705 at the age of 60.

      Children of Frédéric 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-WEISSENFELS:

      1. Anne-Sophie de SAXE-GOTHA (16701728) -
      2. Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-GOTHA (16711673)
      3. Dorothée-Marie de SAXE-GOTHA (16741713) -
      4. Frédérique de SAXE-GOTHA (16751709) -
      5. Frédéric Ii de SAXE-GOTHA (16761732) -
      6. Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-GOTHA (16771707)
      7. Elisabeth de SAXE-GOTHA (16791680)
      8. Jeanne de SAXE-GOTHA (16801704) -
    36. Albert de SAXE-COBOURG, son of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, was born on May 24, 1648 and died on August 6, 1699 at the age of 51. He married 2 times. The first time he married Marie-Elisabeth de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, daughter of Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Sophie-Elisabeth de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW, on July 18, 1676. She was born on January 7, 1638 and died on February 15, 1687 at the age of 49. The second time he married Suzanne Elisabeth KEMPINSKY on May 24, 1688. She was born on May 2, 1643 and died on December 2, 1717 at the age of 74.

      Children of Albert de SAXE-COBOURG and Marie-Elisabeth de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL:

      1. Ernest-Auguste de SAXE-COBOURG (16771678)
    37. Bernard 1er de SAXE-MEININGEN, son of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, was born on September 10, 1649 and died on April 27, 1706 at the age of 56. He married 2 times. The first time he married Marie-Hedwige de HESSE-DARMSTADT, daughter of Georges Ii de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Sophie-Eléonore de SAXE, on November 20, 1671. She was born on November 26, 1647 and died on April 19, 1680 at the age of 32. The second time he married Elisabeth-Eléonore de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, daughter of Antoine-Ulric de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Elisabeth-Juliane de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG, on January 25, 1681. She was born on September 30, 1658 and died on March 15, 1729 at the age of 70.

      Children of Bernard 1er de SAXE-MEININGEN and Marie-Hedwige de HESSE-DARMSTADT:

      1. Ernest-Louis 1er de SAXE-MEININGEN (16721724) -
      2. Bernard de SAXE-MEININGEN (16731694)
      3. Jean-Ernest de SAXE-MEININGEN (16741675)
      4. Marie-Elisabeth de SAXE-MEININGEN (16761676)
      5. Jean-Georges de SAXE-MEININGEN (16771678)
      6. Frédéric-Guillaume de SAXE-MEININGEN (16791746)
      7. Georges-Ernest de SAXE-MEININGEN (16801699)

      Children of Bernard 1er de SAXE-MEININGEN and Elisabeth-Eléonore de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL:

      1. Elisabeth-Ernestine de SAXE-MEININGEN (16811766)
      2. Eléonore-Frédérique de SAXE-MEININGEN (16831739)
      3. Antoine-Auguste de SAXE-MEININGEN (16841684)
      4. Wilhelmine-Louise de SAXE-MEININGEN (16861753) -
      5. Antoine-Ulrich de SAXE-MEININGEN (16871763) -
    38. Henri de SAXE-RÔMHILD, son of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, was born on November 19, 1650 and died on May 13, 1710 at the age of 59. He married Marie-Elisabeth de HESSE-DARMSTADT, daughter of Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Marie-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, on March 1, 1676. She was born on March 11, 1656 and died on August 16, 1715 at the age of 59.

    39. Christian de SAXE-EISENBERG, son of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, was born on January 6, 1653 and died on April 28, 1707 at the age of 54. He married 2 times. The first time he married Christiane de SAXE-MERSEBURG, daughter of Christian de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Christiane de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, on February 13, 1677. She was born on June 1, 1659 and died on March 13, 1679 at the age of 19. The second time he married Sophie Marie de HESSE-DARMSTADT, daughter of Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Marie-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, on February 9, 1681. She was born on May 7, 1661 and died on August 22, 1712 at the age of 51.

      Children of Christian de SAXE-EISENBERG and Christiane de SAXE-MERSEBURG:

      1. Christiane de SAXE-EISENBERG (16791722) -
    40. Ernest de SAXE-HILDBURGHAUSEN, son of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, was born on July 12, 1655 and died on October 17, 1715 at the age of 60. He married Sophie Henriette de WALDECK, daughter of Georges Frédéric de WALDECK and Elisabeth-Charlotte de NASSAU-SIEGEN, on November 30, 1680. She was born on August 3, 1662 and died on October 15, 1702 at the age of 40.

      Children of Ernest de SAXE-HILDBURGHAUSEN and Sophie Henriette de WALDECK:

      1. Ernest-Frédéric 1er de SAXE-HILDBURGHAUSEN (16811724) -
      2. Sophie de SAXE-HILDBURGHAUSEN (16821684)
      3. Sophie-Charlotte de SAXE-HILDBURGHAUSEN (16851710)
      4. Charles de SAXE-HILDBURGHAUSEN (16861687)
      5. Joseph-Frédéric de SAXE-HILDBURGHAUSEN (17021787) -
    41. Jean-Ernest de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD, son of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, was born on August 22, 1658 and died on December 17, 1729 at the age of 71. He married 2 times. The first time he married Sophie-Hedwige de SAXE-MERSEBURG, daughter of Christian de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Christiane de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, on February 18, 1680. She was born on August 4, 1660 and died on August 2, 1686 at the age of 25. The second time he married Charlotte-Jeanne de WALDECK, daughter of Josias de WALDECK and Wilhelmine-Christine de NASSAU-SIEGEN, on December 2, 1690. She was born on December 13, 1664 and died on February 1, 1699 at the age of 34.

      Children of Jean-Ernest de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD and Sophie-Hedwige de SAXE-MERSEBURG:

      1. Christiane-Sophie de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD (16811697)
      2. Ne... de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD (16821682)
      3. Christian-Ernest de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD (16831745) -
      4. Charlotte-Wilhelmine de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD (16851767)
    42. Rodolphe-Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, son of Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Dorothée d'ANHALT-ZERBST, was born on May 16, 1627 and died on January 26, 1704 at the age of 76. He married 2 times. The first time he married Christine-Elisabeth von BARBY on November 10, 1650. She was born on October 26, 1634 and died on May 2, 1681 at the age of 46. The second time he married Rosine-Elisabeth MENTHE on July 7, 1681. She was born on May 17, 1663 and died on May 21, 1701 at the age of 38.

      Children of Rodolphe-Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Christine-Elisabeth von BARBY:

      1. Dorothée de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (16531722) -
      2. Christine-Sophie de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (16541695) -
      3. Eléonore-Sophie de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (16551656)
    43. Sibylle-Ursule de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, daughter of Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Dorothée d'ANHALT-ZERBST, was born on December 8, 1629 and died on December 12, 1671 at the age of 42. She married Christian de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, son of Philippe de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG and Sophie-Hedwige de SAXE-LAUENBOURG, on September 13, 1663. He was born on June 19, 1627 and died on November 17, 1698 at the age of 71.

      Children of Sibylle-Ursule de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Christian de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG:

      1. Frédéric-Auguste de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG (16641664)
      2. N... de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG (16661666)
      3. Sophie-Amélie de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG (16681668)
      4. Ne... de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG (16711671)
    44. Claire-Augusta de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, daughter of Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Dorothée d'ANHALT-ZERBST, was born on June 25, 1632 and died on October 6, 1700 at the age of 68. She married Frédéric de WURTEMBERG-NEUSTADT, son of Jean-Frédéric de WURTEMBERG and Barbara-Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN, on June 7, 1653. He was born on December 19, 1615 and died on March 24, 1682 at the age of 66.

    45. Antoine-Ulric de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, son of Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Dorothée d'ANHALT-ZERBST, was born on October 4, 1633 and died on March 27, 1714 at the age of 80. He married Elisabeth-Juliane de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG, daughter of Frédéric 1er de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG and Eléonore d'ANHALT-ZERBST, on August 17, 1656. She was born on May 24, 1634 and died on February 6, 1704 at the age of 69.

    46. Elisabeth-Juliane de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG, daughter of Frédéric 1er de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG and Eléonore d'ANHALT-ZERBST, was born on May 24, 1634 and died on February 6, 1704 at the age of 69. She married Antoine-Ulric de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, son of Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Dorothée d'ANHALT-ZERBST, on August 17, 1656. He was born on October 4, 1633 and died on March 27, 1714 at the age of 80.

    47. Louise-Aymone de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG, daughter of Frédéric 1er de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG and Eléonore d'ANHALT-ZERBST, was born on January 15, 1642 and died on June 4, 1685 at the age of 43. She married Jean Frédéric von HOHENLOHE, son of Kraft von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN and Sophie de WITTELSBACH, in 1665. He was born in 1617 and died in 1702 at the age of 85.

      Children of Louise-Aymone de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG and Jean Frédéric von HOHENLOHE:

      1. Jean Frédéric zu HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN-OEHRINGEN (16831765) -
    48. Rodolphe-Frédéric de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG, son of Frédéric 1er de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG and Eléonore d'ANHALT-ZERBST, was born on September 27, 1645 and died on November 14, 1688 at the age of 43. He married Bibiane von PROMNITZ on June 10, 1680. She was born on August 8, 1649 and died on August 19, 1685 at the age of 36.

      Children of Rodolphe-Frédéric de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG and Bibiane von PROMNITZ:

      1. Charles de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG (16811682)
      2. Bibiane-Amélie de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG (16821683)
      3. Elisabeth-Sophie-Marie de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG (16831767) -
      4. Ernest-Léopold de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG (16851722)
    49. Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT, son of Georges Ii de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Sophie-Eléonore de SAXE, was born on January 25, 1630 and died on April 24, 1678 at the age of 48. He married 2 times. The first time he married Elisabeth-Dorothée de SAXE-GOTHA, daughter of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, on December 5, 1666. She was born on January 8, 1640 and died on August 24, 1709 at the age of 69. The second time he married Marie-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, daughter of Frédéric Iii de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Marie-Elisabeth de SAXE, on November 24, 1650. She was born on June 6, 1634 and died on June 17, 1665 at the age of 31.

      Children of Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Elisabeth-Dorothée de SAXE-GOTHA:

      1. Ernest-Louis de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16671739) -
      2. Georges de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16691705)
      3. Sophie-Louise de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16701758) -
      4. N... de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16701670)
      5. Philippe de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16711736) -
      6. Jean de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16721673)
      7. Henri de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16741741)
      8. Elisabeth-Dorothée de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16761721) -
      9. Frédéric de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16771708) -

      Children of Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Marie-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP:

      1. Madeleine-Sibylle de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16521712) -
      2. Sophie-Eléonore de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16531653)
      3. Georges de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16541655)
      4. Marie-Elisabeth de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16561715) -
      5. Augusta-Madeleine de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16571674)
      6. Louis Vii de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16581678)
      7. Frédéric de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16591676)
      8. Sophie Marie de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16611712) -
      9. N... de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16621662)
      10. N... de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16651665)
    50. Georges de HESSE-DARMSTADT, son of Georges Ii de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Sophie-Eléonore de SAXE, was born on September 29, 1632 and died on July 19, 1676 at the age of 43. He married 2 times. The first time he married Dorothée-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-SONDERBOURG, daughter of Jean-Christian de HOLSTEIN-SONDERBOURG and Anne d'OLDENBOURG, on March 5, 1661. She was born on September 29, 1636 and died on September 18, 1662 at the age of 25. The second time he married Juliane-Alexandrine von LEININGEN-HEIDESHEIM on July 21, 1667. She was born on August 21, 1651 and died on April 19, 1703 at the age of 51.

      Children of Georges de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Dorothée-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-SONDERBOURG:

      1. Ne... de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16621662)

      Children of Georges de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Juliane-Alexandrine von LEININGEN-HEIDESHEIM:

      1. Sophie-Juliane de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16681668)
      2. Eléonore de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16691714)
      3. Madeleine-Sibylle de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16711720)
    51. Sophie-Eléonore de HESSE-DARMSTADT, daughter of Georges Ii de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Sophie-Eléonore de SAXE, was born on January 7, 1634 and died on October 7, 1663 at the age of 29. She married Guillaume-Christophe de HESSE-HOMBOURG, son of Frédéric 1er de HESSE-HOMBOURG and Marguerite-Elisabeth von LEININGEN-WESTERBURG, on April 21, 1650. He was born on November 13, 1625 and died on August 27, 1681 at the age of 55.

      Children of Sophie-Eléonore de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Guillaume-Christophe de HESSE-HOMBOURG:

      1. Frédéric de HESSE-HOMBOURG (16511651)
      2. Christine-Wilhelmine de HESSE-HOMBOURG (16531722) -
      3. Léopold-Georges de HESSE-HOMBOURG (16541675)
      4. Frédéric de HESSE-HOMBOURG (16551655)
      5. Guillaume de HESSE-HOMBOURG (16561656)
      6. N... de HESSE-HOMBOURG (16571657)
      7. Charles-Guillaume de HESSE-HOMBOURG (16581658)
      8. Philippe de HESSE-HOMBOURG (16591659)
      9. Madeleine-Sophie de HESSE-HOMBOURG (16601720) -
      10. N... de HESSE-HOMBOURG (1661)
      11. Frédéric-Guillaume de HESSE-HOMBOURG (16621663)
      12. N... de HESSE-HOMBOURG (16631663)
    52. Elisabeth-Amélie de HESSE-DARMSTADT, daughter of Georges Ii de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Sophie-Eléonore de SAXE, was born on March 20, 1635 and died on August 4, 1709 at the age of 74. She married Philippe-Guillaume de WITTELSBACH, son of Wolfgang Guillaume de WITTELSBACH and Madeleine de WITTELSBACH, on September 3, 1653. He was born on November 27, 1615 and died on September 2, 1690 at the age of 74.

    53. Louise Christiane de HESSE-DARMSTADT, daughter of Georges Ii de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Sophie-Eléonore de SAXE, was born on February 5, 1636 and died on November 11, 1697 at the age of 61. She married Christophe Louis zu STOLBERG-STOLBERG, son of Jean-Martin zu STOLBERG-STOLBERG and Agnès-Elisabeth von BARBY, on October 29, 1665. He was born in 1634 and died in 1704 at the age of 70.

      Children of Louise Christiane de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Christophe Louis zu STOLBERG-STOLBERG:

      1. Christophe Frédéric zu STOLBERG-STOLBERG (16721738) -
      2. Jost Christian zu STOLBERG-ROSSLA (16761739) -
    54. Marie-Hedwige de HESSE-DARMSTADT, daughter of Georges Ii de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Sophie-Eléonore de SAXE, was born on November 26, 1647 and died on April 19, 1680 at the age of 32. She married Bernard 1er de SAXE-MEININGEN, son of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, on November 20, 1671. He was born on September 10, 1649 and died on April 27, 1706 at the age of 56.

