Victoria “Mary” Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnès DE TECKAge: 85 years18671953

Victoria “Mary” Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnès DE TECK
Given names
Victoria "Mary" Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnès
Birth May 26, 1867 29 33
Death of a paternal grandfatherAlexandre DE WURTEMBERG
July 5, 1885 (Age 18 years)

Death of a maternal grandmotherAugusta DE HESSE-CASSEL
April 6, 1889 (Age 21 years)

MarriageGeorges V Frédéric Ernest Albert DE SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHAView this family
July 6, 1893 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a son
“Albert” Frédéric Arthur Georges VI WINDSOR
December 14, 1895 (Age 28 years)
Death of a motherMarie-Adélaïde Wilhelmine Elisabeth DE BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG
October 27, 1897 (Age 30 years)

Death of a fatherFrançois Paul Charles Louis Alexandre DE TECK
January 21, 1900 (Age 32 years)

Marriage of a child“Albert” Frédéric Arthur Georges VI WINDSORElisabeth Angela Marguerite BOWES-LYONView this family
April 26, 1923 (Age 55 years)
Death of a husbandGeorges V Frédéric Ernest Albert DE SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA
January 20, 1936 (Age 68 years)
Note: change le nom de sa dynastie pour lui et ses descendants en celui de Windsor
Death of a son“Albert” Frédéric Arthur Georges VI WINDSOR
February 6, 1952 (Age 84 years)


_USTGeorges V Frédéric Ernest Albert DE SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHAView this family

Death March 24, 1953 (Age 85 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 12, 1866
11 months
Family with Georges V Frédéric Ernest Albert DE SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA - View this family
Marriage: July 6, 1893Londres, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, Saint-James Palace
2 years
GeorgeVIWindsor.jpg“Albert” Frédéric Arthur Georges VI WINDSOR
Birth: December 14, 1895 30 28Sandringham, , Norfolk, Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, York Cottage
Death: February 6, 1952Sandringham, , Norfolk, Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, Sandringham House

  1. Generation 1
    1. Victoria “Mary” Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnès DE TECK, princesse, daughter of François Paul Charles Louis Alexandre DE TECK and Marie-Adélaïde Wilhelmine Elisabeth DE BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG, was born on May 26, 1867 in Londres, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, Kensington Palace and died on March 24, 1953 in Londres, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, Marlborough House at the age of 85. She married Georges V Frédéric Ernest Albert DE SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA, son of Albert “Edouard Vii” DE SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA and Alexandra Caroline Marie Charlotte Louise Julia D'OLDENBOURG, on July 6, 1893 in Londres, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, Saint-James Palace. He was born on June 3, 1865 in Londres, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, Marlborough House and died on January 20, 1936 in Sandringham, , Norfolk, Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, at the age of 70.

      Children of Victoria “Mary” Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnès DE TECK and Georges V Frédéric Ernest Albert DE SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA:

      1. “Albert” Frédéric Arthur Georges VI WINDSOR (18951952)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. “Albert” Frédéric Arthur Georges VI WINDSOR

      “Albert” Frédéric Arthur Georges VI WINDSOR, roi de Grande-Bretagne et empereur des Indes, son of Georges V Frédéric Ernest Albert DE SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA and Victoria “Mary” Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnès DE TECK, was born on December 14, 1895 in Sandringham, , Norfolk, Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, York Cottage and died on February 6, 1952 in Sandringham, , Norfolk, Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, Sandringham House at the age of 56. He married Elisabeth Angela Marguerite BOWES-LYON, daughter of Claude Georges BOWES-LYON and Cecilia Nina CAVENDISCH-BENTINCK, on April 26, 1923 in Londres, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, abbaye de Westminster. She was born on August 4, 1900 in Londres, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, and died on March 30, 2002 in Windsor, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, at the age of 101.

      Children of “Albert” Frédéric Arthur Georges VI WINDSOR and Elisabeth Angela Marguerite BOWES-LYON:

      1. Elisabeth II Alexandra Mary WINDSOR (19262022)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Elisabeth II Alexandra Mary WINDSOR

      Elisabeth II Alexandra Mary WINDSOR, reine de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, daughter of “Albert” Frédéric Arthur Georges VI WINDSOR and Elisabeth Angela Marguerite BOWES-LYON, was born on April 21, 1926 in Londres, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, and died on September 8, 2022 at the age of 96. She married Philippe DE HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG, son of André DE HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG and Victoria “Alice” Elisabeth Julie Marie DE BATTENBERG, on November 20, 1947 in Londres, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, abbaye de Westminster. He was born on June 10, 1921 in Corfou, , , , GRÈCE, villa Mon Repos and died in 2021 at the age of 99.

      Children of Elisabeth II Alexandra Mary WINDSOR and Philippe DE HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG:

      1. Charles Philippe Arthur Georges III DE MOUNTBATTEN-WINDSOR (1948)
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