Éric Jacques Jean LÉONARDAge: 75 years1950

Éric Jacques Jean LÉONARD
Type: Naissance
February 5, 1950 31 21
Birth of a brotherYves Claude Jean LÉONARD
Type: Naissance
March 8, 1951 (Age 13 months)
Birth of a sisterNicole Marie Bernadette LÉONARD
Type: Naissance
May 1, 1952 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a sisterChristine Odile Andrée LÉONARD
Type: Naissance
October 28, 1953 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherMarc François Claude LÉONARD
Type: Naissance
December 7, 1954 (Age 4 years)
MarriageMarie-José Rogatienne Nicole Michèle MADILLACView this family
Type: Union
September 6, 1975 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a son
Bertrand LÉONARD
Type: Naissance
February 26, 1978 (Age 28 years)

Birth of a son
Type: Naissance
September 28, 1980 (Age 30 years)

Death of a maternal grandfatherJean Pierre Émile GUILLEMETTE
Type: Décès
May 10, 1983 (Age 33 years)
Last change
10 JUL 0003

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: April 19, 1949Le Havre, 76351, ,
10 months
13 months
younger brother
14 months
younger sister
18 months
younger sister
13 months
younger brother
Family with Marie-José Rogatienne Nicole Michèle MADILLAC - View this family
Marriage: September 6, 1975Rouen, 76540, ,
3 years
3 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Éric Jacques Jean LÉONARD, son of Jacques Jean Hippolyte LÉONARD and Janine Madeleine Claude GUILLEMETTE, was born on February 5, 1950 in Le Havre, 76351, ,. He married Marie-José Rogatienne Nicole Michèle MADILLAC on September 6, 1975 in Rouen, 76540, ,. She was born about 1952.

      Children of Éric Jacques Jean LÉONARD and Marie-José Rogatienne Nicole Michèle MADILLAC:

      1. Bertrand LÉONARD (1978)
      2. Mathieu LÉONARD (1980)
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