      Children of Marie-Hedwige de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Bernard 1er de SAXE-MEININGEN:

      1. Ernest-Louis 1er de SAXE-MEININGEN (16721724) -
      2. Bernard de SAXE-MEININGEN (16731694)
      3. Jean-Ernest de SAXE-MEININGEN (16741675)
      4. Marie-Elisabeth de SAXE-MEININGEN (16761676)
      5. Jean-Georges de SAXE-MEININGEN (16771678)
      6. Frédéric-Guillaume de SAXE-MEININGEN (16791746)
      7. Georges-Ernest de SAXE-MEININGEN (16801699)
    55. Sophie-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, daughter of Frédéric Iii de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Marie-Elisabeth de SAXE, was born on December 5, 1630 and died on December 12, 1680 at the age of 50. She married Jean d'ANHALT-ZERBST, son of Rodolphe d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Madeleine d'OLDENBOURG, on September 16, 1649. He was born on March 24, 1621 and died on July 4, 1667 at the age of 46.

      Children of Sophie-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Jean d'ANHALT-ZERBST:

      1. Jean-Frédéric d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16501651)
      2. Georges-Rodolphe d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16511652)
      3. Charles-Guillaume d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16521718) -
      4. Antoine-Gonthier d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16531714)
      5. Jean-Adolphe d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16541726)
      6. Jean-Louis d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16561704) -
      7. Joachim-Ernest d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16571658)
      8. Madeleine-Sophie d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16581659)
      9. Frédéric d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16601660)
      10. Hedwige-Marie-Eléonore d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16621662)
      11. Sophie-Augusta d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16631694) -
      12. Ne... d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16641664)
      13. Albert d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16651665)
      14. Auguste d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16661667)
    56. Madeleine-Sibylle de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, daughter of Frédéric Iii de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Marie-Elisabeth de SAXE, was born on November 24, 1631 and died on September 22, 1719 at the age of 87. She married Gustave-Adolphe de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW, son of Jean-Albert Ii de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Eléonore-Marie d'ANHALT-BERNBURG, on December 28, 1654. He was born on February 25, 1633 and died on November 5, 1695 at the age of 62.

      Children of Madeleine-Sibylle de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Gustave-Adolphe de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW:

      1. Jean-Albert de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW (16551660)
      2. Eléonore de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW (16571672)
      3. Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW (16591701) -
      4. Madeleine de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW (16601702)
      5. Sophie de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW (16621738) -
      6. Christine de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW (16631749) -
      7. Charles de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW (16641688) -
      8. Hedwige de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW (16661735) -
      9. Louise de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW (16671721) -
      10. Elisabeth de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW (16681738) -
      11. Augusta de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW (16741756)
    57. Marie-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, daughter of Frédéric Iii de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Marie-Elisabeth de SAXE, was born on June 6, 1634 and died on June 17, 1665 at the age of 31. She married Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT, son of Georges Ii de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Sophie-Eléonore de SAXE, on November 24, 1650. He was born on January 25, 1630 and died on April 24, 1678 at the age of 48.

      Children of Marie-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT:

      1. Madeleine-Sibylle de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16521712) -
      2. Sophie-Eléonore de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16531653)
      3. Georges de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16541655)
      4. Marie-Elisabeth de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16561715) -
      5. Augusta-Madeleine de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16571674)
      6. Louis Vii de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16581678)
      7. Frédéric de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16591676)
      8. Sophie Marie de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16611712) -
      9. N... de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16621662)
      10. N... de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16651665)
    58. Hedwige Eléonore de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, daughter of Frédéric Iii de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Marie-Elisabeth de SAXE, was born on October 23, 1636 and died on November 24, 1715 at the age of 79. She married Charles X Gustave de WITTELSBACH, son of Jean-Casimir de WITTELSBACH and Catherine WASA, on October 24, 1654. He was born on November 8, 1622 and died on February 23, 1660 at the age of 37.

      Children of Hedwige Eléonore de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Charles X Gustave de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Charles Xi de WITTELSBACH (16551697) -
    59. Christian-Albert de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, son of Frédéric Iii de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Marie-Elisabeth de SAXE, was born on February 3, 1641 and died on January 6, 1695 at the age of 53. He married Frédérique-Amélie d'OLDENBOURG, daughter of Frédéric Iii d'OLDENBOURG and Sophie-Amélie de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG, on October 24, 1667. She was born on April 11, 1649 and died on October 30, 1704 at the age of 55.

      Children of Christian-Albert de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Frédérique-Amélie d'OLDENBOURG:

      1. Sophie-Amélie de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP (16701710) -
      2. Frédéric Iv de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP (16711702) -
      3. Christian-Auguste de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP (16731726) -
      4. Marie-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP (16781755)
    60. Auguste-Frédéric de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, son of Frédéric Iii de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Marie-Elisabeth de SAXE, was born on May 6, 1646 and died on October 7, 1705 at the age of 59. He married Christine de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, daughter of Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Anne-Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, on June 21, 1676. She was born on August 25, 1656 and died on April 27, 1698 at the age of 41.

    61. Augusta-Marie de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, daughter of Frédéric Iii de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Marie-Elisabeth de SAXE, was born on February 6, 1649 and died on April 25, 1728 at the age of 79. She married Frédéric Vii de BADE, son of Frédéric Vi de BADE-DURLACH and Christine Madeleine de WITTELSBACH, on May 15, 1670. He was born on September 23, 1647 and died on June 25, 1709 at the age of 61.

      Children of Augusta-Marie de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Frédéric Vii de BADE:

      1. Frédéric-Magnus de BADE (16721672)
      2. Frédérique-Augusta de BADE (16731674)
      3. Christine-Sophie de BADE (16741676)
      4. Claude-Marguerite-Elisabeth de BADE (16751676)
      5. Catherine de BADE (16771746) -
      6. Charles Iii Guillaume de BADE (16791738) -
      7. Jeanne-Elisabeth de BADE-DURLACH (16801757) -
      8. Albertine Frédérique de BADE (16821755) -
      9. Christophe de BADE (16841723) -
      10. Charlotte-Sophie de BADE (16861689)
      11. Marie-Anne de BADE (16881689)
    62. Erdmuthe-Sophie de SAXE, daughter of Jean-Georges Ii de SAXE and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on February 15, 1644 and died on June 12, 1670 at the age of 26. She married Christian-Ernest de HOHENZOLLERN, son of Erdmann-Auguste de HOHENZOLLERN and Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN, on October 29, 1662. He was born on August 6, 1644 and died on May 20, 1712 at the age of 67.

    63. Jean-Georges Iii de SAXE, son of Jean-Georges Ii de SAXE and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on June 30, 1647 and died on September 22, 1691 at the age of 44. He married Anne-Sophie d'OLDENBOURG, daughter of Frédéric Iii d'OLDENBOURG and Sophie-Amélie de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG, on October 19, 1686. She was born on September 11, 1647 and died on July 1, 1717 at the age of 69.

      Children of Jean-Georges Iii de SAXE and Anne-Sophie d'OLDENBOURG:

      1. Jean-Georges Iv de SAXE (16681694) -
      2. Frédéric-Auguste 1er (Auguste Ii) de SAXE (16701733) -
    64. Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, daughter of Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Anne-Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, was born on September 2, 1648 and died on January 7, 1681 at the age of 32. She married Frédéric 1er de SAXE-GOTHA, son of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, on November 14, 1669. He was born on July 15, 1646 and died on August 2, 1691 at the age of 45.

      Children of Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Frédéric 1er de SAXE-GOTHA:

      1. Anne-Sophie de SAXE-GOTHA (16701728) -
      2. Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-GOTHA (16711673)
      3. Dorothée-Marie de SAXE-GOTHA (16741713) -
      4. Frédérique de SAXE-GOTHA (16751709) -
      5. Frédéric Ii de SAXE-GOTHA (16761732) -
      6. Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-GOTHA (16771707)
      7. Elisabeth de SAXE-GOTHA (16791680)
      8. Jeanne de SAXE-GOTHA (16801704) -
    65. Jean-Adolphe 1er de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, son of Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Anne-Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, was born on November 2, 1649 and died on May 24, 1697 at the age of 47. He married 2 times. The first time he married Jeanne-Madeleine de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, daughter of Frédéric-Guillaume Ii de SAXE-ALTENBOURG and Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE, on November 1, 1671. She was born on January 14, 1656 and died on January 22, 1686 at the age of 30. The second time he married Christiane-Wilhelmine von BÜNAU on February 3, 1692. She was born on April 4, 1666 and died on April 24, 1707 at the age of 41.

      Children of Jean-Adolphe 1er de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Jeanne-Madeleine de SAXE-ALTENBOURG:

      1. Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16731726) -
      2. Auguste-Frédéric de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16741675)
      3. Jean-Adolphe de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16761676)
      4. Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16771712) -
      5. N... de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16781678)
      6. Jeanne-Wilhelmine de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16801730)
      7. Frédéric-Guillaume de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16811681)
      8. Christian de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16821736) -
      9. Anne-Marie de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16831731) -
      10. Sophie de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16841752) -
      11. Jean-Adolphe Ii de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16851746) -
    66. Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, son of Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Anne-Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, was born on December 3, 1650 and died on August 11, 1674 at the age of 23. He married Charlotte de HESSE-ESCHWEGE, daughter of Frédéric de HESSE-ESCHWEGE and Eléonore Catherine de WITTELSBACH, on August 25, 1673. She was born on September 3, 1653 and died on February 10, 1708 at the age of 54.

      Children of Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Charlotte de HESSE-ESCHWEGE:

      1. N... de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16741674)
    67. Sophie de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, daughter of Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Anne-Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, was born on June 23, 1654 and died on March 31, 1724 at the age of 69. She married Charles-Guillaume d'ANHALT-ZERBST, son of Jean d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Sophie-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, on June 18, 1676. He was born on October 16, 1652 and died on November 3, 1718 at the age of 66.

      Children of Sophie de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Charles-Guillaume d'ANHALT-ZERBST:

      1. Jean-Auguste d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16771742) -
      2. Charles-Frédéric d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16781693)
      3. Madeleine-Augusta d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16791740) -
    68. Christine de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, daughter of Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Anne-Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, was born on August 25, 1656 and died on April 27, 1698 at the age of 41. She married Auguste-Frédéric de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, son of Frédéric Iii de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Marie-Elisabeth de SAXE, on June 21, 1676. He was born on May 6, 1646 and died on October 7, 1705 at the age of 59.

    69. Henri de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, son of Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Anne-Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, was born on September 29, 1657 and died on February 16, 1728 at the age of 70. He married Elisabeth-Albertine d'ANHALT-DESSAU on March 30, 1686. She was born on May 1, 1665 and died on October 5, 1706 at the age of 41.

      Children of Henri de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Elisabeth-Albertine d'ANHALT-DESSAU:

      1. Jean-Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16871688)
      2. Jean-Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16921711)
      3. Georges-Albert de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16951739) -
      4. Henriette-Marie de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16971719)
      5. Ne... de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (17061706)
    70. Albert de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, son of Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Anne-Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, was born on April 14, 1659 and died on May 9, 1692 at the age of 33. He married Christine-Thérèse de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT, daughter of Ferdinand-Charles de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT and Anne-Marie von FÜRSTENBERG-HEILIGENBERG, on June 22, 1687. She was born on October 12, 1665 and died on April 4, 1730 at the age of 64.

      Children of Albert de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Christine-Thérèse de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT:

      1. Anne-Christine de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16901763)
      2. Marie-Augusta de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16921692)
    71. Frédéric de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, son of Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Jeanne Walburge von LEININGEN-WESTERBURG, was born on November 20, 1673 and died on April 16, 1715 at the age of 41. He married Emilie-Agnès REUSS-SCHLEIZ, daughter of Henri 1er REUSS-SCHLEIZ and Esther von HARDEGG, on February 13, 1711. She was born on August 11, 1667 and died on October 15, 1729 at the age of 62.

    72. Christian Ii de SAXE-MERSEBURG, son of Christian de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Christiane de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, was born on November 19, 1653 and died on October 30, 1694 at the age of 40. He married Erdmuthe-Sophie de SAXE-ZEITZ on October 14, 1679. She was born on November 13, 1661 and died on April 28, 1720 at the age of 58.

      Children of Christian Ii de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Erdmuthe-Sophie de SAXE-ZEITZ:

      1. Christian-Maurice de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16801694)
      2. Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16811685)
      3. Auguste-Frédéric de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16841685)
      4. Philippe-Louis de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16861688)
      5. Maurice-Guillaume de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16881731) -
      6. Frédéric-Erdmann de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16911714) -
      7. Christiane-Eléonore-Dorothée de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16921693)
    73. Auguste de SAXE-MERSEBURG, son of Christian de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Christiane de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, was born on February 15, 1655 and died on March 27, 1715 at the age of 60. He married Hedwige de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW, daughter of Gustave-Adolphe de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, on December 1, 1686. She was born on January 12, 1666 and died on August 19, 1735 at the age of 69.

      Children of Auguste de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Hedwige de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW:

      1. Christiane-Madeleine de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16871689)
      2. Ne... de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16891689)
      3. Caroline-Augusta de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16911743)
      4. Hedwige-Eléonore de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16931693)
      5. Gustave-Frédéric de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16941695)
      6. Auguste de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16961696)
    74. Philippe de SAXE-MERSEBURG, saxe-Lauchstädt, son of Christian de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Christiane de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, was born on October 26, 1657 and died on July 1, 1690 at the age of 32. He married 2 times. The first time he married Eléonore-Sophie de SAXE-WEIMAR, daughter of Jean-Ernest Ii de SAXE-WEIMAR and Christine-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-SONDERBOURG, on July 9, 1684. She was born on March 22, 1660 and died on February 4, 1687 at the age of 26. The second time he married Louise-Elisabeth de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT, daughter of Christian-Ulric 1er de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT and Anne-Elisabeth d'ANHALT-BERNBURG-HOYM, on August 17, 1688. She was born on March 4, 1673 and died on April 28, 1736 at the age of 63.

      Children of Philippe de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Eléonore-Sophie de SAXE-WEIMAR:

      1. Christiane-Ernestine de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16851689)
      2. Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16871687)

      Children of Philippe de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Louise-Elisabeth de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT:

      1. Christian-Louis de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16891690)
    75. Christiane de SAXE-MERSEBURG, daughter of Christian de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Christiane de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, was born on June 1, 1659 and died on March 13, 1679 at the age of 19. She married Christian de SAXE-EISENBERG, son of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, on February 13, 1677. He was born on January 6, 1653 and died on April 28, 1707 at the age of 54.

      Children of Christiane de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Christian de SAXE-EISENBERG:

      1. Christiane de SAXE-EISENBERG (16791722) -
    76. Sophie-Hedwige de SAXE-MERSEBURG, daughter of Christian de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Christiane de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, was born on August 4, 1660 and died on August 2, 1686 at the age of 25. She married Jean-Ernest de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD, son of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, on February 18, 1680. He was born on August 22, 1658 and died on December 17, 1729 at the age of 71.

