Jean-Pierre BRARDAge: 77 years1948

Jean-Pierre BRARD
Type: Naissance
February 7, 1948 22 18
Death of a paternal grandmotherÉlise Émilienne LECONTE
Type: Décès
April 29, 1948 (Age 2 months)
Birth of a sisterJosiane BRARD
Type: Naissance
1949 (Age 10 months)

Birth of a sisterAnnie BRARD
Type: Naissance
1951 (Age 2 years)

Birth of a sister1 Fille BRARD
Type: Naissance
about 1955 (Age 6 years)

Birth of a brother1 Garçon BRARD
Type: Naissance
about 1955 (Age 6 years)

Marriage of parentsMarcel BRARDAndrée PESQUERELView this family
Type: Union
about 1955 (Age 6 years)

Marriage NOM épouse JP inconnu inconnuView this family
Type: Union
about 1980 (Age 31 years)

Birth of a son
N Garçon? BRARD
Type: Naissance
about 1980 (Age 31 years)

Death of a fatherMarcel BRARD
Type: Décès
August 4, 1980 (Age 32 years)
Last change
10 JUL 0003

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: about 1955
-7 years
23 months
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
5 years
younger sister
1 year
younger brother
Family with NOM épouse JP inconnu inconnu - View this family
Marriage: about 1980
1 year

  1. Generation 1
    1. Jean-Pierre BRARD, son of Marcel BRARD and Andrée PESQUEREL, was born on February 7, 1948 in Flers, 61169, ,. He married NOM épouse JP inconnu inconnu about 1980.

      Children of Jean-Pierre BRARD and NOM épouse JP inconnu inconnu:

      1. N Garçon? BRARD (1980)
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