      Children of Sophie-Hedwige de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Jean-Ernest de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD:

      1. Christiane-Sophie de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD (16811697)
      2. Ne... de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD (16821682)
      3. Christian-Ernest de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD (16831745) -
      4. Charlotte-Wilhelmine de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD (16851767)
    77. Henri de SAXE-MERSEBURG, son of Christian de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Christiane de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, was born on September 2, 1661 and died on July 28, 1738 at the age of 76. He married Elisabeth de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW, daughter of Gustave-Adolphe de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, on March 29, 1692. She was born on September 3, 1668 and died on August 25, 1738 at the age of 69.

      Children of Henri de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Elisabeth de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW:

      1. Maurice de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16941695)
      2. Christiane de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16971722)
      3. Gustave-Madeleine de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16991699)
    78. Sibylle-Marie de SAXE-MERSEBURG, daughter of Christian de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Christiane de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, was born on October 28, 1667 and died on October 19, 1693 at the age of 25. She married Christian-Ulric 1er de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT, son of Sylvius de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG and Elisabeth-Marie von MÜNSTERBERG, on October 27, 1683. He was born on April 19, 1652 and died on April 5, 1704 at the age of 51.

      Children of Sibylle-Marie de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Christian-Ulric 1er de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT:

      1. Christine-Marie de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16851686)
      2. Christian-Erdmann de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16861689)
      3. Eléonore-Hedwige de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16871688)
      4. Ulrique-Erdmute de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16891690)
      5. Charles-Frédéric de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16901761) -
      6. Christian-Ulric Ii de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16911734) -
      7. Elisabeth-Sibylle de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16931694)
    79. Jeanne-Madeleine de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, daughter of Frédéric-Guillaume Ii de SAXE-ALTENBOURG and Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE, was born on January 14, 1656 and died on January 22, 1686 at the age of 30. She married Jean-Adolphe 1er de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, son of Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Anne-Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, on November 1, 1671. He was born on November 2, 1649 and died on May 24, 1697 at the age of 47.

      Children of Jeanne-Madeleine de SAXE-ALTENBOURG and Jean-Adolphe 1er de SAXE-WEISSENFELS:

      1. Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16731726) -
      2. Auguste-Frédéric de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16741675)
      3. Jean-Adolphe de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16761676)
      4. Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16771712) -
      5. N... de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16781678)
      6. Jeanne-Wilhelmine de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16801730)
      7. Frédéric-Guillaume de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16811681)
      8. Christian de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16821736) -
      9. Anne-Marie de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16831731) -
      10. Sophie de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16841752) -
      11. Jean-Adolphe Ii de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (16851746) -
    80. Jules-François de SAXE-LAUENBOURG, duc de Saxe-Lauenbourg, son of Jules-Henri de SAXE-LAUENBOURG and Anne-Madeleine de LOBKOWICZ, was born on September 16, 1641 and died on September 29, 1689 at the age of 48. He married Hedwige Augusta de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Christian-Auguste de WITTELSBACH and Amélie de NASSAU-SIEGEN, on April 9, 1668. She was born on April 15, 1650 and died on November 23, 1681 at the age of 31.

      Children of Jules-François de SAXE-LAUENBOURG and Hedwige Augusta de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Ne... de SAXE-LAUENBOURG (16691669)
      2. Marie-Anne-Thérèse de SAXE-LAUENBOURG (16701671)
      3. Anne-Marie-Françoise de SAXE-LAUENBOURG (16721741) -
      4. N... de SAXE-LAUENBOURG (16731673)
      5. Françoise “Sibylle” Augusta de SAXE-LAUENBOURG (16751733) -
  12. Generation 12back to top
    1. Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Frédéric de WITTELSBACH and Anne Juliane de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, was born on April 1, 1642 and died on April 17, 1677 at the age of 35. She married Victor Amédée d'ANHALT-BERNBURG, son of Christian Ii d'ANHALT-BERNBURG and Eléonore-Sophie d'OLDENBOURG, in 1667. He was born in 1634 and died in 1718 at the age of 84.

      Children of Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH and Victor Amédée d'ANHALT-BERNBURG:

      1. Charles-Frédéric d'ANHALT-BERNBURG (16681721) -
      2. Lebrecht d'ANHALT-BERNBURG (16691727) -
    2. Sophie Amélie de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Frédéric de WITTELSBACH and Anne Juliane de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, was born on December 15, 1646 and died on November 20, 1695 at the age of 48. She married Jean-Charles 1er de WITTELSBACH, son of Christian 1er de WITTELSBACH and Madeleine Catherine de WITTELSBACH, on May 26, 1685. He was born on October 17, 1638 and died on February 21, 1704 at the age of 65.

      Children of Sophie Amélie de WITTELSBACH and Jean-Charles 1er de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Madeleine-Juliane de WITTELSBACH (16861720) -
    3. Charlotte Frédérique de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Frédéric de WITTELSBACH and Anne Juliane de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, was born on November 22, 1653 and died on October 27, 1712 at the age of 58. She married Guillaume Louis de WITTELSBACH, son of Frédéric-Louis de WITTELSBACH and Juliane Madeleine de WITTELSBACH, on November 14, 1672. He was born on February 13, 1648 and died on August 31, 1675 at the age of 27.

      Children of Charlotte Frédérique de WITTELSBACH and Guillaume Louis de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Charles-Louis de WITTELSBACH (16731674)
      2. Guillaume Christian de WITTELSBACH (16741674)
      3. Wilhelmine Sophie de WITTELSBACH (16751675)
    4. Frédéric-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, son of Jean-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Dorothée-Catherine de WITTELSBACH, was born on November 13, 1651 and died on May 25, 1728 at the age of 76. He married 2 times. The first time he married Christiane von AHLEFELD, daughter of Frédéric von AHLEFELD and Marguerite-Dorothée von RANTZAU, on July 28, 1680. She was born on April 11, 1659 and died on February 12, 1695 at the age of 35. The second time he married Louise-Sophie von HANAU-LICHTENBERG on September 27, 1697. She was born on April 11, 1662 and died on April 9, 1751 at the age of 88.

      Children of Frédéric-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Christiane von AHLEFELD:

      1. Dorothée-Frédérique de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16811691)
      2. Marie-Charlotte de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16841690)
      3. Christiane de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16851761)
      4. Louise de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16861773) -
      5. Sophie-Amélie de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16881753) -
      6. Marie-Charlotte de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16901714)
      7. Dorothée de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16921740)
      8. Eléonore de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16931693)

      Children of Frédéric-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Louise-Sophie von HANAU-LICHTENBERG:

      1. N... de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (16981698)
    5. Anne-Catherine de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, daughter of Jean-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Dorothée-Catherine de WITTELSBACH, was born on January 31, 1653 and died on February 15, 1731 at the age of 78. She married Jean-Philippe WILD von DHAUN KYRBURG, son of Jean-Louis WILD von DHAUN KYRBURG and Elisabeth de SALM-NEUFVILLE, on November 30, 1671. He was born on October 28, 1645 and died on July 6, 1693 at the age of 47.

      Children of Anne-Catherine de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Jean-Philippe WILD von DHAUN KYRBURG:

      1. Charles WILD von DHAUN KYRBURG (16751733) -
    6. Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, son of Jean-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Dorothée-Catherine de WITTELSBACH, was born on February 26, 1661 and died on December 29, 1699 at the age of 38.

    7. Frédéric-Louis de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, son of Auguste-Philippe de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK and Marie-Sibylle de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, was born on April 6, 1653 and died on March 7, 1728 at the age of 74. He married Louise-Charlotte de HOLSTEIN-AUGUSTENBOURG, daughter of Ernest-Gonthier de HOLSTEIN-AUGUSTENBOURG and Augusta de HOLSTEIN-SONDERBOURG, on January 1, 1685. She was born on April 13, 1658 and died on May 2, 1740 at the age of 82.

    8. Dorothée-Amélie de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK, daughter of Auguste-Philippe de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK and Marie-Sibylle de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, was born in 1656 and died on November 9, 1739 at the age of 83. She married Philippe Ernest de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE, son of Philippe 1er de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE and Sophie de HESSE-CASSEL, on December 31, 1686. He was born on December 20, 1659 and died on November 27, 1723 at the age of 63.

      Children of Dorothée-Amélie de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK and Philippe Ernest de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE:

      1. Frédéric de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE (16941777) -
    9. Louis-Kraft de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, son of Gustave-Adolphe de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Eléonore-Claire von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN, was born on March 28, 1663 and died on February 14, 1713 at the age of 49. He married Philippine-Henriette de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG, daughter of Henri Frédéric de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG and Juliana Dorothée von CASTELL REMLINGEN, on April 15, 1699. She was born on November 19, 1679 and died on January 14, 1751 at the age of 71.

      Children of Louis-Kraft de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Philippine-Henriette de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG:

      1. Elise Marie de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (17001712)
      2. Eléonore-Dorothée de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (17011702)
      3. Ne... de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (17011701)
      4. Henriette de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (17021769)
      5. Caroline de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (17041774) -
      6. Louise de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (17051766) -
      7. Eléonore de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (17071769) -
      8. Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (17091710)
      9. Christiane de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (17111712)
    10. Charles-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, son of Gustave-Adolphe de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Eléonore-Claire von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN, was born on January 6, 1665 and died on December 6, 1723 at the age of 58. He married Christine-Charlotte de NASSAU-OTTWEILER on April 22, 1713. She was born on September 2, 1685 and died on November 6, 1761 at the age of 76.

      Children of Charles-Louis de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Christine-Charlotte de NASSAU-OTTWEILER:

      1. Frédéric-Charles de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (17181719)
      2. Louis-Charles de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (17201721)
    11. Sophie-Amélie de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, daughter of Gustave-Adolphe de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Eléonore-Claire von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN, was born on September 19, 1666 and died on October 29, 1736 at the age of 70. She married Albert Wolfgang de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG, son of Henri Frédéric de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG and Juliana Dorothée von CASTELL REMLINGEN, in 1686. He was born in 1659 and died in 1715 at the age of 56.

      Children of Sophie-Amélie de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Albert Wolfgang de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG:

      1. Louis de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG (16961765) -
    12. Guillaume-Henri de NASSAU-USINGEN, son of Walrad (Volrath) de NASSAU-USINGEN and Catherine-Françoise de CROY, was born on May 2, 1684 and died on February 14, 1718 at the age of 33. He married Charlotte-Amélie de NASSAU-DILLENBURG, daughter of Henri de NASSAU-DILLENBURG and Dorothée-Elisabeth von LIEGNITZ, on April 15, 1706. She was born on June 13, 1680 and died on October 11, 1738 at the age of 58.

      Children of Guillaume-Henri de NASSAU-USINGEN and Charlotte-Amélie de NASSAU-DILLENBURG:

      1. Françoise-Dorothée de NASSAU-USINGEN (17071750)
      2. Henri-Ferdinand de NASSAU-USINGEN (17081708)
      3. Amélie-Frédérique-Louise de NASSAU-USINGEN (17091709)
      4. Guillaume-Adolphe de NASSAU-USINGEN (17101710)
      5. Charles 1er de NASSAU-USINGEN (17121775) -
      6. Ne... de NASSAU-USINGEN (17131713)
      7. Hedwige-Henriette de NASSAU-USINGEN (17141786)
      8. Louis-Auguste de NASSAU-USINGEN (17141714)
      9. Jeanne-Christine de NASSAU-USINGEN (17151716)
      10. Guillaume-Henri de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK (17181768) -
    13. Josias de WALDECK, son of Christian-Louis de WALDECK and Jeannette de NASSAU-IDSTEIN, was born in 1696 and died in 1763 at the age of 67. He married Dorothée Sophie von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIM ASSENHEIM in 1725. She was born in 1698 and died in 1774 at the age of 76.

      Children of Josias de WALDECK and Dorothée Sophie von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIM ASSENHEIM:

      1. Josias de WALDECK (17331788) -
    14. Henriette-Charlotte de NASSAU-IDSTEIN, daughter of Georges-Auguste-Samuel de NASSAU-IDSTEIN and Henriette-Dorothée von OETTINGEN, was born on November 8, 1693 and died on April 8, 1734 at the age of 40. She married Maurice-Guillaume de SAXE-MERSEBURG, son of Christian Ii de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Erdmuthe-Sophie de SAXE-ZEITZ, on November 4, 1711. He was born on February 5, 1688 and died on April 21, 1731 at the age of 43.

      Children of Henriette-Charlotte de NASSAU-IDSTEIN and Maurice-Guillaume de SAXE-MERSEBURG:

      1. Frédérique-Ulrique de SAXE-MERSEBURG (17201720)
    15. Albertine-Juliane de NASSAU-IDSTEIN, daughter of Georges-Auguste-Samuel de NASSAU-IDSTEIN and Henriette-Dorothée von OETTINGEN, was born on March 29, 1698 and died on October 9, 1722 at the age of 24. She married Guillaume-Henri de SAXE-EISENACH, son of Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-EISENACH and Amélie de NASSAU-DIETZ, on February 15, 1713. He was born on November 10, 1691 and died on July 26, 1741 at the age of 49.

    16. Augusta-Frédérique de NASSAU-IDSTEIN, daughter of Georges-Auguste-Samuel de NASSAU-IDSTEIN and Henriette-Dorothée von OETTINGEN, was born on August 17, 1699 and died on June 8, 1750 at the age of 50. She married Charles-Auguste de NASSAU-WEILBOURG, son of Jean-Ernest de NASSAU-WEILBOURG and Marie-Polyxène von LEININGEN-HARTENBURG, on August 17, 1723. He was born on September 17, 1685 and died on November 9, 1753 at the age of 68.

      Children of Augusta-Frédérique de NASSAU-IDSTEIN and Charles-Auguste de NASSAU-WEILBOURG:

      1. Dorothée-Marie-Henriette de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (17241724)
      2. Henriette de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (17261757)
      3. Louise de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (17271727)
      4. Polyxène-Wilhelmine de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (17281732)
      5. Charlotte de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (17301732)
      6. Louise de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (17331764)
      7. Charles-Christian de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (17351788) -
    17. Jean-Ernest de NASSAU-WEILBOURG, son of Frédéric de NASSAU-WEILBOURG and Christiane-Elisabeth de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN-HOMBOURG, was born on June 13, 1664 and died on February 27, 1719 at the age of 54. He married Marie-Polyxène von LEININGEN-HARTENBURG on April 3, 1685. She was born on February 7, 1662 and died on April 22, 1725 at the age of 63.

      Children of Jean-Ernest de NASSAU-WEILBOURG and Marie-Polyxène von LEININGEN-HARTENBURG:

      1. Frédéric-Louis de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16831703)
      2. Charles-Auguste de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16851753) -
      3. Marie-Polyxène de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16861687)
      4. Jeanne-Louise de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16871688)
      5. Chales-Ernest de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16891708)
      6. Henri-Louis de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16901691)
      7. Madeleine-Henriette de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16911725) -
      8. Albertine-Christiane-Louise de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16931748)
      9. Ne... de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (16941694)
    18. Charles de LA TRÉMOÏLLE, duc de Thouars, son of Henri-Charles de LA TREMOILLE and Emilie de HESSE-CASSEL, was born in 1655 and died in 1709 at the age of 54.

      Children of Charles de LA TRÉMOÏLLE and Madeleine de CRÉQUI:

      1. Marie Armande Victoire de LA TRÉMOÏLLE (16771717) -
      2. Charles de LA TRÉMOÏLLE (16831719) -
    19. Charles Ii de WITTELSBACH, son of Charles 1er Louis de WITTELSBACH and Charlotte de HESSE-CASSEL, was born on March 31, 1651 and died on May 26, 1685 at the age of 34. He married Wilhelmine-Ernestine d'OLDENBOURG, daughter of Frédéric Iii d'OLDENBOURG and Sophie-Amélie de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG, on September 20, 1671. She was born on June 20, 1650 and died on April 22, 1706 at the age of 55.

    20. Elisabeth-Charlotte de WITTELSBACH, princesse Palatine de Bavière, daughter of Charles 1er Louis de WITTELSBACH and Charlotte de HESSE-CASSEL, was born on May 27, 1652 in Heidelberg, , , , ALLEMAGNE, and died on December 8, 1722 in Saint-Cloud, , , , FRANCE, at the age of 70. She married Philippe Dit “Monsieur” d'ORLÉANS, son of Louis Xiii de BOURBON and Anne Marie Mauricie de HABSBOURG, on November 21, 1671. He was born on September 21, 1640 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, , , , , and died on June 9, 1701 in Saint-Cloud, , , , FRANCE, at the age of 60.

      Children of Elisabeth-Charlotte de WITTELSBACH and Philippe Dit “Monsieur” d'ORLÉANS:

      1. Alexandre Louis d'ORLÉANS (16731676)
      2. Philippe d'ORLÉANS (16741723) -
      3. Elisabeth Charlotte d'ORLÉANS (16761744) -
    21. Charlotte Amélie de HESSE-CASSEL, daughter of Guillaume Vi de HESSE-CASSEL and Hedwige Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on April 27, 1650 and died on March 27, 1714 at the age of 63. She married Christian V d'OLDENBOURG, son of Frédéric Iii d'OLDENBOURG and Sophie-Amélie de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG, on June 25, 1667. He was born on April 15, 1646 and died on August 25, 1699 at the age of 53.

      Children of Charlotte Amélie de HESSE-CASSEL and Christian V d'OLDENBOURG:

      1. Frédéric Iv d'OLDENBOURG (16711730) -
      2. Christian-Guillaume d'OLDENBOURG (16721673)
      3. Christian d'OLDENBOURG (16751695)
      4. Sophie-Hedwige d'OLDENBOURG (16771695)
      5. Christiane-Charlotte d'OLDENBOURG (16791689)
      6. Charles d'OLDENBOURG (16801729)
      7. Ne... d'OLDENBOURG (16821682)
      8. Guillaume d'OLDENBOURG (16871705)
    22. Charles de HESSE-CASSEL, son of Guillaume Vi de HESSE-CASSEL and Hedwige Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on August 3, 1654 and died on March 23, 1730 at the age of 75. He married Marie-Amélie de COURLANDE, daughter of Jacques de COURLANDE and Louise-Charlotte de HOHENZOLLERN, on May 21, 1673. She was born on June 12, 1653 and died on June 16, 1711 at the age of 58.

      Children of Charles de HESSE-CASSEL and Marie-Amélie de COURLANDE:

      1. Guillaume de HESSE-CASSEL (16741676)
      2. Charles de HESSE-CASSEL (16751677)
      3. Frédéric 1er de HESSE-CASSEL (16761751) -
      4. Christian de HESSE-CASSEL (16771677)
      5. Sophie-Charlotte de HESSE-CASSEL (16781749) -
      6. N... de HESSE-CASSEL (16791679)
      7. Charles de HESSE-CASSEL (16801702)
      8. Guillaume Viii de HESSE-CASSEL (16821760) -
      9. Léopold de HESSE-CASSEL (16841704)
      10. Louis de HESSE-CASSEL (16861706)
      11. Marie-Louise de HESSE-CASSEL (16881765) -
      12. Maximilien de HESSE-CASSEL (16891753) -
      13. Ne... de HESSE-CASSEL (16901690)
      14. Georges de HESSE-CASSEL (16911755)
      15. Eléonore Antoinette Frédérique de HESSE-CASSEL (16941694)
      16. Wilhelmine-Charlotte de HESSE-CASSEL (16951722)
      17. N... de HESSE-CASSEL (16961696)
    23. Philippe de HESSE-PHILIPPSTHAL, son of Guillaume Vi de HESSE-CASSEL and Hedwige Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on December 14, 1655 and died on June 18, 1721 at the age of 65. He married Catherine-Amélie von SOLMS-LAUBACH, daughter of Charles-Othon von SOLMS-LAUBACH and Amöna Elisabeth von BENTHEIM STEINFURT, on April 16, 1680. She was born on December 26, 1654 and died on April 26, 1736 at the age of 81.

      Children of Philippe de HESSE-PHILIPPSTHAL and Catherine-Amélie von SOLMS-LAUBACH:

      1. Wilhelmine-Hedwige de HESSE-PHILIPPSTHAL (16811699)
      2. Charles de HESSE-PHILIPPSTHAL (16821770) -
      3. Amélie de HESSE-PHILIPPSTHAL (16841754)
      4. Amöne de HESSE-PHILIPPSTHAL (16851686)
      5. Philippe de HESSE-PHILIPPSTHAL (16861717) -
      6. Frédérique-Henriette de HESSE-PHILIPPSTHAL (16881761)
      7. Ne... de HESSE-PHILIPPSTHAL (16901690)
      8. Guillaume de HESSE-PHILIPPSTHAL-BARCHFELD (16921761) -
      9. Sophie de HESSE-PHILIPPSTHAL (16951728) -
    24. Elisabeth “Henriette” de HESSE-CASSEL, daughter of Guillaume Vi de HESSE-CASSEL and Hedwige Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN, was born on November 8, 1661 and died on June 27, 1683 at the age of 21. She married Frédéric Iii (1er) de HOHENZOLLERN, son of Frédéric-Guillaume de HOHENZOLLERN and Louise-Henriette de NASSAU-ORANGE, on August 23, 1679. He was born on July 11, 1657 and died on February 25, 1713 at the age of 55.

      Children of Elisabeth “Henriette” de HESSE-CASSEL and Frédéric Iii (1er) de HOHENZOLLERN:

      1. Louise de HOHENZOLLERN (16801705) -
    25. Henriette-Amélie d'ANHALT-DESSAU, daughter of Jean-Georges Ii d'ANHALT-DESSAU and Henriette Catherine de NASSAU-ORANGE, was born on August 26, 1666 and died on April 17, 1726 at the age of 59. She married Henri-Casimir Ii de NASSAU-DIETZ, son of Guillaume-Frédéric de NASSAU-DIETZ and Albertine de NASSAU-ORANGE, on November 26, 1683. He was born on January 17, 1657 and died on March 25, 1696 at the age of 39.

      Children of Henriette-Amélie d'ANHALT-DESSAU and Henri-Casimir Ii de NASSAU-DIETZ:

      1. Guillaume-Georges-Frison de NASSAU-DIETZ (16851686)
      2. Henriette-Albertine de NASSAU-DIETZ (16861754)
      3. Jean-Guillaume-Frison de NASSAU-DIETZ (16871711) -
      4. Marie-Amélie de NASSAU-DIETZ (16891771)
      5. Sophie-Hedwige de NASSAU-DIETZ (16901734) -
      6. Isabelle-Charlotte de NASSAU-DIETZ (16921757) -
      7. Jeanne-Agnès de NASSAU-DIETZ (16931765)
      8. Louise-Léopoldine de NASSAU-DIETZ (16951758)
      9. Henriette-Casimire de NASSAU-DIETZ (16961738)
    26. Léopold 1er d'ANHALT-DESSAU, son of Jean-Georges Ii d'ANHALT-DESSAU and Henriette Catherine de NASSAU-ORANGE, was born in 1676 and died in 1747 at the age of 71. He married Anne-Louise FOESE in 1698. She was born in 1677 and died in 1745 at the age of 68.

      Children of Léopold 1er d'ANHALT-DESSAU and Anne-Louise FOESE:

      1. Léopold Ii d'ANHALT-DESSAU (17001751) -
      2. Louise d'ANHALT-DESSAU (17091732) -
      3. Léopoldine d'ANHALT-DESSAU (17161782) -
    27. Jeanne-Charlotte d'ANHALT-DESSAU, daughter of Jean-Georges Ii d'ANHALT-DESSAU and Henriette Catherine de NASSAU-ORANGE, was born on April 16, 1682 and died on March 31, 1750 at the age of 67. She married Philippe de HOHENZOLLERN, son of Frédéric-Guillaume de HOHENZOLLERN and Dorothée de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, on January 25, 1699. He was born on May 19, 1669 and died on December 19, 1711 at the age of 42.

      Children of Jeanne-Charlotte d'ANHALT-DESSAU and Philippe de HOHENZOLLERN:

      1. Frédérique-Dorothée de HOHENZOLLERN (17001701)
      2. Frédéric-Guillaume de HOHENZOLLERN (17001771) -
      3. Henriette-Marie de HOHENZOLLERN (17021782) -
      4. Georges-Guillaume de HOHENZOLLERN (17041704)
      5. Ne... de HOHENZOLLERN (17051705)
      6. Henri-Frédéric de HOHENZOLLERN (17091788) -
      7. Charlotte de HOHENZOLLERN (17101712)
    28. Charlotte von LIEGNITZ, daughter of Christian de SILÉSIE and Louise d'ANHALT-DESSAU, was born on December 2, 1652 and died on December 24, 1707 at the age of 55. She married Frédéric de HOLSTEIN-WIESENBOURG, son of Philippe-Louis de HOLSTEIN-WIESENBOURG and Anne-Marguerite de HESSE-HOMBOURG, in October 1672. He was born on February 2, 1652 and died on October 7, 1724 at the age of 72. Charlotte von LIEGNITZ and Frédéric de HOLSTEIN-WIESENBOURG were divorced in 1680.

      Children of Charlotte von LIEGNITZ and Frédéric de HOLSTEIN-WIESENBOURG:

      1. Léopold de HOLSTEIN-WIESENBOURG (16741744) -
    29. Ernest Jacques von WALDBURG-ZEIL-WURZACH, son of Sébastien Wunibald von WALDBURG-ZEIL-WURZACH and Catherine Marie von SALM-REIFFERSCHEIDT, was born in 1673 and died in 1734 at the age of 61. He married Anne Louise von WALDBURG zu WOLFEGG, daughter of Maximilien François von WALDBURG zu WOLFEGG and Marie Ernestine zu SALM-REIFFERSCHEID-DYCK, in 1702. She was born in 1679 and died in 1736 at the age of 57.

      Children of Ernest Jacques von WALDBURG-ZEIL-WURZACH and Anne Louise von WALDBURG zu WOLFEGG:

      1. François Ernest von WALDBURG-ZEIL-WURZACH (17041781) -
    30. Marie Françoise von WALDBURG-ZEIL-WURZACH, daughter of Sébastien Wunibald von WALDBURG-ZEIL-WURZACH and Catherine Marie von SALM-REIFFERSCHEIDT, was born in 1683 and died in 1737 at the age of 54.

      Children of Marie Françoise von WALDBURG-ZEIL-WURZACH and Charles Joseph Xavier von LAMBERG:

      1. François von LAMBERG (17071775) -
    31. Frédéric-Guillaume 1er de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK, son of Auguste de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK and Hedwige-Louise de LIPPE-ALVERDISSEN, was born on May 2, 1682 and died on June 26, 1719 at the age of 37. He married Marie-Antoinette-Josèphe de SANFREE on February 8, 1708. She was born on December 8, 1682 and died on February 18, 1762 at the age of 79.

      Children of Frédéric-Guillaume 1er de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK and Marie-Antoinette-Josèphe de SANFREE:

      1. Louise de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK (17111712)
      2. Ne... de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK (17121713)
      3. Eugène de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK (17141717)
      4. Charlotte de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK (17151716)
      5. Marie-Anne-Léopoldine de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK (17171759)
      6. Jeanne-Amélie de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK (17191774)
    32. Ferdinand-Albert Ii de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, son of Ferdinand-Albert de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Christine de HESSE-ESCHWEGE, was born on May 29, 1680 and died on September 3, 1735 at the age of 55. He married Antoinette-Amélie de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, daughter of Louis-Rodolphe de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Christine-Louise von OETTINGEN, on October 15, 1712. She was born on April 22, 1696 and died on March 6, 1762 at the age of 65.

    33. Ernest-Ferdinand de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, son of Ferdinand-Albert de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Christine de HESSE-ESCHWEGE, was born on March 4, 1682 and died on April 14, 1746 at the age of 64. He married Eléonore-Charlotte de COURLANDE, daughter of Frédéric-Guillaume de COURLANDE and Sophie-Amélie de NASSAU-SIEGEN, on August 5, 1714. She was born on June 11, 1686 and died on July 28, 1748 at the age of 62.

    34. Marie-Eléonore de HESSE-RHEINFELS, daughter of Guillaume de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG and Marie-Anne Françoise de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT, was born on September 25, 1675 and died on January 27, 1720 at the age of 44. She married Théodore de WITTELSBACH, son of Christian-Auguste de WITTELSBACH and Amélie de NASSAU-SIEGEN, on June 9, 1692. He was born on February 14, 1659 and died on July 11, 1733 at the age of 74.

      Children of Marie-Eléonore de HESSE-RHEINFELS and Théodore de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Marie-Anne de WITTELSBACH (16931762)
      2. Joseph-Charles Emmanuel Auguste de WITTELSBACH (16941729) -
      3. Françoise-Christine de WITTELSBACH (16961776)
      4. Ernestine-Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH (16971775) -
      5. Jean-Guillaume de WITTELSBACH (16981699)
      6. Jean-Christian Joseph de WITTELSBACH (17001733) -
      7. Elisabeth-Eléonore de WITTELSBACH (17021704)
      8. Anne "Christine-Louise de WITTELSBACH (17041723) -
      9. Jean-Guillaume-Auguste de WITTELSBACH (17061708)
    35. Elisabeth de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG, daughter of Guillaume de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG and Marie-Anne Françoise de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT, was born on February 14, 1677 and died on May 15, 1739 at the age of 62. She married François-Alexandre de NASSAU-HADAMAR, son of Maurice-Henri de NASSAU-HADAMAR and Marie-Léopoldine de NASSAU-SIEGEN, on October 18, 1695. He was born on January 27, 1674 and died on May 27, 1711 at the age of 37.

      Children of Elisabeth de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG and François-Alexandre de NASSAU-HADAMAR:

      1. Françoise-Marie-Wilhelmine de NASSAU-HADAMAR (16961697)
      2. N... de NASSAU-HADAMAR (16971697)
      3. Elisabeth de NASSAU-HADAMAR (16981724)
      4. Joseph de NASSAU-HADAMAR (17011708)
      5. Charlotte-Amélie de NASSAU-HADAMAR (17031740) -
    36. Ernest-Léopold de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG, son of Guillaume de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG and Marie-Anne Françoise de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT, was born on June 25, 1684 and died on November 29, 1749 at the age of 65. He married Eléonore de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT, daughter of Maximilien-Charles de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT and Marie Polyxene KHUEN, on November 9, 1704. She was born on February 16, 1686 and died on February 22, 1753 at the age of 67.

      Children of Ernest-Léopold de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG and Eléonore de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT:

      1. Joseph de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (17051744) -
      2. Polyxene de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (17061735) -
      3. Wilhemine-Madeleine de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (17071708)
      4. Guillaume de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (17081708)
      5. Sophie de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (17091711)
      6. Alexandre de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (17101739)
      7. Eléonore de HESSE-RHEINFELS (17121759) -
      8. Caroline de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (17141741) -
      9. Constantin de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (17161778) -
      10. Christine de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (17171778) -
    37. Guillaume de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG, son of Charles de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG and Sophie-Madeleine von SALM-REIFFERSCHEID, was born on August 16, 1671 and died on April 1, 1731 at the age of 59. He married Ernestine-Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Théodore de WITTELSBACH and Marie-Eléonore de HESSE-RHEINFELS, on September 19, 1719. She was born on May 15, 1697 and died on May 14, 1775 at the age of 77.

    38. Sophie-Léopoldine de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG, daughter of Charles de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG and Alexandrine Juliane von LEININGEN-DAGSBURG, was born on July 17, 1681 and died on April 18, 1724 at the age of 42. She married Philippe Charles zu HOHENLOHE-BARTENSTEIN in 1700. He was born in 1668 and died in 1729 at the age of 61.

      Children of Sophie-Léopoldine de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG and Philippe Charles zu HOHENLOHE-BARTENSTEIN:

      1. Charles Philippe zu HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG-SCHILLINGSFÜRST (17021763) -
    39. Christine de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG, daughter of Charles de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG and Alexandrine Juliane von LEININGEN-DAGSBURG, was born on May 23, 1688 and died on July 17, 1728 at the age of 40.

      Children of Christine de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG and Dominique Marquard de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT:

      1. Sophie Wilhelmine de LOWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT (17211748) -
      2. Théodore-Alexandre de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT (17221780) -
    40. Christian de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG, son of Charles de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG and Alexandrine Juliane von LEININGEN-DAGSBURG, was born on July 17, 1689 and died on October 21, 1755 at the age of 66. He married Marie-Françoise von HOHENLOHE-BARTENSTEIN on August 11, 1731. She was born on August 17, 1698 and died on December 11, 1757 at the age of 59.

    41. Sylvius-Frédéric de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG, son of Sylvius de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG and Elisabeth-Marie von MÜNSTERBERG, was born on February 21, 1651 and died on June 3, 1697 at the age of 46. He married Eléonore-Charlotte de WURTEMBERG-MONTBÉLIARD, daughter of Georges Ii de WURTEMBERG-MONTBÉLIARD and Anne de COLIGNY, on May 17, 1672. She was born on November 30, 1656 and died on April 13, 1743 at the age of 86.

    42. Christian-Ulric 1er de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT, son of Sylvius de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG and Elisabeth-Marie von MÜNSTERBERG, was born on April 19, 1652 and died on April 5, 1704 at the age of 51. He married 4 times. The first time he married Sibylle-Marie de SAXE-MERSEBURG, daughter of Christian de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Christiane de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, on October 27, 1683. She was born on October 28, 1667 and died on October 19, 1693 at the age of 25. The second time he married Anne-Elisabeth d'ANHALT-BERNBURG-HOYM on March 13, 1672. She was born on March 19, 1647 and died on September 3, 1680 at the age of 33. The third time he married Sophie-Wilhelmine von OSTFRIESLAND on December 7, 1695. She was born on September 27, 1659 and died on February 4, 1698 at the age of 38. The fourth time he married Sophie de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW, daughter of Gustave-Adolphe de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, on December 6, 1700. She was born on June 21, 1662 and died on June 7, 1738 at the age of 75.

      Children of Christian-Ulric 1er de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT and Sibylle-Marie de SAXE-MERSEBURG:

      1. Christine-Marie de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16851686)
      2. Christian-Erdmann de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16861689)
      3. Eléonore-Hedwige de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16871688)
      4. Ulrique-Erdmute de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16891690)
      5. Charles-Frédéric de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16901761) -
      6. Christian-Ulric Ii de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16911734) -
      7. Elisabeth-Sibylle de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16931694)

      Children of Christian-Ulric 1er de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT and Anne-Elisabeth d'ANHALT-BERNBURG-HOYM:

      1. Louise-Elisabeth de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16731736) -
      2. Christian-Ulric de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16741674)
      3. Léopold-Victor de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16751676)
      4. Frédérique-Christine de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16761676)
      5. Sophie-Angélique de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16771700) -
      6. Eléonore-Amöne de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16781679)
      7. Théodosia de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16801680)

      Children of Christian-Ulric 1er de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT and Sophie-Wilhelmine von OSTFRIESLAND:

      1. Augusta-Louise de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT (16981739) -
    43. Jules-Sigismond de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG, son of Sylvius de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG and Elisabeth-Marie von MÜNSTERBERG, was born on August 18, 1653 and died on October 15, 1684 at the age of 31. He married Anne-Sophie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, daughter of Adolphe-Frédéric 1er de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN and Marie-Catherine de BRUNSWICK-DANNENBERG, on April 4, 1677. She was born on December 4, 1647 and died on August 13, 1726 at the age of 78.

      Children of Jules-Sigismond de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG and Anne-Sophie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN:

      1. Marie-Sophie de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16781678)
      2. Léopold-Frédéric de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16801681)
      3. Charles de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG (16821745) -
    44. Frédéric-Ferdinand de WURTEMBERG-WEILTINGEN, son of Manfred de WURTEMBERG-WEILTINGEN and Juliane d'OLDENBOURG, was born on October 6, 1654 and died on August 8, 1705 at the age of 50. He married Elisabeth de WURTEMBERG-MONTBÉLIARD, daughter of Georges Ii de WURTEMBERG-MONTBÉLIARD and Anne de COLIGNY, on September 9, 1689. She was born on March 17, 1665 and died on July 5, 1726 at the age of 61.

      Children of Frédéric-Ferdinand de WURTEMBERG-WEILTINGEN and Elisabeth de WURTEMBERG-MONTBÉLIARD:

      1. Sibylle-Charlotte de WURTEMBERG-WEILTINGEN (16901735) -
      2. Hedwige-Frédérique de WURTEMBERG-WEILTINGEN (16911752) -
      3. Georges-Léopold-Frédéric de WURTEMBERG-WEILTINGEN (16931693)
    45. Joachim-Frédéric de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN, son of Auguste de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Elisabeth-Charlotte d'ANHALT-HARZGERODE, was born on May 9, 1668 and died on January 25, 1722 at the age of 53. He married 2 times. The first time he married Madeleine-Juliane de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Jean-Charles 1er de WITTELSBACH and Sophie Amélie de WITTELSBACH, on November 26, 1704. She was born on February 21, 1686 and died on November 5, 1720 at the age of 34. The second time he married Juliane-Louise von OSTFRIESLAND on February 17, 1721. She was born on June 13, 1698 and died on February 6, 1740 at the age of 41.

      Children of Joachim-Frédéric de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Madeleine-Juliane de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Charlotte-Amélie de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (17091786)
      2. Elisabeth-Juliane de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (17111715)
      3. Dorothée-Augusta-Frédérique de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (17121768)
      4. Christiane-Louise de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (17131778) -

      Children of Joachim-Frédéric de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Juliane-Louise von OSTFRIESLAND:

      1. Ne... de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (17221722)
    46. Christian-Charles de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN, son of Auguste de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Elisabeth-Charlotte d'ANHALT-HARZGERODE, was born on August 20, 1674 and died on May 23, 1706 at the age of 31. He married Dorothée-Christine von AICHELBERG on February 20, 1702. She was born on January 23, 1674 and died on June 22, 1762 at the age of 88.

      Children of Christian-Charles de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Dorothée-Christine von AICHELBERG:

      1. Charlotte-Amélie de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (1703)
      2. Wilhelmine-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (17041749)
      3. Frédéric-Charles de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (17061761) -
    47. Dorothée-Jeanne de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN, daughter of Auguste de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Elisabeth-Charlotte d'ANHALT-HARZGERODE, was born on December 24, 1676 and died on November 29, 1727 at the age of 50. She married Guillaume de NASSAU-DILLENBURG, son of Henri de NASSAU-DILLENBURG and Dorothée-Elisabeth von LIEGNITZ, on January 13, 1699. He was born on August 28, 1670 and died on September 21, 1724 at the age of 54.

      Children of Dorothée-Jeanne de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Guillaume de NASSAU-DILLENBURG:

      1. Henri-Auguste-Guillaume de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (17001718)
      2. Elisabeth-Charlotte de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (17031720)
    48. Jean-Ernest-Ferdinand de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN, son of Joachim-Ernest Ii de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Isabelle de MERODE-WESTERLOO, was born on December 4, 1684 and died on May 21, 1729 at the age of 44. He married Marie-Célestine de MERODE in 1703. She died on November 24, 1725.

    49. Philippe-Ernest de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, son of Christian de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG and Agnès-Hedwige de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN, was born on May 5, 1673 and died on November 12, 1729 at the age of 56. He married 3 times. The first time he married Christiane de SAXE-EISENBERG, daughter of Christian de SAXE-EISENBERG and Christiane de SAXE-MERSEBURG, on February 15, 1699. She was born on March 4, 1679 and died on May 24, 1722 at the age of 43. The second time he married Charlotte-Marie de HOLSTEIN-AUGUSTENBOURG, daughter of Frédéric-Guillaume de HOLSTEIN-AUGUSTENBOURG and Sophie-Amélie von AHLEFELD zu LANGELAND, on October 17, 1726. She was born on September 5, 1697 and died on April 30, 1760 at the age of 62. The third time he married Catherine-Christine von AHLEFELD on September 2, 1722. She was born on November 14, 1687 and died on May 8, 1726 at the age of 38.

      Children of Philippe-Ernest de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG and Catherine-Christine von AHLEFELD:

      1. Christian-Ernest de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG (17241726)
      2. N... de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG (17261726)
    50. Wilhelmine-Christine de SAXE-WEIMAR, daughter of Jean-Ernest Ii de SAXE-WEIMAR and Christine-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-SONDERBOURG, was born on November 26, 1658 and died on June 30, 1712 at the age of 53. She married Christian-Guillaume de SCHWARZBOURG-SONDERSHAUSEN, son of Antoine-Gonthier 1er de SCHWARZBOURG-SONDERSHAUSEN and Marie-Madeleine de WITTELSBACH, in 1684. He was born on January 6, 1647 and died on May 10, 1721 at the age of 74.

      Children of Wilhelmine-Christine de SAXE-WEIMAR and Christian-Guillaume de SCHWARZBOURG-SONDERSHAUSEN:

      1. Auguste 1er de SCHWARZBOURG-SONDERSHAUSEN (16911750) -
    51. Eléonore-Sophie de SAXE-WEIMAR, daughter of Jean-Ernest Ii de SAXE-WEIMAR and Christine-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-SONDERBOURG, was born on March 22, 1660 and died on February 4, 1687 at the age of 26. She married Philippe de SAXE-MERSEBURG, son of Christian de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Christiane de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, on July 9, 1684. He was born on October 26, 1657 and died on July 1, 1690 at the age of 32.

      Children of Eléonore-Sophie de SAXE-WEIMAR and Philippe de SAXE-MERSEBURG:

      1. Christiane-Ernestine de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16851689)
      2. Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16871687)
    52. Guillaume-Ernest de SAXE-WEIMAR, son of Jean-Ernest Ii de SAXE-WEIMAR and Christine-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-SONDERBOURG, was born on October 19, 1662 and died on August 26, 1728 at the age of 65. He married Charlotte-Marie de SAXE-IENA, daughter of Bernard de SAXE-IENA and Marie de LA TRÉMOILLE, on November 2, 1683. She was born on December 20, 1669 and died on January 6, 1703 at the age of 33. Guillaume-Ernest de SAXE-WEIMAR and Charlotte-Marie de SAXE-IENA were divorced in 1690.

    53. Jean-Ernest Iii de SAXE-WEIMAR, son of Jean-Ernest Ii de SAXE-WEIMAR and Christine-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-SONDERBOURG, was born on June 22, 1664 and died on June 10, 1707 at the age of 42. He married 2 times. The first time he married Sophie-Augusta d'ANHALT-ZERBST, daughter of Jean d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Sophie-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, on October 11, 1685. She was born on March 9, 1663 and died on September 14, 1694 at the age of 31. The second time he married Charlotte-Dorothée-Sophie de HESSE-HOMBOURG, daughter of Frédéric Ii de HESSE-HOMBOURG and Louise-Elisabeth de COURLANDE, on November 4, 1694. She was born on June 17, 1672 and died on August 29, 1738 at the age of 66.

      Children of Jean-Ernest Iii de SAXE-WEIMAR and Sophie-Augusta d'ANHALT-ZERBST:

      1. Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR (16861686)
      2. Ernest-Auguste 1er de SAXE-WEIMAR (16881748) -
      3. Eléonore-Christine de SAXE-WEIMAR (16891690)
      4. Jeanne-Augusta de SAXE-WEIMAR (16901691)
      5. Jeanne-Charlotte de SAXE-WEIMAR (16931751)

      Children of Jean-Ernest Iii de SAXE-WEIMAR and Charlotte-Dorothée-Sophie de HESSE-HOMBOURG:

      1. Charles-Frédéric de SAXE-WEIMAR (16951696)
      2. Jean-Ernest de SAXE-WEIMAR (16961715)
      3. Marie-Louise de SAXE-WEIMAR (16971704)
      4. Christiane-Sophie de SAXE-WEIMAR (17001701)
    54. Eléonore-Edmonde-Louise de SAXE-EISENACH, daughter of Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE-EISENACH and Jeannette de SAYN-WITTENGENSTEIN, was born on April 13, 1662 and died on September 9, 1696 at the age of 34. She married 2 times. The first time she married Jean-Georges Iv de SAXE, son of Jean-Georges Iii de SAXE and Anne-Sophie d'OLDENBOURG, on April 17, 1692. He was born on October 18, 1668 and died on April 27, 1694 at the age of 25. The second time she married Jean-Frédéric de HOHENZOLLERN, son of Albert de HOHENZOLLERN and Sophie-Marguerite von OETTINGEN, on November 14, 1681. He was born on October 18, 1654 and died on April 1, 1686 at the age of 31.

      Children of Eléonore-Edmonde-Louise de SAXE-EISENACH and Jean-Frédéric de HOHENZOLLERN:

      1. Wilhelmine Caroline de HOHENZOLLERN (16831737) -
      2. Frédéric-Auguste de HOHENZOLLERN (16851685)
      3. Guillaume-Frédéric de HOHENZOLLERN (16861723) -
    55. Jean-Georges Ii de SAXE-EISENACH, son of Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE-EISENACH and Jeannette de SAYN-WITTENGENSTEIN, was born on July 24, 1665 and died on November 10, 1698 at the age of 33. He married Sophie-Charlotte de WURTEMBERG, daughter of Eberhard Iii de WURTEMBERG and Marie-Dorothée-Sophie von OETTINGEN, on September 20, 1688. She was born on February 22, 1671 and died on September 11, 1717 at the age of 46.

    56. Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-EISENACH, son of Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE-EISENACH and Jeannette de SAYN-WITTENGENSTEIN, was born on October 17, 1666 and died on January 4, 1729 at the age of 62. He married 4 times. The first time he married Amélie de NASSAU-DIETZ, daughter of Guillaume-Frédéric de NASSAU-DIETZ and Albertine de NASSAU-ORANGE, on November 28, 1690. She was born on November 25, 1655 and died on February 16, 1695 at the age of 39. The second time he married Christine-Juliane de BADE-DURLACH, daughter of Charles-Gustave de BADE-DURLACH and Anne-Sophie de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, on February 27, 1697. She was born on September 12, 1678 and died on July 10, 1707 at the age of 28. The third time he married Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, daughter of Jean-Adolphe 1er de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Jeanne-Madeleine de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, on July 28, 1708. She was born on September 3, 1673 and died on November 28, 1726 at the age of 53. The fourth time he married Marie-Christine-Félicité von LEININGEN-HEIDESHEIM on May 29, 1727. She was born on December 30, 1692 and died on June 3, 1734 at the age of 41.

      Children of Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-EISENACH and Amélie de NASSAU-DIETZ:

      1. Guillaume-Henri de SAXE-EISENACH (16911741) -
      2. Albertine-Jeannette de SAXE-EISENACH (16931700)

      Children of Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-EISENACH and Christine-Juliane de BADE-DURLACH:

      1. Jeannette-Antoinette de SAXE-EISENACH (16981726) -
      2. Caroline-Christine de SAXE-EISENACH (16991743) -
      3. Antoine-Gustave de SAXE-EISENACH (17001700)
      4. Charlotte-Wilhelmine de SAXE-EISENACH (17031774)
      5. Jeannette-Wilhelmine-Juliane de SAXE-EISENACH (17041705)
      6. Charles-Guillaume de SAXE-EISENACH (17061706)
      7. Charles-Auguste de SAXE-EISENACH (17071711)

      Children of Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-EISENACH and Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-WEISSENFELS:

      1. Jeanne-Madeleine-Sophie de SAXE-EISENACH (17101711)
      2. Christiane-Wilhelmine de SAXE-EISENACH (17111740) -
      3. Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-EISENACH (17131713)
    57. Frédérique-Elisabeth de SAXE-EISENACH, daughter of Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE-EISENACH and Jeannette de SAYN-WITTENGENSTEIN, was born on May 5, 1669 and died on November 12, 1730 at the age of 61. She married Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, son of Jean-Adolphe 1er de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Jeanne-Madeleine de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, on January 7, 1698. He was born on July 13, 1677 and died on March 16, 1712 at the age of 34.

      Children of Frédérique-Elisabeth de SAXE-EISENACH and Jean-Georges 1er de SAXE-WEISSENFELS:

      1. Frédérique de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (17011706)
      2. Jean-Georges de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (17021703)
      3. Jeannette-Wilhelmine de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (17041704)
      4. Jeannette-Amélie de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (17051706)
      5. N... de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (17061706)
      6. Jeanne-Madeleine de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (17081760) -
      7. Frédérique-Amélie de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (17121714)
    58. Charlotte-Marie de SAXE-IENA, daughter of Bernard de SAXE-IENA and Marie de LA TRÉMOILLE, was born on December 20, 1669 and died on January 6, 1703 at the age of 33. She married Guillaume-Ernest de SAXE-WEIMAR, son of Jean-Ernest Ii de SAXE-WEIMAR and Christine-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-SONDERBOURG, on November 2, 1683. He was born on October 19, 1662 and died on August 26, 1728 at the age of 65. Charlotte-Marie de SAXE-IENA and Guillaume-Ernest de SAXE-WEIMAR were divorced in 1690.

    59. Maurice-Guillaume de SAXE-ZEITZ, son of Maurice de SAXE-ZEITZ and Dorothée-Marie de SAXE-WEIMAR, was born on March 12, 1664 and died on November 15, 1718 at the age of 54. He married Marie-Amélie de HOHENZOLLERN, daughter of Frédéric-Guillaume de HOHENZOLLERN and Dorothée de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, on July 5, 1689. She was born on November 16, 1670 and died on November 17, 1739 at the age of 69.

      Children of Maurice-Guillaume de SAXE-ZEITZ and Marie-Amélie de HOHENZOLLERN:

      1. Frédéric-Guillaume de SAXE-ZEITZ (16901690)
      2. Dorothée-Wilhelmine de SAXE-ZEITZ (16911743) -
      3. Caroline-Amélie de SAXE-ZEITZ (16931694)
      4. Sophie-Charlotte de SAXE-ZEITZ (16951696)
      5. Frédéric-Auguste de SAXE-ZEITZ (17001710)
    60. Frédéric-Henri de SAXE-ZEITZ, son of Maurice de SAXE-ZEITZ and Dorothée-Marie de SAXE-WEIMAR, was born on July 21, 1668 and died on December 18, 1713 at the age of 45. He married 2 times. The first time he married Sophie-Angélique de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT, daughter of Christian-Ulric 1er de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT and Anne-Elisabeth d'ANHALT-BERNBURG-HOYM, on April 23, 1699. She was born on May 30, 1677 and died on November 11, 1700 at the age of 23. The second time he married Anne-Frédérique-Philippine de HOLSTEIN-WIESENBOURG, daughter of Philippe-Louis de HOLSTEIN-WIESENBOURG and Anne-Marguerite de HESSE-HOMBOURG, on February 27, 1702. She was born on July 4, 1665 and died on February 25, 1748 at the age of 82.

      Children of Frédéric-Henri de SAXE-ZEITZ and Anne-Frédérique-Philippine de HOLSTEIN-WIESENBOURG:

      1. Maurice-Adolphe de SAXE-ZEITZ (17021759)
      2. Dorothée-Charlotte de SAXE-ZEITZ (17081708)
    61. Ernest-Louis de HESSE-DARMSTADT, son of Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Elisabeth-Dorothée de SAXE-GOTHA, was born on December 15, 1667 and died on September 12, 1739 at the age of 71. He married 2 times. The first time he married Dorothée-Charlotte de HOHENZOLLERN, daughter of Albert de HOHENZOLLERN and Sophie-Marguerite von OETTINGEN, on December 1, 1687. She was born on November 18, 1661 and died on November 15, 1705 at the age of 43. The second time he married Louise-Sophie von SPIEGEL on January 20, 1727. She was born on September 11, 1690 and died on January 12, 1751 at the age of 60.

      Children of Ernest-Louis de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Dorothée-Charlotte de HOHENZOLLERN:

      1. Dorothée-Sophie de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16891723) -
      2. Louis Viii de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16911768) -
      3. Charles-Guillaume de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16931707)
      4. François-Ernest de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16951716)
      5. Frédérique-Charlotte de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16981777) -
    62. Sophie-Louise de HESSE-DARMSTADT, daughter of Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Elisabeth-Dorothée de SAXE-GOTHA, was born on July 6, 1670 and died on June 2, 1758 at the age of 87.

    63. Philippe de HESSE-DARMSTADT, son of Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Elisabeth-Dorothée de SAXE-GOTHA, was born on July 20, 1671 and died on August 12, 1736 at the age of 65. He married Marie-Thérèse de CROY on March 14, 1693. She was born on November 3, 1673 and died on March 20, 1714 at the age of 40. . He had a relationship with Eléonore-Louise de GONZAGUE, daughter of Vincent de GONZAGUE and Marie-Victoria de GONZAGUE

      Children of Philippe de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Marie-Thérèse de CROY:

      1. Ne... de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16961696)
      2. Joseph de HESSE-DARMSTADT (16991768)
      3. Guillaume-Louis de HESSE-DARMSTADT (1704)
      4. Théodora de HESSE-DARMSTADT (17061784) -
      5. Léopold de HESSE-DARMSTADT (17081764) -
      6. Charles de HESSE-DARMSTADT (17101710)
    64. Elisabeth-Dorothée de HESSE-DARMSTADT, daughter of Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Elisabeth-Dorothée de SAXE-GOTHA, was born on April 24, 1676 and died on September 9, 1721 at the age of 45. She married Frédéric Iii de HESSE-HOMBOURG, son of Frédéric Ii de HESSE-HOMBOURG and Louise-Elisabeth de COURLANDE, on February 24, 1700. He was born on May 19, 1673 and died on June 8, 1746 at the age of 73.

      Children of Elisabeth-Dorothée de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Frédéric Iii de HESSE-HOMBOURG:

      1. Ne... de HESSE-HOMBOURG (17001700)
      2. Frédérique-Dorothée de HESSE-HOMBOURG (17011704)
      3. Frédéric-Guillaume de HESSE-HOMBOURG (17021703)
      4. Louise-Wilhelmine de HESSE-HOMBOURG (17031704)
      5. Louis de HESSE-HOMBOURG (17051745) -
      6. Jean-Charles de HESSE-HOMBOURG (17061728)
      7. Ernestine-Louise de HESSE-HOMBOURG (17071707)
      8. N... de HESSE-HOMBOURG (17131713)
      9. Frédéric de HESSE-HOMBOURG (17211721)
    65. Frédéric de HESSE-DARMSTADT, son of Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Elisabeth-Dorothée de SAXE-GOTHA, was born on September 18, 1677 and died on October 13, 1708 at the age of 31. He married Pétronille von STOCKMANS on November 20, 1704. She was born on September 24, 1677 and died on August 20, 1751 at the age of 73.

      Children of Frédéric de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Pétronille von STOCKMANS:

      1. Frédérique de HESSE-DARMSTADT (17051788)
    66. Anne-Sophie de SAXE-GOTHA, daughter of Frédéric 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, was born on December 22, 1670 and died on December 28, 1728 at the age of 58. She married Louis Frédéric 1er de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT, son of Albert Antoine de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT and Emilie Juliana von BARBY, in 1691. He was born in 1667 and died in 1718 at the age of 51.

      Children of Anne-Sophie de SAXE-GOTHA and Louis Frédéric 1er de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT:

      1. Frédéric-Antoine de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT (16921744) -
      2. Anne-Sophie de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT (17001780) -
      3. Louis Gonthier Iv de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT (17081790) -
    67. Dorothée-Marie de SAXE-GOTHA, daughter of Frédéric 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, was born on January 22, 1674 and died on April 18, 1713 at the age of 39. She married Ernest-Louis 1er de SAXE-MEININGEN, son of Bernard 1er de SAXE-MEININGEN and Marie-Hedwige de HESSE-DARMSTADT, on September 19, 1704. He was born on October 7, 1672 and died on November 24, 1724 at the age of 52.

      Children of Dorothée-Marie de SAXE-GOTHA and Ernest-Louis 1er de SAXE-MEININGEN:

      1. Joseph-Bernard de SAXE-MEININGEN (17061724)
      2. Frédéric-Auguste de SAXE-MEININGEN (17071707)
      3. Ernest-Louis Ii de SAXE-MEININGEN (17091729)
      4. Louise-Dorothée de SAXE-MEININGEN (17101767) -
      5. Charles-Frédéric de SAXE-MEININGEN (17121743)
    68. Frédérique de SAXE-GOTHA, daughter of Frédéric 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, was born on March 24, 1675 and died on May 28, 1709 at the age of 34. She married Jean-Auguste d'ANHALT-ZERBST, son of Charles-Guillaume d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Sophie de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, on May 25, 1702. He was born on July 29, 1677 and died on November 7, 1742 at the age of 65.

    69. Frédéric Ii de SAXE-GOTHA, son of Frédéric 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, was born on July 28, 1676 and died on March 23, 1732 at the age of 55. He married Madeleine-Augusta d'ANHALT-ZERBST, daughter of Charles-Guillaume d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Sophie de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, on June 7, 1696. She was born on October 13, 1679 and died on October 11, 1740 at the age of 60.

      Children of Frédéric Ii de SAXE-GOTHA and Madeleine-Augusta d'ANHALT-ZERBST:

      1. Sophie de SAXE-GOTHA (16971703)
      2. Frédéric Iii de SAXE-GOTHA (16991772) -
      3. N... de SAXE-GOTHA (17001700)
      4. Guillaume de SAXE-GOTHA (17011771) -
      5. Charles-Frédéric de SAXE-GOTHA (17021703)
      6. Ne... de SAXE-GOTHA (17031703)
      7. Jean-Auguste de SAXE-GOTHA (17041767) -
      8. Christian de SAXE-GOTHA (17051705)
      9. Christian-Guillaume de SAXE-GOTHA (17061748) -
      10. Louis-Ernest de SAXE-GOTHA (17071763)
      11. Emmanuel de SAXE-GOTHA (17091710)
      12. Maurice de SAXE-GOTHA (17111777)
      13. Sophie de SAXE-GOTHA (17121712)
      14. Charles de SAXE-GOTHA (17141715)
      15. Frédérique de SAXE-GOTHA (17151775) -
      16. N... de SAXE-GOTHA (17161716)
      17. Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-GOTHA (17181718)
      18. Augusta de SAXE-GOTHA (17191772) -
      19. Jean-Adolphe de SAXE-GOTHA (17211799)
    70. Jeanne de SAXE-GOTHA, daughter of Frédéric 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, was born on October 1, 1680 and died on July 9, 1704 at the age of 23. She married Adolphe-Frédéric Ii de MECKLEMBOURG-STRELITZ, son of Adolphe-Frédéric 1er de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN and Marie-Catherine de BRUNSWICK-DANNENBERG, on June 20, 1702. He was born on October 19, 1658 and died on May 12, 1708 at the age of 49.

    71. Ernest-Louis 1er de SAXE-MEININGEN, son of Bernard 1er de SAXE-MEININGEN and Marie-Hedwige de HESSE-DARMSTADT, was born on October 7, 1672 and died on November 24, 1724 at the age of 52. He married 2 times. The first time he married Dorothée-Marie de SAXE-GOTHA, daughter of Frédéric 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Madeleine-Sibylle de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, on September 19, 1704. She was born on January 22, 1674 and died on April 18, 1713 at the age of 39. The second time he married Elisabeth-Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN, daughter of Frédéric-Guillaume de HOHENZOLLERN and Dorothée de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, on June 3, 1714. She was born on March 26, 1674 and died on November 22, 1748 at the age of 74.

      Children of Ernest-Louis 1er de SAXE-MEININGEN and Dorothée-Marie de SAXE-GOTHA:

      1. Joseph-Bernard de SAXE-MEININGEN (17061724)
      2. Frédéric-Auguste de SAXE-MEININGEN (17071707)
      3. Ernest-Louis Ii de SAXE-MEININGEN (17091729)
      4. Louise-Dorothée de SAXE-MEININGEN (17101767) -
      5. Charles-Frédéric de SAXE-MEININGEN (17121743)
    72. Christiane de SAXE-EISENBERG, daughter of Christian de SAXE-EISENBERG and Christiane de SAXE-MERSEBURG, was born on March 4, 1679 and died on May 24, 1722 at the age of 43. She married Philippe-Ernest de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, son of Christian de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG and Agnès-Hedwige de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN, on February 15, 1699. He was born on May 5, 1673 and died on November 12, 1729 at the age of 56.

    73. Ernest-Frédéric 1er de SAXE-HILDBURGHAUSEN, son of Ernest de SAXE-HILDBURGHAUSEN and Sophie Henriette de WALDECK, was born on August 21, 1681 and died on March 9, 1724 at the age of 42. He married Sophie Albertine von ERBACH, daughter of Georges-Louis 1er von ERBACH and Amélie-Catherine de WALDECK-EISENBERG, on February 4, 1704. She was born on July 30, 1683 and died on September 4, 1742 at the age of 59.

    74. Joseph-Frédéric de SAXE-HILDBURGHAUSEN, son of Ernest de SAXE-HILDBURGHAUSEN and Sophie Henriette de WALDECK, was born on October 5, 1702 and died on January 4, 1787 at the age of 84. He married Victoria de SAVOIE-CARIGNAN, daughter of Louis-Thomas de SAVOIE-CARIGNAN and Uranie de LA CROPTE de BEAUVAIS, on April 17, 1738. She was born on September 13, 1683 and died on October 11, 1763 at the age of 80.

    75. Christian-Ernest de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD, son of Jean-Ernest de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD and Sophie-Hedwige de SAXE-MERSEBURG, was born on August 18, 1683 and died on September 4, 1745 at the age of 62. He married Christiane von COSS on August 18, 1724. She was born on August 24, 1686 and died on May 15, 1743 at the age of 56.

    76. Sophie-Wilhelmine de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD, daughter of Jean-Ernest de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD and Charlotte-Jeanne de WALDECK, was born on August 9, 1693 and died on December 4, 1727 at the age of 34. She married Frédéric-Antoine de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT, son of Louis Frédéric 1er de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT and Anne-Sophie de SAXE-GOTHA, in 1720. He was born in 1692 and died in 1744 at the age of 52.

      Children of Sophie-Wilhelmine de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD and Frédéric-Antoine de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT:

      1. Jean-Frédéric de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT (17211767) -
    77. François-Josias de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD, son of Jean-Ernest de SAXE-COBOURG-SAALFELD and Charlotte-Jeanne de WALDECK, was born on September 25, 1697 and died on September 16, 1764 at the age of 66. He married Anne-Sophie de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT, daughter of Louis Frédéric 1er de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT and Anne-Sophie de SAXE-GOTHA, on January 2, 1723. She was born on September 9, 1700 and died on December 11, 1780 at the age of 80.

    78. Dorothée de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, daughter of Rodolphe-Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Christine-Elisabeth von BARBY, was born on January 17, 1653 and died on March 21, 1722 at the age of 69. She married Jean-Adolphe de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN, son of Joachim-Ernest 1er de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Dorothée-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, on April 12, 1673. He was born on April 8, 1634 and died on July 2, 1704 at the age of 70.

      Children of Dorothée de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Jean-Adolphe de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN:

      1. Adolphe-Auguste de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16801704) -
      2. Joachim-Ernest de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16811682)
      3. Jean-Adolphe de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16841684)
      4. Augusta-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16861689)
      5. Christian-Charles de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16901704)
      6. Dorothée-Sophie de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (16921765) -
    79. Christine-Sophie de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, daughter of Rodolphe-Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Christine-Elisabeth von BARBY, was born on April 2, 1654 and died on January 26, 1695 at the age of 40. She married Auguste-Guillaume de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, son of Antoine-Ulric de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Elisabeth-Juliane de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG, on June 29, 1681. He was born on March 8, 1662 and died on March 23, 1731 at the age of 69.

    80. Frédéric-Auguste de WURTEMBERG-NEUSTADT, son of Frédéric de WURTEMBERG-NEUSTADT and Claire-Augusta de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, was born on March 12, 1654 and died on August 6, 1716 at the age of 62. He married Sophie-Esther von EBERSTEIN on February 9, 1679. She was born on May 20, 1661 and died on May 24, 1728 at the age of 67.

    81. Elisabeth-Eléonore de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, daughter of Antoine-Ulric de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Elisabeth-Juliane de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG, was born on September 30, 1658 and died on March 15, 1729 at the age of 70. She married 2 times. The first time she married Bernard 1er de SAXE-MEININGEN, son of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, on January 25, 1681. He was born on September 10, 1649 and died on April 27, 1706 at the age of 56. The second time she married Jean-Georges de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, son of Adolphe-Frédéric 1er de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN and Anne-Marie von OSTFRIESLAND, on February 2, 1675. He was born on May 5, 1629 and died on July 9, 1675 at the age of 46.

      Children of Elisabeth-Eléonore de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Bernard 1er de SAXE-MEININGEN:

      1. Elisabeth-Ernestine de SAXE-MEININGEN (16811766)
      2. Eléonore-Frédérique de SAXE-MEININGEN (16831739)
      3. Antoine-Auguste de SAXE-MEININGEN (16841684)
      4. Wilhelmine-Louise de SAXE-MEININGEN (16861753) -
      5. Antoine-Ulrich de SAXE-MEININGEN (16871763) -
    82. Anne-Sophie de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, daughter of Antoine-Ulric de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Elisabeth-Juliane de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG, was born on October 29, 1659 and died on June 28, 1742 at the age of 82. She married Charles-Gustave de BADE-DURLACH, son of Frédéric Vi de BADE-DURLACH and Christine Madeleine de WITTELSBACH, on October 28, 1677. He was born on September 27, 1648 and died on October 24, 1703 at the age of 55.

      Children of Anne-Sophie de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Charles-Gustave de BADE-DURLACH:

      1. Christine-Juliane de BADE-DURLACH (16781707) -
      2. Charles de BADE-DURLACH (16801680)
      3. Frédéric-Rodolphe de BADE-DURLACH (16811682)
      4. Charles-Antoine de BADE-DURLACH (16831692)
    83. Auguste-Guillaume de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, son of Antoine-Ulric de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Elisabeth-Juliane de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG, was born on March 8, 1662 and died on March 23, 1731 at the age of 69. He married 3 times. The first time he married Christine-Sophie de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, daughter of Rodolphe-Auguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Christine-Elisabeth von BARBY, on June 29, 1681. She was born on April 2, 1654 and died on January 26, 1695 at the age of 40. The second time he married Sophie-Amélie de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, daughter of Christian-Albert de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Frédérique-Amélie d'OLDENBOURG, on July 7, 1695. She was born on January 19, 1670 and died on February 27, 1710 at the age of 40. The third time he married Elisabeth-Sophie-Marie de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG, daughter of Rodolphe-Frédéric de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG and Bibiane von PROMNITZ, on September 12, 1710. She was born on September 2, 1683 and died on April 3, 1767 at the age of 83.

    84. Louis-Rodolphe de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, son of Antoine-Ulric de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Elisabeth-Juliane de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG, was born on July 22, 1671 and died on March 1, 1735 at the age of 63. He married Christine-Louise von OETTINGEN, daughter of Albert Ernest 1er von OETTINGEN and Christine-Frédérique de WURTEMBERG, on April 22, 1690. She was born on March 20, 1671 and died on November 12, 1747 at the age of 76.

      Children of Louis-Rodolphe de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Christine-Louise von OETTINGEN:

      1. Elisabeth-Christine de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (16911750) -
      2. Charlotte-Augusta de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (16921692)
      3. Charlotte-Christine-Sophie de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (16941715)
      4. Antoinette-Amélie de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (16961762) -
    85. Jean Frédéric zu HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN-OEHRINGEN, son of Jean Frédéric von HOHENLOHE and Louise-Aymone de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG, was born in 1683 and died in 1765 at the age of 82. He married Dorothée-Sophie de HESSE-DARMSTADT, daughter of Ernest-Louis de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Dorothée-Charlotte de HOHENZOLLERN, in 1710. She was born on January 14, 1689 and died on June 7, 1723 at the age of 34.

      Children of Jean Frédéric zu HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN-OEHRINGEN and Dorothée-Sophie de HESSE-DARMSTADT:

      1. Wilhelmine Eléonore zu HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN-OEHRINGEN (17171794) -
    86. Elisabeth-Sophie-Marie de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG, daughter of Rodolphe-Frédéric de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG and Bibiane von PROMNITZ, was born on September 2, 1683 and died on April 3, 1767 at the age of 83. She married 2 times. The first time she married Auguste-Guillaume de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, son of Antoine-Ulric de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Elisabeth-Juliane de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG, on September 12, 1710. He was born on March 8, 1662 and died on March 23, 1731 at the age of 69. The second time she married Adolphe-Auguste de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN, son of Jean-Adolphe de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN and Dorothée de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, on October 8, 1701. He was born on March 29, 1680 and died on June 29, 1704 at the age of 24.

      Children of Elisabeth-Sophie-Marie de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG and Adolphe-Auguste de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN:

      1. Léopold-Auguste de HOLSTEIN-PLÖN (17021706)
    87. Madeleine-Sibylle de HESSE-DARMSTADT, daughter of Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Marie-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on April 28, 1652 and died on August 11, 1712 at the age of 60. She married Guillaume-Louis de WURTEMBERG, son of Eberhard Iii de WURTEMBERG and Anne-Catherine-Dorothée von SALM-KYRBURG, on November 6, 1673. He was born on January 7, 1647 and died on June 23, 1677 at the age of 30.

      Children of Madeleine-Sibylle de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Guillaume-Louis de WURTEMBERG:

      1. Eléonore-Dorothée de WURTEMBERG (16741683)
      2. Eberhardine-Louise de WURTEMBERG (16751707)
      3. Eberhard Iv Louis de WURTEMBERG (16761733) -
      4. Madeleine-Wilhelmine de WURTEMBERG (16771742) -
    88. Marie-Elisabeth de HESSE-DARMSTADT, daughter of Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Marie-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on March 11, 1656 and died on August 16, 1715 at the age of 59. She married Henri de SAXE-RÔMHILD, son of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, on March 1, 1676. He was born on November 19, 1650 and died on May 13, 1710 at the age of 59.

    89. Sophie Marie de HESSE-DARMSTADT, daughter of Louis Vi de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Marie-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on May 7, 1661 and died on August 22, 1712 at the age of 51. She married Christian de SAXE-EISENBERG, son of Ernest 1er de SAXE-GOTHA and Elisabeth-Sophie de SAXE-ALTENBOURG, on February 9, 1681. He was born on January 6, 1653 and died on April 28, 1707 at the age of 54.

    90. Christine-Wilhelmine de HESSE-HOMBOURG, daughter of Guillaume-Christophe de HESSE-HOMBOURG and Sophie-Eléonore de HESSE-DARMSTADT, was born on June 30, 1653 and died on May 16, 1722 at the age of 68. She married Frédéric 1er de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, son of Adolphe-Frédéric 1er de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN and Marie-Catherine de BRUNSWICK-DANNENBERG, on May 28, 1671. He was born on February 13, 1638 and died on April 28, 1688 at the age of 50.

      Children of Christine-Wilhelmine de HESSE-HOMBOURG and Frédéric 1er de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN:

      1. Frédéric-Guillaume 1er de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN (16751713) -
      2. Charles-Léopold de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN (16781747) -
      3. Christian-Louis Ii de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN (16831756) -
      4. N... de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN (16841684)
      5. Sophie-Charlotte-Louise de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN (16851735) -
    91. Madeleine-Sophie de HESSE-HOMBOURG, daughter of Guillaume-Christophe de HESSE-HOMBOURG and Sophie-Eléonore de HESSE-DARMSTADT, was born on June 24, 1660 and died on March 22, 1720 at the age of 59.

      Children of Madeleine-Sophie de HESSE-HOMBOURG and Guillaume-Maurice von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS:

      1. Christine-Charlotte von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS (16901751) -
      2. Frédéric-Guillaume 1er von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS (16961761) -
      3. Dorothée Sophie von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS (16991733) -
    92. Eléonore Madeleine Thérèse de WITTELSBACH, princesse de Bavière-Neubourg, daughter of Philippe-Guillaume de WITTELSBACH and Elisabeth-Amélie de HESSE-DARMSTADT, was born on January 6, 1655 and died on January 19, 1720 at the age of 65. She married Léopold Ier de HABSBOURG, son of Ferdinand Iii de HABSBOURG and Marie Anne de HABSBOURG, on December 14, 1676. He was born on June 9, 1640 and died on May 5, 1705 at the age of 64.

      Children of Eléonore Madeleine Thérèse de WITTELSBACH and Léopold Ier de HABSBOURG:

      1. Joseph Ier de HABSBOURG (16781711) -
      2. Christine de HABSBOURG (16791679)
      3. Marie-Elisabeth de HABSBOURG (16801741)
      4. Léopold Joseph de HABSBOURG (16821684)
      5. Marie-Anne-Josèphe de HABSBOURG (16831754) -
      6. Marie “Thérèse” de HABSBOURG (16841696)
      7. Charles Vi de HABSBOURG (16851740) -
      8. Marie-Josèphe de HABSBOURG (16871703)
      9. Marie “Madeleine Josèphe” de HABSBOURG (16891743)
      10. Marie Marguerite de HABSBOURG (16901691)
    93. Jean-Guillaume de WITTELSBACH, palatin de Neubourg, son of Philippe-Guillaume de WITTELSBACH and Elisabeth-Amélie de HESSE-DARMSTADT, was born on April 19, 1658 and died on June 8, 1716 at the age of 58. He married 2 times. The first time he married Marie Anne Josèphe de HABSBOURG, daughter of Ferdinand Iii de HABSBOURG and Eléonore de GONZAGUE, on October 25, 1678. She was born on December 30, 1654 and died on April 14, 1689 at the age of 34. The second time he married Anne-Marie-Louise de MEDICIS, daughter of Cosme Iii de MEDICIS and Marguerite Louise d'ORLÉANS, on June 5, 1691. She was born on August 11, 1667 and died on February 18, 1743 at the age of 75.

      Children of Jean-Guillaume de WITTELSBACH and Marie Anne Josèphe de HABSBOURG:

      1. N... de WITTELSBACH (16831683)
      2. N... de WITTELSBACH (16861686)
    94. Charles Iii Philippe de WITTELSBACH, palatin de Neubourg, son of Philippe-Guillaume de WITTELSBACH and Elisabeth-Amélie de HESSE-DARMSTADT, was born on November 4, 1661 and died on December 31, 1742 at the age of 81. He married 3 times. The first time he married Louise-Charlotte RADZIWILL, daughter of Boguslav RADZIWILL and Anne-Marie RADZIWIL, on August 10, 1688. She was born on February 27, 1667 and died on March 23, 1695 at the age of 28. The second time he married Thérèse LUBOMIRSKI on December 15, 1701. She was born in 1685 and died on January 6, 1712 at the age of 27. The third time he married Yolande Marie Thérèse de THURN ET TAXIS estimated 1713. She was born on April 1, 1683 and died on November 2, 1734 at the age of 51.

      Children of Charles Iii Philippe de WITTELSBACH and Louise-Charlotte RADZIWILL:

      1. Léopoldine-Eléonore de WITTELSBACH (16891693)
      2. Marie-Anne de WITTELSBACH (16901692)
      3. Elisabeth-Augusta Sophie de WITTELSBACH (16931728) -
      4. N... de WITTELSBACH (16951695)

      Children of Charles Iii Philippe de WITTELSBACH and Thérèse LUBOMIRSKI:

      1. Théophile-Elisabeth Françoise Félicité de WITTELSBACH (17031705)
      2. Anne-Elisabeth Théophile de WITTELSBACH (17091712)
    95. Marie-Sophie Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Philippe-Guillaume de WITTELSBACH and Elisabeth-Amélie de HESSE-DARMSTADT, was born on August 6, 1666 and died on August 4, 1699 at the age of 32. She married Pierre Ii de BRAGANCE, son of Jean Iv de BRAGANCE and Louise de GUZMAN, on August 11, 1687. He was born on April 26, 1648 and died on December 9, 1706 at the age of 58.

      Children of Marie-Sophie Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH and Pierre Ii de BRAGANCE:

      1. Jean de BRAGANCE (16881688)
      2. Jean V de BRAGANCE (16891750) -
      3. François de BRAGANCE (16911742)
      4. Ne... de BRAGANCE (16931693)
      5. Françoise Xavière de BRAGANCE (1694)
      6. Antoine François de BRAGANCE (16951757)
      7. Thérèse de BRAGANCE (16961704)
      8. Emmanuel de BRAGANCE (16971766)
      9. Françoise Josèphe de BRAGANCE (16991736)
    96. Marie-Anne de WITTELSBACH, princesse de Bavière Neubourg, daughter of Philippe-Guillaume de WITTELSBACH and Elisabeth-Amélie de HESSE-DARMSTADT, was born on October 28, 1667 and died on July 16, 1740 at the age of 72. She married Charles Ii de HABSBOURG, son of Philippe Iv de HABSBOURG and Marie Anne de HABSBOURG, on May 4, 1690. He was born on November 6, 1661 in Madrid, , , , ESPAGNE, and died on November 1, 1700 in Madrid, , , , ESPAGNE, at the age of 38.

    97. Philippe-Guillaume Auguste de WITTELSBACH, son of Philippe-Guillaume de WITTELSBACH and Elisabeth-Amélie de HESSE-DARMSTADT, was born on November 18, 1668 and died on April 10, 1693 at the age of 24. He married Anne-Marie-Françoise de SAXE-LAUENBOURG, daughter of Jules-François de SAXE-LAUENBOURG and Hedwige Augusta de WITTELSBACH, on October 29, 1690. She was born on June 13, 1672 and died on October 15, 1741 at the age of 69.

      Children of Philippe-Guillaume Auguste de WITTELSBACH and Anne-Marie-Françoise de SAXE-LAUENBOURG:

      1. Léopoldine-Eléonore Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH (16911693)
      2. Marie-Anne Caroline de WITTELSBACH (16931751) -
    98. Dorothée Sophie de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Philippe-Guillaume de WITTELSBACH and Elisabeth-Amélie de HESSE-DARMSTADT, was born on July 5, 1670 and died on September 15, 1748 at the age of 78. She married 2 times. The first time she married Edouard Ii FARNÈSE, son of Ranuce Ii FARNÈSE and Isabelle d'ESTE, on September 17, 1690. He was born on August 12, 1666 and died on September 5, 1693 at the age of 27. The second time she married François Iii FARNÈSE, son of Ranuce Ii FARNÈSE and Marie d'ESTE, on December 7, 1696. He was born on May 19, 1678 and died on February 26, 1727 at the age of 48.

      Children of Dorothée Sophie de WITTELSBACH and Edouard Ii FARNÈSE:

      1. Alexandre-Ignace FARNÈSE (16911693)
      2. Elisabeth Marie FARNÈSE (16921766) -
    99. Hedwige “Elisabeth” Amélie de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Philippe-Guillaume de WITTELSBACH and Elisabeth-Amélie de HESSE-DARMSTADT, was born on July 18, 1673 and died on August 10, 1722 at the age of 49. She married Jacques-Louis SOBIESKI, son of Jean Iii SOBIESKI and Marie Casimire de LA GRANGE D'ARQUIEN, on February 25, 1691. He was born in 1667 and died in 1737 at the age of 70.

      Children of Hedwige “Elisabeth” Amélie de WITTELSBACH and Jacques-Louis SOBIESKI:

      1. Marie Léopoldine SOBIESKA (16931695)
      2. Marie Casimire SOBIESKA (16951723)
      3. Marie Charlotte SOBIESKA (16971740) -
      4. Marie-Clémentine SOBIESKA (17021735) -
      5. Marie Madeleine SOBIESKA (17041704)
    100. Christophe Frédéric zu STOLBERG-STOLBERG, son of Christophe Louis zu STOLBERG-STOLBERG and Louise Christiane de HESSE-DARMSTADT, was born in 1672 and died in 1738 at the age of 66.

      Children of Christophe Frédéric zu STOLBERG-STOLBERG and Henriette Catherine von BIBRAN UND MODLAU:

      1. Christophe-Louis Ii zu STOLBERG-STOLBERG (17031761) -
      2. Christian Gunther zu STOLBERG-STOLBERG (17141765) -
    101. Jost Christian zu STOLBERG-ROSSLA, son of Christophe Louis zu STOLBERG-STOLBERG and Louise Christiane de HESSE-DARMSTADT, was born in 1676 and died in 1739 at the age of 63. He married Amélie Augusta de STOLBERG-GEDERN in 1709. She was born in 1687 and died in 1730 at the age of 43.

    102. Charles-Guillaume d'ANHALT-ZERBST, son of Jean d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Sophie-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on October 16, 1652 and died on November 3, 1718 at the age of 66. He married Sophie de SAXE-WEISSENFELS, daughter of Auguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS and Anne-Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN, on June 18, 1676. She was born on June 23, 1654 and died on March 31, 1724 at the age of 69.

      Children of Charles-Guillaume d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Sophie de SAXE-WEISSENFELS:

      1. Jean-Auguste d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16771742) -
      2. Charles-Frédéric d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16781693)
      3. Madeleine-Augusta d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16791740) -
    103. Jean-Louis d'ANHALT-ZERBST, son of Jean d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Sophie-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on May 4, 1656 and died on November 1, 1704 at the age of 48. He married Christine-Eléonore von ZEUTSCH, daughter of Georges Volrath von ZEUTSCH and Christine von WEISSENBACH, on July 23, 1687. She was born on June 5, 1666 and died on May 17, 1699 at the age of 32.

      Children of Jean-Louis d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Christine-Eléonore von ZEUTSCH:

      1. Jean-Louis d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16881746)
      2. Jean-Auguste d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16891709)
      3. Christian-Auguste d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16901747) -
      4. Christian-Louis d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16911710)
      5. Sophie-Christine d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16921747)
      6. Eléonore-Augusta d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16941704)
      7. Jean-Frédéric d'ANHALT-ZERBST (16951742) -
    104. Sophie-Augusta d'ANHALT-ZERBST, daughter of Jean d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Sophie-Augusta de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on March 9, 1663 and died on September 14, 1694 at the age of 31. She married Jean-Ernest Iii de SAXE-WEIMAR, son of Jean-Ernest Ii de SAXE-WEIMAR and Christine-Elisabeth de HOLSTEIN-SONDERBOURG, on October 11, 1685. He was born on June 22, 1664 and died on June 10, 1707 at the age of 42.

      Children of Sophie-Augusta d'ANHALT-ZERBST and Jean-Ernest Iii de SAXE-WEIMAR:

      1. Jean-Guillaume de SAXE-WEIMAR (16861686)
      2. Ernest-Auguste 1er de SAXE-WEIMAR (16881748) -
      3. Eléonore-Christine de SAXE-WEIMAR (16891690)
      4. Jeanne-Augusta de SAXE-WEIMAR (16901691)
      5. Jeanne-Charlotte de SAXE-WEIMAR (16931751)
    105. Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW, daughter of Gustave-Adolphe de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on July 19, 1659 and died on January 16, 1701 at the age of 41. She married Adolphe-Frédéric Ii de MECKLEMBOURG-STRELITZ, son of Adolphe-Frédéric 1er de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN and Marie-Catherine de BRUNSWICK-DANNENBERG, on September 24, 1684. He was born on October 19, 1658 and died on May 12, 1708 at the age of 49.

      Children of Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Adolphe-Frédéric Ii de MECKLEMBOURG-STRELITZ:

      1. Adolphe-Frédéric Iii de MECKLEMBOURG-STRELITZ (16861752) -
      2. Madeleine-Amélie de MECKLEMBOURG-STRELITZ (16891689)
      3. Eléonore-Wilhelmine de MECKLEMBOURG-STRELITZ (16911691)
      4. Gustave-Caroline de MECKLEMBOURG-STRELITZ (16941748) -
    106. Sophie de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW, daughter of Gustave-Adolphe de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on June 21, 1662 and died on June 7, 1738 at the age of 75. She married Christian-Ulric 1er de WURTEMBERG-BERNSTADT, son of Sylvius de WURTEMBERG-JULIUSBURG and Elisabeth-Marie von MÜNSTERBERG, on December 6, 1700. He was born on April 19, 1652 and died on April 5, 1704 at the age of 51.

    107. Christine de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW, daughter of Gustave-Adolphe de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on August 14, 1663 and died on August 3, 1749 at the age of 85. She married Louis-Christian von STOLBERG-GEDERN, son of Henri-Ernest von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE and Anne-Elisabeth von STOLBERG-ORTENBERG, on May 14, 1683. He was born on September 8, 1652 and died on August 27, 1710 at the age of 57.

      Children of Christine de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Louis-Christian von STOLBERG-GEDERN:

      1. Frédérique Elisabeth von STOLBERG-GEDERN (16861717) -
      2. Christian Ernest von STOLBERG-GEDERN (16911771) -
      3. Christine Eléonore von STOLBERG-GEDERN (16921745) -
      4. Frédéric Charles von STOLBERG-GEDERN (16931767) -
      5. Ferdinande Henriette von STOLBERG-GEDERN (16991750) -
    108. Charles de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW, son of Gustave-Adolphe de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on November 18, 1664 and died on March 15, 1688 at the age of 23. He married Marie-Amélie de HOHENZOLLERN, daughter of Frédéric-Guillaume de HOHENZOLLERN and Dorothée de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, on August 20, 1687. She was born on November 16, 1670 and died on November 17, 1739 at the age of 69.

      Children of Charles de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Marie-Amélie de HOHENZOLLERN:

      1. N... de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW (16881688)
    109. Hedwige de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW, daughter of Gustave-Adolphe de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on January 12, 1666 and died on August 19, 1735 at the age of 69. She married Auguste de SAXE-MERSEBURG, son of Christian de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Christiane de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, on December 1, 1686. He was born on February 15, 1655 and died on March 27, 1715 at the age of 60.

      Children of Hedwige de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Auguste de SAXE-MERSEBURG:

      1. Christiane-Madeleine de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16871689)
      2. Ne... de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16891689)
      3. Caroline-Augusta de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16911743)
      4. Hedwige-Eléonore de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16931693)
      5. Gustave-Frédéric de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16941695)
      6. Auguste de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16961696)
    110. Louise de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW, daughter of Gustave-Adolphe de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on August 28, 1667 and died on March 15, 1721 at the age of 53. She married Frédéric Iv d'OLDENBOURG, son of Christian V d'OLDENBOURG and Charlotte Amélie de HESSE-CASSEL, on December 5, 1695. He was born on October 21, 1671 and died on October 12, 1730 at the age of 58.

      Children of Louise de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Frédéric Iv d'OLDENBOURG:

      1. Christian d'OLDENBOURG (16971698)
      2. Christian Vi d'OLDENBOURG (16991746) -
      3. Frédéric-Charles d'OLDENBOURG (17011702)
      4. Georges d'OLDENBOURG (17031704)
      5. Charlotte-Amélie d'OLDENBOURG (17061782)
    111. Elisabeth de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW, daughter of Gustave-Adolphe de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Madeleine-Sibylle de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on September 3, 1668 and died on August 25, 1738 at the age of 69. She married Henri de SAXE-MERSEBURG, son of Christian de SAXE-MERSEBURG and Christiane de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, on March 29, 1692. He was born on September 2, 1661 and died on July 28, 1738 at the age of 76.

      Children of Elisabeth de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW and Henri de SAXE-MERSEBURG:

      1. Maurice de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16941695)
      2. Christiane de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16971722)
      3. Gustave-Madeleine de SAXE-MERSEBURG (16991699)
    112. Charles Xi de WITTELSBACH, roi de Suède, son of Charles X Gustave de WITTELSBACH and Hedwige Eléonore de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, was born on December 4, 1655 and died on April 15, 1697 at the age of 41. He married Ulrique Eléonore d'OLDENBOURG, daughter of Frédéric Iii d'OLDENBOURG and Sophie-Amélie de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG, on May 16, 1680. She was born on September 11, 1656 and died on August 6, 1693 at the age of 36.

      Children of Charles Xi de WITTELSBACH and Ulrique Eléonore d'OLDENBOURG:

      1. Hedwige Sophie de WITTELSBACH (16811708) -
      2. Charles Xii de WITTELSBACH (16821718)
      3. Gustave de WITTELSBACH (16831685)
      4. Ulric de WITTELSBACH (16841685)
      5. Frédéric de WITTELSBACH (16851685)
      6. Charles Gustave de WITTELSBACH (16861687)
      7. Ulrique Eléonore de WITTELSBACH (16881741) -
    113. Sophie-Amélie de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, daughter of Christian-Albert de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Frédérique-Amélie d'OLDENBOURG, was born on January 19, 1670 and died on February 27, 1710 at the age of 40. She married Auguste-Guillaume de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, son of Antoine-Ulric de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL and Elisabeth-Juliane de HOLSTEIN-NORBOURG, on July 7, 1695. He was born on March 8, 1662 and died on March 23, 1731 at the age of 69.

    114. Frédéric Iv de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, son of Christian-Albert de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP and Frédérique-Amélie d'OLDENBOURG, was born on October 18, 1671 and died on July 19, 1702 at the age of 30. He married Hedwige Sophie de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Charles Xi de WITTELSBACH and Ulrique Eléonore d'OLDENBOURG, on June 12, 1698. She was born on June 26, 1681 and died on